Custom Query (473 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 473)

1 2 3 4 5

Owner: anonymous (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#1288 Package edit/creation can't include 'relationships' field new defect minor ckan-backlog ckan
#1317 password reset - improve user search assigned defect trivial ckan-backlog ckan
#1328 Unicode & paster commands assigned defect minor ckan
#1355 Package extras property does not include the newly created ones new defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1366 Search inside extra fields assigned defect major ckan-future ckan
#1457 Bug with DataNL instance new defect awaiting triage ckan-future ckan
#1509 Mis-dated old revisions of datasets assigned defect minor ckan
#1642 Extra link generators generate garbled HTML new defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1661 Wrong Routes version installed by CKAN package assigned defect major ckan-backlog ckan
#1668 repoze version discrepency new defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#2197 Storage Metadata API: add/update not working with local file storage (Pairtree) assigned defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#2395 paster db clean/init don't work when spatial extension enabled new defect minor ckan-backlog ckan
#2486 Should be able to use . in dataset names new defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#2607 'Upload a file' appears on resource form when storage not enabled assigned defect awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#2622 Login fails in Opera 12 new defect awaiting triage ckan
#2686 enabling datastore & data API breaks recline assigned defect critical ckan-backlog ckan
#2719 Feeds controller does not catch NotAuthorized exception new defect minor ckan
#2745 Password reset returns an exception if the key parameter is missing new defect major ckan-v1.9 ckan
#2762 crashes new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8 ckan
#2763 Multilingual tests failing new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2820 English Language: Visualization -> Visualisation new defect awaiting triage demo phase 5 ckan
#2846 Organizations allows you to set an organization as the parent organization of itself new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2869 user profile not linked on disqus until page refresh new defect awaiting triage demo phase 4 ckan
#2881 Remove or improve 'Domain Model' docs page new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2882 Remove User Stories Overview from docs? new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2884 Lock icon shown next to unknown licenses new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2887 "Welcome to CKAN!" on front page is untranslatable new defect major ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2891 Update or remove DataStore google presentation new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2892 IDatasetForm's form_to_db_schema() breaks API? new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2893 Tags missing from form_to_db_package_schema() new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2894 Empty lists get stripped from package dicst in package_show() new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2896 resource_create crashes on ValidationErrors with KeyError: 'resources' new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2897 db_to_form_package_schema() crashes historical dataset page new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2898 Looses data entered on step 1 of create dataset after login new defect awaiting triage demo phase 5 ckan
#2900 snippets/package_list.html template crashes on dataset that has no 'notes' new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2906 Wrong flags in language dropdown new defect minor demo phase 5 ckan
#2912 ckanext/organizations: Neither public or private initially selected when adding dataset new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2913 IGroupForm has package_form() method new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2914 Add form_to_db_schema_options() to IDatasetForm and IGroupForm new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1 ckan
#2919 Remove IController from docs new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8 ckan
#2920 Genshi text template message extractor no longer needed? new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2921 Add docstring to top of lib/ file new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2922 Better docstring for CKANInternationalizationExtension new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2923 Change regularise -> regularize new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2924 Better docs for trans js command, and add to release process new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2925 Remove trans mangle paster command? new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2936 Updating a group via the API clears its packages new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8 ckan
#2958 Uploading files with unicode characters in filename fails in CKAN 1.7 and 1.8 new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8 ckan
#2963 Timeout on tag pages with lots of datasets new defect major ckan-v1.8 ckan
#2964 Last organization admin can remove herself new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2965 Stats extension broken on 1.8 new defect awaiting triage ckan-v1.8 ckan
#2967 Organization members edit page reloads after demoting self new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2968 Anyone can access organization members page new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2969 Group members page 500s new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2970 Organization and group member links use id not name new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#2993 "logged_in" and "visitor" show in user list at /users new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#3001 Multilingual plugin crashes CKAN on add dataset when some languages are default new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#3002 API v1/2 'legacy' search parameters must be escaped before they are put into a Solr query string new defect minor ckan-v1.8 ckan
#3014 Crash when deleting a non-empty vocabulary new defect awaiting triage ckan 2.0 ckan
#3019 Cannot delete dataset extras new defect major ckan 2.0 ckan
#140 News section on front page new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#253 Package relationships assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#285 Paginate list of packages on tag read page assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#301 Package discussion pages assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#331 Timezone of CKAN timestamps should be configurable new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#350 Search engine optimisation reopened enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#351 Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#369 "Package Listing Key" should appear on Tag results new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#370 Use better email encryption for author_email and maintainer_email new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#737 Markdown syntax summary page new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#763 Read-only mode - Setup assigned enhancement minor ckan-future ckan
#765 Read-only mode - API usage assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#837 CKAN integration with freebase gridworks / google refine new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#909 DCat importer for CKAN assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog lod2
#924 Search box has no search button new enhancement minor ckan-backlog ckan
#948 Highlight (to a sysadmin) which packages are deleted assigned enhancement minor ckan-future ckan
#1101 Integrate googlanalytics into site nav new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1120 Atom feeds of each tag new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1130 First time users assigned enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1144 Support DSPL new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1145 Support the Handle System new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1165 Add multi-site support to ckan new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-future ckan
#1179 Support tag aliases new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1184 Support Wuala as CKAN storage option new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1188 Allow diffing against initial (blank) package version new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1198 Publisher hierarchy new enhancement critical ckan-backlog ckan
#1201 seperate out logic in atom feeds to logic layer. new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1227 Display packages' tags in search results new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1232 [super] Interface improvements new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1233 [super] Improve wiki-style functionality for history new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1235 [super] Search Improvements new enhancement major ckan-future ckan
#1244 Notes field carriage-returns converted to CRLF assigned enhancement major ckan
#1257 Anti-Spam tools new enhancement major ckan-backlog ckan
#1260 Remove duplicate functions from _util.html new enhancement trivial ckan-backlog ckan
#1262 Enforce "create-user" permission new enhancement major ckan-backlog ckan
#1278 Refactor authorized_query calls new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog ckan
#1285 Errors cause emails assigned enhancement minor ckan-future ckan
#1286 Remove remaining formalchemy stuff new enhancement major ckan-backlog ckan
#1314 ckanclient search - generator improvements assigned enhancement minor ckan-backlog ckan
#1322 Action API improvements assigned enhancement major ckan
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.