{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (801 - 900 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1083 defect johnlawrenceaspden johnlawrenceaspden ckan-v1.5-sprint-1 closed fixed userobjectroles added twice can't be deleted

the add_user_to_role/remove_user_from_role functions are asymmetrical in that the add function is happy to add the same role twice but the remove asserts that it's only in the table once and crashes if that's not true.

an attempt has been made to guard against this, but fails, I think because the add functions rely on the caller committing the change to the db.

same problem affects corresponding authorization_group functions

I'll try to sort this out. Making a note here.

1302550660000000 1305537827000000
#1146 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.5-sprint-1 closed fixed make logic layer control its own state

Logic layer should not use any vdm defined state and should manage it itself.

1305829117000000 1307957527000000
#1147 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.5-sprint-1 closed fixed Add expired_id to all revision tables.

Revision tables need expired_id to make querying history AND pending changes more efficient.

This involves making a session extension and a large table migration.

1305839833000000 1307957556000000
#1148 refactor kindly kindly ckan-v1.5-sprint-1 closed fixed test speed improvements and cleanup

The tests have been running slower recently and need fixing. They also could do with a bit more consistency to them.

1305969223000000 1305969925000000
#1149 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.5-sprint-1 closed fixed Change domain object modification plugin to use Session extension.

This should make it more efficient as it currently does a lot of repeating work. i.e if you change a package and a resource in the same commit it sends out 2 notifications and should only really send out 1.

1305969863000000 1306090663000000
#103 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed View a package at a given revision

As a user I want to view a package at a given revision:

  • When I visit /package/read/xyz?rev=yyy I should be shown package at revision yyy
  • package history page should provide links to these pages

Cost: 2h

1251289897000000 1311180850000000
#358 enhancement rgrp dread ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate Resources in REST API

(spun out of ticket:336)

Resource added to model API at:


Example model request

GET to: /api/2/rest/resource/a3dd8f64-9078-4f04-845c-e3f047125028


 [{"id": "a3dd8f64-9078-4f04-845c-e3f047125028",
   "package_id": "b8a325c8-af2a-43f3-8245-9db7d73dfbfe",
   "URL": "http://scraperwiki.com/lincolnshire-councillors", 
   "format": "CSV", 
   "Description": "Scrape of www.lincs.gov/councillors.pdf by ScraperWiki.",
   "hash": "", 
   "position": 2


  1. Have it generic (ie. not per resource) and use an action/role on system
  2. Require all resources to attach to packages an inherit their permissions (i.e. read/write etc if and only read/write on associated packages)
  3. Introduce Resource in authorization system (requires migration)

Mixed model

Create / Edit:

if resource associated to package:
    check_permissions(package, update)
    check_system_permissions(c.user, model.Action.Resouce Create/Update, model.System)
1277483282000000 1310128782000000
#559 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed invalid Fix package lookup on group edit form

Lookup is needed to add a package but won't show up at some times.

Originally reported by Anja Jentzsch, re questions.

1283542776000000 1310127694000000
#764 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate Read-only CKAN Web UI

Whilse using CKAN web interface, you are not tempted to edit stuff:

  • You know at all times this CKAN is read-only
  • All editing facilities are still seen but greyed-out with an indication why it is.
1288091619000000 1310133334000000
#810 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Move "add packages" field up in group form

Subticket of forms super ticket #961

1289992287000000 1310128477000000
#852 enhancement rgrp wwaites ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Dataset upload and archiving

3 (4) use cases: (With and without access to auth keys.)

  1. upload form on ckan (by default local system has auth key for storage)
  2. datapkg upload (client) (by default without key) (plumbing done)
  3. background job archiving downloads (by queue client)

Most important are:

  1. Upload form on ckan.net (with access to keys)
  2. API for getting credentials for upload from ckan.net api (without access to keys).

Aside: Once 2 was done we could deprecate storage.ckan.net


Required infrastructure

  • #826 - Resource 'extra' fields
  • #358 - Resources in REST API
  • #235 - Resource format normalization and detection

User upload via Web UI

  • #877 - File upload in WUI
  • #878 - Integrate file upload with workflow around package resources

User upload via CLI/datapkg

  • #853 - plumbing for credential-less rest upload
  • #879 - Storage auth API

Also related:

  • #405 - Retrieval options for package resources

More Info

1291722993000000 1315821628000000
#910 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed invalid Refactor CKANrdf to support extras

Extra fields should be represented in some manner.

1295266026000000 1310128544000000
#912 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Rethink result row representation in dcat-tools/rdfsolr
  • Should license go in the bottom line?
  • Formats should be styled as in CKAN
1295266299000000 1306774876000000
#913 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Handle licenses in dcat-tools
  • Create a list of all valid predicates where licenses are stored.
  • Create a license normalization registry in GSpread
  • Fill spreadsheet from OKD/OSI lists.
1295266407000000 1306774962000000
#941 enhancement thejimmyg rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Submit apps or ideas for apps related to datasets (extension)

The basic purpose of this extension is provide a way to record 'apps' (applications) that relate to datasets in CKAN. Both existing apps and ideas for apps should be permitted.

1296403099000000 1310134339000000
#954 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] API version 3

Child tickets:

  • #1107 Move package autocomplete from package controller and move to API
  • #1087 version and contact info api call

Move to a format that has a separate responseHeader and response.

A standard package response

  responseHeader: {
    status: 0,
  response: {package-dict}

On error:

  responseHeader: {
    status: {err-code},
    error: 'message'
  response: none

A search query

Based directly on solr.

  responseHeader: {
    status: 0,
  response: {
    numFound: 5,
    start: 0
    docs: [


This is a breaking change for clients


1296811899000000 1320142744000000
#958 enhancement kindly ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate ui for new kind field

Ui for related new field in resource (#957)

1296822896000000 1320664462000000
#961 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Refactoring of forms, validation and model synchronization

This is a meta-ticket to hold all of the work on refactoring forms, validation and model-synchronization in CKAN.

ckan-dev thread: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2011-January/000180.html

The Issue

From #926:

The current formalchemy setup conflates view, controller and model code in a way that makes it hard to debug and customise.

From http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2011-January/000181.html:

... FormAlchemy, in retrospect, was probably a mistake as it merges too much model/validation/form generation into one thing.

At least 3 functions involved [in this area]:

  1. Generating (or just filling) a form template with 'form data' (and errors)
  2. Converting model data to form data (also happens for APIs in fact) -- let's call this 'dict-ization'
  3. Converting form data to model data (and validating) (inverse of previous step)

Related Tickets

  • #926 - Pick a simpler form framework
  • #1046 'dictization' and the logic layer - serialization / deserialization of package (and other domain objects) to standard intermediate format such as json-convertable python dict
    • #1079 Refactor API to use new logic layer and dictization
    • #1078 Refactor WUI controllers and forms to use logic layer
    • cf existing dumper and importer code
    • This will fix #662
  • [not ticketed yet] - validation layer (should work on serialized objects?)
  • #662 - Can't put entity that is returned by posting to package register (Defect)
  • #972 - Merge 'extras' into main package dict rather than having separate key
  • #1035 - Form impressions are given IDs
  • #810 - Move "add packages" field up in group form (easier to do this once forms are done)
1297069849000000 1310126100000000
#972 enhancement sebbacon rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Merge 'extras' into main package dict rather than having separate key

Rather than have a separate 'extras' key all the extras fields should be consolidated into the main package dict when presenting the package internally or e.g. via the API.

Why? Extras are really just an artefact of our internal storage model. Clients of the system (both internal and external) should just see a set of key/values with no distinction between extras and non-extras.


  • Possible breaking change to the API (could enforce backwards compatibility by keepings extras for the time being)

Possible subticket of forms refactoring: #961

1297332282000000 1310134129000000
#1053 defect dread dread ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Deletion in Model API

Currently in the API if you DELETE a package/group/user (and you have the required permissions) then it purges the object, when it should probably just set the state to deleted.

There is no way to delete objects at the moment - changes to 'state' are ignored in the API.

Do we need an alternative way to purge objects in the API?

1300790039000000 1310126546000000
#1070 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Plan a new domain model and layer architecture for CKAN

See http://wiki.ckan.net/Domain_Model especially section on v2.

  • New domain model is planned but not yet finally agreed.
  • Layer architecture is complete and implemented
1301910940000000 1310117129000000
#1074 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Refactor authz web user interface to have common code and templating

Currently repeat the same template and code across Package Authz, Group Authz, and Authz Group authz.

Having now implemented a new, cleaner setup in ckanext-admin we should port this back into core.

  • Common template code (checkbox template)
  • Logic code (or just common code) for wiring into authz system
  • Look for all places thoroughout the system where usernames, authzgroups or groups need to be typed into boxes, and make sure that they auto-complete appropriately.

Will also deliver a significant improvement in the form of ajax user lookup.

1302271586000000 1314303581000000
#1078 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Refactors WUI controllers and forms to use logic layer
  • Deserialize forms to new dict format.
  • Replace controllers/forms to use dictization.
1302509347000000 1305828973000000
#1094 enhancement thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate [super] Refactor the Auth System

Here are some proposed changes related to CKAN's authorization system - they aren't very big, but should provide for some forthcoming use cases including #787.

Two man reasons for the changes are:

  • We have a completely refactored architecture now which introduces a logic layer. These Auth changes are designed to better support the way we work with that layer.
  • Different CKAN extension apps may need radically different authentication/authorisation so we need to allow whatever we have to be override-able.

The first two changes revolve around the is_authorized method, which is called by the logic layer to ask whether a particular user (e.g. Bob) is allowed to do a certain action (e.g. edit) on a certain object (e.g. Package).

  1. The first thing the is_authorized method is a hook to a plugin

which *overrides* the current call with its own implementation (note: in previous discussions we have considered allowing a chain of plugins, no longer!)

Reason: authorization can be completely delegated to another system (or partially)

  1. is_authorized method currently takes (username, action, object)

but for action=create_package, the object supplied is System, and for action=edit the object supplied is the package. Instead action should always be the string name of a function in the logic layer and object should always be the object passed to that function. This means our auth system is based around the actual actions we are performing (rather than a model them) and with the actual data that forms the action (rather than a related object). You never need a System object in this model.

  1. Rename these two classes to better reflect what they are
  1. Rename the Editor role to PriveledgeUser? since Editors sometimes can't edit.

Although this sounds a bit radical we already have auth extensions.

Read-only CKAN Web UI

(Additional requirement from #764)

Whilse using CKAN web interface, you are not tempted to edit stuff:

  • You know at all times this CKAN is read-only
  • All editing facilities are still seen but greyed-out with an indication why it is.
1303117973000000 1311173649000000
#1129 CREP kindly ckan-v1.5 closed fixed CREP0002: Moderated Edits

Proposer: David Raznick


We are trying to achieve these goals.

  • To get people involved with making edits to CKAN metadata.
  • To have an ownership model as to who can moderate and validate these changes
  • To not put too huge a burden on these owners.

In order to achieve this, a feature which lets anyone edit a package but only let the moderator/owner accept it. The moderator should be able to look at a list of changes and accept the ones that

This cep is not about 'if' we need such a feature, it is about 'how' we go about implementing it. Another cep may needed for the 'if' case.

The Problem

We need the following to be possible.

  • Storing revision of objects that are not the current active one.
  • A way of the user viewing past revisions.
  • Accessing not only the history of a particular object but also of related objects at that time. i.e If a resource related to a package changes we need a way to see this when looking at the package.
  • A robust way of doing this in the face of database schema changes.
  • Make sure database queries are quick.


  1. Store the whole dictization of the package and all its related objects every time you change anything in its dictized representation and only save to the database proper if accepted.


  • Easy to implement, we already have a preview which makes the dictized form of a package without actually saving it. This will just need to be persisted in some way.
  • Fast retrieval.
  • Potential to store a branching revision tree of changes.


  • No easy way to remake the dictized packages historically or if there is an there a change in the way we represent packages, i.e schema changes.
  • Will only work for the particular objects we decide to store these changes for.
  • Stores a lot of repeated information
  1. Write specialized queries for every read of the database looking only at the revision tables.

This method requires there to be a change in the way we use VDM, so that we manage statefulness ourselves. We will need to add other states such as 'waiting for approval'.


  • No specialized storage required
  • Only need to change queries when schema changes
  • Can be made to work easily for other objects


  • Slower query time on read, as even looking at the last active package will need to do a fairly complicated query.

Implementation details.


A new table with columns id, user, package_id, timestamp, revision_id, parent_id, dictized_package. revision_id should be null unless it is actually persisted to the database. parent_id is the id that this package_dict was changed from.

We could store only the diffs of the dictized_package as long as we assure that everything inside the json is stably sorted, this will make getting the historical data out slower.

Getting out the history of the dictized packages is an intensive task, as it will require replaying the whole history of all the changes and creating the dict for each change. This re-caching will need to be redone for every change we make to dictized representation of a package.


Every normal packages read needs to look at the revision table to see the last accepted change in the dictized representation of the package. We also need to way to get what the dictized representation of the package was like at any point of its revision history. This querying is non-trivial in sql.


David Raznick to do it.


Decided to go with option 2. However we will change the revisioning system to be like the schema attached. This gets rid of difficult querying problems caused by querying the revision tables by adding an end date, meaning you can do range queries.

The better and more normalized version of a revisioning system is outlined https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Y7nMgVsrs081Pame2RdbZHlCAlV33ddTZ8VAsab1j-0/edit?hl=en_GB&authkey=CJfd8vsB. We will be a step closer to that, with this change, but we will keep the current vdm more or less, intact.

1304851498000000 1325268100000000
#1140 defect dread ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Adding the package to the group is not search indexed

To reproduce:

  1. paster db init
  2. paster create-test-data
  3. In Web UI: create new group 'tilo', which includes package 'annakarenina'
  4. curl http://localhost:5000/api/search/package?groups=tilo results in 0 results (WRONG)
  5. paster search-index rebuild
  6. curl http://localhost:5000/api/search/package?groups=tilo results in 1 result
1305718290000000 1312537257000000
#1142 enhancement annapowellsmith rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Major Overhaul and Extension of CKAN Documentation

Child tickets:

  • #1041 Start Using the CKAN Wiki for Tutorial-style documentation
  • #1192 Convert CKAN Sphinx docs into admin/reference manual

Previous super ticket (from 3m ago): http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/927

  • CKAN 1-page overview (for enterprise and for data hackers)
  • Administrator's Guide (including install)
  • Extensions Guide
  • Separate CKAN.net info from Software Documentation (?)

Also now a wiki page with more detail: http://wiki.ckan.net/Documentation_Plans

Minor Items

1305727452000000 1313775665000000
#1190 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] CREP 0004 Data API and Data Processing System

For some time (e.g. 1y+!) we have known that we want to integrate some kind of datastore / data processing system with CKAN. We've had a CREP in progress on this for some months (may copy that here at some point):


We can distinguish 3 modules that are needed:

  1. "Webstore": A datastore with dataapi - #1208

Suggestion is this would be sqlite based with a simple sql based API. http://ckan.net/api/data/{user|org}/{datastore_name}?q={some-read-sql-query}

  1. Automated conversion of suitable resources into datastore upon resource creation so that e.g. they are accessible via the API. #1398
  1. A data processing system which utilizes this datastore. One could

get a long way with simple javascript running in the browser for development with this javascript then run offline using something like nodejs. Alternatively one could allow one to specify a url to e.g. a python file which would then be run in a sandbox (with access to some specified set of python modules) - #1432

More info

1308227611000000 1323270522000000
#1211 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Drupal integration

Sub-tasks / tickets:

  • #1335 Action API - access to any logic layer function
  • Standardize logic functions on ordering: (context, data_dict) and put parameters into data_dict.
  • Add package_create_validate & package_update_validate logic functions
  • Allow extensions to provide logic layer functions (IActions)
1309958442000000 1315948703000000
#1245 task rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Reorganise ckan.org pages

Here is Rufus' plan for ckan.org reorganisation from http://ckan.okfnpad.org/documentation (22/7/11) (ticket made by dread):

  /overview <--- current 'about' page (the software)
  /customers <-- say "in addition to our clients..."
  /features <-- needs most work (pictures etc)
/pricing/  <-- simplest thing possible ... talk with Ira (cover pricing and support)
/developers <--- links to http://docs.ckan.org/, getting the software, the wiki, the mailing list /contact


  • add tagline in header - "the data portal software"
  • make and add glossy PDF
  • change "data hub" to "data portal" passim (if only using one term)
  • add info@…
  • image banner on home page - redo screenshots without menus
1311861708000000 1317422640000000
#1249 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Exclude script tag from extraction for i18n

Currently have this script section put in for i18n. It shouldn't be.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $.fn.ajaxCreateSlug = function(name, url) {
        var title = this;
        var updater = {
            init: function(title, name) {
                // Add a new element where the validity of the package name can be displayed
                this.name_field = name;
                this.title_field = title;
                this.name_field.parent().append('<div id="package_name_valid_msg"></div>');
                this.url = url;
1311958536000000 1311959356000000
#1250 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Search results should be sorted by score rather than alphabetical

At the moment we sort search results alphabetically. While this is useful for doing 'browse' case where no search bad for all other cases.

Adopt default sort order of 'score' though may wish to keep alphabetical for no search term (i.e. wildcard).


  • Default this in solr (no need to touch code) but fragile and affects everything ...
  • Do it in code and default to score
  • Do it in code and have alphabetical (on name or title?) when no criteria otherwise score

Aside: may also wish to support search in query api but that is for later!

1311964752000000 1312370201000000
#1252 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Deprecate ckan.net in favour of thedatahub.org

Deprecate ckan.net in favour of thedatahub.org

  • Announce
  • Create thedatahub.org and have it run same data as ckan.net
  • Announce closing down of ckan.net with 302
  • Implement 302 permanent

Also redirect wiki.ckan.net to wiki.ckan.org

1311965339000000 1318160334000000
#1282 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed JS and WUI tidy up

Consolidate js. Remove cruft.

  • Move stuff to vendor
    • Have all vendor libs local (?)
    • jquery, jquery-ui etc
  • Consolidate autocomplete to use jquery-ui
    • package autocomplete (groups)
    • tag autocomplete (package)
    • user autocomplete (authz group create)
      • turns out that authz group edit had autocomplete disabled so refactoring meant enabling ...
  • Move forms.css into main
  • Remove tag cloud from front page (can be example going forward)
  • Remove bookmarklet (since in wiki at: http://wiki.ckan.net/Managing_Data_Packages#How_Do_I_Install_the_CKAN_Bookmarklet.3F)
  • Move name slug generation into standard js and clean up


  1. JS unit tests for the given pages ...
  2. Option to use external site to serve js and css (e.g. CDN)

1314090389000000 1314404540000000
#1294 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Package creation and editing UX improvements

Largely an integration of work from ckanjs

  • #1295 Simplify package create form
  • Improvements to edit form
    • Split edit form into sections
    • Remove preview from edit form (introduce inline preview on description/notes field)
  • #1296 Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page
  • #878 File upload integrated into resource creation
  • #1297 In-place editing of notes field for existing packages
1314405811000000 1315948257000000
#1353 defect nickstenning ckan-v1.5 closed fixed No UI to remove resources

I have no idea whether this was a deliberate decision or not, but there is a total absence of any UI with which to delete resources from the currently deployed version of thedatahub.org.

1316729765000000 1317075904000000
#1354 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Pass the context object to plugins implementing the IPackageController and IGroupController

Plugins implementing some IPackageController or IGroupController operations (i.e. read, create, edit, delete) may need the context used in the logic action. For instance, to access the Session that created a package to perform additional queries from the extension (In that case the main logic action will still perform the final commit).

1316955680000000 1316970374000000
#1361 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Simple search support

Would be nice if CKAN could work out of the box without the need for SOLR (solr is great but complex and heavyweight to install).


  • ckan.simple_search config option
  • If set:
    • query via simple query to database backend
    • do no specialized indexing



  • TagSearchQuery? from lib/search (just do a search directly)?
  • #1360: filter by downloadable and filter by open search options

Possible Extras

(Probably future improvements)

  • Re-introduce full-text search indexing where supported in e.g. postgres and use for querying
1317078276000000 1317082893000000
#1410 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate Add Gravatars to user profiles

Since we now require email addresses, it's sensible to request users' gravatars to add a little flavour to their user profile (and, potentially, other places eg. comments threads?)

1319200774000000 1319213205000000
#1431 defect dread dread ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Captcha field - foreign chars cause exception

During registering a user, the user inputs foreign chars into the captcha field.

URL: http://thedatahub.org/user/register
Module ckan.lib.captcha:22 in check_recaptcha
<<                                     remoteip=client_ip_address,
           f = urllib2.urlopen(recaptcha_server_name, params)
           data = f.read()
>>  response=recaptcha_response_field))
Module urllib:1267 in urlencode
<<          for k, v in query:
                   k = quote_plus(str(k))
                   v = quote_plus(str(v))
                   l.append(k + '=' + v)
>>  v = quote_plus(str(v))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xea' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
1320078849000000 1320084104000000
#736 requirement amercader johnbywater ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed URL validation for CSW and WMS links

Robust against slightly incorrect URLs (e.g. with trailing slash, or without /csw), and non-CWS service which also return <ows:ExceptionReport ... />.

Both cases would be resolved by checking capabilities (with CswClient's check_get_capabilities() method).

1287749416000000 1304963598000000
#842 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Todo list CKAN extension

An extension that provides a todo list feature on CKAN so that people can register and find things to do.

Extension name: ckanext-todo

User Story

Package page

As a user I come to a package:

  • Have a todo count at that top that takes you down to the todo list (which may say nothing todo)
  • At the bottom is a section of the package display titled "ToDo?" where I see a list of all toDos for the package most recent at the top
    • If I am logged in
      • See a form for "Add to do" at the top of the todo section and can add one straight away
      • I see a "now resolved" button next to each which goes green when you hover.

When clicked the todo fades away.

  • Not logged in: I see a button that says "login to add todo"

Todo list page

When a user comes to todo overview at /todo

At top list all todo categories with counts (or a progress bar). Click on category name or bar takes you down page to list for that category.

Category list has a list of todo items (ul with li items with class todo) - link to package relevant to the todo.


The Todo form

  • One of the fields is category -> autocomplete the category (not constrained) (lowercase, no spaces, .-_ allowed)
  • Add a description
  • Submit, the todo gets added via AJAX to the list at the top as the most recent todo


todo table

  id (autoincrement integer)
  todo_category_id (required)
  description (required)
  resolved=null (unresolved) or a datetime (datetime of resolution)

todo_category table

Prepopulate with: broken-resource-link, no-author, bad-format, add-description

API at /api/2/todo

  • GET / POST / PUT ...


  • support limit (?)

/api/2/todo/category -> return list of todo categories

  • No GET / PUT / POST (these are auto-created by creation of todo)

Optional Extras (Will not be done atm)

  • Integrate todo tags (e.g. list packages tagged with a todo.{xxx} on Todo List page ...
1291467708000000 1305646487000000
#1104 defect dread johnlawrenceaspden ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed create-test-data doesn't index the packages it creates

With the default test data created by

paster db clean paster db init paster create-test-data

going to the front page shows two recently changed packages A Wonderful Story A Novel by Tolstoy

But none of those words "Wonderful", etc produce search hits. In fact as far as I can tell, nothing produces any search hits.

That isn't true on ckan.net, where searching seems to work.

1303494635000000 1303920791000000
#1112 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Allow searching for all packages
GET api/search/package?q=

returns all packages. This is so you can filter them e.g. by openness, which is not currently possible.

1304007852000000 1304358643000000
#1114 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed CLI for viewing search index of a package

To see what lexemes are generated for debug purposes.

1304078353000000 1304085484000000
#1116 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed api search loses boolean q options

filter_by_openness and filter_by_downloadable options don't work when specified as URI parameters. (They do work in qjson parameters)

1304086823000000 1304358664000000
#1119 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Fully functional storage extension with file upload

Previous work in #877 and #879 + #853 (storage API). In this ticket:

  • Improve authorization
  • Establish convention for laying out files on disk
  • Add documentation
  • Fix bugs with #879 (does not currently work -- boto may have changed)
1304094382000000 1305037201000000
#1126 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Exceptions arising from error page

I'm not completely clear what the use case is for loading the error page in this way, but somehow original_request is None and that creates an unnecessary exception with the logic refactor.

Module ckan.controllers.error:29 in document
<<          original_response = request.environ.get('pylons.original_response')
               # Bypass error template for API operations.
               if original_request.path.startswith('/api'):
                   return original_response.body
               # Otherwise, decorate original response with error template.
>>  if original_request.path.startswith('/api'):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
1304586683000000 1304587078000000
#1131 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Search param validation exception not caught

Example request:


Gives 500 error:

<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
1304942023000000 1305537897000000
#515 defect kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API

When you create a package then the 'location' header gets set. This doesn't happen for any other domain objects. I think this should be consistent - either none or all.

I've removed the info about the header in the docs in the meantime.

1282757360000000 1302774268000000
#829 defect rgrp dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed wontfix Admin CRUD broken

Browsing to the admin interface /admin (even logged in as a sysadmin) gives an exception.

1290695043000000 1303838115000000
#833 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed [super] Administrative dashboard extension

Create an admin dashboard as /ckan-admin/ allowing for admin operations and overview.

Possible features:

  • Purge revisions (or sets of revisions) and purge objects #1076
  • Set roles for users #1075
  • Put system into particular modes e.g. wiki mode (anyone can add, edit packages by default), data portal (only sysadmins or members of a special Editor group can create and edit packages)
  • Overview of activity
    • WONTFIX - already have revision log

Currently have an admin section using the formalchemy admin controller to provide basic editing of model objects. This can still be used but located at /admin/model/.




Here's putting into restricted mode (plus creating a dedicated authz group so that others can admin sysadmin simply through that group):

# first remove permissions from roles
# this is hacky but have to do it because we hardcode assignment of 
# role permissions on package on package create (see model/authz.py)
paster roles deny editor edit
paster roles deny editor create-authorization-group
paster roles deny editor create-group
paster roles deny editor create-package
paster roles deny reader create-package
# make superuser group
# create authz group administrators / Administrators (if not exists)
paster rights make agroup:administrators admin system
1290765921000000 1303236364000000
#840 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed On/off switch for ETags cache
  • Use config variable to switch ETags caching on or off. Consider joining in with 'cache_enabled'.
  • Default setting for (all) caching should be off.
  • Needs documenting in configuration.rst
1291308727000000 1302694133000000
#854 defect johnlawrenceaspden dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Tests for authorization_group

The coverage tool (run by buildbot in the ckan build) reports that only 24% of lines of ckan.controllers.authorization_group are run in tests and 38% of ckan.forms.authorization_group. This suggests a need for more tests.

1291723815000000 1304351843000000
#919 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Package preview contains API & datapkg instructions
  1. Edit a package
  2. Hit 'preview'.

The preview contains the section "CKAN API / datapkg" which seems irrelevant at this point. Looking at ckan.net previews, the Comments section only appears when you view a package and not when you preview it. This seems more sensible - can this be done for the "CKAN API / datapkg" section too?

1295346730000000 1303202627000000
#936 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Follow / watch package extension

As a (logged-in) User I want to watch (follow) a package, that is register my interest about a package. (Similar to watch/follow features in github/bitbucket/wikis).

NB: this is as much (if not more) about showing what packages are interesting to people as giving info to 'watchers'.

Need to finalize terminology (github uses watch for repos and follow for users while bitbucket combines both in 'followers'). Decision: use follow



Become a follower:

  • Follow button on packages (if already watching say 'unfollow')

Package-related changes:

  • Show number of followers on a package
  • List followers of a package at /package/{name}/followers
    • On a separate page

a package User-related changes:

  • List followed packages
    • Either on user's page on a separate 'following' page. (NB: called 'following')
  • Does watching involve notifications (by email)
    • Probably not: you can already subscribe to RSS feed after all and email not that necessary (?)
  • [Future - don't have activity stream yet] Show what packages a user has started/stopped followed on a user's public activity stream on their user page


  • Want to do this in ajax-y manner
  • API endpoint: /api/2/follower
  • Store data in a new follower table



follow => PUT / POST

If this is submitted by a user with user.id != user_id => error (401)

unfollow => DELETE

=> list of followers
    { safe dictized user }

NB: depends on access to a 'safe' dictized user object. Dictization is in nearly done, and current example of doing this by hand is in user API autocomplete method.


Called 'follower'

user_id, table, object_id, created
xxx, package, yyy, ...
xxx, user, yyy, ... [future]

Random Extras

  • What about following users as well
1296339079000000 1303838713000000
#1037 defect amercader thejimmyg ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed More Robust Harvesting for DGU

CKAN's harvesting facility is now live on DGU but there are some major improvements that could be made to make it more robust and better fit the generic CKAN harvesting framework proposed in #987.

Some of the key issues:

  • Error reports do not currently contain the ID or title of the document with the error.
  • We only have "added" and "error" logging on jobs when we really need a report of "added", "updated", "not changed" and "errors" with the items in each referencing a real metadata document for which harvesting was attempted
  • We need deletion and editing of sources, without deleting the harvested documents or packages
  • We need a more robust harvesting mechanism than a cron job or we need to deal with the case of multiple cron jobs running at once.
  • We need to know the last time a list of documents was scheduled for harvest and the last time each one was fetched.
1300197602000000 1304937601000000
#1056 defect dread pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed User links for OpenID users are broken

Use case:

  • Login using OpenID
  • Click on 'My account' - results in 404


  • User user.id instead of their name
  • Escape the URL properly.
1301060249000000 1302882616000000
#1075 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Administrative dashboard - Edit Authorization related to System object

Roles on System object are important because admin role on system equates to being a 'sysadmin' (i.e. able to do anything).

  • Make users sysadmin (either as separate action or as part of editing roles on system object)
  • /authz subpage for editing roles on system object
    • Add and update user roles
    • Add and update authz group roles
    • List actions associated to roles at top of page (extra points for checkbox table with editability)
  • Document on http://wiki.ckan.net/Authorization what roles on System object 'mean' esp sysadmin role on System

Related Tickets

  • super ticket: #833
  • authz lib improvement and authztool refactor #1050
1302279799000000 1303227982000000
#1084 task wwaites wwaites ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed ckan.net RDF links changed

need to make some changes for the links to semantic.ckan.net. it should use http://semantic.ckan.net/record/<package_id> now

append .rdf, .ttl, .nt, .dot, .json (even .html for an ugly table) to taste (or just leave off the suffix and let content negotiation take care of it)

the base url is changed, but it now uses id not name.

see for example:

1302616717000000 1304934534000000
#1089 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Check for "--ckan" when running nosetests

(because if you forget, you get difficult to understand errors, and more than one person has tripped up on this)

1302631189000000 1302631733000000
#1090 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Visitor can't create packages on new CKAN install

Default visitor roles in default config is reader, not anon_editor.

Problem caused by changes in #1066 (released in 1.3.3)

New installs will be affected, although simple to just increase permissions when the installer realises a visitor can't create packages.

The solution to the config getting out of sync with the code like this is to not have the default_roles in the config - refer to the code in the configuration instructions.

1302635219000000 1302635699000000
#1092 defect kindly kindly ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed refactor logic layer to seperate out api, form logic

The logic layer is a bit too api centric. Make the reusable parts separate in preparation for the wui refactor.

1302777929000000 1305570822000000
#1093 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed 500 errors on GET to api/rest/licenses

CKAN gets its license list from a license service, which can be a local file, but is often the http://licenses.opendefinition.org/2.0/ckan_original server. This server is currently flakey, but I think we only request the list on start up. The problem is we query it much more often than required. It is queried for every request to api/rest/licenses, and we are returning lots of 500 errors when the license server is timing out.

1302862261000000 1302865470000000
#1097 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Sidebar hideable

The web interface has a sidebar (#primary) which should be hidden in some pages. This is for QA extension and useful for package new and edit pages. Must be compatible with DGU theme.

1303293416000000 1303293476000000
#1098 task dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed --ckan-migration tests not initialised correctly

Only tests with failing --ckan-migration fail, due to authz not being initialised.

1303377336000000 1303406017000000
#1100 defect dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Get buildbot running on ckan branches

Need some changes to pip-requirements files in release branches.

1303385267000000 1303406103000000
#1106 defect rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Bugs related to routes arising from API refactor + removal of default routes

Various bugs I've been encountering:

Latter issue was masked by existence of 'default' routes:

   map.connect('/{controller}', action='index')

Having these is, I think, bad practice as it is better to be explicit and we should therefore remove asap.

In addition I think we should be cautious about 'default' routes in core such as:

    map.connect('/api/rest/:register', controller='api', action='list',

As it makes it harder for extensions to introduce their own APIs (here one could perhaps add something at /api/rest/{my-object} but only by using before_map rather than after_map).

1303747360000000 1303834069000000
#754 enhancement wwaites johnbywater ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed wontfix Filtering for harvesting sysem

This has once again been ruled out for UKLP for the timebeing.

1288040469000000 1303118020000000
#937 enhancement sebbacon rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Record download stats for resources (extension)

As a User (especially as a Package Owner/Maintainer?) I want to know how many times a resource has been downloaded (and when).

So let's record download stats (as in clicks on the link for a resource).


Old Spec (do it in CKAN)

  • Record info of form: resource id (or url?), timestamp
  • Do this via javascript capturing of onclick event talking to an api
  • API: /api/resource/{id}/download
    • POST to increment (how do we stop spamming -- could use a nonce setup with a random string set on each page load for the js)
    • GET to get data back { total: X, day_count: [ [yyyy-mm-dd, count], ... ] }


  • Do we record ip addresses (to handle de-botting etc)?
  • Do we count preview clicks as well?
1296340273000000 1302513831000000
#962 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Improvements to data preview extension

Basic implementation done (and deployed):


However plenty to improve, e.g.

  • Support more formats (use external systems for preview?)
    • json (!)
    • html (trivial!)
    • sparql
    • ...
  • Do not display preview if no preview

Also suggest reworking to use external services rather than doing preview 'in house' (doing in house places heavy reliance on data proxy service and on converting data to a standard format).

1297072524000000 1301364987000000
#1013 defect sebbacon sebbacon ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Refactor & write tests for Wordpresser extension

The Wordpresser extension seems to be working well for DataGM, but needs caching and tests.

1298887392000000 1301909717000000
#1046 enhancement kindly thejimmyg ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Dictization and the new logic layer

The stages involved with doing this.

  • Convert model objects to standard dict format (DONE)
  • Convert standard dicts to current api formats (DONE)
  • Make standard dicts savable (DONE)
  • Validate standard dict format. (DONE)
  • Authorize actions
1300364694000000 1302777668000000
#1059 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Loader coping better with poor search indexing

Loader currently checks for same name, but also should check for name_, name etc.

1301310596000000 1301312516000000
#1060 defect dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Spreadsheet importer tries to import readonly keys

e.g. we just added notes_rendered and that is read in as an extra field. Tests failing in ckanext-importlib

Also related: we are missing lost metadata_created and metadata_modified in the dumps.

1301312210000000 1301312487000000
#1061 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed invalid Orphaned home/license page

No links to home/license and it contains out of date references to knowledgeforge. Remove it.

1301392968000000 1301922350000000
#1066 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Default reader role too permissive

The definition of the 'reader' role includes creating packages, which is too permissive for some CKAN instances (e.g. DGU). 'Reader' suggests only reading, so I think this role should avoid creating and editing.

All projects so far want all roles to be able to create users, so this stays as a Reader action for now, as a convenience.


  • Action.PACKAGE_CREATE removed from reader's default_role_actions
  • Visitor has a new default role, called 'anon_editor' which can edit packages, but not groups / auth groups - you have to log in for that.
  • Migration script not needed?
  • Code comments written, to make clear the suggested policy
1301645250000000 1301932136000000
#1067 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed CLI for loading/dumping complete databases

Use 'db dump' and 'db load' for 'pg_dump' and 'psql -f' of a database. Use pylons config to find out database options.

1301645463000000 1302186503000000
#1068 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed metadata_modified problem

This test has been failing since the clocks changed:

FAIL: ckan.tests.models.test_package.TestPackageRevisions.test_02_metadata_created_and_modified
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dread/hgroot/pyenv-ckan2/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nose-0.11.3-py2.6.egg/nose/case.py", line 186, in runTest
  File "/home/dread/hgroot/ckan2/ckan/tests/models/test_package.py", line 283, in test_02_metadata_created_and_modified
    assert out == exp, (out, exp)
AssertionError: (datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 1, 10, 45, 50, 875509), datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 1, 9, 45, 50, 875509))

1301652085000000 1302109505000000
#1071 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Package history API moved to /api/rest/package/revisions

api/rest/package_history is not RESTful or follow API naming conventions. Therefore move it to /api/rest/package/revisions

Also, API docs incomplete.

1301937882000000 1301943180000000
#1072 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Add filters to authztool

It takes several minutes to print the 'rights' on DGU, which is annoying when you only want to grep for a few lines. Much quicker than grepping is to filter in the query.

1302106311000000 1302106474000000
#1073 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Search index checker

Tool that checks which packages have not been indexed.

Required for DGU: https://trac.dataco.coi.gov.uk/projects/datagov/ticket/940

1302185444000000 1302185825000000
#1079 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Refactor API to use new logic layer and dictization
  • Convert current api saves to the new standard dict format.
1302509530000000 1302777504000000
#738 requirement kindly johnbywater ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Store revisions of harvested documents 1287775892000000 1299761436000000
#841 enhancement kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed duplicate Caching docs (as a whole)

Documentation article on caching / improving performance. (To complement configuration docs.)

  • Different sorts of cache - beaker style, etags, package_dict in search results(?)
  • How each one affects performance
  • How to turn them on/off and configure them
  • Is it possible to bypass each of them in the browser or with wget/curl?
1291308879000000 1300364333000000
#1001 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed API should use normal user credentials if available

When using the API 'locally' i.e. from the CKAN instance (as would be the case with an ajax interface) the API, especially that allowing READ requests should use the normal user credentials if they are available prior to looking for an API key.

The key change appears to be to change _get_user_for_apikey method in lib/base.py BaseController? to check the c.user attribute (may wish to rename as the name may now be a bit misleading ...).

This is critical to incorporating any ajax editing into the frontend.

As part of this ticket we should do a general consolidation of the identification system in lib/base.py so that both api_key and normal user auth lead to the same set of auth-related objects being available (suggest c.user and c.userobj and c.author).

1298489705000000 1301310351000000
#1006 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Deprecate stable branch

Now that we have release branches we should deprecate the stable branch (ie. make sure it is no longer a head and then do --close-branch and merge into default one last time).

Cost: 10m (giving high priority because of low cost)

(Assigning to dread as he has been managing the stable branch).

1298624996000000 1300372286000000
#1031 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed User lookup API

Add an api for searching users. This is needed for any kind of ajax autocomplete (needed for anywhere we want to add users).

  • API location: /api/util/user/lookup?q=querystr&limit=10
  • Return json objects containing {id: ..., name: ..., fullname: ...}
  • Put in a module called controllers/apiv2/user.py
1299780419000000 1300101520000000
#1036 defect johnlawrenceaspden johnlawrenceaspden ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Add tests for three functions in ckan/model/user.py

create a new test file ckan/model/test_user.py

add tests for the following three functions in ckan/model/user.py

number_of_edits, number_administered_packages, search

merged in in changeset 0046f83aedcf

1300127840000000 1301304575000000
#1045 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Group identified by ID in API

returns group IDs but I can only reach a group by name:


when I also want to get a group by ID:

1300360642000000 1300793261000000
#1047 defect sebbacon sebbacon ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Package edit form claims you're not logged in at the end when you are

At the bottom, it says something like

Author: Bob Bumgardner Since you have not signed in this will just be your IP address. Click here to sign in before saving (opens in new window).

1300384556000000 1300387309000000
#1048 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Complete making groups versioned
  • Deleting a group changes state to 'deleted' rather than purging it
  • Adding authz tests for deleted groups
1300387655000000 1300702752000000
#1051 defect sebbacon sebbacon ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Ability to set custom favicon

Allow deployers to set a URL pointing to their own favicon

1300703160000000 1301305079000000
#1052 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Authz holes

No authz on:

  • Group creation/edit/listing
  • Package relationship create/edit/delete
1300709144000000 1300895410000000
#1054 defect kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Ordering of resources

Changing an old resource and creating a new resource on the end results in the old resource moving to the end in the ordering.

This breaks tests:

  • (ckanext-dgu) ckanext/dgu/tests/ons/test_ons_loader.py:TestOnsLoadBasic.test_fields
  • (ckanext-importlib) ckanext/importlib/tests/test_loader.py:TestLoaderInsertingResources.test_0_reload

You can make a ckan test break with this patch:

diff -r e6643cf1324c ckan/tests/models/test_resource.py
--- a/ckan/tests/models/test_resource.py        Wed Mar 23 13:25:52 2011 +0000
+++ b/ckan/tests/models/test_resource.py        Wed Mar 23 19:22:35 2011 +0000
@@ -297,6 +297,8 @@
                'url':self.urls[1], 'format':u'OTHER FORMAT',
                'description':self.description, 'hash':self.hash,
+            { #new
+                'url':'new'},

There seems to be a problem with vdm creating a replacement Resource for the old resource - because it has a duplicate position it is put to the end by the SQLAlchemy ordering_list function.

1300969236000000 1301305615000000
#1055 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed @search_related tests not running

Tests marked decorated "@search_related" should only be run against postgresql, but in fact they don't get run at all.

1300985228000000 1300992395000000
#1058 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Give 400 error (not 500) for invalid locale or package_form

Examples which prompt annoying exception emails:

Module ckan.i18n:21 in set_session_locale
           assert locale in _KNOWN_LOCALES

A bot has caused these:

Module ckan.forms.registry:32 in get_fieldset
               raise ValueError('Could not find package_form name %r in those found: \n%r' % (package_form, [en.name for en in entrypoints]))
ValueError: Could not find package_form name u'gov)' in those found: ['gov', 'standard', 'ca']
1301302303000000 1301303315000000
#427 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Match licenses from GEMINI document
  • examples of posting a new package
  • example license_id - explain
1281436611000000 1299164063000000
#801 enhancement wwaites johnbywater ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed duplicate Get/Set last harvested time for a given harvest source

Implies that last harvested time must be stored on source by harvesting job (see #802).

1289483546000000 1300196714000000
#904 task rgrp Stiivi ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Review CKAN documentation

What's bad at the moment?

  • lack of documentation e.g. config (very poorly documented)
  • too many sources of documentation
  • no common theming


Resulting meta-ticket with things to do: ticket:927

1294832610000000 1299840539000000
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