{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (801 - 900 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1830 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed OpenID disablable

Allow OpenID to be disabled as a login option.

Currently (CKAN 1.6) there is a config option openid_enabled which stops the login option being displayed, but:

  • In the User edit form you can still add your OpenID
  • The repoze.who.openid middleware is still required - can it be avoided?
1330002137000000 1330089912000000
#845 enhancement dread ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Required fields

Allow a form to specify fields that are required. Currently name and resource url are required.

  • Show required fields with asterisks by the input box.
  • Resource fields to be included in this.
1291634995000000 1291723492000000
#2285 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Data Previewer / Viewer v3 : Embedding! - /resource/../embed

Allow a user to embed the data viewer in their webpage.

  • [x] Embedding widget [1d]
  • [x] The embed page [1-2d]
  • [x] Documentation and Announce [0.5d]

Depends upon:

  • [x] Recline improvements ?d

All the above, plus user stories are fleshed out in [1]

[1] http://ckan.okfnpad.org/feature-2283-data-viewer-v3?

1334230810000000 1335440451000000
#1538 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Store partially-filled in package form data as a draft.

Allow a user to save a partially-complete and probably invalid package-create form in order to come back to it later.

We decided on blob storage over a state field on the package:

  • prevents a history of the drafts being stored in the revision history. This is a particular problem if we start auto-saving, say every 20s.
  • the blob can store arbitrary extra data, such as how far through the wizard we are.
1323359221000000 1337159799000000
#808 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed Allow i18n language choice on site (and possibly set automatically)

Allow choice of language on ckan instance.

  • Configuration variable listing language choices (could try doing this automatically but recommend against this)
  • Switcher option in UI (perhaps on user profile page)
  • Default it automatically based on browser settings (?)

Think this is high value (and cost is low)

Cost: low (4h)

1289944394000000 1297783658000000
#1051 defect sebbacon sebbacon ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Ability to set custom favicon

Allow deployers to set a URL pointing to their own favicon

1300703160000000 1301305079000000
#1574 enhancement ross ross ckan-v1.7 closed fixed [super] Storage changes including automated save to Webstore

Allow uploading of files to push the data into webstore. Initially we were going to suggest changes to ckanext-storage but after further analysis we arrived at the conclusion that this should be implemented by ckanext-archiver as it already handles archiving of data from various sources and would be the best place to 'archive' to webstore.

  1. A user wants to upload a file to CKAN, and so chooses the file upload option as they do currently with ckanext-storage. The file upload itself should be handled by this code internal to core (see #1608) but still using ofs [5d]
  1. The user is provided the link to the file as currently.
  1. The archiver's update task will check configuration to determine if it should upload some mime-types (tabular formats) to webstore. Configuration should also determine where webstore is. (see #1609) [5d] - took 6
  • It should be stored in webstore using {username}/{resource-id} where {username} is the name of the user uploading the original file.
  1. The archiver will continue to move the file into permanent storage as per current practice.


  • #1608 Merge storage into Core [5d]
  • #1609 Celery task for ckanext-archiver to write to webstore. [5d] (took 6)
  • #1687: Deploy to datahub [1d]
  • #1681: Core storage documentation [1d?]
    • Internal (perhaps in README somewhere or wiki): how does process work, where does data end up and in what order etc
    • External: here's how to configure it and here's what you get ... (goes in main sphinx docs)
1324315633000000 1338202955000000
#2569 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed add other resources to sidebar of resource pages

Allow user to navigate directly from one resource page to another via resource box in sidebar

1340039608000000 1342085235000000
#404 requirement rgrp pudo datapkg-0.8 closed fixed Make registries pluggable

Allow using different indexes, including ckan, file, dcat, ...

1281346690000000 1297072955000000
#1453 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Flexible tag names

Allowing more flexible tag names:

  • allowing spaces
  • allow capital letters (search is case in-sensitive)
  • allow all punctuation except for commas and double-quotes '"'
  • allow unicode
  • commas delimit tag names in the package create/edit form


  • package creation/edit form.
  • /tag/{tagname} uri
  • search action
  • api controller (search/package-create/edit)
  • web controller (search/package-create/edit)
  • search api documentation
  • autocomplete for tag names
1320771850000000 1329395697000000
#2831 enhancement aron.carroll ckan 2.0 new Create a limited subset of markdown that's supported

Allowing people to use the full range of markdown results in extremely messy output across the site. I'd suggest limiting support to only a subset of common use cases.

  • Allow all inline elements, this allows bold, italic, code and links.
  • Allow lists.


  • Horizontal Rules
  • Headings
  • Block quote and code (this may turn out to be useful and so could be included)

This way you get markdowns paragraph handling and a few inline styles without breaking the entire layout of the page.

Here's the full syntax if anyone is interested http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax

1344512467000000 1344512467000000
#2563 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Add font based icons to the demo theme

Allowing them to be displayed in many sizes, colours and resolutions.


1340035831000000 1341501320000000
#830 enhancement rgrp closed fixed Themes for CKAN

Already have the basic capacity using *_extras paths for templates and public directory (see http://wiki.okfn.org/ckan/doc/theme).

However, would be nice to have a proper 'theme' structure (e.g. would allow for theme switching) that also avoids directly polluting 'public'. Could be inspired by: http://packages.python.org/Flask-Themes/

1290760612000000 1311180263000000
#86 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Support for stateful dict-like collections

Already support stateful list-like collections and should extend this to dict-like collections.

(This is prerequisite for implementing versioned "extra" (key/value) attributes on packages in CKAN and elsewhere).

1248430798000000 1249050202000000
#777 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Put 503-returning middleware into a module

Also configure hmgckan, hmgapi, test-hmg and dev-hmg machines.

1288608324000000 1292586843000000
#2325 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Format alphabet pager (tags page) for bootstrap

Also need to fix bug where 'Other' is never highlighted.

1335366110000000 1335366188000000
#284 defect johnbywater rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Move tag/read/xxx to simple tag/xxx like package and group

Also put in redirect from old locations (see examples with plurals in routing.py)

Estimated cost: 20m

Actual cost: 40m

1270664552000000 1271852451000000
#2799 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Translations for demo not picking up {% trans %} blocks

Also they seem to be missing the odd _() block. Such in the new package form.


1344243005000000 1344249253000000
#876 enhancement sebbacon rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed Support sqlite as a database backend for CKAN

Among other things this will allow the tests to run much quicker.

1292858711000000 1294753889000000
#1495 enhancement kindly seanh ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed API call for getting a user's public activity stream

An API call that returns a user's public activity stream in JSON format.

1322495549000000 1327576099000000
#842 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Todo list CKAN extension

An extension that provides a todo list feature on CKAN so that people can register and find things to do.

Extension name: ckanext-todo

User Story

Package page

As a user I come to a package:

  • Have a todo count at that top that takes you down to the todo list (which may say nothing todo)
  • At the bottom is a section of the package display titled "ToDo?" where I see a list of all toDos for the package most recent at the top
    • If I am logged in
      • See a form for "Add to do" at the top of the todo section and can add one straight away
      • I see a "now resolved" button next to each which goes green when you hover.

When clicked the todo fades away.

  • Not logged in: I see a button that says "login to add todo"

Todo list page

When a user comes to todo overview at /todo

At top list all todo categories with counts (or a progress bar). Click on category name or bar takes you down page to list for that category.

Category list has a list of todo items (ul with li items with class todo) - link to package relevant to the todo.


The Todo form

  • One of the fields is category -> autocomplete the category (not constrained) (lowercase, no spaces, .-_ allowed)
  • Add a description
  • Submit, the todo gets added via AJAX to the list at the top as the most recent todo


todo table

  id (autoincrement integer)
  todo_category_id (required)
  description (required)
  resolved=null (unresolved) or a datetime (datetime of resolution)

todo_category table

Prepopulate with: broken-resource-link, no-author, bad-format, add-description

API at /api/2/todo

  • GET / POST / PUT ...


  • support limit (?)

/api/2/todo/category -> return list of todo categories

  • No GET / PUT / POST (these are auto-created by creation of todo)

Optional Extras (Will not be done atm)

  • Integrate todo tags (e.g. list packages tagged with a todo.{xxx} on Todo List page ...
1291467708000000 1305646487000000
#2392 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed Add language field to dataset

An extra field on datasets called "metadata_language". The language that the meta-data is in. Drop-down list needs to be translatable. Default value is "English".

1337159501000000 1337270483000000
#340 enhancement dread dread v1.1 closed fixed Web UI theme easier to configure

An install of CKAN should be configurable without changing any of the installed files. This makes it clear to upgrade CKAN. Complete the changes in this wiki page to allow static files to be served from outside CKAN paths over CKAN versions and additional CSS file to be pulled in.


1276009729000000 1328807317000000
#935 defect pudo pudo closed fixed "groups" field bug in IATI

An internal server error was reported when trying to create a new package (not when editing):

WebApp? Error: <class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.IntegrityError?'>: (IntegrityError?) null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint 'INSERT INTO package (id, name, title, version, url, author, author_email, maintainer, maintainer_email, notes, license_id, state, revision_id) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(title)s, %(version)s, %(url)s, %(author)s, %(author_email)s, %(maintainer)s, %(maintainer_email)s, %(notes)s, %(license_id)s, %(state)s, %(revision_id)s)' {'maintainer': None, 'name': None, 'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'notes': None, 'title': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'url': None, 'state': 'active', 'version': None, 'license_id': None, 'revision_id': '0141c09c-4eb3-4dda-a6b1-e07f2c73b4c5', 'id': '7fe16a29-f183-471a-99c5-2c2e81dd86e4'}

The error could not be reproduced in a non-apache/mod_wsgi environment, even with a dump of the live database. Further investigation by manual editing of the package form left the "groups" field as the likely cause. After updating the packages installed, and temporarily editing the package controller the problem vanished after a restart of the web server.

Possible causes include:

  • Stale pyc file
  • Threading issue
  • Dependency issue

As the problem is gone for now, it cannot be further investigated atm.

1296302915000000 1306778682000000
#435 defect thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.4 closed wontfix Switching between ckan instances causes orphaned postgres processes

Analysis using pg_top reveals orphaed processes:


This followed switching ckan instances on the dgu machine. Do these hang around forever clogging up a db server? Can switching between instances be smoothed to avoid this?

1282147736000000 1298284084000000
#2895 enhancement rgrp new QA pages (e.g. broken resource links) are not paginated

And as a result timeout on e.g. the datahub ...

1346175485000000 1346175485000000
#121 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Add 'Group' to main menu

And associated page to browse group.

1253694827000000 1253716782000000
#561 defect pudo ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate Deleted packages are returned in the API

Anja is reporting this, severe bug, I think.

1283775578000000 1283775711000000
#2323 enhancement ross ross ckan-backlog closed fixed Auto-complete in organizations

Apparently auto-complete in Organizations may not work. Check and fix.

See https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/5eca7d5e37c0ef392b768b8b3768b2c3f93448b5

1335274354000000 1340188400000000
#2207 defect seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed invalid Fix recently changed datasets activity stream on exportal site

Apparently it's working when developers run it locally but not on the demo site.

1330961739000000 1332154835000000
#1314 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned ckanclient search - generator improvements

Apparently the search generator always makes two requests, even if you don't want to see the search results, which might be slow. Can this be optimised?

Maybe we should also provide a second search function that doesn't use the generator - the original simple search function (that leaves the user to deal with limit & offset).

1315395410000000 1340191233000000
#2331 defect kindly rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 reopened Search should AND terms not OR terms

Appears current default search in CKAN ORs terms rather than ANDing them (i.e. adding more terms increasing number of items found rather than reducing it).

Not sure when this crept in or if it has been there for a long time.

1335637485000000 1356474344000000
#1685 enhancement ross ross ckan-backlog closed wontfix Move archiver download function to core

Archiver is included in some places just for access to download(), we should move this to lib in core.

1326984170000000 1346670530000000
#1174 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed wontfix API Representation Registry

As CKAN grows, more and more optional representations of packages will become used. Besides RDF (which is the motivation for this ticket), support for DSPL, home-grown XML, or CSV listings is imaginable.

To properly support this CKAN should have an extensible representation registry that can be extended when new output types become available (and without changing the API in the process). This needs to integrate in two places:

  • We need to add support for file format extensions to the package handler and REST API.
  • We need to add HTTP content type negotiation (Accept headers).

To support this we should have a registry with two registers:

  • to map format extensions to mime types (e.g. "json" -> "application/json")
  • to map mime types and entity types to converter functions (e.g. 8"application/json", ckan.model.Package) -> func(obj, mime_type) )

This should be set up on load_environment so that IConfigurer plugins can feed into it.

The registry should then first be added to _finish in the REST API (which needs to be refactored to be passed the {format} part of the URL if one is given. Based on the format part and HTTP headers, an appropriate representation can be generated by the registry and then be returned to the user.

Forwarding of requests to the regular WUI controllers with Accept headers set or a format specified can be implemented in a separate effort.

1307050992000000 1307615200000000
#936 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Follow / watch package extension

As a (logged-in) User I want to watch (follow) a package, that is register my interest about a package. (Similar to watch/follow features in github/bitbucket/wikis).

NB: this is as much (if not more) about showing what packages are interesting to people as giving info to 'watchers'.

Need to finalize terminology (github uses watch for repos and follow for users while bitbucket combines both in 'followers'). Decision: use follow



Become a follower:

  • Follow button on packages (if already watching say 'unfollow')

Package-related changes:

  • Show number of followers on a package
  • List followers of a package at /package/{name}/followers
    • On a separate page

a package User-related changes:

  • List followed packages
    • Either on user's page on a separate 'following' page. (NB: called 'following')
  • Does watching involve notifications (by email)
    • Probably not: you can already subscribe to RSS feed after all and email not that necessary (?)
  • [Future - don't have activity stream yet] Show what packages a user has started/stopped followed on a user's public activity stream on their user page


  • Want to do this in ajax-y manner
  • API endpoint: /api/2/follower
  • Store data in a new follower table



follow => PUT / POST

If this is submitted by a user with user.id != user_id => error (401)

unfollow => DELETE

=> list of followers
    { safe dictized user }

NB: depends on access to a 'safe' dictized user object. Dictization is in nearly done, and current example of doing this by hand is in user API autocomplete method.


Called 'follower'

user_id, table, object_id, created
xxx, package, yyy, ...
xxx, user, yyy, ... [future]

Random Extras

  • What about following users as well
1296339079000000 1303838713000000
#126 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Change package state in the WUI (delete and undelete)

As a Package Admin I want to change the state of the package. In particular I wish to delete and undelete it.

(NB: this is quite separate from "purging" objects which is the term we shall use for irrevocable removal of an object from the domain model).

  • Only Package Admins (and sysadmins) should be able to change state

Implementation Suggestions

  • 'delete' action should be renamed to 'change-state' (NB: this requires a db migration ...)
  • Have new package formalchemy form (created via inheritance?) to incorporate state attribute. Suggest this is rendered as a dropdown (and may be simple object rendering of state, i.e. do NOT need to change it to a single name such 'active').
  • This form should then be used when the user satisfies is_authorized(..., model.Action.CHANGE_STATE) instead of the usual fieldset
1253789571000000 1254740244000000
#937 enhancement sebbacon rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Record download stats for resources (extension)

As a User (especially as a Package Owner/Maintainer?) I want to know how many times a resource has been downloaded (and when).

So let's record download stats (as in clicks on the link for a resource).


Old Spec (do it in CKAN)

  • Record info of form: resource id (or url?), timestamp
  • Do this via javascript capturing of onclick event talking to an api
  • API: /api/resource/{id}/download
    • POST to increment (how do we stop spamming -- could use a nonce setup with a random string set on each page load for the js)
    • GET to get data back { total: X, day_count: [ [yyyy-mm-dd, count], ... ] }


  • Do we record ip addresses (to handle de-botting etc)?
  • Do we count preview clicks as well?
1296340273000000 1302513831000000
#2404 enhancement rgrp ckan-future assigned Auto-screenshot for related items

As a User I want an image generated for my related item automatically so that I do not have to take picture myself and upload it somewhere

Implementation: (?) Use phantomjs or something like http://snapito.com/ Investigate for 1.8, will be needed for TDH Oct.

1337583347000000 1346669526000000
#382 story johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed Measure quality of service parameters

As a service administrator, I want to measure responsiveness, throughput, and availability of a CKAN service.

1280346974000000 1280854608000000
#2668 defect ross dread ckan-v1.9 closed fixed Permission for sysadmin to read a deleted publisher

As a sysadmin I should be able to view deleted groups/publishers (publisher profile) but I can't.

In addition, there don't seem to be tests for permissions of deleted publishers.

1342171453000000 1345565100000000
#320 enhancement dread rgrp v1.1 closed fixed site_title configuration variable which is used in template

As a sysadmin I want to configure basic site title information for use in the site templates.


  • ckan.site_title config variable
  • set this on g in app_globals.py e.g.
    • from pylons import config; g.site_title = config.get('ckan.site_title, 'CKAN - Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network')
  • use in head title and in main site title/logo section (use it as alt on logo image)
  • Also all other pages (e.g. index, about) which talk about CKAN
    • Is this needed? Would it not be better for people who want to customize the site to simply overwrite those templates?


  • Do we want a site_logo variable whic his use for site title/logo section instead of site_title if site_logo defined?
  • Probably yes, but not part of this ticket.
1274378967000000 1279130535000000
#835 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Authorization CLI and Documentation

As a sysadmin I want to take CKAN out of wiki-mode into normal mode. In normal mode visitor and logged in users cannot create or add packages.

Suggest put this as an internal command in authz system and add to cli as paster command.

1291029108000000 1291644820000000
#803 story thejimmyg johnbywater closed invalid Auto-generate next migration version unit and test stub files

As a system developer, I want to run 'create next migration version' script, so that I don't have to create migration version tests and files manually.

1289486678000000 1314031451000000
#105 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Package groups (view)

As a user I want to be able to create groups of packages.

This functionality is different from tags:

  • The ability to add a package to a given group is restricted whereas anyone can add a given tag to a package
  • Specifically groups have owners and only the owners can add a package to that group

Group properties

  • id (primarykey, uuid style)
  • name (restricted content - same rules as package)
  • title (no restrictions)
  • owners -- many:many with user object
  • description (markdown)
  • packages -- many:many with package object

Don't version groups for now.

Groups address in the WUI will be:

  • /group - browse list of groups (reuse list action)
  • /group/list - same thing for now
  • /group/<groupname> - display: group properties with links to packages. No links to user pages (yet).

Group editing and searching will be another ticket.

Cost: 3d

1251392282000000 1252488496000000
#907 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-3 closed fixed Data previews: preview package resource data in the WUI

As a user I want to preview a dataset ('resource') before downloading it.


This will be implemented as an Extension

NB: This ticket requires a way to get data out of a remote url (the dataset). We do not want to put this data load/streaming into ckan core due to a) complexity b) load problems (do not want to take ckan out by accidentally pulling in a 1GB file)

  1. Need a 'data proxy' - see ticket:698 and ticket:888
  2. Preview using javascript in WUI - do this in an extension http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-dataapi
1295261173000000 1297072303000000
#266 enhancement johnbywater dread v1.0 closed fixed Package feed

As a user I want to track changes to a particular package.

Provide an Atom feed, linked from the package read page.

1267716417000000 1271636901000000
#103 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed View a package at a given revision

As a user I want to view a package at a given revision:

  • When I visit /package/read/xyz?rev=yyy I should be shown package at revision yyy
  • package history page should provide links to these pages

Cost: 2h

1251289897000000 1311180850000000
#1236 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed View a package at a given revision

As a user I want to view a package at a given revision:

  • When I visit /package/osm@yyyy-mm-dd or /package/osm@rrrrrrr I should be shown package at date yyyy-mm-dd or revision rrrrrrr.
  • viewing this page, it should say it is the old revision, just like wikipedia
  • package history page should provide links to these pages
1311269333000000 1330019788000000
#104 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed View a package at a given version

As a user i want to see a package at "version" X (NB: not revision X).

  • When I visit e.g. /package/read/xyz?version=0.7 I should be shown package at version 0.7 (or a message saying no such version)
  • Implementation:
    • Find revision for this version (search revision history for when version field was last 0.7)
    • Show pacakge at that revision (as in ticket:103)
  • On history page also shows versions in list of revisions associated with the package
1251292672000000 1311181303000000
#660 requirement dread closed invalid Check CKAN instance works

As an admin I want to check a CKAN instance works having just upgraded it or configured it.

1285348463000000 1311183115000000
#2375 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create new base theme

As designed by Sam Smith -> https://okfn.basecamphq.com/projects/9558659-demo-ckan-front-end/ Also to be used as the demo theme although I think they will diverge at some point. At the moment they should be implemented as one and the same.

1336469009000000 1343317873000000
#199 defect rgrp casbon closed fixed Fix failing tests and provide documentation on how to run tests in datapkg

As of 80:099bdc5b07a6 datapkg has 4 test fails and 1 test error.

There is no documentation on how to run them, so I am using 'python setup.py test'.

datapkg.tests.test_cli.TestCLI.test_ckan ... FAIL
datapkg.tests.test_cli.TestCLI.test_walkthrough ... FAIL
datapkg.tests.test_index.TestDbIndex.test_get ... /Users/james/Documents/virtualenvs/okfn/src/datapkg/datapkg/index.py:97: SADeprecationWarning: Use session.add()
datapkg.tests.test_index.TestDbIndex.test_get_when_loaded_as_new_and_init_not_called ... /Users/james/Documents/virtualenvs/okfn/src/datapkg/datapkg/tests/test_index.py:57: SADeprecationWarning: Use session.expunge_all()
1259087361000000 1267649255000000
#1611 enhancement ross ross closed duplicate Implement auth API calls for webstore/external use

As part of #1574 we decided that it would be better for webstore (and future external services) to be able to authenticate simply with CKAN-Core.

Currently webstore access the CKAN database to obtain the key for the user but it would be better if this connection was not so tightly bound and that webstore used an API as any other external service might.

Need to discuss further with dread

1325590191000000 1325846987000000
#1608 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Merge storage into Core

As part of Storage Changes and http://ckan.okfnpad.org/newstorage it was decided to merge ckanext-storage back into core.

Other changes:

  • Remove /storage/upload page (we have frontend integration elsewhere now and we should also ensure that upload items relate to a resource or other domain object).
  • Provide a local path as well as remote path for form upload requests in API so that frontend can see url to CKAN path rather than cloud storage path ...
1325582044000000 1330036982000000
#2878 enhancement icmurray ross ckan 2.0 closed wontfix Roles and Permissions for Organisations

As part of merging Organisations into core, it is necessary that we clarify the capacity field with which the users/datasets are added as members to the group 'subclass'.

Rather than the capacity being an opaque string that implies auth but doesn't clearly specify it, we will use role names where roles are defined in the database - with a clearly defined set of standard roles. The Role table is expected to have simply a string name/representation and acts as a container for permissions.

Each permission is a string of the form object.action (such as package.add, group.delete) of which several are expected to be associated with a role. This means the permission table will contain a string and a reference to the role.

This work will require UI changes to the screens allowing users to be added to a group/organisation so that the list of available roles is available to add those users.

[x] Model for Role and Permission

[ ] Logic layer changes for managing roles/permissions etc.

[ ] Determine default roles, perhaps just admin/editor/viewer

[ ] Fix the auth layer to use the permissions/roles - may be better implemented as another ticket.

1345466266000000 1350561906000000
#1192 task annapowellsmith annapowellsmith ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Convert CKAN Sphinx docs into admin/reference manual

As part of the general documentation overhaul (ticket:1142) we (APS and RGRP) want to convert the current Sphinx docs into:

  • An Admin Manual which is task-based and aims to cover everything a developer would need to know to set up and customize a CKAN install.
  • A Reference Manual which is the primary source of reference for CKAN software - this includes API docs.

The current chapters of the Sphinx docs should be moved as follows:

  • index.rst - copy some stuff from README.txt, keep short
  • README.txt - split out installation - stop symlinking in, keep separate, write new intro in index.rst
  • [NEW] install.rst - new file on installation
  • [NEW] theming.rst - move over from wiki
  • api - will stay (gradually move tutorials/getting started to wiki.ckan.net user guide)
  • i18n.rst: internationlization. say we have x langauges. just set lang config option. if your lang not there yet see wiki page for how to prepare a translation file
  • design.rst - REMOVE (can copy some over if you can be bothered to http://wiki.ckan.net/Vision (all philosophical stuff should go!))
  • loaders.rst: move to wiki.ckan.net/Using_Loaders
  • feeds.rst: move to User Manual (CKAN_Feeds or just Feeds)
  • importer.rst: remove (don't even copy)
  • forms.rst: remove (ping david read and ckan-dev asking for replacement documentation -- do we need this in core ckan -- do we want pure js ...?). Suggest we start with (stub out) http://wiki.ckan.net/Customizing_Forms
  • forms-integration.rst: remove
  • model.rst: leave but move to reference (only for core devs)
  • load-testing.rst -> move to http://wiki.ckan.net/Load_Testing
  • distributed.rst -> remove
  • admin.html should consolidate with authorization.html (some of authorization.html is probably in ref section but howto in main manual) <-- high priority
  • deb.html -> go into reference (query james gardner on list about moving this to wiki?)
1308324593000000 1312191462000000
#2793 enhancement toby ross demo phase 3 closed fixed Markdown of resource page not rendered as markdown

As per #2650 (on master/1.8 now)

If the resource has a description it isn't rendered as markdown ..

1343896663000000 1343897811000000
#1219 defect timmcnamara closed fixed CSS issues on IE7

As reported on ckan-dev:

items in the footer of CKAN ("Packages", "Groups & Tags", "About", "Language", etc.) are shown vertically instead of horizontally in IE7. This works fine in later browsers like IE8, IE9, FF4, and latest Opera and Chrome.

This seems to exist in all recent CKAN versions up to 1.4.1a.

1310423688000000 1310740534000000
#414 task johnbywater dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Change the Apache and Varnish ports

Ask Paul for a new machine for testing. Then one for varnish-live and one for varnish-test.

1281431639000000 1288003770000000
#55 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.7 closed fixed Code to migrate data from v0.6 to v0.7 using dump and load

Associated to ticket:51 (upgrade CKAN to new vdm) and ticket:54 (dump/load) need to convert v0.6 data for v0.7.

Obvious way to do this is via alteration to data load method.

1223908240000000 1223909891000000
#526 requirement pudo pudo closed wontfix Integrate validation tool into the registry

Assumes 8 is done:

  1. Tool for validation an IATI XML record (referenced by a URL) for compliance with the IATI specification
  • Outside of scope of registry
  • Multiple validators with different levels of rigour
1282894300000000 1340626152000000
#183 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed worksforme Browse packages by rating

At moment order packages by title.

1257534606000000 1290604779000000
#2483 enhancement markw ckan-v1.9 new Non-local resources should not have Download links

At present, a resource which is just a URL link to an external resource has a 'Download' button on the resource page. This gives the misleading impression that the resource is stored locally.

This is related to another small UI issue: I think the URL of a resource should be much more prominent, not buried in the 'Additional Information' table.

Suggested fix:

  • Put the URL prominently at the top of the resource page (above the preview) (and make it link to the resource)
  • Disable the Download button unless the resource is stored locally.
1338468734000000 1339771043000000
#1498 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Support multiple SOLR schema versions

At some point the SOLR schema used by CKAN will need to be changed and the changes won't be always backward compatible, so we need a mechanism to support instances that use older versions of the schema. This process will involve:

  • Better documentation on how to deploy SOLR, as single instance or multicore
  • A convention on how to tag schema versions and SOLR endpoints to ensure that CKAN instances point to the correct SOLR URL.
  • (If possible) Checks in CKAN core that deal with different schema versions.
1322585264000000 1323165876000000
#1395 defect seanh closed fixed "Import Error: cannot import name UnicodeMultiDict" when installing ckan from source

At the paster db init command when installing ckan from source I get the error "Import Error: cannot import name UnicodeMultiDict?" (happens with both ckan 1.4.2 and today's latest bleeding edge code, on Ubuntu 10.04.3).

UnicodeMultiDict? has been removed in a recent version of python-webob, and the pip install ... lucid_missing.txt causes a too-new version of python-webob to be installed into ckan's virtualenv (the new webob gets installed as a dependency of formalchemy).

I manually did pip uninstall webob and then ran paster db init again and it worked.

1318520183000000 1320857823000000
#1047 defect sebbacon sebbacon ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Package edit form claims you're not logged in at the end when you are

At the bottom, it says something like

Author: Bob Bumgardner Since you have not signed in this will just be your IP address. Click here to sign in before saving (opens in new window).

1300384556000000 1300387309000000
#1358 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-backlog assigned Generate configuration documentation automatically from the deployment_ini_tmpl file

At the moment documentation of config options is duplicated between source (deployment_ini_tmpl in ckan/config which is used to generate user ini file) and the docs.

Suggest we write a script that automatedly generates reference documentation for the config from the source.

May be obsoleted by #277 (some config in db)

1317076350000000 1318257823000000
#2960 task dominik ckan-backlog new Private datasets are not private

At the moment everyone can read all resources. There is no support for hiding resources that are in private datasets.

1349694255000000 1349694255000000
#2908 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Dataset related with image should retain aspect ratio

At the moment if you have an related item with an image associated to a dataset that appears in the side column it's resized but doesn't keep it's original aspect ratio.

1346931162000000 1346931162000000
#1465 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-v1.7 closed fixed Upgrade the harvester to support publishers properly

At the moment most of the harvesting functionality is only available to sysadmins. This is fine for most cases but going forward we will need to grant each publisher access to their own sources, harvest objects and harvest object errors. This will probably be done based on the groups refactor.

One more pressing concern is giving DGU publishers the ability to make calls to /harvest/object/id. We want them to be able to see documents that faild validation and also to see *all* errors in each document.

1321375923000000 1338203858000000
#2328 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Link to Catalog API for each Dataset, Group and Tag

At the moment no way for a normal user to find JSON versions of this material. Would it be worth adding back a link somewhere on the page?

1335442501000000 1340624331000000
#274 defect rgrp rgrp closed fixed Allow searching by any extra field

At the moment only support a very limited set of extra fields (see docs for details). Should support arbitrary extra fields (note no need to put these in special full text index though ...)

Cost: 1h

1269034562000000 1287402800000000
#246 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed duplicate Support for primary key not named id

At the moment setting of continuity_id depends on base table pkcol being id. Should not be hard to change this -- and may get for free as part of ticket:245 (composite primary keys)

1265882862000000 1297066757000000
#947 enhancement rgrp closed duplicate Move the assignment of roles to a package on package creation to an extension

At the moment the assignment of user roles on package creation is done in setup_user_roles method in ckan/model/authz.py and is hard-coded.

This can be a pain to override (you can use a Plugin listening for package create events) and makes some things such as putting system in restricted mode more complex than it should be (see ticket:833).

An elegant solution would be to move this into an Extension this simplifies the code and make it easier for people override (just remove the default extension and plugin your own).

1296557478000000 1314031310000000
#263 enhancement johnbywater rgrp v1.1 closed fixed Improve and test openid login

At the moment the user has to figure out to login with providers -- this is not always obvious (e.g. google).

We could improve this with a small bit of javascript. As an example see: http://standalone.demo.civicrm.org/standalone/

Not sure exactly what library that is using (or if bespoke) so alternatives include (NB: we already use jquery):

In addition to implementing this we also need to test logging in with main providers: google, wordpress -- as we have had reports of it not working with e.g. wordpress (not sure if this testing can be automated really -- best hope would be selenium I think -- so OK if done by hand).

Cost: 3h (2h UI), (1h testing)

1267605039000000 1279292730000000
#1268 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Speed up listing users by revisions by adding db index

At the moment this appears to be slow (kindly suggests because missing index in db). Page is /user on a ckan instance.

Would this also speed up user page where we recent changes?

1312906592000000 1318279592000000
#1233 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-backlog new [super] Improve wiki-style functionality for history

At the moment we have a good revisioning system but a poor history interface. We need to improve this in a number of areas:

  • #191 Searching by modification date
  • #193 Searching by time-related field
  • #301 Package discussion pages
  • #1236 Package history page should provide links to pages at particular revisions, similar to the wikipedia pages
  • #1236 Viewing old revisions or unmoderated changes should have a message at the top of the package page
  • Other improvements as per my word doc.
1311179392000000 1315948668000000
#992 defect rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Use X-forwarded-for whenever it is available to set remote IP address

At the moment we only use X-forwarded to determine remote user address when remote-addr header is However if a site is behind a cache remote_addr will always be the IP of the cache.

We should fix this by using x-forwarded-for header whenever available and only use remote-addr when it is not available.

Cost: 10m

1298058532000000 1298060474000000
#1250 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Search results should be sorted by score rather than alphabetical

At the moment we sort search results alphabetically. While this is useful for doing 'browse' case where no search bad for all other cases.

Adopt default sort order of 'score' though may wish to keep alphabetical for no search term (i.e. wildcard).


  • Default this in solr (no need to touch code) but fragile and affects everything ...
  • Do it in code and default to score
  • Do it in code and have alphabetical (on name or title?) when no criteria otherwise score

Aside: may also wish to support search in query api but that is for later!

1311964752000000 1312370201000000
#893 defect pudo ckan-v1.4 closed wontfix ExtrasField should not overwrite more specific extras

At the moment, ExtrasField? cannot be used in conjunction with more specific extra fields, such as TextExtraField? or SuggestTextExtraField?.

1294135783000000 1298293527000000
#395 task pudo ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Set up profiling to analyze performance issues

At the moment, some pages within CKAN tend to load slowly. We should create a profiling setup in which we can measure response times for complete requests and individual methods calls.

This could be used to identify bottlenecks and find an appropriate caching or tuning strategy to improve CKAN performance.

NB: We should also agree on a maximum request latency.

TODO: Read up on all those QoS tickets to avoid overlapping efforts.

1280824739000000 1294417538000000
#1748 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Make activity streams conform to http://activitystrea.ms/ standard

At the very least we should make our JSON output conform to their spec:


1328450784000000 1338204337000000
#516 defect dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Double-escaped text visible - revision page

At: http://ckan.net/revision you can see: "Next &raquo;" on pager This doesn't seem to be a problem with earlier (1.0.1) version.

1282829539000000 1288002933000000
#2277 refactor icmurray icmurray ckan-backlog new Use the new atom feeds in IATI

Atom feeds have been implemented in core in #1593. The IATI-specific implementation can now be removed when IATI move to CKAN >= 1.6.1

1333386628000000 1333386628000000
#787 task thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Auth API

Auth Proposal

Use case: We'd like an authenticated and authorized Drupal user to be able to edit/delete packages using the API

To do this a user would need a CKAN API key so we need some way of Drupal telling CKAN who a user is so that they can get their API key.

Proposed Implementation

A user visits the CKAN API key page to get their key. Because CKAN is at catalogue.data.gov.uk (a subdomain of the Drupal site) it can read Drupal cookies.

If there is no DRXtrArgs or DRXtrArgs2 cookie, we know the user isn't signed in so we redirect them to Drupal to sign in.

WISHLIST: It would be really nice if we could pass the URL to redirect back to Drupal so tha Druapl can send them back to the CKAN API key page

Either way, they get back to CKAN and now the cookies exist. When the first HTTP request header is sent, CKAN will read the Drupal session ID and then call a Drupal API, server to server.

TODO: Implement an API on the drupal server which accepts a Drupal session ID as an argument and returns the username and credentials, but only if the request if from the CKAN server (perhaps we specify an API key in the request)

If the session is valid CKAN will set its own auth cookie and show them the page with the API key. CKAN only considers a user signed in if both the CKAN cookie *and* Drupal session ID are present. If at any time they sign out of Drupal the Drupal session disappears so they will be signed out of CKAN too.

Now the user has an API key they can use the standard CKAN command line API tools.

The API key is the only thing the user will need to use the CKAN API. This poses a problem. What if a user is removed from Drupal but still has a CKAN API key?

Two solutions:

  1. API keys will be set to only be valid for the length of a Drupal session so that a user will only be able to use the write API for a little time after credentials are revoked
  1. CKAN provides an API to allow Drupal to revoke keys

Option 1. seems easier to me. If we choose this we will write a get_api_key command line tool so that Drupal user can write things like this:


datapkg list_packages --api_key get_api_key

The get_api_key function will prompt for username and password and then perform the steps necessary to get an API key.

1289211035000000 1315821118000000
#1279 enhancement ross amercader ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Refactor or deprecate Authorization Groups

Authorization Groups are going to be deprecated in 1.8

It is still unclear how Authorization Groups fit in the new authz model, so they have been left out of the logic and auth refactoring (Tickets #1229 and #1253)

1313415367000000 1338212028000000
#649 story pudo closed fixed Introduce Authorization Groups in model

Authorization Groups:

(Doing this first seems more stable since we first want to "re-gain" exisiting functionality)

  • Create authz.py and model tests for authorization_group-based auth
    • tests: functional: create fixtures, do actual requests

lib-tests: test for membership addition, removal, group-right additions affecting all members, group-right removal, group rights affecting non-members.

# * Adapt model to get these passing

  • Integration into existing controllers should be negligible but may want ot have tests
    • do not want that. would mean design is broken
  • Need to create a new controller for editing authz groups (will have same permissions as any other object -- Reader, Editor, Administrator)
1284889884000000 1284889983000000
#659 enhancement nils.toedtmann dread closed fixed Check CKAN instance works automatically

Auto way to check web and API interface of a CKAN instance basically works. Several gotchas can be quickly determined, such as logging in, search not working. Needs to be configurable per site basis.

1285348333000000 1311183031000000
#1313 enhancement zephod dread closed duplicate Tweaks to captcha configuration

Awesome to have the captcha implementation and running on thedatahub.org! Here are some further suggestions concerning the config options, before this goes into a release:

  • Document "ckan.recaptcha.publickey" and "ckan.recaptcha.privatekey" in doc/configuration.rst
  • Which one config option defines whether recaptcha is enabled? There is disagreement between the template and the lib. Maybe better to have a third option for this. When setting the syntax for this, I can see us wanting to use captcha for other operations, like package edit, package create, group create etc. so perhaps we'd want to be able to turn each one on/off separately, using the name of the logic action. e.g. ckan.recaptcha.enable = user_create, group_create
  • We got this exception last night from the template:
    Module ?:37 in <Expression u'g.recaptcha_publickey'>
    <<          <dd><input type="password" name="password2" value="" /></dd>
                   <dd py:if="g.recaptcha_publickey">
                     <script type="text/javascript"
    >>  <dd py:if="g.recaptcha_publickey">
    Module genshi.template.eval:324 in lookup_attr
    <<                      val = obj[key]
                           except (KeyError, TypeError):
                               val = cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
                   return val
    >>  val = cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
    Module genshi.template.eval:410 in undefined
    <<          """Raise an ``UndefinedError`` immediately."""
                   __traceback_hide__ = True
                   raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
    >>  raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
    UndefinedError: <ckan.lib.app_globals.Globals object at 0xb8f1182c> has no member named "recaptcha_publickey"

I'm not sure why - might be something to do with the maintenance on the server, but worth double checking, since we don't want exceptions, say if one or other config variable is not defined.

1315395185000000 1317076432000000
#115 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - wui constrained by model

Based on a section of AccessControl design: Reading and writing to packages in the WUI and REST API are now dependent on the authz tables.

1253034394000000 1253091426000000
#116 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - edited in wui

Based on a section of AccessControl design: WUI gives controls to user and administrator to change permissions on a package.

1253034802000000 1253709460000000
#117 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - group core functionality

Based on a section of AccessControl design: Group reads and edits are controlled by access control. WUI and REST interfaces covered.

1253271333000000 1254735855000000
#144 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed duplicate Most popular packages listed on homepage

Based on number of views.

Related to ticket:143.

1255010391000000 1265284457000000
#896 story thejimmyg closed duplicate Distributed Data and Syncing Between CKAN Instances

Based on the ideas in:

Merging the tickets #296, #297, #298, #299 into this one.

Related ideas include:

  • Using dcat to exchange data
  • Using couchDB to have a stub package record synchronised between multiple CKAN instances, each linking to the main record in the correct instance

This should be considered a wishlist item for the timebeing.

1294406999000000 1300217375000000
#1777 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Write about multilingual features for ec.

Basic description of multilingual features intended to be supported.

1328542835000000 1329393295000000
#962 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Improvements to data preview extension

Basic implementation done (and deployed):


However plenty to improve, e.g.

  • Support more formats (use external systems for preview?)
    • json (!)
    • html (trivial!)
    • sparql
    • ...
  • Do not display preview if no preview

Also suggest reworking to use external services rather than doing preview 'in house' (doing in house places heavy reliance on data proxy service and on converting data to a standard format).

1297072524000000 1301364987000000
#84 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-future assigned Revert support on versioned objects

Basic revert in the classic wiki form is already support by purging a Revision. However may wish to support:

  1. Cases where multiple objects changed in a revision but only want to revert 1 (low priority)
  2. Want to revert but have reversion as a new revision of that object.

Seems low priority at present.

Cost: ?

1248339543000000 1340626385000000
#932 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Move to SQLAlchemy-Migrate 0.6

Basic steps from kindly:

  • changing the setup.py dependencies for sqlalchemy-migrate and sqlalchemy to their latest versions.
  • running the migrate script on the repository (or changing the repository scripts manually).
  • checking in both these changes at once.
1296156660000000 1297076710000000
#1564 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Structured Data (Data API)

Basic websotre exists but this may be not what is described yet.

CKAN provides a rich API for the data itself, allowing users to query retrieve and use data instantly from datasets in CKAN without needing to download or process it first.

1324292834000000 1324292834000000
#48 enhancement rgrp johnbywater ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Create favicon

Because CKAN's worth it!

1201202789000000 1297077492000000
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