{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1301 - 1400 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#694 bug wwaites dread closed fixed No postgres tools for current version

Database for all CKAN instances upgraded to Postgres 8.4, but none of the eu machines were upgraded with the tools necessary to administer them.

1286977052000000 1287087916000000
#1801 enhancement dread ckan-backlog closed fixed No links to password reset

You can reset your password (#1186) but you have to know the URI (/user/reset) - there is no link to this page!

1329405290000000 1343144718000000
#946 defect pudo dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed No default system rights

CKAN currently comes out of the box being uneditable. We'd like to encourage people to have open CKANs and therefore by default init the db with this right:

visitor -> is editor on -> System system
1296499922000000 1296833383000000
#1353 defect nickstenning ckan-v1.5 closed fixed No UI to remove resources

I have no idea whether this was a deliberate decision or not, but there is a total absence of any UI with which to delete resources from the currently deployed version of thedatahub.org.

1316729765000000 1317075904000000
#2678 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed No UI for deleting a related item

Needs to be a way for admins (owners of dataset) to delete related items. I suggest adding a button to the edit page


1342436087000000 1342685932000000
#140 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new News section on front page

Have a news section (suggest as a sidebar item).

News section will link to latest 3/4 blog posts on CKAN from blog.okfn.org.


  • Suggest pulling via rss or similar.
  • Will want to cache this ...

Cost: 4h?

1254902541000000 1265625159000000
#1378 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed New to TheDataHub? - StackOverflow style banner

Implement a banner across the top of the screen giving newbies a link to the about page, and making them feel welcome. See stackoverflow for reference?

1318247329000000 1324047835000000
#2531 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new New state option: archived / deprecated

Deleted means things will get purged at some point.

Archived means they stay around but get hidden from search results and a big warning notice gets displayed saying this is archived / deprecated.

@richard cyganiak ...

1339750787000000 1339770649000000
#3017 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan 2.0 new New stable branch for the demo server 1352819088000000 1352819088000000
#360 defect rgrp rgrp datapkg-0.7 closed fixed New sqlite-based DB index

In 0.5 and 0.6 have been more oriented to getting file indexes working to support the convenience of using packages on disk directly. However we now need to go back to having a better central/default index and the best model for this is a simple db index using sqlite (which is now supported in the standard library).

NB: this is a retrospective ticket (been working on this for a couple of months)

1277803174000000 1288004891000000
#3003 enhancement amercader ckan-v1.8 new New pg databases should be created with UTF8 encoding rather than system default

Just to track @tauberer patch on Github. Probably going to 1.8.1

1350639199000000 1350639199000000
#2523 enhancement toby toby demo phase 1 closed fixed New package metadata form needs creating


Controller : package Action : new_metadata

template package/snippets/package_metadata_form.html

1339605176000000 1340368036000000
#3023 enhancement amercader amercader new New methods on IPackageController to provide access to the data_dict

Extension hooking into the edit and create methods of the IPackageController interface receive the package object. This may not include all the fields that came from the form. The new extension points will pass the validated data_dict so extensions can have access to it

1353603657000000 1353603657000000
#2732 enhancement ross ckan-backlog assigned New file upload functionality

We should simplify upload and storage of files, initially only to local storage with archiver eventually being fixed to archive data externally. WIP pad is http://ckan.okfnpad.org/uploads

Simplifying uploads

Currently uploads are too painful/difficult/fiddly to use and/or configure. We want to simplify uploads so that they are done directly to the CKAN server, without support for remote services (S3 etc) and/or the dependencies it introduces.

We want to fix:

  • File uploads themselves
  • Storage of uploaded files
  • Notification of the upload to other components

File uploads

Things file upload should do:

  • Allow sysadmin to disable
  • Allow auth'ed users to upload
  • Store whatever they send on disk, and store DB entry linking the file to the person
  • When creating the resource, the user should be able to choose from all of the files they have uploaded but not yet associated with a resource. This will allow for bulk upload and then a delayed association. Whenver a user creates a resource they either upload a file now, or see previously uploaded files.
Can we do the upload asynchronously and then associate the 
uploaded key with the resource before the save ? What happens 
if the user tries to submit before asymc upload finishes ? Should 
we delay them?

The upload workflow should look like...

  1. File upload should be a straightforward file upload with normal auth checks and normal processing of the posted data.
    1. When called via ajax then the ID of the newly created file should be returned,
    2. When called via WUI then it should also be given the url to redirect to after the file upload has been handled - the id will be passed as a query param.
  2. The resource save should check whether it has a file id and in that case updates the file object to point to the resource.

This should enable:

  • Separate file upload into a user's temporary store, either individually or as a batch.
  • Creating resources and simply choosing from previously uploaded, unassigned files
  • Adding files/data to a resource after the fact.

File storage

File storage should be local to the CKAN install, and not a remote service. Any archiving to remove storage providers should be outside of the main request.

File storage should:

  • allow moving data, a sysadmin should be able to move the storage root and change configuration and have the system continue running (i.e. don't store absolute paths).
  • provide maintainability, it should be easy to determine which old files are not associated with resources and thus can be cleaned up.
  • allow for collection of information (i.e. estimate of storate space used)
  • check whether there is enough space and handling the conequences cleanly
  • ensure files to be written only underneath its own root folder, checks should be made after any path generation that the file begins with the location of the file storage.
  • Have a configurable maximum accepted blob size during upload.
  • Should store what meta-data was provided with the upload, such as mimetype.

Somewhere in the DB we should store ...

idAn identifier
ownerThe owning user, who uploaded the file
pathThe path (from the 'storage root') to the file
sizeThe size in bytes of the file on disk
mimetypeThe mimetype of the file, as provided by the uploader
upload_dateWhen the data was uploaded
resourceThe ID of the resource it belongs to. A unidirectional relationship.
archived_urlThe URL where this file has been archived

Generating paths should try and separate the files, perhaps based on username of the owner, or some other mechanism to avoid a single folder full of files.


We need to make sure that it is possible to notify other components within the system that an upload has taken place, or at least make it easy for them to be notified. The primary use case for this is to notify the component that will translate/upload certain formats to the data store.

We could do this based on the post-upload update to the file model (i.e. when we record the total received size of the file).

1343058789000000 1346663270000000
#2957 task dominik new New datastore on postgres prior to 9.0

The GRANT SELECT ON ALL and ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES are not available in Postgres prior to version 9.0.

1349292214000000 1349292214000000
#1524 enhancement thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed New Release of Latest MI Reports 1323172688000000 1323191733000000
#2410 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed wontfix New RDF serialization required VOID vocab for related datasets

Taken from http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-May/002218.html

A few months ago, the RDF provided when dereferencing a dataset's URI was very useful. It described the datasets using many of the "right" RDF vocabularies (dcterms, void, etc).

The RDF that is returned now no longer has these nice descriptions. Instead, it seems to be a mindless transcription of the CKAN record.

For example, the older descriptions gave:


void:subset [

void:target <http://thedatahub.org/dataset/farmers-markets-geographic-data-united-states>, <http://thedatahub.org/dataset/geonames-semantic-web> ; void:triples 50 ; a void:Linkset

], [

void:target <http://thedatahub.org/dataset/dbpedia>, <http://thedatahub.org/dataset/farmers-markets-geographic-data-united-states> ; void:triples 52 ; a void:Linkset

], [

void:target <http://thedatahub.org/dataset/farmers-markets-geographic-data-united-states>, <http://thedatahub.org/dataset/govtrack> ; void:triples 52 ; a void:Linkset

] ; void:triples 130005 ;

but now it's simply:


dct:relation [

rdf:value "130005" ; rdfs:label "triples"

], [

rdf:value "52" ; rdfs:label "links:dbpedia"

], [

rdf:value "50" ; rdfs:label "links:geonames-semantic-web"

], [

rdf:value "52" ; rdfs:label "links:govtrack"

] ;

My old copies of the dataset descriptions mentioned a "GoLD CKAN 1.0" that was credited for the nicer modeling.

Where did that go? Can we get it back?

Thanks, Tim Lebo


dc:source <http://ckan.net/> ; opmv:wasGeneratedBy [

opmv:used <http://ckan.net/api/rest/package/farmers-markets-geographic-data-united-states>, <http://ckan.net/api/rest/revision/9c2545b8-ebf1-42bf-ac92-633ff5ceba3f> ; opmv:wasControlledBy [

a foaf:Agent ; foaf:name "GoLD CKAN 1.0"

] ; opmv:wasPerformedAt [

a time:Instant ; time:inXSDDateTime "2012-01-31T05:34:32Z"^^xsd:dateTime

] ; a opmv:Process

] ; a dcat:CatalogRecord ; dcat:dataset <http://thedatahub.org/dataset/farmers-markets-geographic-data-united-states> ;

1337684531000000 1338193633000000
#181 enhancement rgrp jwyg closed invalid New 'stats' box on right hand sidebar

With up to date statistics such as:

  • total packages
  • total tags
  • total users
  • most active users
  • last update
  • etc.

Could also be nice to have a more dedicated stats page - with information such as graphs showing rate of packages being added and such like. See ticket:184

1257534385000000 1296339510000000
#2948 enhancement dominik new Negative range breaks datastore backend

Recline allows negative ranges. The backend returns an error 500 for that which breaks the recline preview.

1349101854000000 1349101865000000
#2802 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Need to tweak the JSON formatting of the localisations

This is what we need the JSON to look like. Taken from the Jed documentation (http://slexaxton.github.com/Jed/).


      // The empty string key is used as the configuration
      // block for each domain
      "" : {
        // Domain name
        "domain" : "the_domain",

        // Language code
        "lang" : "en",

        // Plural form function for language
        "plural_forms" : "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

      // Other keys in a domain contain arrays as values
      // that map to the translations for that key.
      // Gettext suggests that you use english as your keys
      // in case the key isn't found, and it can just pass
      // the value directly through.
      // Note: by convention, the 0-index location of the translations
      // is never accessed. It's just a thing, I guess.
      "a key" : [ null, "the translation", "the plural translations", ... ],

      // The plural form string is converted into a function
      // and the value that's passed into the gettext call
      // is passed into the plural form function. It's result
      // (plus 1) is the index that the translation comes from.

      // We're using sprintf interpolation on our keys so we can
      // then sub in the _actual_ values into the result.
      "%d key" : [ null, "%d key", "%d keys" ],

      // Contexts are keys that are just prefixed with a context string
      // with a unicode \u0004 as the delimiter.
      // You can use it for anything. Usually it's just for being content aware
      // in some way (e.g. male vs. female, product vs. category)
      "context\u0004%d key": [ null, "context %d key", "context %d keys" ]

This looks like an appropriate python library to do the formatting. http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pojson/ but I'll leave to your discretion.

Finally an API endpoint that returns the appropriate request would save us making requests to the i18n directory.


For example if the current url is http://localhost:5000/pl/dataset then the client would request:


This should return the Content-Type: application/json and a 200 with an appropriate JSON body (this can be the language requested or an appropriate fallback). I think that if the fallback is the default language (in most cases English) then we just return a 204 No Content to save data.

1344248847000000 1344269446000000
#1466 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-backlog new Need to support https login for multiple instances as part of the CKAN package install 1321375978000000 1328529062000000
#2545 requirement ross ross opendatasuite 1 closed fixed Need to build DataGM site based on ODS


We need to clone the demo ODS site for DataGM as soon as we have a mostly working demo so that the DataGM team can try it out and comment/feedback on functionality.



User Stories



[ ] Deploy demo DataGM site.


1340016640000000 1344337973000000
#2830 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 new Need method to undelete groups

need controller action and front-end method

1344509408000000 1344547341000000
#2836 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Need extra info for forms

like we have on the form here


you said it partly exists so maybe I just need some training

1344605931000000 1345023663000000
#2796 enhancement mark.wainwright ross new Need a datahub one-pager

A one-pager explaining what the datahub is and with howto/examples for new users. This would make it much easier to explain the value in using the datahub for storing data.

1343924916000000 1345129495000000
#2752 enhancement toby ross demo phase 2 closed fixed Navigation highlight missing

When navigating to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/group on the demo server, the Group link in the navbar is not highlighted in the same was as the other links are when visiting those pages.

1343216582000000 1343222618000000
#1742 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Naming of a new package/group can clash with a route

It is possible to create a group or a dataset called new, or edit, which will then be inaccessible as it is blocked by the existing routes with those names.

We should maintain a list of invalid names in the verification that happens behind the scenes in the UI.

1328116317000000 1331555193000000
#466 requirement dread johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix Name of HTTP header for API key shall be configurable 1282308995000000 1294835610000000
#1287 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-backlog assigned NAVL validation errors - Junk fields should be listed explicitly

When you create a package, but specify a key that is not allowed (e.g. 'relationships') then you get error message:

{"__junk": ["The input field __junk was not expected."]}

It should mention the actual key which is not expected. e.g.

{"relationships": ["The input field 'relationships' was not expected."]}

Kindly said that James' version of NAVL was better in this respect, so this might be best solved by moving to that.

1314203102000000 1330990459000000
#378 story johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed My user story #1 1280325186000000 1280326706000000
#380 task johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed My dev task #2 1280325304000000 1280326595000000
#379 task johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed My dev task #1 1280325277000000 1280326496000000
#1480 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Munge functions in util

munge_title_to_name, munge_tag v. useful for client software importing things into CKAN. I want it for ONS.

1321965837000000 1321978546000000
#2824 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 closed fixed Multiple of the same Flag Issues

There is some bizarre language flag issues. 1) Log in to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/ (I'm logged in as danieljohnlewis) 2) Visit the apps page: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/apps 3) Have a look at the languages drop down, flags look fine (although Deutsche does have an EU flag rather than the German flag.. but that's irrelevant) 4) Change filters to, say, type: Application and sort: Newest, and apply. Web address becomes: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/apps?page=1&type=application&sort=created_desc 5) Look at the languages drop down: Flags are largely incorrect, with more than one country having the same flag.

Please see the attached screenshot.

Note: this was originally tested with Google Chrome on Linux (Ubuntu).

1344505215000000 1344532640000000
#189 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Multiple download urls

See also: PackageResources which defines a 'distribution' as a package's payload (perhaps with metadata). In our case, at least within CKAN, the representation of the distribution will just be the reference to get it (plus some minor metadata). We are expanding this functionality to be any kind of 'resource' associated with a package since it is likely in some cases people will want to link to a file containing a part, but not the whole, of a package's data.

As a

User (package editor and package user)

I want to

(package editor) Associate multiple distributions with a package.

(package user) Easily have access to multiple distributions of a package should they exist.


There is an object called 'Resource' with the following attributes:

  • url (text) (required in UI, but not in db table)
  • format (text)
  • description (text)
  • package (association) - a resource is always associated with 1 package

A package's list of resources will have an order which is preserved. The first in the list will be known as the 'default resource' (the presumption will always be that this is a 'distribution').

How to replace download url

download_url removed and replaced as a proxy attribute. Read returns the url of the default distribution. Write changes the url of the default resource. Ensures backward compatibility.

REST API has new attribute in package dictionary 'resouces' - an ordered list.

In WUI, replace download url in package read with a table of the distributions.

In the WUI package edit, be able to add/remove/edit/reorder distributions.


Example part of package:


http://some.com/pollution.pdf PDF Original report
http://some.com/pollution.csv csv Original data
http://some.com/pollution sparql Linked version of data

Existing data to be migrated to new structure.

Cost: 4 days

1258386120000000 1265284961000000
#87 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed duplicate Multiple download links

Multiple download links, including links to mirrors and multiple formats/versions

1248693302000000 1258470719000000
#2763 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Multilingual tests failing

test_multilingual_plugin.TestDatasetTermTranslation?.test_dataset_index_translation, test_multilingual_plugin.TestDatasetTermTranslation?.test_group_read_translation both failing for me on master

1343303819000000 1350303864000000
#3001 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Multilingual plugin crashes CKAN on add dataset when some languages are default

Enable the multilingual plugins:

ckan.plugins = stats synchronous_search multilingual_dataset multilingual_group multilingual_tag

and set your default language to one not supported by the multilingual plugin, e.g.

ckan.locale_default = cs_CZ

now run CKAN and try to add a dataset:

File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan171/ckan/ckanext/multilingual/plugin.py', line 141 in before_index

text_field_items+ default_lang?.extend(all_terms)

KeyError?: 'text_cs_CZ'

It doesn't matter what language you are viewing the site in in your browser, the default language setting in the ini file determines whether it crashed or not.

A number of supported languages are defined at the top of ckanext/multilingual/plugin.py. I think if the default language is not one of these it crashes.

I think this affects all versions of CKAN since the multilingual plugin was added so at least 1.7, 1.8 and 2.0

1350579048000000 1350579048000000
#1462 defect amercader thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Multi-Instance CKAN Solr Search Issues

With the 1.5 package release, CKAN instances over-write each other's indexes. Adria has a fix.

I'd like to see a new CKAN 1.5.1 release with the Solr changes merged and the Solr site ID set up as part of the install ckan.site_id = dgu-os.okfn.org. I'd also like the ability to search on ID and to have the ID directly visible on the package page.

We need to decide how to do this upgrade without affecting existing CKAN solr indexes.

1321375470000000 1330083671000000
#1610 enhancement ross ross closed duplicate Move webstore to Postgres instead of Sqlite

The default backing store for webstore should be Postgres and not sqlite. This was agreed as part of the #1574 storage changes and on http://ckan.okfnpad.org/newstorage

1325587341000000 1325852472000000
#1077 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog new Move to simpler vdm system

Option 1: 'Changeset' Model

See ticket:1135 for vdm ticket. This would involve a) moving to changeset in vdm b) doing the migration in ckan to support this.

Have developed a new "changeset" based model for revisioning in vdm.


  • The main challenge with this change is schema and data migration

Every revisioned object has a revision_id and revision attribute.

Approximate algorithm:

Revision -> Changeset

for revtype in [PackageRevision, ...]:
    for pkgrev in package_revision:
        changeset = lookupchangeset(package_revision)
        ChangeObject(cset, (table, id), dictize(pkgrev))


  • does pkg include tags attributes or not? or we have to dictize, pkgrev, pkg2tagrev, and tag. Probably the latter.

Option 2: Simplify Revision Object Model

Just use a simpler vdm, see ticket:1136 (move to SessionExtension) and ticket:1137 (remove need for statefulness in vdm).


Advantage of Option 1 versus 2:

  • Easier support for pending state and similar behaviour
  • No need to introduce new tables (and hence migrations) when making something revisioned (or not).


  • Migration is required
  • More difficult to query revision history.
    • Could be addressed by having ChangeObject have separate cols for table name and id but would likely be more difficult.
  • Performance (?)
    • Have one big ChangeObject table to query when looking at changed objects rather than many revision tables.
      • Not sure this is a biggie as even with Revision model biggest revision object tables are probably on the order of the ChangeObject table


Implement Option 2 and leave Option 1 for present.

Option 1 includes Option 2 so it seems that that is required in either case (so we may as well with Option 2).

Option 1 requires significant effort (esp migration) so leave for present and then review the situation at some later date.

1302304464000000 1340034345000000
#1136 enhancement kindly rgrp assigned Move to SessionExtension in vdm

When vdm was created there was no SessionExtension so we use MapperExtension for doing revisioning. Now that SessionExtension? exists we should use it. We can also follow the existing SQLAlchemy recipe: <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/examples.html?highlight=versioning#versioned-objects>

1305210855000000 1340632980000000
#932 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Move to SQLAlchemy-Migrate 0.6

Basic steps from kindly:

  • changing the setup.py dependencies for sqlalchemy-migrate and sqlalchemy to their latest versions.
  • running the migrate script on the repository (or changing the repository scripts manually).
  • checking in both these changes at once.
1296156660000000 1297076710000000
#947 enhancement rgrp closed duplicate Move the assignment of roles to a package on package creation to an extension

At the moment the assignment of user roles on package creation is done in setup_user_roles method in ckan/model/authz.py and is hard-coded.

This can be a pain to override (you can use a Plugin listening for package create events) and makes some things such as putting system in restricted mode more complex than it should be (see ticket:833).

An elegant solution would be to move this into an Extension this simplifies the code and make it easier for people override (just remove the default extension and plugin your own).

1296557478000000 1314031310000000
#284 defect johnbywater rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Move tag/read/xxx to simple tag/xxx like package and group

Also put in redirect from old locations (see examples with plurals in routing.py)

Estimated cost: 20m

Actual cost: 40m

1270664552000000 1271852451000000
#1576 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Move stats extension back into core - 0.5d

Est: 0.5d.


  • Why do this?
    • tiny extension with few dependencies - and really nice to have out of the box
    • trial for doing this on larger scale
  • Do we keep as extension (even if in core)?
    • Ans: Yes, keep as extension because:
      • Already set up that way
      • Cleaner
      • Easier to disable / enable
  • How do we integrate with main them (e.g. have stats link)
    • Ans: not sure (this is part of more general issue of how we update theme for varying changes elsewhere). Best answer is to have some widgetization in theme.
  • Hide ratings section (at least until we reinstate ratings #1598)
    • Ans: no, let's not bother (and having ratings there encourages us to do #1598 and/or find out whether people are interested in ratings)
1324317313000000 1327056070000000
#1275 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Move solr search extension to ckan core 1313413597000000 1319812967000000
#1107 refactor tidy-up bitesize rgrp closed fixed Move package autocomplete from package controller and move to API

Currently autocomplete method on package controller. This method should be in API (like other autocomplete methods).

Will need to update client code (just forms atm I think).

1303808480000000 1340632612000000
#2973 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Move new_authz.py into logic/auth/__init__.py

Makes sense to keep all auth stuff under logic/auth.

Also decide which functions from new_authz.pu should be marked private with _.

Also decide which functions from new_authz.py are really helpers for the auth functions in get.py, update.py and delete.py, and should maybe moved to another file, e.g. logic/auth/helpers.py

1350297545000000 1350297545000000
#950 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Move importer controller to ckanext-importer

ckan/controllers/importer.py provides a Pylons UI for importing spreadsheet data into CKAN. This would better live in an extension than core CKAN.

In the same move, ckan/tests/misc/test_spreadsheet_importer.py, which is used by importer.py as well as various dgu data importers, should move into ckanext.

1296666038000000 1297079743000000
#1030 defect amercader thejimmyg closed fixed Move harvesting out of the rest API 1299776418000000 1303117978000000
#2982 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Move functionality from controllers into template helpers

From Toby: strip more functionality from controllers and add via template helpers eg activity streams

1350298002000000 1350298002000000
#1503 task dread markbrough ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Move from Bitbucket to Github

Reasons: more people familiar with Git, bigger Open Source community on Github.

Keeping track of the move here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvCDqUH8jVN8dGNVNEpXLWk3UTlJZXhFMjBPbXVtRmc&hl=en_GB#gid=0

1322745084000000 1323793662000000
#1333 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Move form converters to ckan core

Functions like convert_to_extras and convert_from_extras will be widely used from extensions and should be on ckan core.

1315909268000000 1316951285000000
#2280 enhancement ross johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Move ecportal to organizations, add history template 1333552029000000 1334834302000000
#1392 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Move datacatalogs.org to an OKFN server 1318497251000000 1320143150000000
#2617 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 2 closed fixed Move data preview into demo 1340875192000000 1342088744000000
#2629 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 closed duplicate Move ckanext-examplevocabs into master and document 1341586555000000 1343392596000000
#1750 enhancement seanh ckan-backlog new Move ckan/lib/activity.py into the model

Move ckan/lib/activity.py moved to into the model - say ckan/model/activity_extension.py, because it's so tightly knit with the model code, whereas most of the lib code is used in the controllers.

1328465888000000 1339773840000000
#1685 enhancement ross ross ckan-backlog closed wontfix Move archiver download function to core

Archiver is included in some places just for access to download(), we should move this to lib in core.

1326984170000000 1346670530000000
#1639 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Move activity streams CSS into external file

The HTML and CSS for the activity streams templates needs to be tidied up. Currently the CSS is inlined in the templates themselves, and there is much unnecessary repetition of CSS.

Perhaps put this one in hold until there has been some design discussion about how the activity streams and the user, dataset and group pages with activity streams should look?

1326305019000000 1328526779000000
#1764 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Move activity streams API tests into tests/logic

Which is where the other API tests have now been moved.

1328536499000000 1335878051000000
#1302 refactor johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Move Resource and Tag search code to logic layer

Resource and Tag search is currently still using the old ckan query parser which is unnecessary. Refactor this out and move to the logic layer.

1314886102000000 1317131948000000
#2336 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Move Jenkins' install script into ckan core so it can be versioned 1335792914000000 1340639637000000
#2303 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Move ECPortal rdf dump paster

Move ECPortal rdf dump paster command into core so that it can be run on thedatahub for virtuoso install.

1334582692000000 1334664098000000
#2481 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Move Coding_Standards.rst into Sphinx 1338467473000000 1338484696000000
#810 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Move "add packages" field up in group form

Subticket of forms super ticket #961

1289992287000000 1310128477000000
#144 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed duplicate Most popular packages listed on homepage

Based on number of views.

Related to ticket:143.

1255010391000000 1265284457000000
#143 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-backlog assigned Most active users listed on homepage

Display league of users' recent activity on homepage.

1255010373000000 1312372381000000
#2412 defect zephod icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 assigned More than one resource invalidatiing breaks dataset edit form

When attempting to add more than one resource at once, if more than one resource invalidates, this results in a js error, leaving the form in an inconsistent state.


  1. Go to /dataset/new
  2. Add a new resource. Fill in one of the fields with an invalid value. eg - last_modified, or size...
  3. Add another resource, doing the same thing: make one of the fields invalid.
  4. Try to save the dataset.
  5. The entered resource information will be lost, and a js error "Uncaught Error: Can't add the same model to a set twice,: backbone.js:586" will be thrown.
1337717148000000 1338203234000000
#2389 defect amercader amercader ckan-v1.8 closed fixed More robust handling of DataExplorer errors


Do not show failed preview with red-bar (esp when just empty datastore ...)

  • Data Viewer checks if datastore is empty nad falls back to ther options if emtpy
  • DataStore? enabled is off by default and only turned on either explicitly by user or by DataStorer? on successful store ...

Loading/showing error reports

1337095447000000 1341222201000000
#265 enhancement johnbywater dread v1.0 closed fixed More detail shown in Atom feed

Use case

As a user I want to stay abreast of package changes, such as a new package being created, newer data is available for a package or a new download is available for a package.


Add into the Atom feed:

  1. a package is a new one
  2. the resources have been changed
  3. the last_updated field has been changed
1267708364000000 1271636891000000
#1037 defect amercader thejimmyg ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed More Robust Harvesting for DGU

CKAN's harvesting facility is now live on DGU but there are some major improvements that could be made to make it more robust and better fit the generic CKAN harvesting framework proposed in #987.

Some of the key issues:

  • Error reports do not currently contain the ID or title of the document with the error.
  • We only have "added" and "error" logging on jobs when we really need a report of "added", "updated", "not changed" and "errors" with the items in each referencing a real metadata document for which harvesting was attempted
  • We need deletion and editing of sources, without deleting the harvested documents or packages
  • We need a more robust harvesting mechanism than a cron job or we need to deal with the case of multiple cron jobs running at once.
  • We need to know the last time a list of documents was scheduled for harvest and the last time each one was fetched.
1300197602000000 1304937601000000
#1512 defect ross rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Modifying user name makes you semi-log-out

If you modify your user name, it looks like you are logged out, but you are actually logged in and therefore can't login. (Reported by Pablo)

As a work around, you need to logout and log back in.


  • We should force this by auto-logging you out (DR: maybe!)
1323100214000000 1342781122000000
#1514 defect dread ckan-v1.6 closed duplicate Modifying user name loses connection with revisions

If you edit your user name, the number of revisions you made returns to 0. This is because in the Revision object, the user's name is stored, rather than the user's ID.

rgrp: We can reconnect that pretty easily (and have a longer term solution that involves not using the usernames but the userids in in the Revision objects so we don't hvae this problem in future!)

1323100659000000 1323279018000000
#1203 defect johnglover rolf ckan-backlog new Moderated edits: html code shows as "changed" although it is not

I've installed the Moderated Edits extension (ckanext-moderatededits) and am editing a package imported from IATIregistry.org, with an extra field which contains a bit of HTML.

The editor indicates the field has changed, although the content hasn't (see screenshot). All I can find so far is a minor difference: in the field content, there is a code &#8212 and in the rendered table that is an &mdash;

1309274970000000 1313401579000000
#1568 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future closed duplicate Moderated Edits

Can this be released as a standard CKAN feature?

1324293776000000 1325267998000000
#712 story johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed invalid Model government data package with "v0.4" of the attributes

Where said "v0.4" would be the result of converging four lists mentioned in requirement #711.

1287581039000000 1294408364000000
#2399 defect amercader seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Model cleanup in CKAN core has broken ckanext-spatial

root@lucid32:/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckan# sudo -u www-data /usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/bin/paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial spatial initdb 4326 --config=/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckan/development.ini Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/bin/paster", line 9, in <module>

load_entry_point('PasteScript?==1.7.3', 'console_scripts', 'paster')()

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 84, in run

invoke(command, command_name, options, args[1:])

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 123, in invoke

exit_code = runner.run(args)

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 218, in run

result = self.command()

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckanext-spatial/ckanext/spatial/commands/spatial.py", line 38, in command


File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/cli.py", line 53, in _load_config

load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/config/environment.py", line 204, in load_environment


File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckanext-spatial/ckanext/spatial/plugin.py", line 60, in configure


File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckanext-spatial/ckanext/spatial/model.py", line 20, in setup


File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckanext-spatial/ckanext/spatial/model.py", line 66, in define_spatial_tables

package_extent_table = Table('package_extent', metadata,

NameError?: global name 'metadata' is not defined

1337173470000000 1340706702000000
#1311 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new Modal user register and login form

Subticket of: #1294

Rather than having to visit a dedicated page it would be good if registration and login could be done from a modal form (separate or combined ...).


  • It could be used from dataset creation page in situations where user needs to be registered / logged in to create a dataset (so we could allow someone to start creating a dataset and only get them to login at the end ...)
  • It allows for quicker and easier logging in


  • See Friedrich's work on the datahub
1315297227000000 1315297227000000
#242 defect pudo rgrp v1.1 closed fixed Miscellaneous tidying up (v0.11)

Dumping ground for various minor and miscellaneous items (mainly refactorings):rgrp

  • controllers/tag.py: why does this not use lib/search.py (but controllers/packages.py search method does)?


  • lib/search.py: inheritance would be nicer than switching on entity in search (i.e. have SearchPackage?, SearchTag? etc)
1265715103000000 1280823876000000
#1509 defect dread assigned Mis-dated old revisions of datasets

e.g. http://thedatahub.org/dataset/osm%402011-07-12T12%3A16%3A47.590358 gives:

This is the current revision of this dataset, as edited at 2011-07-12 12:16.

but it should say the date 2011-07-12 (which is the data being displayed).

The problem is looking at PackageRevision?, when it might be a tag or extra.

1323090398000000 1340190814000000
#127 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Minor form and UI improvements
  • group form: description field for needs to be a text area
  • group form: make title and name field wider
  • package view: need to move tags and license above notes
1253798659000000 1253868048000000
#1507 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-backlog assigned Minor fixes to dataset add on Group edit form - 0.5d

Group edit dataset add form needs some work

  • Dataset name is not cleared when you add
  • No way to remove item from list of datasets to be added if I make a mistake
  • (2nd Apr 2012) It now seems that option to add multiple datasets at once has disappeared (perhaps during the CSS/HTML refactor ...)
1323088429000000 1338205220000000
#1482 defect johnglover zephod ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Minor JS bugs

Three JS bugs have appeared:

  • The slug editor is not updating the text field again. [Fixed; commit:fadda17383]
  • The View Dataset page will stop executing javascript if there are no resources. [Fixed; commit:e54b089f6e]
  • The Add-Dataset and Add-Group URL editor shows the wrong URL for datasets and groups. Broken in this commit:

https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/5a01e67 by 'map.explicit=true'. JohnG: Can you look into this? [Fixed; commit:88e88380f6]

1321991091000000 1322062576000000
#805 task dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed Migration scripts on buildbot 1289816755000000 1298379084000000
#643 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Migration script to add metadata document table 1284226255000000 1284675721000000
#584 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Migration script to add harvest source table 1284211204000000 1284483760000000
#642 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Migration script to add harvest job table 1284226154000000 1284483747000000
#1402 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.6 closed fixed Migrate repository from mercurial to git

Plan to migrate from mercurial git


  • Do trial run
  • Announce conversion date / time
  • Require everyone to have pushed all outstanding changes at that time
  • Do conversion
  • Test
  • Announce on list and ckan.org/
1318811651000000 1324334011000000
#1510 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Migrate existing data into activity streams database tables

See '### Task 2' in this etherpad: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/notifications

I have no idea yet about how to do this or how long it might take me.

1323093901000000 1339677620000000
#831 task rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Migrate ckan trac to ckan.org

Move ckan trac to new ckan.org location. Will also need to re-enable user accounts etc.

1290760820000000 1290760864000000
#2295 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Migrate CKAN packaging and apt.ckan.org from dgu-buildbot
  • Create Jenkins task for packaging CKAN
  • ... and publishing to s3://apt.ckan.org
1334566976000000 1334566986000000
#592 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Methods to return harvest source entity as JSON 1284212338000000 1284342904000000
#609 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Methods to return harvest jobs with error status as JSON 1284218437000000 1285347285000000
#606 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Methods to return harvest job as JSON 1284218102000000 1284344127000000
#593 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Method on API controller to return remote metadata edit form 1284212498000000 1285198853000000
#549 task johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Method on API controller to return package create form 1283339748000000 1283353945000000
#585 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Method on API controller to return harvest source create form 1284211302000000 1284261448000000
#597 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Method on API controller to reject invalid remote metadata edit form submission 1284212689000000 1285198885000000
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.