{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1601 - 1700 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#2956 enhancement shevski johnmartin ckan 2.0 assigned Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0

On the edit dataset page... there needs to be a way for users to be able to see all the resources associated to the dataset and edit them individually.

1349277100000000 1349346442000000
#2512 enhancement toby ross ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Bad link on demo site.

On the group read page http://s031.okserver.org:2375/group/nhs the add dataset button goes to the edit group page instead of the add dataset url.

1339518597000000 1339576809000000
#1829 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Changing back to English prints the flash message in the previous non-English language

On the homepage click "francais" and then "English". The flash message reads "Le langage a été fixé à: français" when it should say "The language is now: English".

1330000660000000 1330001990000000
#2843 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Adding existing datasets to organizations is broken

On the organization read page there is only an 'Add Dataset' button, not a drop-down with add new dataset or add existing dataset as on the default group page.

On the organization edit page you do have the drop-down, but if you click add existing dataset nothing happens except it appends #datasets to the URL

1344859137000000 1347270569000000
#3022 defect amercader amercader ckan 2.0 closed fixed setup_template_variables method of IDatasetForm never called

On the package controller the package_type is not passed to the lookup function, so the setup_template_variables defined on the extensions is never called

1353602743000000 1358254781000000
#2904 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Show more formats/groups/tags shouldn't display if there aren't more

On the search results page when there are no more formats, groups or tags to display it should not display the show more links.

1346854444000000 1346854444000000
#1627 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed favicon broken

On thedatahub.org the favicon doesn't display. i.e. the CKAN logo should appear in the browser's tab.

Original ticket #48

1326207102000000 1326890614000000
#437 bug dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Buildbot test failures - ascii codec

On today's buildbot: http://buildbot.okfn.org/builders/buildbot-test/builds/201

2 failures about ascii (ignore other 2)

1282223640000000 1288004009000000
#892 enhancement johnglover pudo ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Make stored data available in WUI - 0.5d

Once we have storage, make the data available in the following ways:

  • Now have a cached_url field can show in the frontend ...
  • Add a [<a href="${cached_url}">cached</a>] link to right of real url on resource listing on dataset page.
  • On resource page: will not add it yet.
    • At the moment no clear place to pu this given nice big download button (could put in list of items on left but that does not seem right and note that it will turn up in big list of info at bottom)
  • Add test (?)
  • Deploy
1294053293000000 1324402480000000
#2687 defect aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed uploading file breaks add dataset process

Once you upload a file, all the buttons on the page stop working. You can't complete & go to next step or save & add another or go to previous

Clicking on these just seems to re-load the page


1342518422000000 1342534855000000
#2400 defect amercader ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed worksforme Password reset fails

One user reports that after resetting the password via the reset form he was unable to log in again. He did have an email address associated and received the reset email. After updating his password, login failed

"Login failed. Bad username or password. (Or if using OpenID, it hasn't been associated with a user account.)"
1337188614000000 1338205947000000
#167 defect dread dread v0.11 closed fixed REST interface you can't update multiple tags

Only first tag is updated.

1256209993000000 1265891178000000
#1303 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed User can not login again if he has edited his profile

Only happens if the user does not update the password. Most probably introduced during #1229.

1314889472000000 1314978842000000
#1759 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Create publisher form access

Only sysadmin can access create publisher form.

1328530956000000 1329732744000000
#1098 task dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed --ckan-migration tests not initialised correctly

Only tests with failing --ckan-migration fail, due to authz not being initialised.

1303377336000000 1303406017000000
#2944 enhancement dominik new Recline preview does not work in Opera

Opera cannot show a recline preview. I shows 0 records.

1349090802000000 1349090802000000
#233 enhancement rgrp rgrp v1.1 closed fixed Allow simple site-specific customization/overriding of templates


  1. Allow for specification of genshi template paths to search in config. This way people can introduce their own templates and these templates can selectively override existing templates. (Already implemented this in shakespeare and it works)
  1. Include an extra site-specific genshi template which can then be used to customize site (e.g. by having specific calls to py:def that user can define but which are ignored if they don't exist).

Can do this using:

<xi:include href="base.html"><xi:fallback /></xi:include>

1263000396000000 1273080352000000
#1595 defect kindly rgrp ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Editing of a Group leads to recording a change against all associated datasets

Or at least it appears that way from revision log which displays all Group datasets against the changelog, see http://thedatahub.org/revision/4cdeeb42-3281-4f53-a29d-c694e1fd9217 -- not apparent from that page but see my user page: http://thedatahub.org/user/rufuspollock

This may turn out to be a UX bug rather than a real bug ...

Assigning to kindly for review and comment.

1324504875000000 1338203959000000
#2823 enhancement toby toby demo phase 5 new resource additional info title order

Order the items so that none user fields are first from ticket #2707

1344504773000000 1344504773000000
#2917 enhancement johnmartin ross ckan 2.0 new Organization admins can delete themselves

Organization administrators can delete themselves from the user management pages. We should disable this on the front-end as well as the back-end.

1347451843000000 1347455636000000
#2816 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed DomainObjectOperation not in model

Over-enthusiastic removal of some model items

this breaks qa extension

1344496621000000 1345040471000000
#1200 enhancement pudo closed duplicate Port PDEU theme to CKAN.net

PDEU has a newer layout which could be adapted to also be used on ckan.net. For this, things should be cleaned up, copied to the ckanext-ckan.net repo as needed and re-colored the core CKAN color scheme.

Maybe we could have this coincide with a CKAN rename?

1308824017000000 1311180218000000
#1158 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Put PDEU into read-only mode and remove unneeded functions

PDEU should be in a mode where:

  • Users cannot edit or create packages
  • Users cannot sign up on their own
  • AuthorizationGroups? and RevisionHistory? is completely gone from the UI
  • Groups have been repurposed as Subjects
1306337786000000 1309804060000000
#344 defect dread closed fixed REST Create package with incorrect format gives 500 error

PUT to /rest/api/package of {"name": "name", "resources": ["someurl.com/data"] } (i.e. resource is a string, not a dictionary) gives 500 error, when it should give a 400 error and helpful error message.


Module ckan.controllers.rest:154 in create
<<              if register == 'package' and not subregister:
                       fs = ckan.forms.get_standard_fieldset()
                       request_fa_dict = ckan.forms.edit_package_dict(ckan.forms.get_package_dict(fs=fs), request_data)
                       fs = fs.bind(model.Package, data=request_fa_dict, session=model.Session)
                   elif register == 'package' and subregister in model.PackageRelationship.get_all_types():
>>  request_fa_dict = ckan.forms.edit_package_dict(ckan.forms.get_package_dict(fs=fs), request_data)
Module ckan.forms.package_dict:88 in edit_package_dict
<<                      for res_dict in value:
                               res_dict_str = {}
                               for key, value in res_dict.items():
                                   res_dict_str[str(key)] = value
>>  for key, value in res_dict.items():
AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'items'
1276341172000000 1277477712000000
#963 enhancement thejimmyg rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Package CKAN as a debian package

Package CKAN as a debian package so it is easier to install.

1297076364000000 1298284252000000
#1005 defect dread dread closed duplicate Editing in ckan missing publishers

Package edit form at hmg.ckan.net has no publishers any more.

1298561348000000 1300100085000000
#221 enhancement dread dread v1.0 closed fixed UI Review - Package edit

Package edit page package/edit/mypackagename

  • Ability to add the package to groups on this page.
  • Fields could be grouped.
  • Inconsistent capitalisation (Url -> URL).
  • Tag editor YUI script appears to break occasionally.
  • Perhaps move to two column forms to save vertical space?
  • Notes field to monospace?
  • Extras fields need some jQuery love -- shouldn't have a fixed number available.
  • Typography is a bit of a mess.

1260880175000000 1271756757000000
#152 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Package has editable 'Extra' fields

Package edit page has fields for extra key-value pairs. Don't use formalchemy. The form displays the existing ones and new ones as follows:

Key           Value            delete
[ country   ] [ uk, spain   ]  [x]

When presenting the form, existing pairs and 3 blank pairs are provided.

When saving the data, keys that are not changed use the existing PackageExtra object (perhaps with new value). Deleted keys put the PackageExtra state to deleted. For new keys, only create a new PackageExtra if there isn't a state=deleted one to resurrect.

Validators ensure no repeated keys.

1255615316000000 1256056193000000
#222 defect nickstenning dread closed fixed UI Review - Package history

Package history page package/history/mypackagename

  • "Revisions" is redundant
  • "Compare" button is in a ridiculous place. It should be above/below (both) the table, but not *in* it!
  • Ditto to overall "Recent Changes" page comments w.r.t. timestamps, GUIDs (ellipsis), and (if poss) author links.
1260880198000000 1282909280000000
#220 enhancement nickstenning dread v0.11 closed fixed UI Review - Package read

Package page package/mypackagename

  • Design
    • In general: a huge amount of visual and typographic noise: "Package:" is redundant.
    • "{edit}", "{history}" -- ugly, and it's not clear that these are primary actions on this page. Notably, why on earth is "make an enquiry with Is It Open?" bigger than these?
    • Openness/downloadability icons: need help, as discussed earlier
    • "Rating:" redundant, as is the second set of stars -- why can't both the display and rate widget
      • Rating - alternative to GET on set_rating.
    • "Metadata:" technospeak, probably redundant.
    • <li> bullets add nothing.
    • Title, Version, URL can probably go in one line.
    • Resources can be made more prominent.
    • Author, author email and Maintainer, maintainer email can be merged.
    • Groups, tags in little boxes?
    • Notes made more delineated -- Markdown has the capacity to look like other parts of the page: perhaps monospace the typeface?
    • Don't show extras unless there are any.
1260880136000000 1265286499000000
#217 enhancement nickstenning dread v0.11 closed fixed UI Review - Search results

Package search results page package/search

  • need clearer delineation between search entry form and results.
  • 0 results needs to be clearer, and the alternative suggestion: 'would you like to create a new package' needs to not look like a search result.
  • "N tags found" -- why do I care? this should be presented as "filter results by tag" -- very unlikely that I'm looking for a tag: I'm looking for a package, but tags might help me narrow down my search.
  • tags should be displayed more like the way they're displayed when you add them to a package (i.e. blue 'tag' background)
  • filter out particular tags
  • tag cloud?
  • copywriting: "Packages - Search" -> "Search packages"
1260879870000000 1263406092000000
#806 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Metadata created and last modified timestamps for packages

Packages should provide create and last modified attributes which are included in package dict exposed via api.

These attributes will not be in db but are computed (depend not just on package but related objects -- package tags, package resources, package extras etc)

1289854894000000 1324034356000000
#2251 enhancement toby kindly ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Internal analytics for ckan.

Page views and Resources clicks need to be tracked.

User Stories

US1 As a Site Admin / Visitor (?) I want to see how often a page has been viewed (every page) and how often resources have been downloaded.

US1a Next to a resource or a dataset see how often it has been downloaded / viewed

US1b I want to see datasets or resources ranked by most downloaded or viewed

US1c See a trend graph for a dataset (and resources)

Adminstrative Dashboard (?)

  • I want to see the traffic breakdown by country to my site ...
  • Ditto for browser type, language, etc etc
  • I want to see it graphed over time ...

Implementation Details

  1. How do we store this data in CKAN?
  2. How do we track (and store)?
  3. How do we display
  • Config option ckan.status.enabled = False (by default)

Storing Data

How does ckanext-googleanalytics do this? Current table:

package_id | count_recent | count_total

Move to a new stats_summary table

id | item_id | object_type | stats_type (total, month_yyyy_mm, ...) | value

Do we store this data into the search (solr) so we can search by it?

Displaying Data

  • Helper functions / dictize:
    • Helper function: h.stats_get(object_type, id, stats_type)
      • h.stats_top_ranked(object_type, number) -> returns object_dicts or just labels or ...
    • Change to dictize
  • Location in the default theme (do we show for example in search results too!)
  • Support for ranking by most popular in search?

Tracking Data

  • Our own solution (just write to site_tracking)
  • Google analytics (plus extension for retrieving data) <- would need a refactor
  • Piwiki

Own Solution

(For later: not as part of this ticket probably)

site_tracking table

id | url | timestamp | action (page_view, resource_download) |

  • Make javascript to make request to ckan to store clicks and page views.
  • Add middleware so these requests do not go through pylons and just store data quickly.
1332331029000000 1336046155000000
#1720 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Add converter functions to convert tags (with a given taxonomy) to/from tags field

Part of #1698

1327943471000000 1328625423000000
#978 enhancement zephod dread ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Edit Resource including Extras in Web UI

Part of super-ticket #1506.

Follows on from #826.

We can configure some extra fields in resources and can edit them in the Web UI, but we can't create new columns in the Web UI. Update the WUI to handle tis.

1297429619000000 1330547181000000
#1467 defect thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed worksforme CKAN dumps dgu miss certain publisher information

Pawel knows about this so David Read, Pawel and I need to find time to discuss it.

1321376042000000 1326120319000000
#2474 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Trial Jinja 2 as templating system

Percieved benefits of switching to Jinja 2

  • Block inheritance for base templates which is much simpler to understand.
  • Large number of developers (and designers) are familiar with it due to its similarities with the Django templates.
  • Should be much faster at parsing and rendering templates.
  • Has localisation support.
  • Good documentation both on it's website and on sites like Stack Overflow.

We should convert a couple of existing templates to test the switchover and then get peoples feedback.

1338307326000000 1338982780000000
#766 requirement wwaites johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate The system shall support harvesting metadata from ArcGIS

Perhaps 80% of the users of the UKLII may be using ArcGIS.

1288177933000000 1296593519000000
#1382 defect thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-backlog new Deleted resources are present for harvested package

Perhaps the importer deletes them before re-importing. We shouldn't have deleted resources, so let's investigate.

1318337889000000 1318337889000000
#720 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed wontfix Include CMS pages in IATI registry

Perhaps using deliverance?

  • Move About to the right of the nav tabs and make it an about IATI page
  • Make a Help / FAQ section linked of main menu
  • Front page more dynamic - latest data registered and news (microblog thing)
  • make the front page blurb noticable / shorter etc.
  • link to iatistandard.org from the front page blurb
1287584189000000 1288459344000000
#1447 defect kindly dread ckan-backlog assigned disk space leakage

Periodically we see some CKAN servers fall over because they run out of disk space. We need to find out if there is a common cause and fix it.

One problem in the past has been file handles running out when creating lots of tiny files in the data directory.

Another problem has been several enourmous backups being created every day - pdeu on eu25.

1320666843000000 1340727330000000
#2334 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.9 assigned Improved data import

Placeholder for thinking about this ...

  • Allow users to configure info for CSV import (e.g. separators, quotes etc)
1335651662000000 1340624538000000
#1402 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.6 closed fixed Migrate repository from mercurial to git

Plan to migrate from mercurial git


  • Do trial run
  • Announce conversion date / time
  • Require everyone to have pushed all outstanding changes at that time
  • Do conversion
  • Test
  • Announce on list and ckan.org/
1318811651000000 1324334011000000
#2468 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Finish off SlickGrid based Recline view

Please see these GitHub? issues:



1338213375000000 1339757934000000
#1354 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Pass the context object to plugins implementing the IPackageController and IGroupController

Plugins implementing some IPackageController or IGroupController operations (i.e. read, create, edit, delete) may need the context used in the logic action. For instance, to access the Session that created a package to perform additional queries from the extension (In that case the main logic action will still perform the final commit).

1316955680000000 1316970374000000
#1559 enhancement rgrp jilly mathews ckan-sprint-2012-04-02 closed fixed Comments Extension / Disqus

Polish off comments extension dev and test. estimate 2 days.

1324291720000000 1332242129000000
#261 defect dread rgrp v1.0 closed fixed License does not work through REST API

Presence of license_id field in JSON input show below breaks REST API (with weird error about int not being subscriptable as if license_id field is being subscripted).

Using normal license field does not cause breakage but has no effect.

(Also think we should remove license_id from the API since there is no guarantee this cross system compatible since locally generated on install).

    ourjson = '''{
   "maintainer" : "Applications Division",
   "version" : "1999-01-01",
   "license_id" : 9,
   "name" : "geogratiswaterfraction1km_v100",
   "author_email" : "...",
   "author" : "Dissemination Branch",
   "tags" : [
      "Ground Water",
      "Surface Water",
      "Earth Science",
      "Land Surface",
      "Land Cover",
   "extras" : {
      "License" : "http://geogratis.ca/geogratis/en/licence.jsp",
      "Ministry" : "Natural Resources Canada",
      "Level of Government" : "Federal"
   "maintainer_email" : "[email protected]",
   "notes" : "This product is a raster coverage",
   "url" : "http://geogratis.cgdi.gc.ca/geogratis/en/collection/metadata.do?id=67",
   "title" : "Geogratis - 1-km Water Fraction From National Topographic Data Base Maps, Canada"
    def test_15_random(self):
        offset = '/api/rest/package'
        import urllib
        tmpjson = simplejson.dumps(simplejson.loads(self.ourjson))
        postparams = urllib.urlencode({tmpjson: 1})
        res = self.app.post(offset, params=postparams, status=[200],
1267134778000000 1267207776000000
#259 defect rgrp dread v1.0 closed fixed isitopen enquiry broken

Pressing the 'make an enquiry' link on the package read page gives 404. (Also links should also be changed from isitopen.ckan.net to isitopendata.org)

Example link is:


which gets forwarded to:


which gives 404

1267012666000000 1273596153000000
#1119 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Fully functional storage extension with file upload

Previous work in #877 and #879 + #853 (storage API). In this ticket:

  • Improve authorization
  • Establish convention for laying out files on disk
  • Add documentation
  • Fix bugs with #879 (does not currently work -- boto may have changed)
1304094382000000 1305037201000000
#711 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Packages shall support both UK government and location information with a common set of attributes

Previously, a package type attribute was intended to distinguish between package data that came from government depts. and publishers location information (GEMINI). Now there is an intention use a common set of attributes to support data from either source.

Hence, there currently a v.3 of the government attributes, a document about extracting the attributes from Gemini document using XPath, and a comparison documents mapping between governemtn attributes and Gemini attributes.

That means there are potentially four different list of attributes. I'm not sure how to go about reviewing the lists and converging any differences.

But we do want to end up with a list of names, a description of their purpose, and then perhaps the XPath which would reveal the value from a Gemini doc?

1287580866000000 1296592589000000
#2730 defect toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed please change pricing footer link

Pricing <ckan.org/datasuite/solutions> needs to go to <ckan.org/datasuite/services>


1342951353000000 1343032612000000
#2538 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Add multiple-instance support to ckanbuild

Probably use ansible to do this. To create an instance, create a dir at /etc/ckan/MYSITE, and put MYSITE.wsgi, MYSITE.ini and who.ini files in it. Also put a MYSITE file in /etc/apache2/sites-available. See the example files already present in ckanbuild. Booting a new site should be a single command.

May not handle the postgres/solr/elastic-search side of things yet, could just require the user to set these up herself first and then pass them as args to the create-instance command.

1339775499000000 1340639836000000
#245 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed duplicate Support for composite primary keys

Problem here is that foreign key then becomes "complicated" (composite).

  • Could also deprecate continuity_id field in favour of the basic foreign key on ie
1265882630000000 1297066620000000
#2826 defect toby danieljohnlewis demo phase 3 closed fixed Null group image

Problem: Example group ( http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/group/example-group ) has a broken image, image not found. Link either incorrect, or no image set, if no image set then shouldn't it show a default image? Expected: There should be an image.

1344505546000000 1344528004000000
#2820 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 new English Language: Visualization -> Visualisation

Problem: In the English version (which has a UK flag, indicating British English), the word "Visualization" is used. For an example see the "Filter by type" drop down on the /apps page. Expected: This should be "Visualisation" in British English. Any instances of "Visualize" should be changed to "Visualise" too.

1344504455000000 1344504455000000
#2825 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 closed fixed Loss of URL encoding on language change on apps page

Problem: On /apps page if you start in one language, filter the data, and then change languages it loses the correct format for the HTTP Get Parameters (and therefore loses the filters). Example, start in English language, change filter settings to to Application and Newest, change language to German. Expected: Retain correct format for HTTP Get Parameters so that the filter settings are retained. Solution will involve not turning "=" into "%3D" in the URL, i.e. turn off URL encoding.

1344505317000000 1344547172000000
#2821 enhancement danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 new Featured Items on Filter

Problem: On /apps page in the Filter Results box there is a "Only show featured items" checkbox, on selection it comes up with 0 solutions. Expected: Presumably an admin can create "featured items" so that they can be randomly selected on front page (is this correct)? If there are no "featured items" in the whole database can this check box be hidden? Bug is: no UI or obvious way to create featured items. Also the checkbox looks un-styled

1344504504000000 1344505492000000
#2827 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 closed fixed View Item - RSS Feed Issues

Problem: Server Error (HTTP Code 500) when trying to see information related to an RSS feed... example: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/testerisation/resource/974df29e-77bb-4b5e-982c-cb7a295c1923 Expected: A page that looks a bit more like this: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/epims-lod2/resource/97531bd8-e75c-4efa-bfa2-bb51d0ba90d0

1344505590000000 1344549139000000
#2818 defect seanh danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 assigned Improve related item schema

Problem: When creating a related item (e.g. a Visualisation), if you don't put in a URL it succeeds, but on the related items and apps pages it renders it as a link to the same page. Expected: Always require a URL and it should only submit if one is added

1344504176000000 1346231718000000
#2819 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 closed worksforme Related Item Summary of Descriptions Markdown Issue

Problem: When creating a related item it mentions that you can use markdown in the description, however markdown doesn't render in apps page nor in related items page. Expected: Make shortened descriptions (on apps page & related items page) render markdown

1344504321000000 1344545479000000
#2817 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 closed worksforme Item Type Reverts on Invalid URL

Problem: When creating a related item, if you put in a invalid URL it loses the choice of Item Type (e.g. Visualisation, Application) and reverts to the first time (API). Expected: It remembers which one was chosen

1344504076000000 1344544901000000
#1241 task timmcnamara timmcnamara closed wontfix Overview video of http://thedatahub.org

Produce a video explaining some of the things which can be done on the datahub.org

1311567813000000 1340632688000000
#1229 enhancement dread thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Refactor all database code out of the controllers and into the logic layer

Progress can be tracked in this document:


1311093924000000 1319645778000000
#188 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.11 closed duplicate Improve package listing views

Propose change to tabular-like format showing these attributes (perhaps should be configurable?)

  • Openness status
  • Title (not sure name is needed)
  • Tags

Cost: 4h

1257870031000000 1265294090000000
#196 defect dread dread v1.0 closed fixed RDF URI to resolve on CKAN

Provide RDF version of a package at the RDF URI: http://ckan.net/package/rdf/32000-naples-florida-businesses-kml

See email on OKFN help:

For the information to be Linked Data, the following URI (from the api.talis.com SPARQL call) should be resolvable to RDF, or an RDFa enhanced HTML page.

1258727988000000 1265389771000000
#2380 enhancement ross ross opendatasuite 1 closed duplicate DataGM Upgrade

Provide a new test install of DataGM based on the ODS demo site being completed through June.

1337002144000000 1340627558000000
#1335 enhancement kindly dread closed fixed Action API - basic

Provide an API to the logic layer at /api/action.

1315910021000000 1315910117000000
#1656 enhancement ross closed duplicate Configuration for reverse proxying

Provide configuration for reverse proxying that will correctly handle the mapping of a URL to a sub-folder (using X-SCRIPT-NAME)

  • Analysis of the best solution [1d]
  • Implement reverse proxying in tandem with #1653 [2d]
  • Document and store the configuration files. [1d]
1326711575000000 1326711659000000
#1657 enhancement ross ross closed wontfix Configuration for reverse proxying

Provide configuration for reverse proxying that will correctly handle the mapping of a URL to a sub-folder (using X-SCRIPT-NAME)

  • Analysis of the best solution [1d]
  • Implement reverse proxying in tandem with #1653 [2d]
  • Document and store the configuration files. [1d]
1326711580000000 1338206640000000
#1600 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix [super] User guide with integrated help in the WUI

Provide help to users in the WUI, with this linking to a detailed user guide.

  • User guide (suggest at help.thedatahub.org (or possibly help.ckan.org)
  • Snippets in the WUI with links to full user guide.
    • Provide helper methods for creating these links with config options for setting path to user guide so that the link location can vary on install by install basis
  • General info about publishing/working with/etc data (where we don't duplicate elsewhere)

Est: (?) 5-10d


See http://ckan.okfnpad.org/datahub-help

  • Step-by-step for adding a dataset including tips
  • API (perhaps link to main docs)
  • Command line interface and dpm
  • Using groups

Why do this

We already have wiki.ckan.org and docs.ckan.org. Why do this?

Answer for docs:

  • This is administrative guide and focused on general CKAN software.
  • Hard to provide completely generic help.
  • Integratable with the DataHub? site

Answer for wiki:

  • No spam
  • General feeling that wikis are a little bit loose and untidy. We want this to be smart, clean and useful.
  • Integratable with the DataHub?
1325257824000000 1333362051000000
#2353 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed Provisional user stories for CMS + Blogging

Provide some provisional user stories for the CMS/Blogging feature. Should include some of the functionality from wordpresser but be more generic.

1335884700000000 1336566004000000
#1459 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new Featured Dataset feature

Provide way to mark a dataset as featured. Featured database show up on the front page.

TODO: detail this more.

1321113012000000 1321113012000000
#1040 defect thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.4 closed fixed File system mounted

Public file path code adds a trailing , and thus adds / as a static file app in the Pylons middleware cascade.

1300213855000000 1328806824000000
#1832 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned dataset purge API

Purging datasets (deleting them fully, not just changing the state to 'deleted') is important for users testing dataset creation over the API on a test CKAN instance.

Without this, they need to resort to more difficult methods such as:

  • cleaning and reloading the database
  • setting the test datasets to state 'deleted' and also appending a suffix '_00' and incrementing the number until there is no clash of names.

Requested for NHSIC.


  • This could slot into the Action API.
  • Of course we would need to ensure the user's had been given the specific right to purge.
  • I suggest we log the full details of the dataset being purged.
1330077745000000 1339773706000000
#1247 task rgrp dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Put docs on ReadTheDocs

Put docs on ReadTheDocs? instead of eu13.

1311941948000000 1311955185000000
#430 task thejimmyg pudo closed wontfix Upgrade CKAN to Pylons 1.0

Pylons 1.0 has been out for a while and appears to be running stable on a few production sites. It also introduces a few new features, among them the ability to specifiy controllers using the entrypoint mechanism.


This might be a bit ugly since the default behaviour of some pylons objects, such as tmpl_context, app_globals and redirect has changed.

1281962485000000 1298283075000000
#2487 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Don't preview text/html

Quite a few of the current test dataset resources have their format incorrectly specified as text/html. Attempting to preview these results in the browser trying to automatically download the resource, so for now we will not preview this format.

1338806098000000 1338892521000000
#1159 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Add RDFa to CKAN package pages

RDFa can be used as a simple way to expose linked data or at least sameAs the API version of the data but we need to make sure we do not expose anything different from the "official" representation.

1306337907000000 1307615133000000
#1406 enhancement zephod ckan-backlog new Re-enable RSS subscriptions

RSS 'subscribe' buttons appeared in many places on the site but were not very helpful. They took (confused) users pointed to the raw feed code, and Google Reader could not understand the feed. Safari, however, could interpret it correctly.

Their presentation needs to be clear and consistent; the RSS feed really needs testing in a variety of readers; and we need to decide exactly which items should get a feed. (Package updates? Groups?)

1318861327000000 1320930088000000
#972 enhancement sebbacon rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Merge 'extras' into main package dict rather than having separate key

Rather than have a separate 'extras' key all the extras fields should be consolidated into the main package dict when presenting the package internally or e.g. via the API.

Why? Extras are really just an artefact of our internal storage model. Clients of the system (both internal and external) should just see a set of key/values with no distinction between extras and non-extras.


  • Possible breaking change to the API (could enforce backwards compatibility by keepings extras for the time being)

Possible subticket of forms refactoring: #961

1297332282000000 1310134129000000
#999 enhancement rgrp dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Factor out ckan.net theme changes to a separate theme repo and apply

Rather than polluting the ckan core code base on ckan.net install with ckan.net specific changes these adaptations should be moved out into a dedicated ckan.net theme.

1298386729000000 1300707328000000
#162 enhancement dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Tags should be automatially lowere-cased if not already

Rather than raising a validation error automatically lower-case tags on submission.

Cost: 0.5h

1256048269000000 1256142462000000
#1528 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-backlog closed fixed Gravatar next to My Account link on all pages

Rather than the anonymous 'user' icon in the top-right corner, we could display your gravatar on all pages when you are logged in.

This was suggested by Richard Cyganiak: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2011-November/001825.html

1323197931000000 1330020444000000
#1598 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new Reinstate Ratings

Ratings were disabled approximately a year ago because:

  • Unclear purpose and UX. What did ratings tell you? How useful were they?
  • Spamming (esp by bots: you could submit an anonymous rating via a GET request which caused problems)

Both problems are solvable and it would be nice to have this feature reinstated.

  • Purpose: can make this more purposable by limiting to logged in users (or at least distinguishing logged in from non-logged in users)
    • Even better we could allow ratings to be made public (I'm interested in what someone else I respect finds important)
  • Spamming: limit to logged in users and / or use AJAX over an API to submit ...
1325177524000000 1325474818000000
#1526 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed [super] Update and test existing DGU package form

Re-create behaviour of old form without using form-alchemy. And unit test.

  • [X] write high-level functional tests for the form. Creation / edition / validation.

Original estimate: 6 days (3 days x 2)

Time spent: 3 days

Time remaining: 0 days

  • [X] write the html

Original estimate: 2 days (1 day x 2)

Time spent: 1.3 days

Time remaining: 0 days

  • [X] modify the existing validation schema

Original estimate: 2 days (1 day x 2)

Time spent: 1.3 days

Time remaining: 1 days

  • [X] split resources into types: individual, time-series, and additional.

Original estimate: 2 days

Time spent: 2.5 days

Time remaining: 0 days

  • [X] contact information is derived from Publisher, but can be altered for each dataset. #1617

Original estimate: 4 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 4 days

(Waiting on publisher integration)

  • [X] foi contact information is derived from user, but can be altered for each dataset. #1617

Original estimate: 1 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 1 days

(Waiting on publisher integration)

  • [X] provide stubs for the theme and sub-themes #1618

Original estimate: 1 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 0 days

  • [X] provide stubs for the publisher hierarchy #1619

Original estimate: 2 days

Time spent: 0.5 days

Time remaining: 1.5 days

Note - the groups refactor is essentially ready to be used. And this would be a good test case for it.

  • [X] don't allow package-type selection when editing a package

Can't change a dataset from containing time-series resources to one containing individual resources or visa-versa. (#1620)

Original estimate: 0.5 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 0 days

1323173313000000 1330942383000000
#523 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed Read/write APIs for users and publishing entities

Read/write APIs for users and publishing entities to access and register data

  • Users have read access
  • Publishing entities have both (though can only write to 'their' records)
  • Priority: 4 for write (read access is 3)
1282893743000000 1283897688000000
#2783 enhancement shevski closed wontfix Way to generate homepage backgrounds for demos/ckan hosted

Really we want this for CKAN Hosted & for creating demos.

Currently we're using http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/ - but by finding the area & taking screenshots. Would be better to interate with the app so that: a) this happens automatically and b) correct attribution will be visible on maps

1343812931000000 1343818702000000
#1503 task dread markbrough ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Move from Bitbucket to Github

Reasons: more people familiar with Git, bigger Open Source community on Github.

Keeping track of the move here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvCDqUH8jVN8dGNVNEpXLWk3UTlJZXhFMjBPbXVtRmc&hl=en_GB#gid=0

1322745084000000 1323793662000000
#1593 enhancement icmurray amercader ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed [super] Create feeds from search results

Recent changes (see #191 and #1498) have made really easy to get search results ordered chronologically, and creating RSS or Atom feeds from them is relatively easy.

Feeds are extremely popular and there are several tools for consuming them, so it would be a great way to allow users to follow datasets related with their topics of interest.

Apart from the general feed with changes on the whole instance, other different "pre-set" feed endpoints could be implemented. The most obvious choices for custom feeds could be groups and tags:


These could be shown on the group/tag page, both on the <head> section, so browsers can autodiscover them, and on the UI, with a message like "Subscribe to this group/tag".

Another powerful option is to have a custom feed builder that accepts the same parameters as the search page, so users can subscribe to whatever query they are interested on


On this case a message "Subscribe to these search results" would appear.

Note that a lot of work on this front needs to be done for the IATI registry project (see #1590)

Other tickets related:

  • #1592: metadata_modified and metadata_created are not included in the search results, so an extra query for each package is needed right now.
1324489115000000 1334566668000000
#2948 enhancement dominik new Negative range breaks datastore backend

Recline allows negative ranges. The backend returns an error 500 for that which breaks the recline preview.

1349101854000000 1349101865000000
#1828 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Upgrade to Recline v0.3

Recline v0.3 has introduced some breaking changes in API and usage. Upgrade to use it.

1329943304000000 1330525412000000
#2473 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.9 assigned Make datstorer store field ordering in _meta field

Recline views should have a default table order, being the same as the csv that was imported.

1338293492000000 1340636871000000
#1050 enhancement thejimmyg johnlawrenceaspden closed invalid Authz lib improvement and refactor of ckan/lib/authztool.py

Refactor ckan/lib/authztool.py so that the relevant methods are independent of the command line interface.

The extracted methods should live in a new file ckan/authz.py. authztool.py should probably move into cli.py and will just do command line parsing and printing and use ckan/authz.py. The updated web gui for authz will also use this code.

Tests should be made. There's already a file ckan/tests/test_authz.py, which looks like the appropriate place for new tests.

all to go on a branch feature-1050-refactor-authtoolz

Optional extras

  • Rename ckan/authz.py to ckan/lib/authz.py or even ckan/logic/authz.py
1300451937000000 1315394117000000
#921 enhancement sebbacon thejimmyg closed fixed Refactor DGU Harvesting

Refactor harvesting code to simplify.

1295389237000000 1300197629000000
#1309 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed duplicate Registering new user requires immediate login

Registering a new user directs you to that user's profile page but does not log you in. There is an empty set of "Recent changes" and no ability to modify the page. Users must follow the login link in the top-right corner to continue.

Registering a new user should immediately log you in.

1315225510000000 1315586335000000
#1376 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed 404 raised when approving package

Regression found by updating datacatalogs.

1318088589000000 1318279651000000
#2886 enhancement ross ckan 2.0 new Configurable related items

Related items (Apps & Ideas) have a collection of types, which are currently fixed. Some of these types are ambiguous, such as ideas in that they may not have a link - and if they do it is likely to be to a blog post - another existing type.

Whilst the URL is required, and we think this should stay required, we should also allow users to change the types found in Apps & Ideas to a shortened list that suits their requirements.

1345625718000000 1345625718000000
#164 enhancement wwaites dread v1.0 closed fixed Creating RDF data from CKAN

Related to: ticket:90 Link to RDF version of CKAN data and ticket:163 (regularly convert CKAN data to RDF).

Convert ckan data to RDF with suitable ontology and put on semantic.ckan.net.

1256052643000000 1271251422000000
#163 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed Regularly put CKAN RDF on Talis CC

Related to: ticket:90 Link to RDF version of CKAN data on Talis Connected Commons ticket:164 Creating RDF data from CKAN

Regularly re-upload the CKAN RDF data to Talis CC.

In the long run may wish to only re-convert packages changed since the last upload. However given relatively smaller size of full dataset this optimization is probably not yet required.

Cost: ? (1d+ depending on e.g. how easy integration with Talis CC is)

1256052587000000 1265891374000000
#207 enhancement dread nickstenning v1.0 closed fixed Reimplement tag selection in jQuery

Remove the current dependency on Yahoo YUI toolkit for doing tag autocompletion on package edit forms.

The (KForge-derived) behaviour files for CKAN can easily be switched to the new jQuery-based ones: see ticket:212. Once this is done, it would make sense to implement the tag-selection code with jQuery.

Relevant pages include:

1260200340000000 1271250740000000
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.