{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (201 - 300 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#72 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Integrate new logo

Integrate new logo from http://wiki.okfn.org/ckan/logo into site:

  • In title

Also can do favicon (separate ticket:48)

Cost: 1h

1246441021000000 1251451954000000
#74 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Add Is It Open links to package pages

On each package page in the openness field if the package is not open provide a link to is it open create enquiry page.


  • may want to add to the url a query parameter indicating which package this relates to e.g. ?ckan-package=...
  • http://isitopen.ckan.net/enquiry/create/?ckan-package=...
  • do we provide link even if package is open (e.g. so that people can make enquiries about e.g. adding open data/content buttons ...)

Cost: 0.5h

1247828218000000 1250182938000000
#76 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Convert to use formalchemy for all forms

Current form stuff is not very good (uses formencode). Switch to formalchemy would improve this, especially on validation.

As an extra we could utilize the formalchemy pylons admin interface (pretty much for free).

Cost: 12h


  1. Replace htmlfill and formencode extract in controllers/templates with formalchemy
    1. Crude and simple
    2. Suppress unwanted fields (revision, state, all revisions) and sort out ordering to be similar to before.
    3. Sort out tag field with a special renderer
  2. Validation - testing definitely required.
  3. Fix up description and pretty css etc
1247829041000000 1251301765000000
#79 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Improvements to package search

Several things:

  • Default package search (used e.g. on front page) should deal well with multiple items: "abc xyz" means search for both abc and xyz (as separate searches)
  • Should automatically display a list of matching tags in a line at top with number of associated packages
  • have an option to only search for fully open material (or openly licensed material ...)

Since we should be moving to a more sophisticated search solution anyway (to allow prioritisation etc) maybe we should cautious as to what we do now.

1247829864000000 1265890806000000
#80 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Refactor or remove modes code

Get rid of modes in the RESTful API. Do json stuff directly in controllers.

  • package will have to_dict and from_dict methods (called by rest controller) which provide and consume JSON friendly dictionaries representing the object. from_dict - class_method. stuff in forms for tags as_string, maybe factor out. reuse validation stuff.
1247844263000000 1265890912000000
#91 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Add author and maintainer attributes to package

Add the following attributes to package:

  • author, author_email
  • maintainer, maintainer_email

Gives us full compatibility to: http://docs.python.org/distutils/setupscript.html#additional-meta-data

Column ordering - should come after name, title, url, download_url.

1249049780000000 1250864156000000
#93 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Access control for packages

Should be able to limit ability to a user's ability to do things with packages (read, edit etc). This is a big ticket (it may required splitting) and full details are in separate wiki page: AccessControl.

Cost: 8d

1249055049000000 1253613274000000
#94 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Use sqlalchemy-migrate to handle db/model upgrades

Details of how to go about this here <http://www.rufuspollock.org/2009/07/27/sqlalchemy-migrate-with-pylons/>

Cost: 2h

1249134185000000 1250604808000000
#105 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Package groups (view)

As a user I want to be able to create groups of packages.

This functionality is different from tags:

  • The ability to add a package to a given group is restricted whereas anyone can add a given tag to a package
  • Specifically groups have owners and only the owners can add a package to that group

Group properties

  • id (primarykey, uuid style)
  • name (restricted content - same rules as package)
  • title (no restrictions)
  • owners -- many:many with user object
  • description (markdown)
  • packages -- many:many with package object

Don't version groups for now.

Groups address in the WUI will be:

  • /group - browse list of groups (reuse list action)
  • /group/list - same thing for now
  • /group/<groupname> - display: group properties with links to packages. No links to user pages (yet).

Group editing and searching will be another ticket.

Cost: 3d

1251392282000000 1252488496000000
#108 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Package search in the REST API

Add package search facility in the rest api at /api/search

Queries can be provided as for the normal package search either by posting to that url or by performing a get with a query string.

E.g. .../api/search/package?q=xyz

Query parameters:

  • q is keyword string (searches name, title, tags by default)
    • split by words and ANDed
  • additional parameters for specific fields
  • qjson is alternative to q for Searching by specific fields (in addition to keyword string). Payload to json is a JSON-encoded dict which is a dictionary with a q field for free text (keywords) and additional key/value pairs for specific fields
    • if q and qjson specified ignore q and just process qjson value

Additional parameters in addition to query ("q" or "qjson") are:

  • limit
  • offset
  • fullinfo=0/1 - return full record for each result (default=0)
  • order_by=field_name
  • search_notes=0/1 (default 0) do we search notes field in a keyword search

Return value is json encoded dictionary with keys:

  • 'results': list of results
  • 'count': total number of results

Extras (for the future)

  • Prioritisation is not part of this ticket (requires fulltext support in DB or in external app such as Xapian)
1251915845000000 1252340511000000
#110 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Integrate groups into packages
  1. Package needs a groups property (backref Group.packages).
  2. Put groups in the search api.
  3. Display them on the package, but not editable. (Only editable from the group page.)

Follow up to ticket:105 (Groups).

Cost: 1d

1252315956000000 1252488660000000
#111 enhancement rgrp dread v0.10 closed fixed Create user object

Object properties:

  • id (uuid)
  • apikey (uuid) -- migrated from the apikey table
  • name (username = openid)

/account is being renamed to /user in the wui.

1252315994000000 1252331626000000
#114 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - model

Create in the model basic operation of Access Control.

roles table

name | context | action
admin| package | edit
admin| package | edit-permissions
admin| package | read
editor| package | update
editor| package | read
reader| package | read
This data is set-up on db init and will have no interface.

user-roles table:

username | context_type | objectid | role
rgrp     | system  | n/a | admin
visitor  | package | * | reader
bob      | package | geonames | admin
visitor  | package | geonames | editor
visitor  | package | geonames | reader
john     | group | ukgov | admin
dread    | group | ukgov | editor
visitor  | group | ukgov | reader
This data will be added when someone is given permissions for the system, a package or a group.

Pseudo code:

class Package

def is_allowed(name, action):

is_allowed(name, action, context=self)

class Group

def is_allowed(name, action):

is_allowed(name, action, context=self)

def is_allowed(name, action, context=None): name: string - a username or IP for 'visitor'

action: string - 'read', 'edit', 'delete', 'edit-permissions' context: object - a Group or a Package or None (which means system)

# look up user from name. # look up in user-roles table what roles this user has for this context. # for each roles, look up in roles table what actions are allowed. # return True if action is allowed, else False.

1252494527000000 1253034529000000
#115 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - wui constrained by model

Based on a section of AccessControl design: Reading and writing to packages in the WUI and REST API are now dependent on the authz tables.

1253034394000000 1253091426000000
#116 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - edited in wui

Based on a section of AccessControl design: WUI gives controls to user and administrator to change permissions on a package.

1253034802000000 1253709460000000
#117 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - group core functionality

Based on a section of AccessControl design: Group reads and edits are controlled by access control. WUI and REST interfaces covered.

1253271333000000 1254735855000000
#118 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Use paginate in webhelpers

Take out import of paginate in setup.py. Use paginate in webhelpers instead. Make changes to take account of any i/f changes.

1253273657000000 1253784902000000
#119 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Ensure non-active packages don't show up

Ensure pending packages don't show up in search or browse

cost: 4h

1253529414000000 1253791147000000
#120 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Security audit

Look for all places where model is accessed and check authorization is checked.

Document holes (and, as necessary, suggestions for fixes) as new tickets. Likely areas that need looking at:

  • search i/f
  • package WUI commit

Write holes are obviously much more significant to us than read holes.

1253529427000000 1254406544000000
#121 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Add 'Group' to main menu

And associated page to browse group.

1253694827000000 1253716782000000
#122 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Add Group authz page 1253694842000000 1253716757000000
#123 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Ability to edit Group in WUI

Add Group editing page.

If no permissions to change group can't edit group. Also cannot view edit page.

Editable attributes: name, title, description

No preview needed

1253708041000000 1254321447000000
#126 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Change package state in the WUI (delete and undelete)

As a Package Admin I want to change the state of the package. In particular I wish to delete and undelete it.

(NB: this is quite separate from "purging" objects which is the term we shall use for irrevocable removal of an object from the domain model).

  • Only Package Admins (and sysadmins) should be able to change state

Implementation Suggestions

  • 'delete' action should be renamed to 'change-state' (NB: this requires a db migration ...)
  • Have new package formalchemy form (created via inheritance?) to incorporate state attribute. Suggest this is rendered as a dropdown (and may be simple object rendering of state, i.e. do NOT need to change it to a single name such 'active').
  • This form should then be used when the user satisfies is_authorized(..., model.Action.CHANGE_STATE) instead of the usual fieldset
1253789571000000 1254740244000000
#127 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Minor form and UI improvements
  • group form: description field for needs to be a text area
  • group form: make title and name field wider
  • package view: need to move tags and license above notes
1253798659000000 1253868048000000
#130 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Create a New Group via the WUI

As a


I want to

Create a new group via the WUI


  • locate at /group/new/
  • You must be logged in to create a group
  • Group creator is automatically given role of group admin
  • Edit screen is same as edit screen ...
1254130212000000 1254735501000000
#131 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Groups REST interface

Controlling Groups through a REST interface.

1254307959000000 1254308115000000
#985 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed duplicate Harvest other data catalogues
  • data.london.gov.uk (1d, ping DERI)
  • catalogues from Paris and Vienna (1d)


  • digitaliser.dk (1d)
  • data-publica.com (2d)
  • data.suomi.fi (2d)
  • dati.piedmonte.it (1d)
  • portalu.de (2d)
1297679799000000 1306408134000000
#1155 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Harvester for data.london.gov.uk

Write a harvester for data.london.gov.uk to import catalogue metadata into PDEU. API (or at least documentation) is available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/londondatastore/files/

1306337318000000 1306773174000000
#1156 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Scraping harvesters for Paris and Vienna Catalogues

Import metadata from both sources into PDEU via the Harvesting framework but by scraping their respective catalogue pages.

1306337428000000 1306855111000000
#1157 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed A simple theme for publicdata.eu, CKAN

Change the visual style of CKAN to be more like these sites:

This does not include major UX work.

1306337573000000 1309804029000000
#1158 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Put PDEU into read-only mode and remove unneeded functions

PDEU should be in a mode where:

  • Users cannot edit or create packages
  • Users cannot sign up on their own
  • AuthorizationGroups? and RevisionHistory? is completely gone from the UI
  • Groups have been repurposed as Subjects
1306337786000000 1309804060000000
#1159 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Add RDFa to CKAN package pages

RDFa can be used as a simple way to expose linked data or at least sameAs the API version of the data but we need to make sure we do not expose anything different from the "official" representation.

1306337907000000 1307615133000000
#1160 enhancement amercader amercader pdeu-1 closed wontfix Havest CSW servers on PDEU

It could be interesting for the publicdata.eu project to add some CSW datasources. Thanks to the INSPIRE directive, there are quite a few national catalogs of geodata that could be worth harvesting. Work on this should include:

  • Compose Endpoint List (1d)
  • Harvest on staging system and evaluate which sources have useful material (2d)

First point is being performed in this GDoc: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Atp3cZFjuIOAdDBVQWRINnlfN1d0b2lleHVEdjBSb2c&authkey=CNu4hsEB&hl=en_US#gid=0

1306407271000000 1309804038000000
#1161 requirement pudo amercader pdeu-1 closed duplicate Build a simplified theme for PDEU

We need to offer a strongly simplified version, read-only of CKAN under publicdata.eu, with a focus on its role as search engine instead of a data catalogue.

This ticket relates to work on the PDEU theme only!

1306407835000000 1306408026000000
#1162 enhancement amercader amercader pdeu-1 closed fixed Define a common extra for storing the geographic extent

We need a common extra across the different harvested sources that defines the extent of the data. We will have mainly national level catalogues, but also at a lower level (region, city).

Relevant discussion: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2011-May/001245.html

1306408704000000 1308647187000000
#1164 enhancement amercader amercader pdeu-1 closed fixed Cloropleth Map of European Data Availability for PDEU

A nice map in the homepage showing the availability of data across Europe

1306408824000000 1308647224000000
#1173 enhancement amercader amercader pdeu-1 closed fixed Offer a DCat representation for packages in the API

/api/rest/package/foo.rdf should return a DCat representation of the package. To create it, we will use the functions in ckanext-rdf.

1306939639000000 1307615271000000
#1174 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed wontfix API Representation Registry

As CKAN grows, more and more optional representations of packages will become used. Besides RDF (which is the motivation for this ticket), support for DSPL, home-grown XML, or CSV listings is imaginable.

To properly support this CKAN should have an extensible representation registry that can be extended when new output types become available (and without changing the API in the process). This needs to integrate in two places:

  • We need to add support for file format extensions to the package handler and REST API.
  • We need to add HTTP content type negotiation (Accept headers).

To support this we should have a registry with two registers:

  • to map format extensions to mime types (e.g. "json" -> "application/json")
  • to map mime types and entity types to converter functions (e.g. 8"application/json", ckan.model.Package) -> func(obj, mime_type) )

This should be set up on load_environment so that IConfigurer plugins can feed into it.

The registry should then first be added to _finish in the REST API (which needs to be refactored to be passed the {format} part of the URL if one is given. Based on the format part and HTTP headers, an appropriate representation can be generated by the registry and then be returned to the user.

Forwarding of requests to the regular WUI controllers with Accept headers set or a format specified can be implemented in a separate effort.

1307050992000000 1307615200000000
#2547 enhancement shevski ross opendatasuite 2 assigned ODS Initial data sets


The ODS demo site will need data adding, initially as fixtures but it would also be useful if we started evaluating datasets that we can ship with ODS installations (at least in the UK) from places such as DGU and ONS.

May wish to create a ticket for making sure the datasets within the system are reset every X hours. Perhaps.



User Stories

  • As a new system administrator for an ODS instance, I don't want to have a site devoid of any data. Geographically relevant datasets would be welcomed.
  • As a bizdev person I would like to be able to demonstrate how ODS works with real datasets.


[ ] Identify relevant sources for datasets

[ ] Pick datasets

[ ] Set them up for import


1340016906000000 1340705614000000
#2380 enhancement ross ross opendatasuite 1 closed duplicate DataGM Upgrade

Provide a new test install of DataGM based on the ODS demo site being completed through June.

1337002144000000 1340627558000000
#2545 requirement ross ross opendatasuite 1 closed fixed Need to build DataGM site based on ODS


We need to clone the demo ODS site for DataGM as soon as we have a mostly working demo so that the DataGM team can try it out and comment/feedback on functionality.



User Stories



[ ] Deploy demo DataGM site.


1340016640000000 1344337973000000
#2596 enhancement toby aron.carroll opendatasuite 1 closed fixed Create demo extension

Should have all supported extensions enabled, those that don't work should be disabled and ticketed. Also needs a customised homepage.

1340642315000000 1345209485000000
#2609 enhancement toby aron.carroll opendatasuite 1 closed fixed Demo theme errors when creating a dataset without a resource
  1. Complete step one of add dataset
  2. Click next without adding any resource data.

Page errors.

URL: http://localhost:5000/dataset/new_resource/asdasd
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/weberror/evalexception.py', line 431 in respond
  app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 147 in __call__
  resp = self.call_func(req, *args, **self.kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 208 in call_func
  return self.func(req, *args, **kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fanstatic/publisher.py', line 234 in __call__
  return request.get_response(self.app)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1053 in get_response
  application, catch_exc_info=False)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1022 in call_application
  app_iter = application(self.environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 147 in __call__
  resp = self.call_func(req, *args, **self.kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 208 in call_func
  return self.func(req, *args, **kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fanstatic/injector.py', line 52 in __call__
  response = request.get_response(self.app)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1053 in get_response
  application, catch_exc_info=False)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1022 in call_application
  app_iter = application(self.environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 73 in __call__
  return self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 152 in __call__
  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/routes/middleware.py', line 130 in __call__
  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 125 in __call__
  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 324 in dispatch
  return controller(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 258 in __call__
  res = WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 221 in __call__
  response = self._dispatch_call()
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 172 in _dispatch_call
  response = self._inspect_call(func)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 107 in _inspect_call
  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 60 in _perform_call
  return func(**args)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/package.py', line 495 in new_resource
  get_action('resource_create')(context, data)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/logic/action/create.py', line 240 in resource_create
  raise ValidationError(errors, _error_summary(errors))
ValidationError: {u'URL': u'Missing value'}


1340810211000000 1340900271000000
#11 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater milestone16 closed fixed Delete package

As a

Authenticated user

I want to

Delete a package

So that

So that the package is no longer displayed for visitors of the site


  • The permissions for this action are the same as for updating the package details (see ticket:10)
  • When a package is deleted it is put in an inactive state and is invisible to users and vistors of the service. However its name remains reserved and it may be undeleted or purged by the service administrator
1152550328000000 1157371568000000
#29 enhancement rgrp rgrp milestone16 closed fixed Improve installation process
  1. install documentation (currently source:trunk/INSTALL is empty)
  2. improve ckan-admin as necessary
  3. create default data (such as licenses)
1152553638000000 1183648166000000
#10 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater milestone15 closed worksforme Update package

As a

Authenticated user

I want to

Update the attributes of a package and add/remove releases

So that

The package attributes are changed. Package attributes are:

  • A title
  • A description (short or long)
  • Date added
  • Project url
  • package license(s)
  • download url
  • A list of releases with their dates and a summary line
  • a list of owners (referencing authenticated users)

I would also like to be able to add comments


  • Only an authenticated user is one of owners of a package may update it
  • Any authenticated user may add comments (but visitors may not)
  • can break down into:
    • Update a package by changing simple package attributes (value: 8)
    • Update a package by adding or removing an owner (value: 5)
    • Update a package by adding or removing comments (value: 7)
1152550243000000 1183648150000000
#1 enhancement somebody rgrp milestone1 closed fixed Visitor visits service


Visitor visits service

As a

Visitor (general web user)

I want to

Visit the website of the service (frontpage)

So that

  • See the front page and discover information about the service
  • Perform various activities related to the service such as registering and finding packages, registering as a user and logging in
1152549417000000 1183636342000000
#2 enhancement somebody johnbywater milestone1 closed fixed Register as user on the service

As a


I want to

Be able to register as a user on the service

So that

One can login and be an authenticated user and perform the actions that only authenticated users can perform


  • Registration involves the provisional of a minimal set of user details, namely:
    1. username (unique in lifetime of the service)
    2. fullname
    3. email
    4. password
1152549635000000 1152553157000000
#3 enhancement somebody johnbywater milestone1 closed fixed Login to the service

As a


I want to

Login to the service

So that

I am now an authenticated user and may perform the actions that only authenticated users may perform


  • Login by providing username and password
  • Login screen should also include a link or information about registration
  • If username do not match (or the username does not exist) a login failure is noted and the visitor is re-presented with the login screen as well as information on how to register
1152549717000000 1152553322000000
#6 enhancement somebody johnbywater milestone1 closed fixed View a package

As a


I want to

View the details of an individual package

So that

I know more about the package. Attributes available are detailed in updating a package (../UseCase12)

1152549960000000 1183648175000000
#9 enhancement somebody johnbywater milestone1 closed fixed Register new package

As a

Authenticated User

I want to

Create/register a package

So that

The package will be listed in the system and visible to users


  • Full package registration process may be broken down into:
    1. Creating a package by provision of minimal attributes:
      1. name: unique and web-usable
      2. auto-generation of default values such as:
        1. date-registered (today's date)
        2. first owner (one owner should be created corresponding to the authenticated user performing this action)
      3. (?) auto-generate a default release
    2. updating the created package -> ../UseCase12
1152550171000000 1152555104000000
#944 defect pudo pudo iati-4 closed fixed Upgrade IATI to CKAN 'default'
  • Move code base, fix any breakage.
  • Deploy to eu8
  • Test
  • Deploy to eu14


Later CKAN codebase has a bunch of improvements / fixes that it would be good to have.


  • 8h
1296469688000000 1306774766000000
#697 requirement pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed The system shall indicate which package groups can be removed when editing a package

This seems to require doing something else with such a group's 'delete' button, such as showing it greyed, or perhaps not showing it at all.

1287066103000000 1291644457000000
#700 bug pudo dread iati-3 closed fixed Groups in package form

Editing groups in forms doesn't work for me, with latest code from this morning:

  1. Clean db
  2. paster create-test-data
  3. paster sysadmin create http://davidread.myopenid.com/
  4. paster serve development.ini
  5. In browser, log in to CKAN
  6. Create new package: name=abc group=Roger's books
  7. [Preview] - yes group appears
  8. [Save] - shows package and group hasn't appeared ERROR
  9. Check and reedit package it also doesn't appear here either.
1287394476000000 1290000656000000
#701 requirement pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed The system shall support changing package groups when editing a package 1287403776000000 1291644605000000
#703 story pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed Add package to package group using the package form fieldset 1287403920000000 1289909096000000
#704 story pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed Remove package from package group using the packge form fieldset 1287403961000000 1289910491000000
#705 story pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed Show package groups on the package read page 1287404004000000 1291644479000000
#706 task pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed Test for removing package from package group using the package form fieldset 1287404073000000 1289909028000000
#707 task pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed Test for adding package to package group using the package form fieldset 1287404126000000 1289910513000000
#708 task pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed Test for showing package groups on package read page 1287404169000000 1289910506000000
#716 requirement pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Visual improvments to IATI CKAN 1287583741000000 1290000673000000
#718 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Show recent activities on home page 1287583989000000 1288459823000000
#719 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Improve overall layout of IATI

... probably by adapting aidtransparency.net

1287584092000000 1289910497000000
#720 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed wontfix Include CMS pages in IATI registry

Perhaps using deliverance?

  • Move About to the right of the nav tabs and make it an about IATI page
  • Make a Help / FAQ section linked of main menu
  • Front page more dynamic - latest data registered and news (microblog thing)
  • make the front page blurb noticable / shorter etc.
  • link to iatistandard.org from the front page blurb
1287584189000000 1288459344000000
#721 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Make the table preview a link to a new page. 1287584244000000 1288459534000000
#722 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Further adapt l10n for IATI
  • Change "Publishing Entity" to "Publisher"
1287584314000000 1288459703000000
#723 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Hide action links pointing to unavailable actions (package create) 1287584448000000 1288459610000000
#724 requirement pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Improve publisher workflow 1287584548000000 1289835202000000
#725 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Change to allow anyone (logged in) to create a publisher

With a pending state set ("unapproved")

1287584630000000 1289296038000000
#726 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Send message to sysadmins to approve new publishers 1287584670000000 1289835192000000
#727 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Sysadmin can approve a publisher 1287584754000000 1289835196000000
#522 requirement pudo pudo iati-2 closed fixed Create publishing entity account
  • Publishing entity emails system editors
  • System editor creates publishing entity account and emails publishing entity with details
  • Priority: 4/5
1282893668000000 1287392999000000
#524 requirement pudo pudo iati-2 closed fixed Limit registering data to authenticated users either via API or manually.

Limit registering data to authenticated users either via API or manually.

  • Edits may only be made by authenticated entities
  • Priority: 5
1282893904000000 1285594971000000
#525 requirement pudo pudo iati-2 closed fixed Confirm and approve publishing entity account

  • So some kind of confirmation or approval by someone more senior?
  • Alternative: just have an account request.
  • Priority: 3
1282894040000000 1285595152000000
#517 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed Standard domain model for entries

cf. Tariqs mail

Updated version: https://spreadsheets5.google.com/ccc?key=tuOtQjD0Psoqr1pWTS8EXZQ&hl=en#gid=0

Original Version

Publishing Entity:
Publishing Entity Type: (Donor, Recipient, Community Data..)
Activity period:
Verification status: enumeration of statuses (checked, not checked etc)
Resource links: to the actual IATI record
Number of activities: ...
Date record updated:
Date data updated:
License: Need this field even if it may be a standard license

So naively mashing these together, we get something like:

Publisher Type
Verification Status
Contact e-mail
Resource format
Resource URL
Resource ID
Activity period
Number of activities
Date record updated
Date data updated
1282893081000000 1284041561000000
#518 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed IATI WUI Editing
  • Create custom form
1282893167000000 1283896718000000
#519 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed IATI look and feel
  • Use what is on iatiregistry.org at the moment.
1282893224000000 1283536828000000
#520 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed Browseable web interface onto the data
  • e.g. find/browse by country and by publishing entity and by donor
1282893270000000 1283538080000000
#521 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed IATI Customized search 1282893401000000 1283897124000000
#523 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed Read/write APIs for users and publishing entities

Read/write APIs for users and publishing entities to access and register data

  • Users have read access
  • Publishing entities have both (though can only write to 'their' records)
  • Priority: 4 for write (read access is 3)
1282893743000000 1283897688000000
#1553 defect aron.carroll dread demo phase 5 closed fixed Upload handles non-logged in user badly

When you install ckanext-store (Storage extension) then CKAN displays 'Upload a file' button in the dataset/resource edit tab.

If you are not logged in, then this feature doesn't work, but there is nothing to indicate this. The button should be disabled.

Furthermore, it lets you think you are starting the upload process, the spinner spins, it says 'Uploading...' and stays like that for a long while.

This is a problem CKAN 1.4.3(ish) - 1.5.1 (current version) when you install the current ckanext-storage.

1324056405000000 1343226756000000
#2267 enhancement aron.carroll rgrp demo phase 5 closed fixed Add generator=ckan tag in head

Add generator=ckan tag in head of templates to identify site as generated by CKAN

1333040018000000 1343229146000000
#2354 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed wontfix Front end performance improvements [super]

Try and increase the page load times for the front end.


  • Always include scripts at the bottom
  • Include CSS at the top
  • Load fonts with JS
  • Concatenate and minify JavaScript? files
  • Create a build script to load dependancies seperately
  • Enable Gzip compression on resources
  • Enable future cache headers on resources


  • Support serving assets from a CDN
  • Look into optimising the CSS - Remove large portions of unused CSS
  • Remove extreaneous libraries, can jQuery UI be replaced with bootstrap?


Continuous Integration

YSlow can be hooked up to Jenkins via Phantom JS

1335885042000000 1343317505000000
#2357 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 accepted Create build script for front-end resources

Should minify and concatenate JavaScript? and CSS as part of #2354

1335886181000000 1343220524000000
#2375 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create new base theme

As designed by Sam Smith -> https://okfn.basecamphq.com/projects/9558659-demo-ckan-front-end/ Also to be used as the demo theme although I think they will diverge at some point. At the moment they should be implemented as one and the same.

1336469009000000 1343317873000000
#2416 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 accepted Normalise resource/data types

Currently we have far too many types that are essentially the same format. The new demo theme is using icons for common types. So we need to normalise the common formats into pretty strings. e.g. application/json, JSON, .json and json all should be output as “json”

See the following Basecamp thread for UI examples and discussion.


1337792946000000 1342617802000000
#2447 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo add dataset page




http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/new http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/new_resource

1338210835000000 1343924125000000
#2451 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 assigned Create demo user list page





1338211213000000 1352658902000000
#2452 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo user profile page





1338211295000000 1343924143000000
#2453 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo edit user profile page





1338211351000000 1343924178000000
#2454 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo login page





1338211420000000 1343317795000000
#2493 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 5 accepted Demo site 404 needs some love


I've converted the 404 page to the new style but we probably want to serve this as a 'full page' ie content is 100% page width not sidebar and primary content

just go to a non-existant url to see





1338986081000000 1343135815000000
#2526 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Demo theme new custom form fields should be created when needed



1339680105000000 1343924205000000
#2555 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 new Demo site needs a breadcrumb helper

Something to make building breadcrumbs a bit nicer

1340026983000000 1342618384000000
#2562 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed invalid Demo theme tag improvements

Tags should be implemented in two sections.

  • Custom predefined tags using vocabularies
  • Provide suggestions, auto completion then fallback to free text
1340035714000000 1352206599000000
#2583 enhancement toby toby demo phase 5 new make sure that we implement authentication where needed

in development many auth checks may have been lost we need to check they are still working etc

1340359478000000 1342086274000000
#2616 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed invalid Improve display of split stages in demo

Currently stages of the same colour blur together, these could do with a nice divider.

1340875108000000 1352206282000000
#2631 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Style activity stream in user profile 1341826342000000 1352205778000000
#2641 enhancement johnmartin amercader demo phase 5 assigned Adapt spatial widgets to new theme

Dataset extent map and spatial filter need to adapted to the new theme, as they are not showing up now

1341846147000000 1352658854000000
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.