{23} Trac comments (3729 matches)

Results (2601 - 2700 of 3729)

Ticket Posixtime Author Newvalue
#12 1157371398000000 rgrp See changeset:39
#13 1157373546000000 rgrp See changeset:39
#14 1157371389000000 rgrp See changeset:39
#29 1157371518000000 rgrp See changeset:40.
#2756 1343231863000000 seanh See commits: f5043a2, 2280428, a8eedda (the ticket number wasn't in the commit messages, sorry)
#517 1283897199000000 pudo See forms/iati, fixtures.py, fixtures.json as of ckanextiati: a02467cb67ba
#1737 1334591246000000 icmurray See http://ckan.okfnpad.org/feature-1737-expose-solr-based-search-api = Immediate actions * analysis of whether the current action/get.py:package_search() function exposes all we currently need for the use cases described above. * how to return that data (expand the current format?) * analysis of whether the current (action) API v.3 can use query parameters rather than as well as POSTed data. (controlles/api.py:action() ) uses "self._get_request_data()" which in-turn pulls out data from POST body. = Tasks Extend the existing package_search action. * pass the facet fields into the logic layer from the request parameters. - /api/3/action/package_search * facet information not being returned via package_search action (is empty). - curl -X POST -d '{"q": "{!lucene q.op=AND df=text}tags:health +community -profile"}' 'http://thedatahub.org/api/3/action/package_search' - figure out why it's not working, and what the facet information should look like * whitelist any GETable api actions, and optionally construct the query from url params rather than body
#1345 1343215489000000 amercader See https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/73
#42 1204133257000000 rgrp See r234 and previous. Pagination now implemented for packages and tags (but not for revisions yet).
#55 1223909475000000 rgrp See r356 and r362 and r365.
#55 1223909891000000 rgrp See r356 and r362 and r365.
#54 1230211256000000 rgrp See r362, r365, r370 + more.
#39 1223908298000000 rgrp See r363 r364 and r366.
#56 1239018857000000 rgrp See r398 + r412. Could do a bit more here to have nicer icons and a big sign on the package indicating whether open or not).
#53 1239133021000000 rgrp See r435. This just provides basic list of revisions affecting this. Next step would be to show diffs but that is another ticket.
#58 1239974365000000 rgrp See r442 and r437.
#5 1185473622000000 rgrp See r64 ff.
#1032 1303118226000000 thejimmyg See related ticket #922
#1760 1328709521000000 ross See src/ckanext-dgu/ckanext/dgu/bin/import_publishers.py which will pull publishers from the provided CSV file and build the hierarchy in the database. This file describes how to obtain the publisher list (with hierarchy detail).
#1298 1323106307000000 seanh See the new super ticket and its branch: #1515
#2477 1343124123000000 seanh See thread on ckan-dev for list of officially supported non-core extensions: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-June/002439.html
#885 1293314219000000 wwaites See: https://bitbucket.org/ww/ckanext-ows impossible as of yet to test against live server from the OS
#2605 1340874110000000 ross Seeing *very* strange behaviour here with the tests working fine when run individually, but when run as part of the entire suite it is returning an old group (called david) that is NOT in the database (set breakpoint, queried db, not there). Hoping Mr Raznicks sqlalchemy skills will be able to see what is going on with this.
#1646 1327407044000000 dread Seems ok now. Chrome auto updates - maybe it had a bug before.
#2434 1350296272000000 amercader Seems to be working again, closing.
#2304 1335885463000000 seanh Setting minor again after cleaning tickets out of this sprint
#2305 1335885478000000 seanh Setting minor again after cleaning tickets out of this sprint
#2345 1335878420000000 seanh Setting priority high as we want this done by Friday for the 1.7 release.
#2305 1335879165000000 seanh Setting the priority to major as I think it's worth getting this done since the follow support (which is almost finished) is a bit pointless without this.
#269 1288037103000000 dread Several of these points haven't been considered in the recent work.
#2554 1346670433000000 ross Shelved until LOD plenary/funding found. Longer term plans for an LOD hosted triplestore may make this unnecessary.
#2734 1343061727000000 toby Shevski, I think this is an old dataset it works fine with new ones. I think this is a corrupt data issue. also HTML, is fine as a format please reopen if you can reproduce with a dataset that has been created since the update today
#1511 1323264315000000 seanh Should be as a list of dicts, not Activity objects.
#2600 1340721815000000 ross Should do this as part of #2548
#301 1281342885000000 rgrp Should not have been closed. ticket:190 is about comments this is about a wiki-like discussion page which is very different.
#838 1291721955000000 memespring Show welcome message: http://ckan.org/ticket/850
#1300 1319794520000000 rgrp Side bar menu is switchable (though not sure how -- zephod has done this!) CSS tidying and labelling of divs done in #1380. So closing!
#192 1261487668000000 dread Similar stuff is being done in ticket:204. Consider transferring this field into default package schema?
#919 1303202627000000 dread Simple to fix this in the process of fixing #108. Fix went in cset:304d30d85816 for release 1.3.4.
#659 1311183031000000 thejimmyg Since there is already an implementation and already exists as a ticket in the OKFN tasks, I'm marking this as closed. If there is a reason this is still open, please add it to a more appropriate ticket, such as the API version 3 one.
#1283 1326720891000000 dread Since we switched completely to SOLR, this has been true. SOLR doesn't index deleted packages so you can't search them, but they can be read/edited by admins.
#1320 1317730999000000 zephod Slightly painful when links appear inside naughty HTML tags or in markdown tags. Restriction: Links are auto-linked if they appear at the start of a line or after whitespace. cset:f9dfb0506594
#2347 1343126819000000 icmurray Small fix to create action, outlined in [1] to be done. Said I'd do it, so moved ticket over to myself. [1] https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/62
#659 1298379892000000 dread Smoketest scripts exist for exactly this in ckanext. It would be great to have this running on nagios. It is as simple as running: python blackbox/smoke.py -H ckan.net blackbox/ckan.net.profile.json See here for code: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext/src/default/blackbox
#875 1297085261000000 pudo So far opting for route 1) (not implementing facets), therefore this can be closed!
#27 1202997781000000 johnbywater So for this ticket, a REST interface for packages would involve: See [wiki:RestfulAPI this wiki page] for more information.
#433 1282081297000000 wwaites So one more modification, the datapkg_sources argument is no longer a dictionary but a string, similar to the metadata.txt but with the name as the section heading rather than [DEFAULT] so as to be able to support more than one download. As of now, this works:: {{{ This class treats an installed python package as a data index. For instructions on creating such a package, what needs to go in its setup.py and such, see :func:`datapkg.pypkgtools.datapkg_sources`. Here we are concerned with how to use such a package. An example of one such package can be installed like so:: % pip install hg+http://bitbucket.org/ww/ukgov_treasury_cra Once installed, datapkg can be used to inspect it and install parts wherever desired:: % datapkg list egg://ukgov_treasury_cra cra2009 -- Country and Regional Analysis 2009 % datapkg install egg://ukgov_treasury_cra/cra2009 file:///tmp [...] % ls -l /tmp/cra2009/ total 11112 -rw-r--r-- 1 ww wheel 5681852 May 12 15:48 cra_2009_db.csv -rw-r--r-- 1 ww wheel 292 Aug 17 22:37 metadata.txt }}} Of course the related python code and machinery hasn't been ported over to that package yet, but that's quite another matter.
#961 1297073658000000 dread So you also need: 4. Converting form data to dict 5. Converting dict to model i.e. the dict is not the same as the serialized form data or model data.
#191 1322762567000000 dread So you can do this sort of search: {{{ curl http://thedatahub.org/api/action/package_search -d '{"q": "groups:lodcloud", "sort": "metadata_modified asc"}' }}} but it doesn't work because solr doesn't store the metadata_modified field yet.
#27 1202996441000000 johnbywater So, after reading all about REST interfaces, I've written a functional requirement for a RESTfull interface to a web application domain model: http://desire.appropriatesoftware.net/requirements/60/ Basically, the 'fit criteria' require answers to these questions: * What are the URIs? * What's the format? * What methods are supported at each URI? * What status codes could be returned? I think we can hope to make a clean rest interface at (something like) ckan.net/api/rest. Having such a distinct location is fairly common (cf. flickr.com) and prevents any clutering the web browser client interface with aspects of machine client support. To make this point clearer, as RESTfullness claims to describe the web as it is, then the existing web browser interface must already be RESTfull. Hence, the main distinction with CKAN development is between CKAN's RESTfull machine interface and CKAN's RESTfull web browser client interface. Hence, if a CKAN machine client will follow the client-server interaction of a CKAN web browser client, the main requirement is to make sure the format of the responses is client-appropriate. Whilst machine clients can make POST and GET requests in the same way as a web browsers, clearly machine clients don't need lots of decorative HTML when accessing domain objects. Therefore, CKAN needs first to make user of a data format for rendering domain objects, and it needs to detect when it is required to return data in this format. Options for data format are bascially XML or JSON. It looks like JSON is preferable. Options for detecting client type are to prefix normal resource path with /api/rest/ or for the machine clients to pass a format=json parameter with each request.
#2565 1340116053000000 aron.carroll Social links open in a new tab as of bb41d86
#1124 1323168132000000 thejimmyg Solr is now properly supported in the ckan-1.5 repository.
#721 1288459534000000 pudo Solved using javascript to toggle hide/show preview for each resource: http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanextiati/changeset/942cec028cf5
#1591 1328735849000000 nils.toedtmann Some critical CKANs (e.g. PDEU, DataNL, DataGM) seem to be still on pre-1.5 versions. Shouldn't they be upgraded too? Or is that tracked elsewhere?
#318 1276438793000000 wwaites Some good news, ll.url seems to take bad urls and make them into good urls. viz: {{{ In [1]: from ll import url In [2]: print url.URL("https://mqi.ic.nhs.uk/IndicatorDataView.aspx?query=NRLS%3&ref=3.02.16") ------> print(url.URL("https://mqi.ic.nhs.uk/IndicatorDataView.aspx?query=NRLS%3&ref=3.02.16")) /Users/ww/Work/OKF/ckanrdf/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ll/url.py:2358: UserWarning: truncated escape at position 4 value = _unescape(namevalue[1].replace("+", " ")) https://mqi.ic.nhs.uk/IndicatorDataView.aspx?query=NRLS%253&ref=3%2E02%2E16 }}}
#1703 1329918613000000 johnglover Some metadata model info clarified at meeting today, will update ckanext-ecportal accordingly.
#318 1274377385000000 wwaites Some more datapoints from Leigh Dodds of Talis: I'm still having no joy with this I'm afraid. I'm test parsing the data locally using the TDB command-line tools, specifically tdbcheck which will parse the data and generate warnings/exceptions. This uses the same parsing code, data and URI validation code as we're using on the Platform. Currently its giving me warnings for invalid lexical values for dates, e.g: Lexical not valid for datatype: "2008"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date While these aren't a major issue, looking at some of the data suggests that there are more underlying data problems that need checking and fixing up, e.g: Lexical not valid for datatype: "n/a"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date Lexical not valid for datatype: "27/04/2006 13:56"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date Lexical not valid for datatype: "Real time calculation"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date Lexical not valid for datatype: "varies by country"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date And there are still some invalid URIs, e.g: <https://mqi.ic.nhs.uk/IndicatorDataView.aspx?query=NRLS%3&ref=3.02.16> Code: 30/ILLEGAL_PERCENT_ENCODING in QUERY: The host component a percent occurred without two following hexadecimal digits. Can I suggest you try running the converted data through tdbcheck to iron out any problems? Then I can push it into the Platform.
#1009 1298638447000000 pudo Some more ideas: * /user should list users, sorted by number of packages contributed/editied * /user/{name}/packages shows a list of packages to which users have contributed
#2796 1345129471000000 shevski Some notes already here: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/datahub-faq
#1576 1327056070000000 rgrp Some questions arising from this. Now on http://ckan.okfnpad.org/extensions * How do I add Stats to a menu ... * ANS (?): Main menu: should make this configurable sooner rather than later (what about footers ...) * How do I have plugins support other plugins ... * E.g. stats incorporate QA info == Extensions in Core == * Do we centralize templates and public directory or not ... * (+) quicker, simpler * (-) have to change things, does it mess up non-core extensions * Tests: need to be run! (Put them into core area ...) == Qu: Going forward how do we handle extensions and plugins == Specifically: * Inclusion of html into *core* html - e.g. showing download counts ... * Concrete examples: * Including widgets into the dashboard * Including widgets in stats section * (not simply inclusion of html into routing system separate from core -- which is relatively trivial) * More entry points? == Other stuff I think we should look at == * config in dashboard
#1650 1326730780000000 ross Some translations are currently done with full locales (i.e. pt_BR) but we don't also have pt_PT and so where I would normally default to the language if there are only one translation I am unsure what to do in this case. Currently supports the short language code or the locale code, but this will need to be resolved before we address #1653
#829 1290697386000000 dread Some work towards this in cset:066b1b553595. No exceptions and test skip in place. Looks like formalchemy changed its interface.
#516 1288002933000000 dread Someone has fixed this.
#737 1319730303000000 dread Something like this one on github: {{{ # This is an <h1> tag ## This is an <h2> tag ###### This is an <h6> tag Text styles *This text will be italic* _This will also be italic_ **This text will be bold** __This will also be bold__ *You **can** combine them* Lists Unordered * Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 2a * Item 2b Ordered 1. Item 1 2. Item 2 3. Item 3 * Item 3a * Item 3b Miscellaneous Images ![GitHub Logo](/images/logo.png) Format: ![Alt Text](url) Links http://github.com - automatic! [GitHub](http://github.com) Blockquotes As Kanye West said: > We're living the future so > the present is our past. }}}
#958 1297430414000000 dread Sorry I didn't see this and created #78. Closing this one as #978 is fuller.
#1739 1328176197000000 rgrp Sorry if we did. I (and Tom) do run tests ;-) However, occasionally I'm unsure whether I've caused a problem when there are existing failures.
#497 1294407718000000 thejimmyg Sorry that should have been #496.
#695 1287677524000000 dread Sorry, I meant Olly!
#263 1273135032000000 rgrp Sorry, I meant this plugin: http://jvance.com/pages/JQueryOpenIDPlugin.xhtml I also do not understand how I can login using my own openid e.g. one not provided by any of those providers (at least not directly ...): by default no box is showing and to make one appear I have to click on a specific provider (with unknown results if i then enter something). Basically, I think this plugin is poor because it does not offer me a login box by default (as the other plugin seems to ...). What we really want is a simple login box with autocomplete based on provider like the civirm example!
#1458 1340632932000000 icmurray Sorry, I shouldn't have touched this. I pulled it from the wrong milestone.
#1204 1311179980000000 thejimmyg Sorry, is this a CKAN issue or a datacatalogs.org one? If it is datacatalogs.org do you mean a catalog rather than a package? If so, can you give an example of the sort of change you've made? Marking as invalid until we get more information.
#467 1294411681000000 thejimmyg Sorry, that should have been #466.
#748 1294412976000000 thejimmyg Sorry, that should have been #691.
#1701 1330085360000000 amercader Sorry, this ticket referred to the EC Portal project, the changesets are from ckanext-ecportal. This hasn't gone into core yet, which is ticket #906
#156 1261399351000000 dread Sorted display of <links> by converting them to markdown format [links] (links) in cset:9c3e64104cbf
#2550 1342535924000000 rgrp Sounds good. BTW all users stories if at all possible go in google docs now for permanence. Here is the template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U5yahDrvp_PKQMNjzI_8u3xixnALf4eNZWK2BdTXOVw/edit
#1616 1326710037000000 amercader Sounds like a good option. I will move it to ckan-v1.6 anyway because it may need some work than the expected.
#951 1314031006000000 dread Specific problem explained by having two users with the same name - one was authorized and one wasn't. See: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2011-April/000550.html
#1591 1326117568000000 dread Spent about one day on this from myself.
#1802 1329734716000000 dread Spent so far 1.75d
#43 1253709802000000 rgrp Split out wui work in two new tickets ticket:124 (show) and ticket:125 (edit) and therefore marking this as done.
#93 1253613274000000 dread Split up into smalled tickets including: ticket:114 ticket:115 ticket:116 ticket:117
#1373 1320174240000000 dread Squid force caching is now turned off on the main page, and etags sorted out in #1388.
#2364 1336483769000000 ross Start of doc listing payment gateways is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E4lX6RnRLDO0ioieKRpVs9a-My9nh6lBjvVahWDm3SY/edit
#202 1264436548000000 dread Started in cset:8b6263a422d9
#2353 1336037264000000 ross Started the user stories at https://docs.google.com/document/d/185sWPEO9cn1SbquH83UFcLme7xKdgfhCNqOo7pdsRKw/edit
#2558 1340188906000000 aron.carroll Started this as of 4d3c87a however tags need to be hooked up (apparently they can only be added on update at the moment). Also by moving the groups to the metadata form I now get integrity errors while saving. Toby could you please take a look at this.
#43 1241779943000000 rgrp Started work on this using "extra" table. See r426.
#1101 1330082908000000 dread Stats already in site nav - adjusting title to just mention google analytics.
#2458 1343596843000000 shevski Stats important for prototypes & be good to demo a key feature
#202 1265399429000000 dread Step 1 previously done by Benoit Step 2 done now in cset:cf13a82ab243 Step 3 remains
#479 1282920017000000 dread Still discussing. Current thinking that the apache file listing would easiest be opened up together with CKAN read-only web i/f.
#847 1292844627000000 rgrp Still have ticket:669 and ticket:874 to do (431 probably won't be done for a while).
#522 1285595317000000 pudo Still missing some internal authorization work but on the UI side, things are mostly functional. cf. http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanextiati/changeset/b2588091fa56 ff
#559 1288085627000000 pudo Still missing: the possibility to remove an added entry before committing the form (i.e. you look up a package and then decide not to include it after all).
#318 1296340768000000 rgrp Still not sure what the priority is so moving to awaiting triage.
#2260 1333373978000000 johnglover Still some work to do on this, template needs to be finalised.
#1450 1321875986000000 johnglover Still working on this, moving to new sprint
#509 1291734435000000 dread Story no longer required. Work to do is still described in #510
#1032 1330348463000000 zephod Streamlining supertickets. #1506 is the new parent of #978; all tasks remaining in this ticket are complete.
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