{9} Agile Backlog (495 matches)

Tickets showing cost and value estimates, and ordered by their ratio.

Results (301 - 400 of 495)

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Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Severity Owner Status Created Value Cost Ratio
#2301 Replace old-style string formatting with format() method (at least in strings marked for translation) ckan ckan-future seanh new 04/16/12 100
#2298 Add sort-by controls to the search results page ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 04/16/12 100
#2294 Unauthorized action on Data API gets 302 rather than 401 or similar ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly assigned 04/14/12 100
#2291 DataStorer incorrectly attempts to store JSON in DataStore ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 04/14/12 -100
#2287 Consistent datetime and time period strings localization ckan ckan-future new 04/12/12 -100
#2284 Local queries/views/viz in Related stuff. ckan ckan-backlog assigned 04/12/12 -100
#2282 log api calls for users ckan ckan-future toby new 04/10/12 -100
#2279 Write tutorial for our DataStore API / Data Explorer ckan ckan-v1.8 rgrp new 04/03/12 200
#2277 Use the new atom feeds in IATI ckan ckan-backlog icmurray new 04/02/12 100
#2268 UKLP Use same schema as form for harvested records uklii ckan-backlog thejimmyg new 03/30/12 200
#2265 'More Like This' for a dataset ckan ckan-future new 03/27/12 -100
#2258 Customizable contributor agreement ckan ckan-future new 03/26/12 -100
#2257 cleanup template vars ckan ckan-v1.9 toby new 03/23/12 -100
#2247 Resource preview glitch in some browsers ckan ckan-backlog new 03/20/12 100
#2244 clean up auth ckan ckan-future toby new 03/19/12 -100
#2243 Fix ckanext-example ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh reopened 03/19/12 100
#2235 Group drop down on dataset edit should use chosen and sort groups by name ckan ckan-future new 03/16/12 -100
#2234 Write a CKAN extension for pulling items from RSS/Atom feeds into CKAN templates ckan ckan-future assigned 03/16/12 -100
#2203 Data Viewer support for PDF ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly assigned 03/04/12 100
#2202 Display page view count on dataset and resource pages ckan ckan-future reopened 03/03/12 -100
#2200 Add vocabulary_id option to tag_show() logic action function ckan ckan-future seanh new 02/29/12 -100
#2197 Storage Metadata API: add/update not working with local file storage (Pairtree) ckan ckan-backlog assigned 02/28/12 -100
#1832 dataset purge API ckan ckan-backlog assigned 02/24/12 300
#1831 Login with email address ckan ckan-backlog assigned 02/24/12 -100
#1827 'Register' link should be hidden if you not allowed to register ckan ckan-backlog new 02/22/12 200
#1824 Add vocabulary pages ckan ckan-future new 02/21/12 -100
#1823 Spring clean bin directory ckan ckan-backlog new 02/20/12 0
#1818 Spatial metadata editor ckan ckan-future amercader new 02/20/12 200
#1815 Reenable Sparql endpoint on publicdata.eu pdeu ckan-future amercader new 02/20/12 -100
#1800 Tidy up *_list() and *_search() functions in ckan/logic/action/get.py ckan ckan-future new 02/16/12 -100
#1790 Click to delete tags, rather than have all existing tags in the tag text box ckan ckan-future new 02/10/12 -100
#1789 Implement a tag_update() logic action function ecportal ckan-backlog new 02/09/12 -100
#1787 [super] Improve RESTful API ckan ckan-future new 02/08/12 -100
#1785 Replace 'Revisions' page with site-wide activity stream ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 02/07/12 -100
#1782 Improvements to datasets page UX (Feb 2012) ckan ckan-future zephod new 02/07/12 -100
#1778 Replace classmethod's with module-level functions ckan ckan-future seanh assigned 02/06/12 -100
#1750 Move ckan/lib/activity.py into the model ckan ckan-backlog new 02/05/12 -100
#1749 Allow creating activity details through API ckan ckan-future assigned 02/05/12 -100
#1748 Make activity streams conform to http://activitystrea.ms/ standard ckan ckan-future seanh new 02/05/12 -100
#1747 Expire old activities ckan ckan-backlog new 02/05/12 -100
#1745 Dataset search UX improvements as of Jan 2012 ckan ckan-v1.9 new 02/02/12 -100
#1740 Get rid of `from module import ...` ckan ckan-future new 02/01/12 -100
#1717 [super] Search UX improvements ckan ckan-backlog new 01/26/12 -100
#1697 A Configurable list of states for a Dataset ckan ckan-backlog new 01/24/12 -100
#1689 List deleted datasets in API ckan kindly assigned 01/20/12 200
#1684 Remove all config from ckanext-archiver ckan ckan-backlog assigned 01/19/12 -100
#1679 Default roles problem ckan ckan-backlog new 01/17/12 -100
#1668 repoze version discrepency ckan ckan-backlog new 01/17/12 -100
#1667 Add an extension point for rendering activity streams ckan ckan-future seanh new 01/17/12 -100
#1661 Wrong Routes version installed by CKAN package ckan ckan-backlog assigned 01/16/12 200
#1652 How we intergrate with Drupal Multiligual? ckan ckan-backlog kindly assigned 01/16/12 -100
#1647 add links to ckan discuss & dev to thedatahub ckan ckan-backlog new 01/16/12 0
#1644 Order default dataset page by most downloaded resources on thedatahub ckan ckan-backlog new 01/12/12 -100
#1643 Add fixed tags to thedatahub for better browsing ckan ckan-backlog new 01/12/12 -100
#1642 Extra link generators generate garbled HTML ckan ckan-backlog new 01/12/12 -100
#1635 Email notifications (e.g. for activity streams) ckan ckan-backlog seanh new 01/11/12 -100
#1606 metadata license config option ckan ckan-backlog new 01/02/12 -100
#1604 Get ckanext-moderatededits working with CKAN 1.5+ templates ckan ckan-backlog new 12/31/11 -100
#1598 Reinstate Ratings ckan ckan-backlog new 12/29/11 -100
#1596 Refactor authz roles ckan ckan-future new 12/22/11 -100
#1589 QA - Give 5 star rating to datasets with link metadata ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 12/21/11 200
#1588 QA - Give SPARQL endpoints a 4 star rating ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 12/21/11 200
#1584 QA report improvements - 2.5d ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 12/21/11 200
#1581 Blog post about Google Analytics extension for CKAN ckan ckan-future mark.wainwright@… new 12/20/11 100
#1578 [super] Re-enable and refactor ratings ckan ckan-backlog new 12/19/11 -100
#1577 Can't upload file with foreign chars in filename ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 12/19/11 200
#1573 Apps and Ideas ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1572 Meta data Harvester ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1571 [super] Issues Extension ckan ckan-backlog rgrp assigned 12/19/11 -100
#1569 Wordpressser ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1567 Finish QA extension ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1565 Admin dashboard finished? ckan ckan-future Rufus Pollock new 12/19/11 -100
#1564 Structured Data (Data API) ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1562 Finish Geo Spatial ckan ckan-future Adria new 12/19/11 -100
#1561 To do extension ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1560 Follow extension ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1558 Publisher Tools ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1557 Complete Webstore Preview Extension ckan ckan-future David Rasnik new 12/19/11 -100
#1550 Allow simple auth via the API ckan ckan-backlog assigned 12/16/11 -100
#1544 delete old git branches ckan ckan-backlog new 12/12/11 100
#1542 Buttons to purge spam datasets and groups ckan ckan-backlog new 12/08/11 200
#1535 Plump for auth header of: X-CKAN-API-KEY ckan ckan-backlog new 12/07/11 -100
#1534 Change revisions to record userid rather than username ckan ckan-backlog new 12/07/11 200
#1509 Mis-dated old revisions of datasets ckan assigned 12/05/11 100
#1507 Minor fixes to dataset add on Group edit form - 0.5d ckan ckan-backlog zephod assigned 12/05/11 -100
#1489 Updating example theme/extension ckan ckan-backlog assigned 11/24/11 200
#1466 Need to support https login for multiple instances as part of the CKAN package install ckan ckan-backlog new 11/15/11 300
#1460 Improve extensions documentation ckan assigned 11/12/11 200
#1459 Featured Dataset feature ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 11/12/11 -100
#1458 Support previewing kml files in data viewer ckan ckan-future rgrp assigned 11/10/11 -100
#1457 Bug with DataNL instance ckan ckan-future new 11/10/11 -100
#1447 disk space leakage ckan ckan-backlog kindly assigned 11/07/11 200
#1439 Action API discoverablility ckan ckan-backlog new 11/01/11 200
#1438 Action API - parameter discovery/checking ckan ckan-future new 11/01/11 200
#1432 [super] Data processing system for CKAN and Webstore ckan ckan-backlog new 11/01/11 -100
#1429 Provide DOIs for datasets in a CKAN instance ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 10/30/11 -100
#1424 Openness notice should be clearer ckan ckan-backlog new 10/26/11 100
#1423 Edit resources suggestions ckan ckan-backlog new 10/26/11 -100
#1414 track user log-ins on thedatahub.org ckan ckan-backlog new 10/24/11 -100
#1411 Force resource format to be lower case (also mimetype) ckan ckan-backlog zephod new 10/22/11 -100
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