Custom Query (480 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 480)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1259 "Add a row" for Extras on Package form new johnglover enhancement minor ckan-backlog
#2989 "Add dataset to organization" should auto-select the organization new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2971 "Are ytou sure you want to delete this member?" should say which member new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#369 "Package Listing Key" should appear on Tag results new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#2887 "Welcome to CKAN!" on front page is untranslatable new defect major ckan-v1.8.1
#2993 "logged_in" and "visitor" show in user list at /users new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2407 'Access denied' message is unhelpful new amercader enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.9
#2966 'Add' button text is wrong when editing organization members new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2265 'More Like This' for a dataset new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#1827 'Register' link should be hidden if you not allowed to register new enhancement major ckan-backlog
#2607 'Upload a file' appears on resource form when storage not enabled assigned defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#2411 .ini file is a mess new toby enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#2870 1.8 tag_list not defined new seanh enhancement awaiting triage
#2867 1.8 url_for error new enhancement awaiting merge
#1697 A Configurable list of states for a Dataset new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#2433 API uses name not id for some version 3 calls new toby defect minor ckan-v1.8
#3002 API v1/2 'legacy' search parameters must be escaped before they are put into a Solr query string new defect minor ckan-v1.8
#2773 About page needs improving new markw enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.9
#1438 Action API - parameter discovery/checking new enhancement major ckan-future
#1439 Action API discoverablility new enhancement major ckan-backlog
#1322 Action API improvements assigned enhancement major
#2641 Adapt spatial widgets to new theme assigned johnmartin enhancement major demo phase 5
#2850 Add JSON support for IE7 new enhancement minor demo phase 4
#2997 Add activity streams to dataset pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2998 Add activity streams to group pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2999 Add activity streams to organization pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#1667 Add an extension point for rendering activity streams new seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#2329 Add back in RSS/Atom links on relevant pages assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2775 Add bin/less to paster serve command new toby enhancement minor demo phase 4
#2991 Add blocks to header.html template new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2905 Add dataset URL key behaviour new enhancement awaiting triage demo phase 5
#2994 Add dataset and user popovers throughout the site new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2932 Add docstring to new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2921 Add docstring to top of lib/ file new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2370 Add examples of all config settings in default config file assigned seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.9
#2477 Add extensions section to readthedocs accepted seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.9
#1643 Add fixed tags to thedatahub for better browsing new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#3005 Add following/unfollowing of groups: model, API, frontend, tests new seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2914 Add form_to_db_schema_options() to IDatasetForm and IGroupForm new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1
#2883 Add high level dev overview to 'For CKAN Developers' section of docs new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1
#2625 Add i18n strings from non-core but supported extensions to ckan.pot file new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.9
#1165 Add multi-site support to ckan new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#2538 Add multiple-instance support to ckanbuild accepted seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckanbuild
#2683 Add no-cache header to _tracking API call's response to make sure it doesn't get cached new enhancement awaiting triage
#2541 Add non-core extensions to ckanbuild accepted seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckanbuild
#3000 Add number of followers to dataset pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2861 Add qa breadcrumb new toby enhancement awaiting triage demo phase 4
#3025 Add requests to core requirements new amercader enhancement awaiting triage
#2298 Add sort-by controls to the search results page new icmurray enhancement minor ckan-v1.9
#895 Add version number (or simular) to css/js includes query string new defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#1824 Add vocabulary pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#2200 Add vocabulary_id option to tag_show() logic action function new seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#3007 Adding a dataset creates multiple activities new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#1565 Admin dashboard finished? new Rufus Pollock enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#1185 Administrators can't delete packages from web UI new defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#1749 Allow creating activity details through API assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#1188 Allow diffing against initial (blank) package version new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#2956 Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0 assigned shevski enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2688 Allow ordering of groups in WUI new enhancement awaiting triage
#2785 Allow resources to be re-ordered assigned johnmartin enhancement minor demo phase 5
#1550 Allow simple auth via the API assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#1257 Anti-Spam tools new enhancement major ckan-backlog
#2968 Anyone can access organization members page new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#1573 Apps and Ideas new David Raznik enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#2709 Atom feeds are undocumented new icmurray enhancement awaiting triage
#1120 Atom feeds of each tag new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#2984 Auto-populate context with user, model, session, etc. new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2404 Auto-screenshot for related items assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#2924 Better docs for trans js command, and add to release process new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2922 Better docstring for CKANInternationalizationExtension new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2931 Better docstring for new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2480 Better message when dataset has no resources new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.9
#1581 Blog post about Google Analytics extension for CKAN new mark.wainwright@… enhancement minor ckan-future
#1457 Bug with DataNL instance new defect awaiting triage ckan-future
#2877 Bugs with datastore v2 assigned kindly enhancement awaiting triage
#1542 Buttons to purge spam datasets and groups new enhancement major ckan-backlog
#3016 CKAN 2.0 template tweaks new johnmartin enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#837 CKAN integration with freebase gridworks / google refine new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#1384 CKAN wiki needs updating to refer to instead of and datasets instead of packages new rgrp task awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#728 CSW Harvesting shall be optimised in respect of reharvesting only records that have changed assigned amercader requirement major ckan-backlog
#1577 Can't upload file with foreign chars in filename new rgrp defect major ckan-backlog
#3019 Cannot delete dataset extras new defect major ckan 2.0
#2725 Case sensitivity on tags new toby enhancement awaiting triage demo phase 5
#2679 Change default behaviour of TemplateController.view to 404. new icmurray enhancement minor ckan-v1.9
#2923 Change regularise -> regularize new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#1534 Change revisions to record userid rather than username new enhancement major ckan-backlog
#2959 Changing a Group's name through the action api disassociates it from its datasets in the index new icmurray defect minor ckan 2.0
#2795 Check validation of HTML, CSS, JS new enhancement awaiting triage demo phase 5
#2943 Chrome does not resize preview new enhancement awaiting triage
#1171 Citation instructions on dataset and resource view pages assigned mark.wainwright enhancement minor ckan 2.0
#2874 Clean up bin directory assigned rgrp enhancement awaiting triage
#1790 Click to delete tags, rather than have all existing tags in the tag text box new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#2835 Client module needs a template loading method new enhancement minor demo phase 5
#2890 Collect data previews and data store docs in one chapter new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1
#1182 Comments from deleted packages appear in "Recent Comments" feed new defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#1557 Complete Webstore Preview Extension new David Rasnik enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
#2886 Configurable related items new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2415 Confusing message on attempting to register new account with upper case new kindly defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.9
#2813 Confusing sidebar on demo dataset page new toby enhancement awaiting triage demo phase 5
#2287 Consistent datetime and time period strings localization new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.