{23} Trac comments (3729 matches)

Results (2501 - 2600 of 3729)

Ticket Posixtime Author Newvalue
#1483 1323279151000000 johnglover Fixed. Updated logic layer: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/520959ca6f83586d33cf7d4015d625a776ee46a1 Updated tasks (qa, archiver, webstorer): https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-qa/commit/78cbf5c6d16225e1580aee23fdf884f88d2475f5 https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-qa/commit/8553348942adad0babd4bdd91820c1d75a1784a7 https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-archiver/commit/8ed419280bd7f2e66aeb4f17f3f546d941fe11fb https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-webstorer/commit/d16fb090533a716c856e59838f79bbaa0ea42e76
#1359 1329132464000000 rgrp Fixed, see https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/2f789700af9ba20ed2970674c6504be8a33401d9 Adopted http://licenses.opendefinition.org/licenses/groups/ckan.json for CKAN as the default (inlined it in code). Took longer than expected as did more work on the licenses service (which was not strictly necessary!)
#1501 1322684411000000 johnglover Fixed, commit: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/255352a1c2f403aa5d25b461ca60dbc272d90ea4
#797 1289402982000000 rgrp Fixed yesterday night in cset:5b522c762e71
#2806 1352206005000000 johnmartin Fixed with new group pages.
#693 1286831155000000 wwaites Fixed with cset:1e53d160abb6 If expires argument is set, Cache-Control headers get set -- so remove any values, default or otherwise from your configs. ETag gets set to last-modified.
#1206 1309450216000000 dread Fixed with cset:149be76faabc on default branch, aiming for ckan 1.4.2. Thanks for help from Eric Lemoine.
#2440 1339497700000000 aron.carroll Fixed this up, last thing I think we should do is ensure that the datasets passed to the homepage have descriptions.
#2710 1343233018000000 aron.carroll Fixed this up, assigning back to you for one small issue. The h.url_for('datastore_read') is returning a broken url: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/blob/2710-nicer-api-page/ckan/controllers/package.py#L1139-1140 It looks like this: {{{http://localhost:5000datastore_read?id=794dab29-703f-4ab5-9043-ace58c87a2ce}}}
#1804 1330037202000000 dread Fixed this on release-v1.6 in cset 557e72330db7. Spent 0.5h. Reassigning for Toby to look at branch feature-1653-i18n_url_rewriting
#1083 1305058621000000 johnlawrenceaspden Fixed the problem where you can't delete a role if it's been added twice, but had to leave the add function as it was since putting a commit in it breaks many tests. It appears that the WUI doesn't call these functions anyway. Left that as it is since we're planning to replace it. The cli rights command doesn't appear to add the roles that it says it adds. Possibly because it's not doing the required commit? Reported this as a different bug.
#1214 1310042268000000 dread Fixed tag entity returning package names for apiv2 - it now gives IDs. The problem mentioned about "Extras" content - I'm not sure what's meant here. Package extras are just strings. You might choose to store a package name in an extra, but there is no magic to convert it to a package id should you retrieve the package via apiv2. Is this just a misunderstanding or have I missed your point?
#2576 1340617688000000 aron.carroll Fixed proper in 4bf158b
#2811 1349869110000000 amercader Fixed on master, 1.8 and 1.7.2
#1536 1323349465000000 dread Fixed on master - cset:39b745f. Aimed for 1.5.2 branch (should be on thedatahub.org in a few days).
#280 1271173769000000 dread Fixed on default in cset:ad64bd0f6073
#1104 1303920791000000 dread Fixed on default cset:52a3fb230074 - create-test-data now indexes the package it creates.
#1166 1317381932000000 amercader Fixed on d5bee3de9957
#955 1297342534000000 dread Fixed on cset:b65b9830571c and merged into default in time for 1.3 release.
#1347 1316094608000000 dread Fixed on cset:7c3cc0fd6ae4 on branch release-v1.4.3.1.
#1587 1339433286000000 johnglover Fixed on ckanext-qa branch release-v1.7.1
#1131 1305537897000000 dread Fixed on branch release-v1.3.5 cset:3461ed6bab0c
#1641 1326376777000000 amercader Fixed on 77fa6483c32
#1592 1326304321000000 amercader Fixed on 1e649a62fcf
#993 1298373114000000 dread Fixed on 1.3 cset:7708c8b521ed and merged to default. Deployed to ckan.net.
#2252 1334567495000000 amercader Fixed on 0dff1f6c2e
#1127 1304606094000000 dread Fixed links
#949 1296730355000000 pudo Fixed in: * https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/8017a6686838 * https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/5e6634aab275
#25 1204131522000000 rgrp Fixed in revisions leading up to r239 and r241. Currently just have autocomplete and no 'suggested tags' as this requires pre-computation and caching of results which needs to be thought about further.
#240 1272383770000000 johnbywater Fixed in revision 5567025e6d5e.
#68 1245697554000000 rgrp Fixed in r7ffc8288cb88 and rc6ac0a80ba11.
#63 1245656000000000 rgrp Fixed in r63c48818395f
#46 1218545499000000 rgrp Fixed in r303.
#47 1215543616000000 rgrp Fixed in r303.
#64 1246127063000000 rgrp Fixed in r269:4a2febc4f1eb.
#45 1204133342000000 rgrp Fixed in r221 by JB.
#40 1200993319000000 rgrp Fixed in r211.
#37 1199786536000000 rgrp Fixed in r193 with improvements in r201 and crucial bugfix in r203.
#1481 1322062707000000 johnglover Fixed in new dataset UX changes (branch feature-1450-dataset-view), still has to be merged with master.
#1183 1311771069000000 johnglover Fixed in new datapreview code (currently running on the test.ckan.net), which now gets the preview data from a webstore instead of the dataproxy API. It also only now shows a preview button for resources that were successfully archived and saved in the webstore.
#2676 1352205920000000 johnmartin Fixed in master
#2704 1352205939000000 johnmartin Fixed in master
#2705 1352205954000000 johnmartin Fixed in master
#2711 1352205968000000 johnmartin Fixed in master
#2741 1352205988000000 johnmartin Fixed in master
#2742 1352206081000000 johnmartin Fixed in master
#2907 1352206307000000 johnmartin Fixed in master
#1407 1323764239000000 rgrp Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-stats/commit/a95bbf7ffc0a36a747467f568a011b6865b64478.
#2221 1331561095000000 ross Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/compare/1eeda11...ad2358a
#1828 1330525412000000 rgrp Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/e6da48d9337575a83bc6a30896e68d1081b43847
#1719 1328519411000000 rgrp Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/90c76b0b006cf505698834e833b548634cf10d17 (see log message for details of error and the fix).
#2373 1336142514000000 dread Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/8b7141cd2ff619a0e35aaa31bbc1d17156647498 on master (and also on release-dgu1).
#1659 1326741734000000 dread Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/7eb7dddbc103a23291c05a938d9e05365c7e6189 aimed at 1.5.2
#1608 1328175329000000 rgrp Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/4488795a54866a02305268d77a2648fa85538ee8 And working on <http://thedatahub.org/>, test etc. One important note: test using remote storage has been disabled -- see https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/3c9ddd31d741eb8ec8c145063ce967e781947a88 Time spent: 0.25d.
#1518 1323762304000000 rgrp Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/3b209af3656851e560aeb4d6f5563f05897c8f01
#1195 1311841763000000 rgrp Fixed in https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-storage/changeset/49734285f1ef
#1361 1317082893000000 rgrp Fixed in https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/cb641a5151df
#1063 1302514033000000 sebbacon Fixed in https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/145eaae3168a
#1319 1318527613000000 rgrp Fixed in https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/130cad62163c
#1386 1318527591000000 rgrp Fixed in https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/130cad62163c
#2665 1342088650000000 aron.carroll Fixed in fe1d9ec
#2576 1340300413000000 aron.carroll Fixed in fbeda87
#2677 1342461576000000 aron.carroll Fixed in f8da5b7
#2840 1344852538000000 aron.carroll Fixed in f7bc1c9. This can be flipped back by adding a class of {{{.tagline-right}}} to the hgoup element.
#1338 1317117738000000 amercader Fixed in eca1edce3a0f
#2267 1343229146000000 aron.carroll Fixed in eade4e3
#873 1292939274000000 dread Fixed in dgu cset:8bfb867e247a and ckanext cset:fabd31544a73
#2408 1343657014000000 aron.carroll Fixed in df502fd9269859c73458f4ad8de75939220e0315
#1340 1315991534000000 dread Fixed in default in cset:33856d3ce84e aimed at release 1.5
#1493 1323166859000000 dread Fixed in db814bed5 and cdbfa799f on master
#1553 1343226756000000 aron.carroll Fixed in d41af4c
#1061 1301397271000000 dread Fixed in cset:fc3bc103db8c ready for release 1.3.3
#337 1279300972000000 dread Fixed in cset:f5cc13ade0e8 Cost: 30m
#917 1295280232000000 dread Fixed in cset:f2865f43d8ee
#159 1256060264000000 dread Fixed in cset:e7ea5b97365e Note: no spaces allowed between search operator and the word associated with the operator. So with "tags: postcode" it was searching for a blank tag. I've made the change so that would ignore 'tags' in this case, producing reasonable search results for postcodes in all fields. postcodes. Cost: 1.5h
#336 1279373842000000 dread Fixed in cset:e719f449bc74
#1405 1320152291000000 dread Fixed in cset:e68926926bee for release 1.5. David looked for duplicates on thedatahub.org and found one - http://thedatahub.org/group/lodcloud with http://thedatahub.org/dataset/didactalia. I fixed that by opening the dataset, editing, saving.
#1090 1302635699000000 dread Fixed in cset:e0af88edf0f0 on default.
#1346 1316086314000000 dread Fixed in cset:df299e69d456 on default for release 1.5. Problem exists on releases 1.4.3 - 1.3.1 and probably earlier too.
#1267 1312897724000000 dread Fixed in cset:db5bf5b45b4f for ckan 1.4.3. Later versions of webob add the charset header for unicode errors (webob/exc.py:generate_response): {{{ extra_kw = {} if isinstance(body, unicode): extra_kw.update(charset='utf-8') resp = Response(body, status=self.status, headerlist=headerlist, content_type=content_type, **extra_kw ) }}} This was fixed in webob cset:25fc14d49623 which went into WebOb 1.0. This problem affects versions from CKAN 1.4.2 back to 1.3.1. We had been avoiding this in CKAN previously by only doing abort() with a plain string.
#329 1275079189000000 dread Fixed in cset:d264f9d57477 and cset:07701ef4085e
#1367 1317394273000000 dread Fixed in cset:d15d81aa63cf for
#174 1256650986000000 dread Fixed in cset:d13bfdb99282
#1270 1312912188000000 dread Fixed in cset:ca5295c9c8cf and released as ckanclient version 0.9
#365 1279300621000000 dread Fixed in cset:c11738dcb1ba Cost: 1d
#261 1267207776000000 dread Fixed in cset:c024937fc6cb. license_id removed in API.
#1239 1311442163000000 rgrp Fixed in cset:adf254b7c507 (see https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/adf254b7c507)
#278 1271173752000000 dread Fixed in cset:ad64bd0f6073 - copes with spaces now.
#288 1271173777000000 dread Fixed in cset:ad64bd0f6073
#975 1297344448000000 rgrp Fixed in cset:a4caf6b8ce3d.
#142 1289219069000000 pudo Fixed in cset:a3f713368bba pending release of repoze.who.openid==0.5.3
#946 1296833368000000 dread Fixed in cset:a30c31b9009d
#319 1274366882000000 dread Fixed in cset:a1ef783d27d2 on default and metastable.
#1265 1312566052000000 dread Fixed in cset:a1b8dd169f4e on 1.4.3 release and merged to default.
#310 1279300525000000 dread Fixed in cset:a0acf179355c Cost: 2h
#1056 1302626373000000 dread Fixed in cset:a025b5b3293c on default.
#928 1297115097000000 rgrp Fixed in cset::540e8e548d84
#267 1272960518000000 rgrp Fixed in cset:9e2e66cced90/vdm
#974 1297342599000000 dread Fixed in cset:9dc20731d0fd and cset:5149f503e741 for 1.3 release.
#955 1296833234000000 dread Fixed in cset:9a45a07ad95e
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.