{23} Trac comments (3729 matches)

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Ticket Posixtime Author Newvalue
#2304 1337073870000000 seanh Currently implemented in this branch https://github.com/okfn/ckan/compare/master...feature-2304-follow waiting for code review and merge into master
#2304 1337158641000000 seanh Finished and merged into master
#2305 1335879165000000 seanh Setting the priority to major as I think it's worth getting this done since the follow support (which is almost finished) is a bit pointless without this.
#2305 1335885478000000 seanh Setting minor again after cleaning tickets out of this sprint
#2305 1340879812000000 seanh Implemented by Sven
#2313 1334756921000000 seanh Note that c.new_facets has now been renamed c.search_facets. Before this ticket is closed the old c.facets should also be removed from the template context. It's put there by ckan/logic/action/get.py:package_search(), which also puts the new c.search_facets there.
#2345 1335878420000000 seanh Setting priority high as we want this done by Friday for the 1.7 release.
#2345 1336492725000000 seanh Work on this has started in branch feature-2345-action-api-autodocs
#2345 1337962454000000 seanh Done but now I need to fix readthedocs again
#2386 1337967006000000 seanh Done. ckanext-spatial and ckanext-qa are not activated because they don't work with the current version of CKAN. datastorer is not installed yet.
#2391 1338397982000000 seanh I've told them how to do it themselves and offered to help if they get stuck
#2398 1337963342000000 seanh I'm closing this because we've got a whole bunch of tickets from the dev meetup about fixing the dependencies and requirements file that should deal with this problem
#2422 1337945204000000 seanh Closing because I'm not able to reproduce and it turned out floapps had publisher auth on which was overriding his rights auth
#2428 1341234933000000 seanh This awaiting merge, pull request: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/46
#2428 1341314475000000 seanh Merged. The only thing I didn't do was add a test case that runs pip freeze and tests that all the right versions of deps are installed.
#2430 1338397815000000 seanh http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/MasterTicketsPlugin
#2431 1338397906000000 seanh https://github.com/davglass/github-trac
#2434 1341234522000000 seanh We've moved to AWS hosting with docs generated by Jenkins instead, see: http://trac.okfn.org/ticket/1254 There are still two issues to resolve: 1. Automatically updating the symlink so that docs.ckan.org always redirects to the latest stable version 2. Finding somewhere to put links to all the other versions
#2437 1338484676000000 seanh Please add to the file started to doc/coding-standards.rst Also, for the Python coding standards see http://wiki.okfn.org/Coding_Standards as a starting point
#2437 1338487089000000 seanh I've also added the commit message guidelines as they reference a trac plugin I'm going to get installed. I'll leave the rest to you. I remembered that http://wiki.ckan.org/Main_Page has a bunch of pages under Developer Resources that should probably be updated and merged into these coding standards and deleted from the wiki
#2466 1338467285000000 seanh Looks like we need to upgrade to Trac 0.12 and then install this plugin: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/SpamFilter
#2469 1340639702000000 seanh Closing this, has been broken down into individual tickets, see ckanbuild milestone
#2477 1343124123000000 seanh See thread on ckan-dev for list of officially supported non-core extensions: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-June/002439.html
#2507 1339596399000000 seanh merged
#2520 1340624831000000 seanh Also see #2370
#2549 1350561840000000 seanh Closing as we've gone forward with a different solution instead
#2601 1340723256000000 seanh I think this happens whenever you try to edit a dataset that has no organization
#2608 1343125400000000 seanh This seemed to be a problem in Firefox only and only when a certain Firefox extension was enabled, nothing quite got to the bottom of it, not worth fixing given the obscureness and difficulty
#2619 1340884739000000 seanh A thought about efficiency, you probably don't want to pass all the activities through the filter function since only the most recent 15 will be shown anyway. Suggest a filter function with an optional limit=15 argument, you pass it the whole activity list and it iterates over it until it has found 15 public ones then immediately returns those.
#2619 1351531137000000 seanh I think we need a function that filters out all activities and activity details where the user doesn't have permission to read either the subject or object of the activity or any of its activity details. Each of the *_activity_list() functions can then use it.
#2623 1341232433000000 seanh Works if you remember to enable publisher_auth (the Authorization button never appears, Join is always there, can Edit the org and add users that way)
#2624 1341583610000000 seanh Moving into 1.8 and making high priority, needed for cmap
#2624 1341609814000000 seanh Thanks Ross!
#2628 1343392717000000 seanh Already done on another ticket, closing this as dup
#2629 1343392596000000 seanh New ticket #2771 encompasses this and related changes, closing this one as a dup
#2630 1343392411000000 seanh I made another ticket (#2771) to encompass this and related work, closing this one as dup
#2682 1342447364000000 seanh Note that this commit fixes the double-counting for page views: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/5739818a528bb16748f67b6d57a16f575ae78144 but not for resource downloads (which look like they could have the exact same fix) but I'm not particularly happy about the fix because I don't fully understand the SQL. It still needs unit tests and to be fixed properly, for both pages and resources
#2682 1342545573000000 seanh Talked with kindly, seems the above fix is correct and should be applied to resources as well
#2756 1343231863000000 seanh See commits: f5043a2, 2280428, a8eedda (the ticket number wasn't in the commit messages, sorry)
#2770 1343389747000000 seanh Done (but not log messages on history page, won't do those)
#2771 1343392265000000 seanh I've started working on this on a branch, will get it finished as soon as I can
#2771 1350303564000000 seanh Branch is here, but not finished yet: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/tree/2750-add-docs-and-examples-for-idatasetform-and-igroupform
#2772 1345027445000000 seanh Transifex was updated and translators notified, translations were made and pulled into 1.8
#2872 1350304179000000 seanh Just tested and this seems fixed so closing
#2878 1350561906000000 seanh Closing as we've gone forward with a slightly different approach instead
#2879 1350562096000000 seanh Closing as we've moved forward with a slightly different approach to organizations
#2880 1350561968000000 seanh Closing as we've moved forward with a slightly different approach to organizations in core instead.
#2883 1345629890000000 seanh Also see the thread here: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2012-August/002382.html the questions asked in the thread should give ideas what to add to the overview
#2885 1345625524000000 seanh authz_form_table() in ckan/templates/package/authz.html creates a table with non-translatable labels (anon_editor, admin, editor, reader...)
#2900 1346335788000000 seanh Why does this only happen on user profile pages and not dataset search page or group read page? Looks like maybe only user profile page uses the package_list.html snippet
#2913 1350303779000000 seanh Moving into 2.0 milestone. Also affects 1.8.
#2931 1347891378000000 seanh Also set_global() seems to have the wrong docstring
#2937 1348157780000000 seanh This is fixed on master (commit e97b5c70e9325a1095778fef8e0d27c84e881b30) needs to be cherry-picked into 1.8
#2937 1348238875000000 seanh Cherry-picked into 1.8
#2968 1350297070000000 seanh This also applies to other pages such as /member_new and /member_delete
#2980 1350560137000000 seanh Won't do unless required by a specific client
#3007 1351517019000000 seanh Only happens if you create a dataset through the web UI, creating a dataset through the API still produces just one activity.
#3018 1355140950000000 seanh https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/171
#234 1338206486000000 ross 18 months, no activity.
#282 1338206417000000 ross This was discussed with Toby who has a ticket for this same feature because of disqus requirements.
#377 1338206330000000 ross We have another ticket for fixing the API
#863 1338206455000000 ross UI has changed rather a lot in last 18 months, so I killing this bug.
#909 1346669602000000 ross Backlog until funded.
#1035 1338206251000000 ross Removing until we can come up with a case for implementing
#1171 1347358705000000 ross I have implemented this on the datahub, but this change likely needs to be made to CKAN core. Probably as part of 2.0. The format on tdh is currently: ${TITLE}. ${AUTHOR}. Retrieved ${UTC time}. ${DATASET LINK} Best discuss and agree on what format should be supported. Mark, I've assigned this to you as it is tagged academia ;)
#1279 1338212028000000 ross Duplicate of #2366
#1328 1340191065000000 ross Let's see if this is still an issue in 1.8
#1345 1340190737000000 ross Moved out of milestone so that it gets looked at again soon
#1432 1324290164000000 ross PhantomJS ( http://www.phantomjs.org/ ) looks like the perfect way to run a JS scraper offline but still within the context of a browser. Would need to consider how the script would be executed over multi-page datasets, but I'm fairly sure it would be possible to come up with a workable solution.
#1444 1340190852000000 ross 7 months, no activity, dead bug.
#1452 1340190587000000 ross I believe this has been addressed by Toby.
#1475 1326283573000000 ross Initial draft written at http://wiki.ckan.org/Writing_asynchronous_tasks
#1485 1323186842000000 ross Implementing an initial IPackageController in ckanext-example
#1508 1323184952000000 ross Custom form is referenced in #1485
#1533 1323359638000000 ross Investigating: 1. The XPATH that the middleware is currently using will definitely not match the navigation on 1.5.1, we'll need to change the xpath and also extract the anchors from the LI tags that are retrieved from the wordpress site. 2. Getting the main wordpress content just doesn't seem to work at all. Lots of class/id confusion. Will fix for 1.5.1 in branch
#1533 1338202636000000 ross This has been superceded by #2234
#1549 1324385952000000 ross Comment from John Erickson (on ckan-discuss): FYI, such ability to maintain an identifier was an original motivation/requirement of the DOI (which is why the Handle System was the obvious choice for implementation). Note that providing the ability to maintain the short URL implies some kind of authority --- either based on the originating user or a ckan administrator. The idea of analytics as a motivator is very good; this is a great feature of bit.ly Another feature to consider might be short URL lookup based on target URL at short URL creation time, to avoid multiple short URL for the same target.
#1551 1346662048000000 ross Webstore appears to hav been deprecated in favour of datastore.
#1553 1326288657000000 ross I think this is caused by the javascript xhr call getting redirected (quietly) to the login page, so the original javascript can't complete as it has a login form rather than the auth form it is looking for. Maybe we should change the JS to realise that it is at the login page and do something different than pretend to still be uploading?
#1553 1340628027000000 ross Aron, can I assign this to you for when you do the JS based uploading on demo site/new UI?
#1574 1325582298000000 ross Related: #1608 Merge storage into Core #1609 Celery task for ckanext-archiver to write to webstore.
#1574 1325590211000000 ross Added #1611 as relevant to webstore integration
#1574 1325847164000000 ross Updated description.
#1574 1325847230000000 ross __Some issues to be addressed__ * What about existing content stored on google/s3? * Metadata for OFS should use username/userid? If user changes username we could just change the pairtree metadata json file, it should not be automated or easy for users to change username though. * OFS Metadata should contain the form data from CKAN upload * Remove _owner from OFS metadata (unnecessary) __Some issues to still consider__ * Allow .sqlite upload? * Allow .sql upload?
#1574 1326904965000000 ross Added related ticket #1681 for documentation/announce to be done asap.
#1579 1338212496000000 ross I think the new datastore solves this.
#1608 1325586861000000 ross We should consider some admin dashboard hooks for data such as total file storage usage+count
#1608 1325681756000000 ross The current storage API might need cleaning up and merging into the normal API. Although this may require changes to the current API Controller. Not sure, so adding a note as a reminder.
#1609 1325586917000000 ross from the pad: What happens when I upload a CSV? * End up with file in permanent storage * IF file is of type ... csv,xls,xlsx,sqlite,.sql * End up with new db in webstore * Where? {username}/{resource-id}/... * If a single table: name it after the file name (appropriately slugified) * A resource *always* corresponds to a 'database' in webstore ... * In Data Explorer have "Sheets" tab ... * Resource url = /dataset/{x}/resource/{y}/link -> cached_url ... * Move uploaded file into permanent storage
#1610 1325852472000000 ross Duplicate of https://github.com/okfn/webstore/issues/41
#1611 1325846987000000 ross See #1550
#1649 1331547577000000 ross After looking at some options via http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2209 I think a simple RDF template or triple in an internal ckanext-semweb might indeed be the most appropriate way forward with this. n3 sounds useful, but given we could allow people to specify an RDF template we may as well do that as well as it would then suffice for ecportal who appear to want rdf as well. Will check out json-ld as an option too.
#1650 1326730780000000 ross Some translations are currently done with full locales (i.e. pt_BR) but we don't also have pt_PT and so where I would normally default to the language if there are only one translation I am unsure what to do in this case. Currently supports the short language code or the locale code, but this will need to be resolved before we address #1653
#1650 1338206684000000 ross Branch exists for #1650
#1650 1343126718000000 ross Probably not going to do this for ECP as John found a cleaner way of doing it.
#1650 1346670010000000 ross Closed as unnecessary now.
#1652 1340187535000000 ross Is this still required?
#1656 1326711659000000 ross Dupe of #1657
#1658 1338206622000000 ross Being done elsewhere
#1661 1338206091000000 ross We have another ticket for upgrading dependencies.
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