{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (2501 - 2600 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1223 enhancement pudo pudo closed fixed Caching of static files

StaticURLParser can have caching - use it

1310573854000000 1310573893000000
#1226 defect dread closed worksforme Genshi stream exception

IndexError? exception in genshi.filters.i18n keeps popping up daily.


Module ckan.controllers.authorization_group:28 in index
<<              items_per_page=20
               return render('authorization_group/index.html')
           def read(self, id):
>>  return render('authorization_group/index.html')
Module ckan.lib.base:74 in render
           return cached_template(template_name, render_template, cache_key=cache_key, 
                                  cache_type=cache_type, cache_expire=cache_expire)
                                  #, ns_options=('method'), method=method)
>>  cache_type=cache_type, cache_expire=cache_expire)
Module pylons.templating:249 in cached_template
<<          return content
               return render_func()
>>  return render_func()
Module ckan.lib.base:63 in render_template
<<              stream = item.filter(stream)
               return literal(stream.render(method=method, encoding=None))
           if 'Pragma' in response.headers:
>>  return literal(stream.render(method=method, encoding=None))
Module genshi.core:183 in render
<<              method = self.serializer or 'xml'
               generator = self.serialize(method=method, **kwargs)
               return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out=out)
           def select(self, path, namespaces=None, variables=None):
>>  return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out=out)
Module genshi.output:57 in encode
<<          _encode = lambda string: string
           if out is None:
               return _encode(''.join(list(iterator)))
           for chunk in iterator:
>>  return _encode(''.join(list(iterator)))
Module genshi.output:339 in __call__
<<          for filter_ in self.filters:
                   stream = filter_(stream)
               for kind, data, pos in stream:
                   cached = cache_get((kind, data))
                   if cached is not None:
>>  for kind, data, pos in stream:
Module genshi.output:670 in __call__
<<          _gen_prefix = _gen_prefix().next
               for kind, data, pos in stream:
                   output = cache_get((kind, data))
                   if output is not None:
>>  for kind, data, pos in stream:
Module genshi.output:771 in __call__
<<          push_text = textbuf.append
               pop_text = textbuf.pop
               for kind, data, pos in chain(stream, [(None, None, None)]):
                   if kind is TEXT:
>>  for kind, data, pos in chain(stream, [(None, None, None)]):
Module genshi.output:586 in __call__
<<      def __call__(self, stream):
               prev = (None, None, None)
               for ev in stream:
                   if prev[0] is START:
                       if ev[0] is END:
>>  for ev in stream:
Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure
<<      # unchanged
           yield event
           for event in stream:
               yield event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure
<<      # unchanged
           yield event
           for event in stream:
               yield event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark
<<      def _unmark(self, stream):
               for mark, event in stream:
                   kind = event[0]
                   if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:1145 in __call__
<<          :param stream: The marked event stream to filter
               for mark, event in stream:
                   yield mark, event
                   if mark is ENTER:
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in __call__
<<          stream = iter(stream)
               next = stream.next
               for mark, event in stream:
                   if mark is None:
                       yield mark, event
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark
<<      def _mark(self, stream):
               for event in stream:
                   yield OUTSIDE, event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure
<<      # unchanged
           yield event
           for event in stream:
               yield event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark
<<      def _unmark(self, stream):
               for mark, event in stream:
                   kind = event[0]
                   if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module ckanext.googleanalytics.plugin:62 in download_adder
<<              (downloaded %s times)</span>'''
                   count = None
                   for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:
                       if mark and kind == START:
                           href = data[1].get('href')
>>  for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in __call__
<<          stream = iter(stream)
               next = stream.next
               for mark, event in stream:
                   if mark is None:
                       yield mark, event
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark
<<      def _mark(self, stream):
               for event in stream:
                   yield OUTSIDE, event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure
<<      # unchanged
           yield event
           for event in stream:
               yield event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark
<<      def _unmark(self, stream):
               for mark, event in stream:
                   kind = event[0]
                   if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:1175 in __call__
<<          """
               callable_value = hasattr(self.value, '__call__')
               for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:
                   if mark is ENTER:
                       if callable_value:
>>  for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in __call__
<<          stream = iter(stream)
               next = stream.next
               for mark, event in stream:
                   if mark is None:
                       yield mark, event
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark
<<      def _mark(self, stream):
               for event in stream:
                   yield OUTSIDE, event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure
<<      # unchanged
           yield event
           for event in stream:
               yield event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark
<<      def _unmark(self, stream):
               for mark, event in stream:
                   kind = event[0]
                   if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:1145 in __call__
<<          :param stream: The marked event stream to filter
               for mark, event in stream:
                   yield mark, event
                   if mark is ENTER:
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in __call__
<<          stream = iter(stream)
               next = stream.next
               for mark, event in stream:
                   if mark is None:
                       yield mark, event
>>  for mark, event in stream:
Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark
<<      def _mark(self, stream):
               for event in stream:
                   yield OUTSIDE, event
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.template.base:618 in _include
<<                      tmpl = self.loader.load(href, relative_to=event[2][0],
                                                   cls=cls or self.__class__)
                           for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars):
                               yield event
                       except TemplateNotFound:
>>  for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars):
Module genshi.template.base:618 in _include
<<                      tmpl = self.loader.load(href, relative_to=event[2][0],
                                                   cls=cls or self.__class__)
                           for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars):
                               yield event
                       except TemplateNotFound:
>>  for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars):
Module genshi.template.base:618 in _include
<<                      tmpl = self.loader.load(href, relative_to=event[2][0],
                                                   cls=cls or self.__class__)
                           for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars):
                               yield event
                       except TemplateNotFound:
>>  for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars):
Module genshi.template.base:605 in _include
<<          from genshi.template.loader import TemplateNotFound
               for event in stream:
                   if event[0] is INCLUDE:
                       href, cls, fallback = event[1]
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.template.markup:378 in _match
<<                      for event in self._match(self._flatten(template, ctxt,
                                                    ctxt, start=idx + 1, **vars):
                               yield event
>>  ctxt, start=idx + 1, **vars):
Module genshi.template.markup:327 in _match
<<                      break
               for event in stream:
                   # We (currently) only care about start and end events for matching
>>  for event in stream:
Module genshi.template.base:545 in _flatten
<<          while 1:
                   for kind, data, pos in stream:
                       if kind is START and data[1]:
>>  for kind, data, pos in stream:
Module genshi.filters.i18n:177 in _generate
<<                  msgbuf.append(*previous)
                       previous = None
                   for event in msgbuf.translate(gettext(msgbuf.format())):
                       yield event
                   if previous:
>>  for event in msgbuf.translate(gettext(msgbuf.format())):
Module genshi.filters.i18n:1029 in translate
<<                      )
               parts = parse_msg(string)
               parts_counter = {}
               for order, string in parts:
>>  parts = parse_msg(string)
Module genshi.filters.i18n:1143 in parse_msg
<<      if string:
               parts.append((stack[-1], string))
           return parts
>>  parts.append((stack[-1], string))
IndexError: list index out of range
1311008861000000 1314029434000000
#1241 task timmcnamara timmcnamara closed wontfix Overview video of http://thedatahub.org

Produce a video explaining some of the things which can be done on the datahub.org

1311567813000000 1340632688000000
#1242 enhancement timmcnamara closed fixed thedatahub.org's login page

The right hand side of thedatahub.org login screen is a little confusing:

    Not a member?

    Join CKAN to contribute packages under your own name.

     - Register
     - Reset your password
     - Privacy Policy

Suggested improvements to make:

  • replace CKAN with thedatahub.org
  • in general, edit the copy to be more inviting
  • remove "Reset your password" from that bubble
  • move the privacy policy link to somewhere less prominent
1311569218000000 1323173292000000
#1243 enhancement timmcnamara closed invalid [thedatahub.org] "Upload Data" should provide a nicer

If someone who is not logged in clicks on "Upload Data", they are presented with

    Not authorized to upload files.

This is in emboldened red text. That is, the system is telling a user that they're doing something illegitimate, even though they're actually following an invitation from the main menu.

I propose two options for resolving this:

  1. only display the "Upload Data" tab if someone is authorised to upload data
  2. if someone isn't logged int, provide a nice welcome message thanking them for wanting to upload data, but we only allow registered users to do so

ENV: thedatahub.org, CKAN 1.4.2b

1311577466000000 1328000405000000
#1244 enhancement dread assigned Notes field carriage-returns converted to CRLF

When you edit a package in the web form, if the notes field had \n as the End Of Line symbol, it gets lost when you preview or save the package, and the notes field is displayed all on one line.

This can be seen when editing annakarenina (as created by 'paster create-test-data'). The diff shows for example:

- Some test notes
+ Some test notes
?                +

but it would more clearly be shown as:

- Some test notes\n
+ Some test notes
?                ++

This is a significant problem with DGU, since a lot comes in via the API.

It's not clear what we should do about it. We could standardise on \n or \r\n when the form submission comes in. Do different browsers on different platforms do different things with EOLs?


Displaying the package: the Markdown processor respects both EOLs when displaying the field, putting each line in a <p> tag.

Creating the package edit form: placed into <textfield>.

Browser displaying package edit form: <textfield> displays \n and \r\n as EOL. But \n\n gets compressed to one EOL. But on submission, both are returned as \r\n.

Receiving the edited package: Somewhere along the line the EOL gets converted to \n\n.

1311689456000000 1340191253000000
#1263 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Bad name for logic action in API causes Exception

A bad action name: e.g. curl http://test.ckan.net/api/action/user_showaa -d '{}' causes 500 response.

Occurs only on 1.4.3 beta.

1312479020000000 1314029279000000
#1267 defect dread dread closed fixed Random exception: cannot set the body to a unicode value

Occasionally see this problem when producing an error page. Here's an example

WebApp Error: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: You cannot set the body to a unicode value without a charset
URL: http://at.ckan.net/authorizationgroup/new
Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__
<<              __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ
                   sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response)
                   app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
                   return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__
<<                                                     self.cache_manager)
               environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager
               return self.app(environ, start_response)
>>  return self.app(environ, start_response)
Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__
<<                          headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))
                   return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
               return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
           def _get_session(self):
>>  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__
<<                  environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1]
               response = self.app(environ, start_response)
               # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already
>>  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__
               controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response)
               response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
               if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,
>>  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch
<<          if log_debug:
                   log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")
               return controller(environ, start_response)
           def load_test_env(self, environ):
>>  return controller(environ, start_response)
Module ckan.lib.base:117 in __call__
<<          # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']    
                   return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
>>  return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.controllers.core:284 in __call__
<<              if log_debug:
                       log.debug("Calling Response object to return WSGI data")
                   return response(environ, self.start_response)
               if log_debug:
>>  return response(environ, self.start_response)
Module webob.exc:248 in __call__
<<              return []
               if not self.body and not self.empty_body:
                   return self.generate_response(environ, start_response)
               return Response.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
>>  return self.generate_response(environ, start_response)
Module webob.exc:239 in generate_response
<<              status=self.status,
               return resp(environ, start_response)
>>  content_type=content_type
Module webob.response:94 in __init__
<<                  if charset is None:
                           raise TypeError(
                               "You cannot set the body to a unicode value without a charset")
                       body = body.encode(charset)
                   self._body = body
>>  "You cannot set the body to a unicode value without a charset")
TypeError: You cannot set the body to a unicode value without a charset
1312889084000000 1312897724000000
#1284 defect dread rgrp closed fixed Lots of revisions being created on datahub.org

Revisions aren't assigned to packages. Where are they coming from? This seems to have been occurring since the upgrade to 1.4.3b a couple of weeks ago?

1314113015000000 1315215626000000
#1308 defect shevski dread closed fixed 'create package' user case failure

On the CKAN home page there is no suggestion that you can add or register a dataset. The 'Register a dataset' option has been removed at some point! (only visible to users that have registered - why would they do that when the benefits aren't described?)

1315219500000000 1323174312000000
#1313 enhancement zephod dread closed duplicate Tweaks to captcha configuration

Awesome to have the captcha implementation and running on thedatahub.org! Here are some further suggestions concerning the config options, before this goes into a release:

  • Document "ckan.recaptcha.publickey" and "ckan.recaptcha.privatekey" in doc/configuration.rst
  • Which one config option defines whether recaptcha is enabled? There is disagreement between the template and the lib. Maybe better to have a third option for this. When setting the syntax for this, I can see us wanting to use captcha for other operations, like package edit, package create, group create etc. so perhaps we'd want to be able to turn each one on/off separately, using the name of the logic action. e.g. ckan.recaptcha.enable = user_create, group_create
  • We got this exception last night from the template:
    Module ?:37 in <Expression u'g.recaptcha_publickey'>
    <<          <dd><input type="password" name="password2" value="" /></dd>
                   <dd py:if="g.recaptcha_publickey">
                     <script type="text/javascript"
    >>  <dd py:if="g.recaptcha_publickey">
    Module genshi.template.eval:324 in lookup_attr
    <<                      val = obj[key]
                           except (KeyError, TypeError):
                               val = cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
                   return val
    >>  val = cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
    Module genshi.template.eval:410 in undefined
    <<          """Raise an ``UndefinedError`` immediately."""
                   __traceback_hide__ = True
                   raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
    >>  raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
    UndefinedError: <ckan.lib.app_globals.Globals object at 0xb8f1182c> has no member named "recaptcha_publickey"

I'm not sure why - might be something to do with the maintenance on the server, but worth double checking, since we don't want exceptions, say if one or other config variable is not defined.

1315395185000000 1317076432000000
#1316 defect kindly dread closed fixed /api/action uncaught exception if missing necessary parameter
curl http://ckan.net/api/action/package_show -d '{"name": "uk-quango-data"}'

This gives 500 error due to KeyError? (it looked for the 'id' param), rather than 400.

1315397224000000 1338193724000000
#1322 enhancement dread assigned Action API improvements

Focusing on improving Action API as the v3 API:

  • have an optional parameter of the data_dict called "options". Options would contain items that would get passed into the context. e.g. {"options" : {"ref_package_by": "id"}}.
  • instead of using API version to change the way packages are referenced, use the ref_package_by.
  • All package_show, group_show etc. to accept an object 'name' as an alternative to object 'id'.
  • Action API is v3 of api, replacement for v1 & v2. Default for most urls is still v1, but if url is /api/action then default to v3.

Next steps:

  • Add search API (package, resource,
  • Add Util API
  • Clarify JSONP still applies
  • Add doc strings, clarifying parameters
1315474749000000 1340191088000000
#1328 defect minspamboks@… assigned Unicode & paster commands

A possible bug in CKAN when I tried deleting users using "paster --plugin=ckan user delete" command.

To reproduce the bug do the following:

  1. Create a user with an ID (which in my case was a user's full name)

that contains non-unicode caracters like Norwegian "æ", "ø", or "å".

  1. Make sure that you can see something like the example below:

(pyenv) rm@mycomputer:$ paster --plugin=ckan user Users: name=Rustæm

  1. Then try deleting the user with following command:

(pyenv) rm@mycomputer:$ paster --plugin=ckan user delete "Rustæm"

You should now get a python encoding error. I know that this is quite rare case, but in our case it caused some trouble. Could you guys have a look at this bug?

CKAN ver. 1.3.3.

1315823110000000 1340191065000000
#1331 defect dread dread closed worksforme Setting a tag twice causes exception

To reproduce:

  1. Create a package with two tags the same: "bulk bulk"
  2. Click 'save'
  3. 500 ERROR - 'Server Error'
1315905959000000 1325355631000000
#1332 defect dread closed fixed i18n IndexError exceptions

We get this i18n error for the URL http://no.ckan.net/authorizationgroup (which runs 1.4.2 with Norwegian translation). I'm not sure why it occurs. Fixing it is low importance though, because this site doesn't use Authorization Group feature

Usually caused by bots. The user does not appear to be logged in.

WebApp Error: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>: list index out of range
Module genshi.filters.i18n:177 in _generate
<<                  msgbuf.append(*previous)
                       previous = None
                   for event in msgbuf.translate(gettext(msgbuf.format())):
                       yield event
                   if previous:
>>  for event in msgbuf.translate(gettext(msgbuf.format())):
Module genshi.filters.i18n:1029 in translate
<<                      )
               parts = parse_msg(string)
               parts_counter = {}
               for order, string in parts:
>>  parts = parse_msg(string)
Module genshi.filters.i18n:1143 in parse_msg
<<      if string:
               parts.append((stack[-1], string))
           return parts
>>  parts.append((stack[-1], string))
IndexError: list index out of range
1315906429000000 1315999104000000
#1335 enhancement kindly dread closed fixed Action API - basic

Provide an API to the logic layer at /api/action.

1315910021000000 1315910117000000
#1345 enhancement kindly nils.toedtmann closed fixed Investigate possible memory leak

There is some evidence pointing to CKAN handling memory inefficiently or even leaking under certain conditions:

When we migrated ckan.net/thedatahub.org from eu7.okfn.org (32bit) to s053.okserver.org (64bit) (ticket) we experienced extraordinary memory usage peaks (ticket). Here are the observed value with Apache default settings:

  • eu7, mpm-prefork: base level ~0.6GB, peaks up to 2GB
  • s055, mpm-prefork: base level ~1GB, peaks up to 4GB
  • s055, mpm-worker: base level ~1.5GB, peaks up to 6GB

William reduced the life-time of a WSGI CKAN process from 500 requests down to 25 requests (changeset). This (together with two other tweaks) changed the situation drastically:

  • s055, mpm-event: base level ~1.4GB, no peaks

This suggests that the more requests a CKAN processes serves over time, the more memory it consumes, aka bad memory management or a leak.

To prove this theory, one could reduce the total number of WSGI CKAN processes as much as possible without killing the performance (e.g. down to processes=3), and then observing the relation between maximum-requests=25...500 and memory consumption.

On 14/09/11 17:49, David Read wrote:

Someone to do a bit of top-down memory-use profiling would be very useful. Also useful would be something in the tests that reported what test cases use lots of memory - this could be in the nose plugin.


1316041450000000 1343215489000000
#1367 defect dread dread closed fixed PyPI ckan broken

manifest.cfg was not included in the pypi package, causing InvalidRepositoryError? when you do 'paster db init'.

Appears to affect most CKAN PyPI releases up to and including 1.4.3.

1317379931000000 1317394273000000
#1385 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Resolve postgres permissions issues

Currently there is a problem because the docs guide us to set the sqlalchemy url to use 'localhost' i.e. loopback, whereas paster commands don't specify '-h localhost' so use unix sockets (you need to do 'sudo -u postgres'). These should be the same.

Also do we need to tell people to add a line to their postgres authentication config /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf to help things? Florian suggests:

local   std         std                          md5


1318418537000000 1326218703000000
#1395 defect seanh closed fixed "Import Error: cannot import name UnicodeMultiDict" when installing ckan from source

At the paster db init command when installing ckan from source I get the error "Import Error: cannot import name UnicodeMultiDict?" (happens with both ckan 1.4.2 and today's latest bleeding edge code, on Ubuntu 10.04.3).

UnicodeMultiDict? has been removed in a recent version of python-webob, and the pip install ... lucid_missing.txt causes a too-new version of python-webob to be installed into ckan's virtualenv (the new webob gets installed as a dependency of formalchemy).

I manually did pip uninstall webob and then ran paster db init again and it worked.

1318520183000000 1320857823000000
#1422 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Remove proxy & etag caching

Rufus decided this was more trouble than it was worth.

Removes ckan/lib/cache.py

1319639663000000 1319645722000000
#1425 enhancement zephod dread closed fixed Dataset delete button

From Jonathan gray:

At the moment to delete a package you have to go to 'state' and change from 'active' to 'deleted'.

For me this was not very obvious, and someone recently wrote to me about this too.

Its a small issue - but unless you know what 'state: active' refers to, its not obvious what this means, nor that this is where to go if you want to delete a package.

From UI perspective this could be replaced by either a trash can or some text that says 'delete', perhaps with some prompt that explains what happens when you delete a package - explaining that non-admins won't be able to see it, and how you purge, etc.

1319649860000000 1330085282000000
#1441 defect dread dread closed fixed Use local ckan logo image

Using local image rather than the same image at assets.okfn.org reduces dependency on another server that may be down, slow or remote. James agrees.

1320234597000000 1320235062000000
#1448 enhancement kindly kindly closed fixed Set up nice way to do celery deployment.

Celery is awkward to deply, need to find a way to do it more simply. i.e using celery-pylons and supervisor. A modified version of celery-pylons may be the best solution. 1d

1320666977000000 1325774155000000
#1452 enhancement dread dread closed wontfix Offer detected browser language, rather than auto-switch

There are issues with setting the site's language according to the browser detection:

  • Many browsers have the language setting incorrectly set. e.g. people who download US versions of Mozilla, pirated US copies in the far east.
  • Although thedatahub.org has a worldwide audience, many CKAN instances are designed for a particular country's citizens. So Open Berlin should probably be in German as default for all.

I suggest the site should have a default language saved in the config. The browser language *should* be detected, and that prompts a flash message offering to change to that language. And if you change language that is saved in the cookie (as we currently do).

Then do some testing to see if this suits people.

1320682652000000 1340190587000000
#1460 enhancement rgrp assigned Improve extensions documentation

Current extensions documentation needs some work: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/plugins.html

  • Queue extension section may now be out of date (?)
  • Think about how it integrates with https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-example (especially tutorial and example extension)
  • Document all plugin points (auto-extract from CKAN source??)
1321114523000000 1340191001000000
#1461 defect pudo closed fixed CkanClient doesn't submit auth headers for GET requests

e.g. package_register_get.

1321354037000000 1321359503000000
#1485 enhancement kindly kindly closed fixed Package/Group form extension mechanism so you can add forms for particular package_types

We want to be able to change form depending on package type or group type.

This is dependent on a type field being added to the Package and the Group.

1322059169000000 1340034422000000
#1486 defect seanh seanh closed fixed "allow_partial_update" option does not work with resource lists of packages
  1. Call ckan.logic.action.update:package_update()
  2. Pass in a context dict with "allow_partial_update":True
  3. Pass in a partial data dict containing only the package's ID and those fields that you want to update (e.g. title).

=> All of the package's resource will have their statuses changed to "deleted".

The "allow_partial_update" option should apply to the resource lists of packages, but it does not.

1322061318000000 1323172027000000
#1491 defect seanh dread closed fixed Visible strings need internationalisation

Sean spotted that some strings need internationalising, such as flash messages. Generally all strings that appear on the web front-end should be internationalised.

Particular places that need i18n:

  • ckan/controllers/admin
  • ckan/lib/base

Note: there are some exceptions, such as in i18n.py, very obscure error messages and stuff that only appears on the API.

NB: there is a cost in making a string internationalisable (all our volunteers have to translate it), so we should not be too zealous. We should also look at the i18n/ckan.pot to see if any of the existing strings can be reused.

1322481000000000 1330020630000000
#1492 defect kindly dread closed wontfix Interference between extra and relationship fields in API

From Jan Kučera <elquenor@…>

I have also tried to use extras fields to store information about relationships between datasets. I found out that if you first add relationship using CKAN API into dataset relationships attribute and than you add extras field for the same relationship with key in format "parent_of:dataset_name" or "child_of:dataset_name", storing this extras field will clear all relationships in relationships attribute stored earlier.

I might be some kind of bug but I suppose you will know better. Is it possible to use relationships attribute and extras field for relationships at the same time?

1322481496000000 1340034528000000
#1509 defect dread assigned Mis-dated old revisions of datasets

e.g. http://thedatahub.org/dataset/osm%402011-07-12T12%3A16%3A47.590358 gives:

This is the current revision of this dataset, as edited at 2011-07-12 12:16.

but it should say the date 2011-07-12 (which is the data being displayed).

The problem is looking at PackageRevision?, when it might be a tag or extra.

1323090398000000 1340190814000000
#1523 enhancement icmurray icmurray closed invalid [super]

Form refactor.

New create/edit package form wizard for DGU. See attached spec.

1323172661000000 1323172904000000
#1585 enhancement dread closed fixed Security fix

(details embargoed until 31/1/2012)

1324473465000000 1340633128000000
#1590 enhancement amercader amercader closed fixed Create customized feeds for the IATI Registry

We need a way to track changes on the registry (datasets edited or updated), globally and on a per country/publisher/etc. basis. RSS and Atom feeds are really popular, and after closing #191 and #1498 crating them from the search results should be fairly easy.

The following URLs are pretty self-explanatory:



As we need to implement custom wrappers for countries, publishers, etc, we might as well offer a fully customizable feed, e.g.:

http://localhost:5000/feed/custom.rss?q=activity_count:[* TO 100]

Apart from the actual feeds, there will be a small amount of work at the template level to add the links to the suitable pages (and maybe a generic page showing all available feeds)

1324486965000000 1326711608000000
#1610 enhancement ross ross closed duplicate Move webstore to Postgres instead of Sqlite

The default backing store for webstore should be Postgres and not sqlite. This was agreed as part of the #1574 storage changes and on http://ckan.okfnpad.org/newstorage

1325587341000000 1325852472000000
#1611 enhancement ross ross closed duplicate Implement auth API calls for webstore/external use

As part of #1574 we decided that it would be better for webstore (and future external services) to be able to authenticate simply with CKAN-Core.

Currently webstore access the CKAN database to obtain the key for the user but it would be better if this connection was not so tightly bound and that webstore used an API as any other external service might.

Need to discuss further with dread

1325590191000000 1325846987000000
#1621 defect seanh seanh closed fixed UnicodeDecodeError when validating user password

A test case is currently failing for me on master:

ERROR: ckan.tests.functional.test_user.TestUserController.test_user_create_unicode
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/seanh/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "/home/seanh/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/tests/functional/test_user.py", line 342, in test_user_create_unicode
    res = res.follow()
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/fixture.py", line 603, in follow
    return self.test_app.get(location, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/fixture.py", line 208, in get
    return self.do_request(req, status=status)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/fixture.py", line 389, in do_request
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/wsgilib.py", line 343, in raw_interactive
    app_iter = application(basic_environ, start_response)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/lint.py", line 170, in lint_app
    iterator = application(environ, start_response_wrapper)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/cascade.py", line 130, in __call__
    return self.apps[-1](environ, start_response)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/registry.py", line 350, in __call__
    app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/repoze/who/middleware.py", line 69, in __call__
    auth_ids = self.authenticate(environ, classification, ids)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/repoze/who/middleware.py", line 201, in authenticate
    userid = plugin.authenticate(environ, identity)
  File "/home/seanh/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/authenticator.py", line 29, in authenticate
    if user.validate_password(identity.get('password')):
  File "/home/seanh/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/model/user.py", line 113, in validate_password
    hashed_pass = sha1(password_8bit + self.password[:40])
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 12: ordinal not in range(128)

1326105806000000 1335878161000000
#1640 enhancement amercader dread closed fixed Setup publicdata.eu harvester for Serbian CKAN datasets

Set-up publicdata.eu to harvest datasets at rs.ckan.net (Serbian community CKAN).

1326370425000000 1327340939000000
#1651 enhancement johnglover dread closed fixed Explicit link mapper

In this commit https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/1772a5c John Glover set map.explicit=True in ckan/config/routing.py.

The reason this was done was to avoid links collecting parameters. e.g. if you were on page /dataset/{id}/resource/{resource_id} then by default all the links on that page generated by url_for (Routes) would include the id and resource_id parameters as well. To avoid this, you had to go through all the links and add id=None and resource_id=None to the url_for parameters.

When map.explicit was changed to True, the value of the controller, action, id and any parameters were no longer automatically carried over into the generated links for the page. So previously links within the same controller didn't need to specify the controller (for example), but now they did. So when we did this we also had to fix up links that weren't explicit:

John made the config change on 5/11/2011 which was merged to master https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/5a01e67 21/11/2011. The related fixes mentioned were in within the same week. This all went into release 1.5.1. The requirement

1326709852000000 1326711005000000
#1656 enhancement ross closed duplicate Configuration for reverse proxying

Provide configuration for reverse proxying that will correctly handle the mapping of a URL to a sub-folder (using X-SCRIPT-NAME)

  • Analysis of the best solution [1d]
  • Implement reverse proxying in tandem with #1653 [2d]
  • Document and store the configuration files. [1d]
1326711575000000 1326711659000000
#1657 enhancement ross ross closed wontfix Configuration for reverse proxying

Provide configuration for reverse proxying that will correctly handle the mapping of a URL to a sub-folder (using X-SCRIPT-NAME)

  • Analysis of the best solution [1d]
  • Implement reverse proxying in tandem with #1653 [2d]
  • Document and store the configuration files. [1d]
1326711580000000 1338206640000000
#1658 enhancement ross ross closed wontfix Implement proxy caching

Implement proxy caching for performance gains

  • Analysis of best solution and what we can deliver in a reasonable time [2d]
  • Checks for presence of cookie 'auth_tkt' and appropriate setup for media [2d]
  • Remove session requirements for user who isn't logged in [3d]

  • Document the configuration and setup so that it can be easily modified and replicated [1d]
1326712354000000 1338206622000000
#1662 defect dread closed wontfix OpenID not compatible with mounting CKAN at non-root URL

Mounting CKAN at a non-root URL was made to work properly here: #1659

Unfortunately OpenID doesn't play nicely and would require some work to get working.

1326730366000000 1326730414000000
#1665 task seanh seanh closed fixed Begin doing research into eurovoc

How big is it? How are we going to store it? etc.

1326795828000000 1329742600000000
#1680 enhancement ross ross closed wontfix Group refactor top level element

The new group refactor allows for a hierarchy of groups where each group has a type - to be able to implement a tree of groups.

It will need a flag within the group to denote that it is a top level group, to circumvent the need to determine whether the group is a child of a parent node (for a specific use case - a publisher representing the department that only contains publishers).

Suggest 'is_top_level'

1326896362000000 1326900832000000
#1681 enhancement ross ross closed fixed Core storage document

Document all of the changes and usage for #1574 so that we can mark it 'done done'.

Make sure we document any setup issues/processes and the settings.py setup required for CKAN so that Mark can announce next week and it should be easily deployable/testable.

Internal (perhaps in README somewhere or wiki): how does process work, where does data end up and in what order etc

External: here's how to configure it and here's what you get ... (goes in main sphinx docs)

1326904939000000 1338202930000000
#1687 enhancement ross ross closed invalid Deploy new storage changes from master to datahub

We need to deploy the new storage changes (and webstore) to thedatahub for further testing

1327056976000000 1329338671000000
#1689 enhancement kindly dread assigned List deleted datasets in API

The admin extension allows deleted datasets to be viewed, but there is no equivalent in the API. The package_list API call filters to just 'state=active' datasets.

'state' could be a parameter on the package_list call

  • Easy to call and implement
  • But getting permissions right for the different state values may not be easy - maybe a separate logic function is better?
1327062214000000 1340190040000000
#1690 enhancement ross ross closed fixed Rename storage settings with the ckan prefix

Missed the ckan prefix on the storage settings names so this needs to be fixed.

1327064844000000 1327066713000000
#1693 defect ross ross closed fixed register_pluggable_behaviour should not be in routing

We should try and move register_pluggable_behaviour into environment and out of routing as it is causing import issues when using simple search.

These functions already take a map and so they should be fine any time after the call to make_map

1327321474000000 1338206601000000
#1695 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Relationships - improvements

Suggested by Richard Cyganiak in http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2012-January/001977.html

1327323280000000 1330085001000000
#1718 defect aron.carroll dread closed fixed Deprecated JS properties used

I get this warning when viewing the home page:

event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future.

CKAN: latest master Browser: Chrome Ubuntu

Minor, but worth checking?

1327665842000000 1340703280000000
#1793 enhancement ross ross closed duplicate Publisher changes

Changes to publishers for customer

1329214299000000 1329214522000000
#1794 enhancement ross ross closed fixed Publisher changes

Changes to publishers for customer that would otherwise clutter up the master branch.

1329214301000000 1332148972000000
#1795 enhancement ross ross closed wontfix Add approval_status to Package (as for Group)

The Package model should have a approval_status as the Group model does. See migration 049.

1329234060000000 1338206587000000
#1798 defect dread closed fixed API search in non-q fields has exception for unicode characters

You get an exception if you use the API to search packages and specify a non-ascii character in a field other than q.

For example:


This "N-dash" (Unicode character 2013) causes this exception:

Module ckan.controllers.api:460 in search
<<                      if ver in u'12':
                               # Otherwise, put all unrecognised ones into the q parameter
                               params = convert_legacy_parameters_to_solr(params)
                           query = query_for(model.Package)
                           results = query.run(params)
>>  params = convert_legacy_parameters_to_solr(params)
Module ckan.lib.search.query:38 in convert_legacy_parameters_to_solr
<<      for search_key in non_solr_params:
               value_obj = legacy_params[search_key]
               value = str(value_obj).replace('+', ' ')
               if search_key == 'all_fields':
                   if value:
>>  value = str(value_obj).replace('+', ' ')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2013' in position 30: ordinal not in range(128)

This problem affects CKAN 1.5 and 1.5.1 only.

1329395420000000 1329395560000000
#1805 enhancement toby closed fixed Error pages do not translate

eg 404 page

create a 404 error via a bad url - translation links go to /document/error not the actual bad url

1329489216000000 1329760795000000
#2198 enhancement zydio closed fixed API documentation is missing Storage Metadata API info

Now that ckanext-storage is back into the core (v1.6), CKAN documentation should probably contain info on Storate Metadata API.

1330421743000000 1339771453000000
#2221 enhancement rgrp zephod closed fixed Tests are broken for some of us: NotAPairTreeStoreException

Since my last pull I'm getting a strange new error which is presumably to do with my local config or assumptions about the storage extension.

Test output here: https://gist.github.com/2007985

1331318781000000 1331561095000000
#2222 enhancement rgrp zephod closed duplicate Tests are broken for some of us: NotAPairTreeStoreException

Since my last pull I'm getting a strange new error which is presumably to do with my local config or assumptions about the storage extension.

Test output here: https://gist.github.com/2007985

1331318783000000 1331318825000000
#2253 enhancement toby toby closed wontfix CMAP [super]

Somewhere for CMAP stuff not in other tickets

need to create some general tickets

  • template changes
  • general demo server setup
1332341133000000 1340038490000000
#2254 enhancement toby toby closed fixed better hooks for templates

TD look at issues and then email ckan-dev

meeting notes from 21-3-2012 general ideas non specific


  • We want to remove the Transformer usage due to performance and its close tie to genshi
  • Want a standard way for core code and extensions to put code into the templates where *templates request it* (templates control insertion rather than extensions ...)
  • Stacking versus overwriting on entry points


  • placeholders or helper methods
  • {{user _info}} {{sub_menu}} is this equivalent to <span class="insert-user-info"></span>
    • [xyz arguments] -> h.load_snippet('xyz', ...)
  • ${h.snipit()}
1332341333000000 1338210316000000
#2256 enhancement toby toby closed fixed remove TDH from core

make core independent of TDH and make core as minimal app

1332513199000000 1336046098000000
#2263 enhancement amercader amercader closed fixed IATI: Get "Record updated" field from the registry

Don't provide a field in the form or spreadsheet import for this, just use dataset.metadata_modified.

1332766145000000 1332846807000000
#2355 enhancement toby toby closed fixed [super] make extensions cleaner
  • Do an analysis of why upgrades are problematic
  • What can we do better
  • Decide what to implement
1335885051000000 1338212946000000
#2367 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Style the analytics view counts on datasets

Currently an eye and a number, needs to look a little nicer.

1335892789000000 1336035031000000
#2372 task aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Create frontend style guide

This should cover formatting and best practices for HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

Perhaps this should sit in it's own repository (ckan-styleguides?) or gh-pages branch.

1336071043000000 1343220160000000
#2394 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Separate off create_test_data CLI

We need to separate the CLI part of CreateTestData? from the bit which creates test fixtures. This is because of the problem with imports and logging. Otherwise we have to do unpythonic things to get logging to work when deriving from CreateTestData? from an extension such as ecportal / dgu. I've only introduced logging into CreateTestData? but I think it is a good thing to have. This change doesn't cause breakages

1337159591000000 1337161917000000
#2417 enhancement toby aron.carroll closed fixed Clean up output for dataset search results

Currently due to the data structure the search result filters are output incorrectly. Repeating the facet with each tag.

See http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset?tags=fibre&tags=terrestrial&q=Africa

It outputs:

Tags: fibre Tags: terrestrial

It should be:

Tags: fibre terrestrial

1337793213000000 1337864155000000
#2418 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Facets disappear once selected

Currently facets in the new demo site disappear from the sidebar once they are selected.


Instead they should be marked with an "active" class and clicking the link should remove the filter in the same way as clicking the cross in a token below the search field works.

1337793330000000 1341833880000000
#2419 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Add dataset form needs hooking up to action/controller

Currently for some reason I'm not getting the errors/data dict in the package/new.html template.

1337793401000000 1343220027000000
#2420 enhancement toby toby closed fixed @depreciated decorator

create a depreciated decorator to wrap functions we intend to remove

logs a warning maybe check that 'depreciated' is included in the docstring too

1337858144000000 1337950422000000
#2421 enhancement aron.carroll toby closed fixed demo-theme pills break in dataset search

if pills cross onto 2 lines they split which they shouldn't to see just add some tags/formats till it breaks

1337865196000000 1343220041000000
#2422 defect kindly ross closed invalid Paster rights command appears broken

Reported in IRC by @floapps

In previous ckan versions i could use paster commands to remove reader rights from visitors on all packages and this would then throw the user to login screen when trying to see a dataset but, when i did this in ckan 1.7, i could still see all datasets as a visitor

Using http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/authorization.html#permissions-publisher-mode

paster rights remove visitor reader package:all

Also has an empty list of roles in config for default visitor roles

I tested on my local install and could replicate with that command doing nothing. Neither affects existing or newly created datasets.

1337937993000000 1337945204000000
#2471 enhancement johnmartin ross closed invalid ckan.org bug

If you go to http://ckan.org/features/geospatial/ there is a problem with the pop up tag shown (and zoomed in) - missing status and description.

1338229749000000 1352206679000000
#2482 defect toby toby closed fixed related items dataset page 500 error 1338468524000000 1338472932000000
#2496 enhancement toby toby closed fixed get debug fixed in demo branch


1339067709000000 1339418832000000
#2497 enhancement toby toby closed fixed abort loses language settings

if not logged in then go to add dataset url the language is lost

check if this is a ckan 1.7 issue

1339067855000000 1339421305000000
#2498 enhancement toby toby closed fixed on loggin redirect to requested page 1339067929000000 1339660986000000
#2511 enhancement aron.carroll toby closed fixed header logo should be link to / 1339513880000000 1339517817000000
#2514 enhancement ross seanh closed wontfix Follow/unfollow button looks weird

It's in the tab bar (maybe not the right place for a button? but I wanted it to be next to the follower tab and count) and doesn't like very much like a button

1339578189000000 1340959787000000
#2515 enhancement ross seanh closed fixed Related tab doesn't look selected when selected

The related tab on the dataset page doesn't change its appearance when selected like the other tabs do

1339578247000000 1340967971000000
#2522 enhancement aron.carroll toby closed fixed view user gatavar not sqaure

the user pic should be square on the user read page

1339604954000000 1341499095000000
#2535 enhancement rgrp assigned SSL certificate for DataHub + https by default

DataHub? is increasingly used and we should ensure it uses ssl as part of general security.

See also #1446 (Need to support https login for multiple instances as part of the CKAN package install)

1339758027000000 1346662082000000
#2601 defect ross seanh closed fixed 500 Server Error when editing datasets with organizations plugins enabled

Add the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins to ini file, run ckan, login, create an organization, create a dataset and put in organization, edit the dataset and set organization to none, try to edit the dataset again (you must be sysadmin to do this) and get a 500:

Error - <class 'genshi.template.eval.UndefinedError'>: [] has no member named "get"
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/weberror/errormiddleware.py', line 162 in __call__
  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 73 in __call__
  return self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 155 in __call__
  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/routes/middleware.py', line 130 in __call__
  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 125 in __call__
  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 324 in dispatch
  return controller(environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 221 in __call__
  res = WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 221 in __call__
  response = self._dispatch_call()
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 172 in _dispatch_call
  response = self._inspect_call(func)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 107 in _inspect_call
  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 60 in _perform_call
  return func(**args)
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/controllers/package.py', line 499 in edit
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 148 in render
  return cached_template(template_name, render_template, loader_class=loader_class)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/templating.py', line 249 in cached_template
  return render_func()
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 101 in render_template
  return literal(stream.render(method=method, encoding=None, strip_whitespace=True))
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/core.py', line 183 in render
  return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out=out)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 57 in encode
  return _encode(''.join(list(iterator)))
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 339 in __call__
  for kind, data, pos in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 670 in __call__
  for kind, data, pos in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 771 in __call__
  for kind, data, pos in chain(stream, [(None, None, None)]):
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 586 in __call__
  for ev in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/core.py', line 288 in _ensure
  for event in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py', line 605 in _include
  for event in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/markup.py', line 327 in _match
  for event in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py', line 545 in _flatten
  for kind, data, pos in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/directives.py', line 169 in _generate
  attrs = _eval_expr(self.expr, ctxt, vars)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py', line 277 in _eval_expr
  retval = expr.evaluate(ctxt)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/eval.py', line 178 in evaluate
  return eval(self.code, _globals, {'__data__': data})
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckanext/organizations/templates/organization_package_form.html', line 110 in <Expression u"{'selected':'selected'} if organization.get('id','') == group['id'] else {}">
  <option value="${group['id']}" py:attrs="{'selected':'selected'} if organization.get('id','') == group['id'] else {}">${group['title']}</option>
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/config/environment.py', line 248 in genshi_lookup_attr
  val = cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/eval.py', line 410 in undefined
  raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
UndefinedError: [] has no member named "get"
1340722754000000 1341291379000000
#2602 defect seanh closed fixed Users can set a dataset's organization to None, and then they cannot edit it

With the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins enabled login and create a new dataset, adding it to a group that you are a member of. Edit the dataset and set the group to none. Now you can no longer edit your own dataset. (You can also specify None for the organization when first creating the dataset, same problem.)

1340722892000000 1340805904000000
#2622 defect seanh new Login fails in Opera 12

Try to login to CKAN using Opera 12, get "Login failed. Bad username or password. (Or if using OpenID, it hasn't been associated with a user account.)"

1340902602000000 1340902602000000
#2623 enhancement ross seanh closed invalid Organization join/authorization buttons weirdness

Enable the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins. Start CKAN. Login and create a new organization. Logout. Login with a different account that is a sysadmin. Go to the organization you just created with the other account. There are Edit and Join buttons. Click on the Edit button, and the Join button changes to Authorization.

It should probably be an Authorization button right from the start if you are a sysadmin.

1341220902000000 1341232433000000
#2626 enhancement aron.carroll toby closed invalid ff render issue in edit dataset


the edit url button appears too high up

1341499419000000 1341499834000000
#2628 enhancement seanh seanh closed duplicate Add docs for upgrading a source install 1341585472000000 1343392717000000
#2635 enhancement dread new Non-destructive SOLR reindex

You can't run the search-index reindex on a live server because it will give us bad results for 2 to 3 hours while it runs. Can there be an option that doesn't delete the entire index at the start?

Instead it could just delete any items that don't exist any more, then delete them and regenerate them one by one. So the total number of datasets doesn't change much.

1341829394000000 1341829394000000
#2655 defect toby shevski closed fixed updating datasets loses data

Editing and saving a resource wipes the data from the dataset. Happened with http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/my-tes I clicked on edit, changed a tag, clicked update and the data was gone!

1341999482000000 1342001885000000
#2656 defect seanh dread new Feed with few results has bad paging link, causing exception

This page http://thedatahub.org/feeds/custom.atom?q=wombat has 0 results and contains a link to http://thedatahub.org/feeds/custom.atom?q=wombat&amp;page=0 which the page=0 causes this exception:

ckan.lib.search.common.SearchError'>: SOLR returned an error running query
Error: "'start' parameter cannot be negative"
1342001112000000 1342001112000000
#2666 enhancement aron.carroll toby closed fixed templates/package/resource_edit.html

There is a new template for editing resources outside of the add dataset logic

this is the template it just throws some crap onto the page at the moment - we need to create a form - the form will end up with the usual data/edit stuff but for now you can use the resource to populate the form and I can then change it to use data - I just want to know which fields we'll have


when done reassign to me and I'll get it functioning

1342084373000000 1343220176000000
#2673 enhancement rgrp new simplify set of options for resources

Far too many resource options. Lets restrict back to data file and API. Visualizations etc can either get linked in description or in the Related items.

1342300559000000 1342300559000000
#2683 enhancement seanh new Add no-cache header to _tracking API call's response to make sure it doesn't get cached 1342446577000000 1342446577000000
#2688 enhancement ross new Allow ordering of groups in WUI

Currently the group_index page just shows the entire list of groups, forcing the ordering to be by name. It would be better if it could be sortable by name (or reversed) or by package_count (or reversed)

1342520875000000 1342520875000000
#2709 enhancement icmurray markw new Atom feeds are undocumented

There doesn't seem to be any documentation yet for Atom feeds.

1342624310000000 1342626212000000
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.