{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (901 - 1000 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#842 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Todo list CKAN extension

An extension that provides a todo list feature on CKAN so that people can register and find things to do.

Extension name: ckanext-todo

User Story

Package page

As a user I come to a package:

  • Have a todo count at that top that takes you down to the todo list (which may say nothing todo)
  • At the bottom is a section of the package display titled "ToDo?" where I see a list of all toDos for the package most recent at the top
    • If I am logged in
      • See a form for "Add to do" at the top of the todo section and can add one straight away
      • I see a "now resolved" button next to each which goes green when you hover.

When clicked the todo fades away.

  • Not logged in: I see a button that says "login to add todo"

Todo list page

When a user comes to todo overview at /todo

At top list all todo categories with counts (or a progress bar). Click on category name or bar takes you down page to list for that category.

Category list has a list of todo items (ul with li items with class todo) - link to package relevant to the todo.


The Todo form

  • One of the fields is category -> autocomplete the category (not constrained) (lowercase, no spaces, .-_ allowed)
  • Add a description
  • Submit, the todo gets added via AJAX to the list at the top as the most recent todo


todo table

  id (autoincrement integer)
  todo_category_id (required)
  description (required)
  resolved=null (unresolved) or a datetime (datetime of resolution)

todo_category table

Prepopulate with: broken-resource-link, no-author, bad-format, add-description

API at /api/2/todo

  • GET / POST / PUT ...


  • support limit (?)

/api/2/todo/category -> return list of todo categories

  • No GET / PUT / POST (these are auto-created by creation of todo)

Optional Extras (Will not be done atm)

  • Integrate todo tags (e.g. list packages tagged with a todo.{xxx} on Todo List page ...
1291467708000000 1305646487000000
#847 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed CKAN search using SOLR backend

This is a meta-ticket to pull together all the work on SOLR as a backend for CKAN search. (Work on SOLR search has been going on since March of 2010).

3 key aspects of this:

  • Index package information in SOLR - ticket:353 - SOLR search indexing (index CKAN)
    • Synchronously (generify Search Index update method to support SOLR or postgres?) - #317: Make search pluggable
    • Asynchroously: via worker with queue
      • #324 Search indexing using notifications
      • #669: Refactor Solr (indexer) to become a generic worker
      • #874: Extract Solr search backend into an extension
  • In core support using SOLR backend as well as postgres for queries
    • #317: Make search pluggable (?)
  • Integrate into WUI (if changes needed)
    • #672 - Facets in CKAN search results


  • Solr index testing tool #431
1291639273000000 1295259902000000
#869 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Add plugin interface to allow editing and extending of config by extensions

Use case: extensions need to add to template and public search paths if they wish to have templates or extra static files (such as js etc).

Allowing plugins to edit the config dictionary on load would allow this (and more!).

Are there any security considerations here? (Is is bad to allow extensions to make arbitrary changes to the config information?)

1291989395000000 1292235262000000
#875 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Search backend supports solr interface and query API mimics solr

Consolidate search API interface (and backend) on solr (solrpy) type interface.

  • Support for standard query structure
  • Support for facet options

Do not need to change response formats. (Or do we?)

2 options here for advanced features like facets in non-solr:

  1. Disable (happens automatically)
  2. Implement - suggest using group by etc


  • Front-page tag cloud: change this to use facets
    • Accept this means that if facets not functional in backend we have no tag cloud
1292844957000000 1297085261000000
#876 enhancement sebbacon rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed Support sqlite as a database backend for CKAN

Among other things this will allow the tests to run much quicker.

1292858711000000 1294753889000000
#877 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed File upload in WUI (extension)

Support uploading files to a storage system from WUI with a simple upload form.


  • Implement as an Extension
  • Locate at /upload
  • Add new system action/permission (FILE_UPLOAD) and restrict by default to logged in users
  • Use OFS + boto -> generate form key (and create the bucket if it doesn't exist? Or do we assume bucket already exists)
  • This wants to be tied in to general package workflow. See parent ticket:852.
1292868146000000 1298624165000000
#878 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Integrate file upload with workflow around package resources

Create/edit a package -> add a resource -> Oh, i haven't uploaded yet, 'upload here' -> /upload -> standard upload form

Do we need to create a resource out of the file after upload? Do we sync file metadata with local Resource metadata?

If yes suggests (need to ticket):

  • 'ResourceExtras?' for extra metadata on resources
  • Makes 'Resource' into first class object (and make available in WUI)?


  • #877 (Upload in WUI) - should be part of that extension
1292868269000000 1315820838000000
#879 enhancement wwaites rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Storage auth API

API to provide credentials to allow authorized 3rd parties (ie. one's with CKAN api keys) to make uploads to storage.

Implement as a CKAN extension.

1292868509000000 1316030482000000
#888 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Improvements to the dataproxy and the data API

First version of dataproxy and data API working (ticket:698) but have identified a variety of important improvements. (Should split these into sub-tickets ...):

For dataproxy:

  • Testing for dataproxy
    • Can start by using known good remote urls (moving forward could switch to providing/mocking these locally)
  • Remove content-lenght for csv requirement: just read the first x rows (up to some configurable maximum)
  • Google docs style row/column selections
  • Use the swiss library - https://bitbucket.org/okfn/swiss
    • Support google docs spreadsheets (format = service/gdocs/ccc or gdocs/ccc or gdocs/spreadsheet)
  • Handle redirects for content-length?
  • Ignore resource type if not recognized and fall-back to trying to identify from extension (or mime-type?)

For dataapi:

  • Ensure we pass on resource format as part of redirect i.e. /api/data/{id} -> {dataproxy}?url={resource-url}&type={resource-type}
1293649783000000 1311773103000000
#889 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed Support extra footer material in config option (e.g. for google analytics)

Add a config option 'template_footer_end' which is inserted in layout_template just before </body>.

This allows sysadmins to add extra items, especially, scripts directly into site without having to do any theming and is especially useful for things like google analytics.

Aside: going forward may want to turn this into a extension.

Cost: 1h

1293713189000000 1293715109000000
#907 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-3 closed fixed Data previews: preview package resource data in the WUI

As a user I want to preview a dataset ('resource') before downloading it.


This will be implemented as an Extension

NB: This ticket requires a way to get data out of a remote url (the dataset). We do not want to put this data load/streaming into ckan core due to a) complexity b) load problems (do not want to take ckan out by accidentally pulling in a 1GB file)

  1. Need a 'data proxy' - see ticket:698 and ticket:888
  2. Preview using javascript in WUI - do this in an extension http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-dataapi
1295261173000000 1297072303000000
#908 defect pudo rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Issues deploying extensions with modwsgi / uwsgi

Some extensions import pylons features (such as request) at root.

Have encountered following issues:

  1. You need to import ckanext before any ckan stuff in your wsgi script (extension stats and dataapi)
  1. Running under wsgi daemon mode (normal mode is fine!) the front page (front page only) will not work (does not occur with disqus or synchronous_search but does with stats and dataapi extensions). You get errors like this in the log:
[Mon Jan 17 09:01:19 2011] [error] Exception KeyError: KeyError(-1218594160,) in <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.pyc'> ignored
[Mon Jan 17 09:01:20 2011] [error] Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'clearing'" in <bound method PluginEnvironment.__del__ of  Services for Environment '<default>'
1295264624000000 1296730578000000
#927 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed [super] Improvements to CKAN documentation

List of improvements to CKAN documentation (result of ticket:904). Should convert most items into sub-tickets as we go along.



  • Contributors / credits page: ticket:928
  • (Data proxy documentation: move it to packages.python.org/dataproxy)
  • (List dataapi extensions on http://ckan.org/wiki/Extensions (Name, summary string + point to pypi page ...))
  • Document license configuration and license system - ticket:973
  • Refactor trac frontpage moving general feature overview to ckan.org
  • Create proper roadmap information on http://trac.ckan.org/
  • Add link to wiki.ckan.net to ckan.org
1295869492000000 1300105638000000
#928 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Documentation - CKAN credits / contributors page
  1. Remove contributors list from about page (out-of-date and does not belong there)
    • A "Powered by CKAN" link in footer is enough
  2. Add contributors / team / credits page to ckan.org
    • May want to separate credits (e.g. software use), from contributors (also is team different from contributors)
    • (perhaps with photos!) so that people can see who is part of it and from which organisations. (this is medium-term, not really part of this ticket)
  3. ? CREDITS.txt file to the source repository and add a link to it on bitbucket for more detailed credits info.

Cost: 1h

1295872661000000 1297115136000000
#936 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Follow / watch package extension

As a (logged-in) User I want to watch (follow) a package, that is register my interest about a package. (Similar to watch/follow features in github/bitbucket/wikis).

NB: this is as much (if not more) about showing what packages are interesting to people as giving info to 'watchers'.

Need to finalize terminology (github uses watch for repos and follow for users while bitbucket combines both in 'followers'). Decision: use follow



Become a follower:

  • Follow button on packages (if already watching say 'unfollow')

Package-related changes:

  • Show number of followers on a package
  • List followers of a package at /package/{name}/followers
    • On a separate page

a package User-related changes:

  • List followed packages
    • Either on user's page on a separate 'following' page. (NB: called 'following')
  • Does watching involve notifications (by email)
    • Probably not: you can already subscribe to RSS feed after all and email not that necessary (?)
  • [Future - don't have activity stream yet] Show what packages a user has started/stopped followed on a user's public activity stream on their user page


  • Want to do this in ajax-y manner
  • API endpoint: /api/2/follower
  • Store data in a new follower table



follow => PUT / POST

If this is submitted by a user with user.id != user_id => error (401)

unfollow => DELETE

=> list of followers
    { safe dictized user }

NB: depends on access to a 'safe' dictized user object. Dictization is in nearly done, and current example of doing this by hand is in user API autocomplete method.


Called 'follower'

user_id, table, object_id, created
xxx, package, yyy, ...
xxx, user, yyy, ... [future]

Random Extras

  • What about following users as well
1296339079000000 1303838713000000
#937 enhancement sebbacon rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Record download stats for resources (extension)

As a User (especially as a Package Owner/Maintainer?) I want to know how many times a resource has been downloaded (and when).

So let's record download stats (as in clicks on the link for a resource).


Old Spec (do it in CKAN)

  • Record info of form: resource id (or url?), timestamp
  • Do this via javascript capturing of onclick event talking to an api
  • API: /api/resource/{id}/download
    • POST to increment (how do we stop spamming -- could use a nonce setup with a random string set on each page load for the js)
    • GET to get data back { total: X, day_count: [ [yyyy-mm-dd, count], ... ] }


  • Do we record ip addresses (to handle de-botting etc)?
  • Do we count preview clicks as well?
1296340273000000 1302513831000000
#938 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Message flashing / notification in WUI

Good user interfaces provide feedback to users. We should provide more feedback about the success / failure of actions using message flashing (see http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/patterns/flashing/).

We already do some of this (slightly poorly), e.g. on adding an authorization the app says: "X authorization added".


  • Standardize this process and add section to html for this purpose.
  • Already done in other OKFN apps e.g. yourtopia.net, wheredoesmymoneygo and commentonit
  • Testing: suggest keeping this very simple


  • Cost: 0.5h (html etc) + 1h to do some integration
1296398920000000 1297077023000000
#939 enhancement rgrp closed fixed Notification bar at top of site shown to new users pointing them to simple instructions

On http://getthedata.org/ or stackoverflow there is a pop-up bar for new users that give them some simple instructions.

Talking with users it is clear that some people are not clear how ckan.net (or other sites) work and what they are and are not 'allowed to do. This could help make this better.


  • Pop-up bar (based on a cookie or just being not logged in?) - uses ticket:938 (message flashing)
  • FAQ/instructions page (use the new wiki?)



  • Cost: 1h
1296399008000000 1323171158000000
#940 defect pudo rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix OpenID login via google for same user generates 2 different openid urls

This has been noted twice in the last couple of weeks.

Checking around my guess is this is due to someone logging in to www.ckan.net and ckan.net. Google generates openid based on the RP (requesting party) which is the requesting domain url unless the openid.realm is set. See:

To fix this we should set the openid.realm (not sure how atm).

If this is not possible an alternative is to make sure we redirect all users to a single site url (perhaps using ckan config option site_url, or doing this in apache).

Cost: 1h

1296401521000000 1297071748000000
#941 enhancement thejimmyg rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Submit apps or ideas for apps related to datasets (extension)

The basic purpose of this extension is provide a way to record 'apps' (applications) that relate to datasets in CKAN. Both existing apps and ideas for apps should be permitted.

1296403099000000 1310134339000000
#947 enhancement rgrp closed duplicate Move the assignment of roles to a package on package creation to an extension

At the moment the assignment of user roles on package creation is done in setup_user_roles method in ckan/model/authz.py and is hard-coded.

This can be a pain to override (you can use a Plugin listening for package create events) and makes some things such as putting system in restricted mode more complex than it should be (see ticket:833).

An elegant solution would be to move this into an Extension this simplifies the code and make it easier for people override (just remove the default extension and plugin your own).

1296557478000000 1314031310000000
#953 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Add tagline/description to template and set in configuration

Have a tagline / description are under main title and set if from ckan.site_description config variable.

1296809808000000 1296809834000000
#954 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] API version 3

Child tickets:

  • #1107 Move package autocomplete from package controller and move to API
  • #1087 version and contact info api call

Move to a format that has a separate responseHeader and response.

A standard package response

  responseHeader: {
    status: 0,
  response: {package-dict}

On error:

  responseHeader: {
    status: {err-code},
    error: 'message'
  response: none

A search query

Based directly on solr.

  responseHeader: {
    status: 0,
  response: {
    numFound: 5,
    start: 0
    docs: [


This is a breaking change for clients


1296811899000000 1320142744000000
#960 defect pudo rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Support non-ascii character in internal error messages

Just saw an error like the following which looks like it is to do with having a user object with non-ascii characters in it. Either get rid of 'cast' to str type here or do it in a unicode aware way.

Should do this not just here but everywhere we can find in the code base.

Module ckan.controllers.package:302 in edit
<<          am_authz = self.authorizer.am_authorized(c, model.Action.EDIT, pkg)
               if not am_authz:
                   abort(401, str(gettext('User %r not authorized to edit %s') % (c.user, id)))
               auth_for_change_state = self.authorizer.am_authorized(c, model.Action.CHANGE_STATE, pkg)
>>  abort(401, str(gettext('User %r not authorized to edit %s') % (c.user, id)))
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)


Cost: 1h

1297069721000000 1297169056000000
#961 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Refactoring of forms, validation and model synchronization

This is a meta-ticket to hold all of the work on refactoring forms, validation and model-synchronization in CKAN.

ckan-dev thread: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2011-January/000180.html

The Issue

From #926:

The current formalchemy setup conflates view, controller and model code in a way that makes it hard to debug and customise.

From http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2011-January/000181.html:

... FormAlchemy, in retrospect, was probably a mistake as it merges too much model/validation/form generation into one thing.

At least 3 functions involved [in this area]:

  1. Generating (or just filling) a form template with 'form data' (and errors)
  2. Converting model data to form data (also happens for APIs in fact) -- let's call this 'dict-ization'
  3. Converting form data to model data (and validating) (inverse of previous step)

Related Tickets

  • #926 - Pick a simpler form framework
  • #1046 'dictization' and the logic layer - serialization / deserialization of package (and other domain objects) to standard intermediate format such as json-convertable python dict
    • #1079 Refactor API to use new logic layer and dictization
    • #1078 Refactor WUI controllers and forms to use logic layer
    • cf existing dumper and importer code
    • This will fix #662
  • [not ticketed yet] - validation layer (should work on serialized objects?)
  • #662 - Can't put entity that is returned by posting to package register (Defect)
  • #972 - Merge 'extras' into main package dict rather than having separate key
  • #1035 - Form impressions are given IDs
  • #810 - Move "add packages" field up in group form (easier to do this once forms are done)
1297069849000000 1310126100000000
#962 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Improvements to data preview extension

Basic implementation done (and deployed):


However plenty to improve, e.g.

  • Support more formats (use external systems for preview?)
    • json (!)
    • html (trivial!)
    • sparql
    • ...
  • Do not display preview if no preview

Also suggest reworking to use external services rather than doing preview 'in house' (doing in house places heavy reliance on data proxy service and on converting data to a standard format).

1297072524000000 1301364987000000
#963 enhancement thejimmyg rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Package CKAN as a debian package

Package CKAN as a debian package so it is easier to install.

1297076364000000 1298284252000000
#964 enhancement rgrp rgrp datapkg-0.8 closed fixed Create Resource Downloader and make it pluggable

In downloading packages we need to download resources and we need a ResourceDownloader? object for this. these should be pluggable so that we can add support for different types of resources.

1297211004000000 1297211237000000
#972 enhancement sebbacon rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Merge 'extras' into main package dict rather than having separate key

Rather than have a separate 'extras' key all the extras fields should be consolidated into the main package dict when presenting the package internally or e.g. via the API.

Why? Extras are really just an artefact of our internal storage model. Clients of the system (both internal and external) should just see a set of key/values with no distinction between extras and non-extras.


  • Possible breaking change to the API (could enforce backwards compatibility by keepings extras for the time being)

Possible subticket of forms refactoring: #961

1297332282000000 1310134129000000
#973 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Document license configuration and license system.

Document how license system works and specifically how licenses can be configured.

Cost: 2h

1297332948000000 1297678851000000
#975 defect rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Placeholder attribute not displayed in some browsers leading to poor UX

Currently placeholder text like 'Search ...' is not shown in some browsers (e.g. FF and IE).

This leads to poor UX, for example in top bar search where it unclear whether that box is for login or search.

We should fix this by finding a way to display placeholder attribute in all browsers.

1297343755000000 1297344448000000
#982 enhancement dread rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed Remove various pip-requirements versions

We can just use the branch name to pull down specific versions of pip requirements so we don't need all the different versions in head.

Remove them and update any client systems.

Cost: 20m

1297516060000000 1298887980000000
#992 defect rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Use X-forwarded-for whenever it is available to set remote IP address

At the moment we only use X-forwarded to determine remote user address when remote-addr header is However if a site is behind a cache remote_addr will always be the IP of the cache.

We should fix this by using x-forwarded-for header whenever available and only use remote-addr when it is not available.

Cost: 10m

1298058532000000 1298060474000000
#1000 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Remove call timings code

Not used and extra overhead. Very useful to strip this out and low cost.

Places where it seems to be:

  • lib/base.py: c.time_call_started
  • ....
1298489643000000 1298912726000000
#1001 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed API should use normal user credentials if available

When using the API 'locally' i.e. from the CKAN instance (as would be the case with an ajax interface) the API, especially that allowing READ requests should use the normal user credentials if they are available prior to looking for an API key.

The key change appears to be to change _get_user_for_apikey method in lib/base.py BaseController? to check the c.user attribute (may wish to rename as the name may now be a bit misleading ...).

This is critical to incorporating any ajax editing into the frontend.

As part of this ticket we should do a general consolidation of the identification system in lib/base.py so that both api_key and normal user auth lead to the same set of auth-related objects being available (suggest c.user and c.userobj and c.author).

1298489705000000 1301310351000000
#1002 enhancement dread rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Remove changeset model code

This code is unused and tests are disabled i belive. I suggest stripping this out (can always be re-added in an extension later). If we remove we should probably delete the relevant tables (and so a migration is needed).

1298489773000000 1322515696000000
#1003 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed CKAN Javascript library and demonstration web interface

A plain javascript library for interfacing with CKAN would be very useful (why? see below!). It would also be nice to have a pure html + javascript web interface to CKAN both for its own sake and to act as a demonstrator for the library.


  • Development of bespoke interfaces -- much easier to edit html + javascript than to change ckan core
    • E.g. for specific communities e.g. geodata, science
    • Specialized tasks - multi-package editing
  • Very easy deployment and integration (e.g. can drop in to getthedata or other sites)
1298490086000000 1300100411000000
#1006 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Deprecate stable branch

Now that we have release branches we should deprecate the stable branch (ie. make sure it is no longer a head and then do --close-branch and merge into default one last time).

Cost: 10m (giving high priority because of low cost)

(Assigning to dread as he has been managing the stable branch).

1298624996000000 1300372286000000
#1009 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-backlog new Improvements to user accounts sytem
  • Forgot password (email a new password)
  • Confirm email
  • Do not show register page if you are logged in (redirect to home page)
  • ticket:1010 - listing of users.
    • Do not use /user for general user account home page (either user normal user page /user/{id} or /user/myaccount)
1298635991000000 1310128574000000
#1010 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed List CKAN users in WUI

Should have user listing at /user/ rather than user account page.

  • list users, sorted by number of packages contributed/edited
  • Move user home page to /user/{user-id}
  • Paginated
1298649180000000 1298740889000000
#1031 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed User lookup API

Add an api for searching users. This is needed for any kind of ajax autocomplete (needed for anywhere we want to add users).

  • API location: /api/util/user/lookup?q=querystr&limit=10
  • Return json objects containing {id: ..., name: ..., fullname: ...}
  • Put in a module called controllers/apiv2/user.py
1299780419000000 1300101520000000
#1032 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.6 closed fixed [super] Resources in WUI

Add resources into Web User Interface.

  • Locate at: /dataset/{dataset}/resource/{id}
  • CRUD
  • Authorization


  • #945 - Richer resources - Resource Groups, new fields, improved UI
  • #1445 - Resource View page in WUI
  • #1450 - Dataset view pages to match

Moved to superticket #1506:

  • #978 - Edit Resource Extras in Web UI
1299782021000000 1330348463000000
#1069 enhancement tobes rgrp assigned Stub datasets (request for datasets)

Idea is to have stubs for datasets that someone wants but don't yet exist (or haven't been discovered) in the way one has stub pages on a wiki.

We could do this within the existing model by a slight 'abuse' - create a dataset and mark it with a special tag e.g. todo.does-not-yet-exist or similar ...

(Just as we have datasets listed that exist but aren't available ...)

Alternative would be to have a request for datasets subsystem.

I prefer the stub dataset model because it's simpler, provides a simple workflow (as a dataset is found or comes into existence), and the package page provides a natural space in which to accumulate information about what is wanted and what exists.


  • Agree a new dedicated tag. e.g. todo.does-not-exist
1301666919000000 1340632215000000
#1070 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Plan a new domain model and layer architecture for CKAN

See http://wiki.ckan.net/Domain_Model especially section on v2.

  • New domain model is planned but not yet finally agreed.
  • Layer architecture is complete and implemented
1301910940000000 1310117129000000
#1074 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Refactor authz web user interface to have common code and templating

Currently repeat the same template and code across Package Authz, Group Authz, and Authz Group authz.

Having now implemented a new, cleaner setup in ckanext-admin we should port this back into core.

  • Common template code (checkbox template)
  • Logic code (or just common code) for wiring into authz system
  • Look for all places thoroughout the system where usernames, authzgroups or groups need to be typed into boxes, and make sure that they auto-complete appropriately.

Will also deliver a significant improvement in the form of ajax user lookup.

1302271586000000 1314303581000000
#1075 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Administrative dashboard - Edit Authorization related to System object

Roles on System object are important because admin role on system equates to being a 'sysadmin' (i.e. able to do anything).

  • Make users sysadmin (either as separate action or as part of editing roles on system object)
  • /authz subpage for editing roles on system object
    • Add and update user roles
    • Add and update authz group roles
    • List actions associated to roles at top of page (extra points for checkbox table with editability)
  • Document on http://wiki.ckan.net/Authorization what roles on System object 'mean' esp sysadmin role on System

Related Tickets

  • super ticket: #833
  • authz lib improvement and authztool refactor #1050
1302279799000000 1303227982000000
#1076 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Improve revision and package purge system

Purging Revisions

  • Delete button displayed on:
    • /revision/list
    • (/package/history)
      • /package/history is problematic because html does not allow nested forms and we already have form for doing diff/comparison.
    • /revision/{id}
  • Delete button submits to delete action on revision and changes revision state to 'deleted'.
    • undelete button now displayed and revisions are marked as deleted in some way (e.g. greyed out?)
  • Sysadmins then visit /ckan-admin/trash which lists all revisions with deleted state. There is a large button: "Empty trash" (irreversible). Click button purges all revisions with deleted state.

Purging Packages

  • Put into deleted state.
  • Listed on /ckan-admin/trash
  • Separate Empty trash button which deletes all associated revisions.
    • Should be separate from Empty trash for revisions

Current system

  • Single purge link on revision listing if a sysadmin which permanently purges the revision and all associated changes (without confirmation atm!)
1302283442000000 1303236302000000
#1077 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog new Move to simpler vdm system

Option 1: 'Changeset' Model

See ticket:1135 for vdm ticket. This would involve a) moving to changeset in vdm b) doing the migration in ckan to support this.

Have developed a new "changeset" based model for revisioning in vdm.


  • The main challenge with this change is schema and data migration

Every revisioned object has a revision_id and revision attribute.

Approximate algorithm:

Revision -> Changeset

for revtype in [PackageRevision, ...]:
    for pkgrev in package_revision:
        changeset = lookupchangeset(package_revision)
        ChangeObject(cset, (table, id), dictize(pkgrev))


  • does pkg include tags attributes or not? or we have to dictize, pkgrev, pkg2tagrev, and tag. Probably the latter.

Option 2: Simplify Revision Object Model

Just use a simpler vdm, see ticket:1136 (move to SessionExtension) and ticket:1137 (remove need for statefulness in vdm).


Advantage of Option 1 versus 2:

  • Easier support for pending state and similar behaviour
  • No need to introduce new tables (and hence migrations) when making something revisioned (or not).


  • Migration is required
  • More difficult to query revision history.
    • Could be addressed by having ChangeObject have separate cols for table name and id but would likely be more difficult.
  • Performance (?)
    • Have one big ChangeObject table to query when looking at changed objects rather than many revision tables.
      • Not sure this is a biggie as even with Revision model biggest revision object tables are probably on the order of the ChangeObject table


Implement Option 2 and leave Option 1 for present.

Option 1 includes Option 2 so it seems that that is required in either case (so we may as well with Option 2).

Option 1 requires significant effort (esp migration) so leave for present and then review the situation at some later date.

1302304464000000 1340034345000000
#1078 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Refactors WUI controllers and forms to use logic layer
  • Deserialize forms to new dict format.
  • Replace controllers/forms to use dictization.
1302509347000000 1305828973000000
#1079 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Refactor API to use new logic layer and dictization
  • Convert current api saves to the new standard dict format.
1302509530000000 1302777504000000
#1106 defect rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Bugs related to routes arising from API refactor + removal of default routes

Various bugs I've been encountering:

Latter issue was masked by existence of 'default' routes:

   map.connect('/{controller}', action='index')

Having these is, I think, bad practice as it is better to be explicit and we should therefore remove asap.

In addition I think we should be cautious about 'default' routes in core such as:

    map.connect('/api/rest/:register', controller='api', action='list',

As it makes it harder for extensions to introduce their own APIs (here one could perhaps add something at /api/rest/{my-object} but only by using before_map rather than after_map).

1303747360000000 1303834069000000
#1107 refactor tidy-up bitesize rgrp closed fixed Move package autocomplete from package controller and move to API

Currently autocomplete method on package controller. This method should be in API (like other autocomplete methods).

Will need to update client code (just forms atm I think).

1303808480000000 1340632612000000
#1119 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed Fully functional storage extension with file upload

Previous work in #877 and #879 + #853 (storage API). In this ticket:

  • Improve authorization
  • Establish convention for laying out files on disk
  • Add documentation
  • Fix bugs with #879 (does not currently work -- boto may have changed)
1304094382000000 1305037201000000
#1135 enhancement kindly rgrp assigned Changeset model for vdm

Move to Changeset model for vdm.

A changeset model is like an Audit-Log model in which we just record Changesets with Change-Objects rather than have Revision-Objects for each Object that is revisioned.

This change would also incorporate significant simplication of vdm.

1305209986000000 1340632267000000
#1136 enhancement kindly rgrp assigned Move to SessionExtension in vdm

When vdm was created there was no SessionExtension so we use MapperExtension for doing revisioning. Now that SessionExtension? exists we should use it. We can also follow the existing SQLAlchemy recipe: <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/examples.html?highlight=versioning#versioned-objects>

1305210855000000 1340632980000000
#1137 enhancement kindly rgrp assigned Remove need for statefulness in vdm

Statefulness, especially statefulness for relation (esp m2m) is cause of most of the complexity in vdm. It is required because, atm, revision objects have FKs to continuity objects.

This ticket proposes the following changes:

NB: this could be limited just to case of join tables (leaving state stuff on other tables)

  • Remove FKs from revision to continuity (or allow for them to be nullable).
    • We could just limit this to m2m stuff
  • Delete of an object leads to:
    • Deletion of continuity object
    • Adding an entry in revision table with state set to deleted (we retain state on revision table)

If this is done we will no longer need to worry about filtering on state on relationships as join table will only contain "active" relationships.

If we do this on all tables we remove need for any state awareness in client (e.g. no need to filter tables on active state).

The only disadvantage of this change is that undeletion becomes more problematic (we have to recreate some continuity objects).

1305211628000000 1340631974000000
#1142 enhancement annapowellsmith rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Major Overhaul and Extension of CKAN Documentation

Child tickets:

  • #1041 Start Using the CKAN Wiki for Tutorial-style documentation
  • #1192 Convert CKAN Sphinx docs into admin/reference manual

Previous super ticket (from 3m ago): http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/927

  • CKAN 1-page overview (for enterprise and for data hackers)
  • Administrator's Guide (including install)
  • Extensions Guide
  • Separate CKAN.net info from Software Documentation (?)

Also now a wiki page with more detail: http://wiki.ckan.net/Documentation_Plans

Minor Items

1305727452000000 1313775665000000
#1163 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new Improvements to Storage Extension

Storage is now working but there are

  • Integrate with Resources (e.g. create a resource for each file upload and give option to associate with a package)
    • Should we introduce rule that files *not* associated with a Resource are periodically deleted?
  • Allow setting of a file name/path before upload
  • Allow for file overwriting/deleting etc (how should this work -- do we want to allow this sort of thing)
  • Integrate local file upload stuff in api/auth/*

Different Backend Issues

Local file store is rather different from 'remote' storage in various ways:

  • For remote you don't want to use many buckets as there are bucket limits while for local you want to. Should we there have a single path that users provide which we then partition differently for different backends.
1306408778000000 1310133808000000
#1190 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] CREP 0004 Data API and Data Processing System

For some time (e.g. 1y+!) we have known that we want to integrate some kind of datastore / data processing system with CKAN. We've had a CREP in progress on this for some months (may copy that here at some point):


We can distinguish 3 modules that are needed:

  1. "Webstore": A datastore with dataapi - #1208

Suggestion is this would be sqlite based with a simple sql based API. http://ckan.net/api/data/{user|org}/{datastore_name}?q={some-read-sql-query}

  1. Automated conversion of suitable resources into datastore upon resource creation so that e.g. they are accessible via the API. #1398
  1. A data processing system which utilizes this datastore. One could

get a long way with simple javascript running in the browser for development with this javascript then run offline using something like nodejs. Alternatively one could allow one to specify a url to e.g. a python file which would then be run in a sandbox (with access to some specified set of python modules) - #1432

More info

1308227611000000 1323270522000000
#1208 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Webstore: a datastore with web API
  • SQLite based
  • Use Cyclone for async http server on top with auth
  • Designed to not be specific to CKAN or anything else

Current code is here: https://github.com/okfn/webstore.

API Spec


Two basic ways to query::

    GET: /{owner}/{db-name}/?sql=...
    GET: /{owner}/{db-name}/?table=...&attr=value&attr=value&limit=...


      u'keys': [u'id', u'name'],
      u'data': [
          [1, u'jones'],
          [u'aaa', u'jones']


POST to::


Payload is json data structured as follows::


unique_keys: [list of key attributes] data: {dict of values}


Authentication and Authorization

Authentication: use basic auth header.


  • Default: all read, owner can write
  • Restricted: owner can read and write, everyone can do nothing

Possible future: config file can specify a python method (TODO: method signature)

Integration with Other Systems

TODO: Specify how to delegate authenatication to user database in some other system.

1309804460000000 1312191646000000
#1239 defect rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Remove and re-add tag on package not working

See reports on list at:

Tracked this to issue in dictization/model_save whereby was ignoring case where Package Tag already there but in deleted state. Rather than describe at length see fix.

1311441020000000 1312453156000000
#1240 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog assigned [super] API v4

(Just creating this ticket as somewhere to keep notes)

  • Decide on REST api versus action API
    • Do we want to support both?
  • Tidying
    • Unify on /api/v{version num}/... structure (do we want a default option that points to current default? e.g. /api/default/ ...)
    • extras merged into normal field list in package
    • Get rid of /rest/ so just have api/v1/package
    • Get rid of separation of search api from 'rest' api
      • Propose that GET on REST index is search e.g. /package/?q=...
        • This is also resolves issue whereby GET at root returns whole package set (a *bad* idea) as this would now become the matchall search query (with a default limit on items returned)
  • Resource read/write in API (separate from package)
    • Does this need authorization work?
  • user/account API - read/write
  • Remove autocomplete -- can just use search
    • Do not worry about backwards compat as should only be used in our js (if others using it too bad!)
1311525660000000 1325473312000000
#1245 task rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Reorganise ckan.org pages

Here is Rufus' plan for ckan.org reorganisation from http://ckan.okfnpad.org/documentation (22/7/11) (ticket made by dread):

  /overview <--- current 'about' page (the software)
  /customers <-- say "in addition to our clients..."
  /features <-- needs most work (pictures etc)
/pricing/  <-- simplest thing possible ... talk with Ira (cover pricing and support)
/developers <--- links to http://docs.ckan.org/, getting the software, the wiki, the mailing list /contact


  • add tagline in header - "the data portal software"
  • make and add glossy PDF
  • change "data hub" to "data portal" passim (if only using one term)
  • add info@…
  • image banner on home page - redo screenshots without menus
1311861708000000 1317422640000000
#1249 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Exclude script tag from extraction for i18n

Currently have this script section put in for i18n. It shouldn't be.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $.fn.ajaxCreateSlug = function(name, url) {
        var title = this;
        var updater = {
            init: function(title, name) {
                // Add a new element where the validity of the package name can be displayed
                this.name_field = name;
                this.title_field = title;
                this.name_field.parent().append('<div id="package_name_valid_msg"></div>');
                this.url = url;
1311958536000000 1311959356000000
#1250 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Search results should be sorted by score rather than alphabetical

At the moment we sort search results alphabetically. While this is useful for doing 'browse' case where no search bad for all other cases.

Adopt default sort order of 'score' though may wish to keep alphabetical for no search term (i.e. wildcard).


  • Default this in solr (no need to touch code) but fragile and affects everything ...
  • Do it in code and default to score
  • Do it in code and have alphabetical (on name or title?) when no criteria otherwise score

Aside: may also wish to support search in query api but that is for later!

1311964752000000 1312370201000000
#1251 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog closed fixed Rename wiki.ckan.net to wiki.ckan.org

Inline with general naming policy going forward.

1311965147000000 1317315159000000
#1252 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Deprecate ckan.net in favour of thedatahub.org

Deprecate ckan.net in favour of thedatahub.org

  • Announce
  • Create thedatahub.org and have it run same data as ckan.net
  • Announce closing down of ckan.net with 302
  • Implement 302 permanent

Also redirect wiki.ckan.net to wiki.ckan.org

1311965339000000 1318160334000000
#1264 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Merge ckanext-admin into core

This extension should be in core now -- functionality is basic and very useful.

Copy across from here: http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-admin

Suggest this no longer even be an extension.

1312480783000000 1318245716000000
#1268 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Speed up listing users by revisions by adding db index

At the moment this appears to be slow (kindly suggests because missing index in db). Page is /user on a ckan instance.

Would this also speed up user page where we recent changes?

1312906592000000 1318279592000000
#1269 defect johnglover rgrp ckan-backlog closed wontfix User view page shows the packages followed by viewing user not user being viewed

This overlaps with Sean's follow support (for activity streams) and so will be dealt with there.

1312906598000000 1335875028000000
#1271 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed CORS support

CORS - http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/ - support.

This is what you do in Apache. Should do this in lib/base.py or similar.

    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "POST, PUT, GET, OPTIONS"
    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "X-CKAN-API-KEY, Content-Type"

    # Respond to all OPTIONS requests with 200 OK
    # This could be done in the webapp
    # This is need for pre-flighted requests (POSTs/PUTs)
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [R=200,L]
1313241839000000 1313753663000000
#1282 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed JS and WUI tidy up

Consolidate js. Remove cruft.

  • Move stuff to vendor
    • Have all vendor libs local (?)
    • jquery, jquery-ui etc
  • Consolidate autocomplete to use jquery-ui
    • package autocomplete (groups)
    • tag autocomplete (package)
    • user autocomplete (authz group create)
      • turns out that authz group edit had autocomplete disabled so refactoring meant enabling ...
  • Move forms.css into main
  • Remove tag cloud from front page (can be example going forward)
  • Remove bookmarklet (since in wiki at: http://wiki.ckan.net/Managing_Data_Packages#How_Do_I_Install_the_CKAN_Bookmarklet.3F)
  • Move name slug generation into standard js and clean up


  1. JS unit tests for the given pages ...
  2. Option to use external site to serve js and css (e.g. CDN)

1314090389000000 1314404540000000
#1284 defect dread rgrp closed fixed Lots of revisions being created on datahub.org

Revisions aren't assigned to packages. Where are they coming from? This seems to have been occurring since the upgrade to 1.4.3b a couple of weeks ago?

1314113015000000 1315215626000000
#1286 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new Remove remaining formalchemy stuff

Stuff I've spotted:

  • forms/*
  • template/group/edit_form.html
  • template/package/edit_form.html

This can go once new DGU form is in.

1314116996000000 1342436420000000
#1293 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Rename Package to Dataset throughout WUI, API


  • All templates
  • [DONE] Routing: /package/ -> /dataset/ (including API)
  • [DONE] Tests: self.app.get('/dataset/...') rather than package ...
    • One test to check redirect works?
  • Docs


  • Stay with Package in code e.g. stay with 'PackageController?'
    • also leave stuff like pkg = .... (gradual migration)
  • Leave extensions


  • Package -> Dataset
  • Data Package -> Dataset
  • respect capitalization
1314405700000000 1317649968000000
#1294 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Package creation and editing UX improvements

Largely an integration of work from ckanjs

  • #1295 Simplify package create form
  • Improvements to edit form
    • Split edit form into sections
    • Remove preview from edit form (introduce inline preview on description/notes field)
  • #1296 Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page
  • #878 File upload integrated into resource creation
  • #1297 In-place editing of notes field for existing packages
1314405811000000 1315948257000000
#1295 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Simplify package create form

Sub ticket of #1294

  • Initial screen just title, name, description (notes), license (and tags?).
  • State that you can add data and more information on next screen. This takes you to Package 'view' where you can then do more stuff.
    • Flash some instructions? e.g. that resources are missing?
  • Name slug should by default look uneditable (cf wordpress way to do the slug)
1314406014000000 1315948009000000
#1296 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page

Subticket of #1294.

  • Nice way to edit all resource attributes
  • Nice way to add new resources
    • Including file upload (cf #878).
      • Cf work in ckanjs (this can be a straight integration).
1314406093000000 1315948224000000
#1297 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed In-place preview of edited description markdown on edit dataset form

Subticket of #1294.

Can integrate from working system on ckanjs.

1314406183000000 1317649974000000
#1300 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Core changes to base theme

Core changes to theme in order to make it easier to re-theme:

  • page_heading
  • side bar menu must be switchable (left to right) (through config or css)
  • Add optional_footer to complement optional_head
    • And adopt rule for template writers that all extra js must go in optional footer
    • That way we could move optional js to the bottom of the page to improve page load times.
  • Re-add support for body-class ... (seems to be removed by #1108)
  • more divs.
  • better labelling for css (and javascript)
1314862223000000 1319794520000000
#1306 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog closed wontfix Tests for the logic layer

AFAICT there are no tests for the logic layer at the moment. I imagine this is an issue (if it is not please explain and close as wontfix).

1315153267000000 1319797204000000
#1307 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Implement captcha for signup
  • Major issue with spam signup on thedatahub.org
  • Suggest using recaptcha

Est cost: 1d

1315153860000000 1317649963000000
#1311 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new Modal user register and login form

Subticket of: #1294

Rather than having to visit a dedicated page it would be good if registration and login could be done from a modal form (separate or combined ...).


  • It could be used from dataset creation page in situations where user needs to be registered / logged in to create a dataset (so we could allow someone to start creating a dataset and only get them to login at the end ...)
  • It allows for quicker and easier logging in


  • See Friedrich's work on the datahub
1315297227000000 1315297227000000
#1320 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Extend basic markdown to support normal http / https links

It is very annoying that you have to wrap links in <...> and most people don't bother. Extend h.markdown in code and markdown in js to fix this.

(We should also support 'package' links etc in javascript?)


  • Note that CKAN flavoured markdown will not currently recognise dataset:my_data links (still uses package).
  • Move the markdown api to /util/markdown
1315422000000000 1318164603000000
#1327 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.6 closed duplicate [super] Dataset Archiving

Split out of #852. Automated archiving of datasets (related to QA).

Automated archiving using worker process

  • #890 - Timed actions in ckanext-queue
  • #891 - Resource download worker daemon
  • #892 - Make stored data available in WUI
1315821490000000 1320662446000000
#1330 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog closed invalid Deprecate / Remove test_authz.py

test_authz.py appears to test in great detail some very specific additional authz (related to total site lock-down it seems -- introduced I think for hri project).

I think there are simpler ways to get total site lockdown (use external auth!) and this test is slow and delicate (e.g. depends on specific words in templates). Suggest removing. If we don't remove we should at least refactor tests for access to certain pages to use a proper method of testing (e.g. agreed html comments in each page) rather than being depending on the presence of absence of specific wording.

1315899129000000 1327060201000000
#1339 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog closed fixed Issues / question re navl and data conversion

I ran into a bug with the size field on resources.

  • It would not accept an empty value from form (IMO this clearly equates to null/None)
  • This could be fixed via using ignore_empty instead of ignore_missing
  • However using this means there was no way to empty the field (e.g. i may just want to set the size field back to null not just change to another value)
  • similar issues could arise around other fields (such as last_modified ...)
    • cf cset:645031d07b60

To solve this (cset:58acdcfe6d4e) i created an int_converter temporarily in logic/schema.py (this is almost certainly the wrong place). But I think it raises a bigger issue about the conversion layer and how it works.

1315947022000000 1316014954000000
#1343 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new [super] User related improvements (login, user pages etc)
  • Disallow account creation via openid - #1386
  • Require email field - #1319
    • Require email confirmation to be activated (?)
  • Improvements to user page (e.g. show activity and more info about user) - #1396
  • Modal user login - #1311
1316017098000000 1318528138000000
#1357 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Integrate new version of data preview

We have an all new and much improved data preview system developed as part of QA in July. Need to integrate this.

  • Is pure javascript
  • Will have this in CKAN core but considered to be a plugin (so need datapreview in ckan.plugins list to work -- will enable this by default)
  • Will depend on the http://wiki.ckan.org/DataExplorer
1317076044000000 1318164458000000
#1358 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-backlog assigned Generate configuration documentation automatically from the deployment_ini_tmpl file

At the moment documentation of config options is duplicated between source (deployment_ini_tmpl in ckan/config which is used to generate user ini file) and the docs.

Suggest we write a script that automatedly generates reference documentation for the config from the source.

May be obsoleted by #277 (some config in db)

1317076350000000 1318257823000000
#1359 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Radically simplify standard list of licenses

Major UX grip and incredibly simple to do. May also want to have basic autocomplete support within the list (trivial to do as well I believe).

(Talk to RP about this re how we define lists of licenses).

1317077855000000 1329132464000000
#1360 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Remove support for filter by download and filter by openness in search

Deliver little user benefit and easier just to search and then see what is listed as open and with resources.

Implementation Details

Areas to fix:

  • UI
  • lib/search/...
  • tests
  • ...?


Est: 2h

1317077958000000 1317650018000000
#1361 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Simple search support

Would be nice if CKAN could work out of the box without the need for SOLR (solr is great but complex and heavyweight to install).


  • ckan.simple_search config option
  • If set:
    • query via simple query to database backend
    • do no specialized indexing



  • TagSearchQuery? from lib/search (just do a search directly)?
  • #1360: filter by downloadable and filter by open search options

Possible Extras

(Probably future improvements)

  • Re-introduce full-text search indexing where supported in e.g. postgres and use for querying
1317078276000000 1317082893000000
#1370 enhancement toby rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed [super] Social sharing for datasets (and resources)

Add a way to share datasets and see mentions of datasets on twitter (and elsewhere)

As a visitor I want to share a link to a dataset I have found. I also want to see how many others have shared this (or mentioned it).

  • Sharing platform: simplest option is probably twitter but could generalize to e.g. sharethis system which supports, facebook, twitter etc etc.
    • Will need a config option for relevant API key e.g. ckan.sharethis.apikey
  • Location: Put this at top of sidebar on dataset view (a better suggsetion?)
  • Should show how many mentions / shares there are. (very important!)


  • (Tom and Ira and ...): do we really want this, versus e.g. proper follow extension?
  • What about bringing conversation back in to CKAN. E.g. show all times this dataset (i.e. its url) was mentioned on twitter. If we do this I think this should be definite +1.
  • Also, given our users, I think just doing twitter (identica) may be sufficient (how many people want to share links to datasets on facebook?)
1317422686000000 1336045983000000
#1386 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Disallow account creation via openid

Superticket: #1343

Creation of accounts from OpenID causes large number of problems:

  • No guarantee of other profile info
  • Poor username (just from openid)

We therefore will:

  1. Require creation of user account via register (no auto-creation of accounts via openid)
    • sidebar of register page should point to login page rather than openid signin

  1. Permit association of an openid with an account ...
    • How: paste in your openid url (requires change to edit form to have this)
      • won't work for google with their weird openid urls
    • [future] Nicer way is to have login via openid while logged in (which association then happening in background)
  1. Migration (for 1+2):
    • (?) Generate decent usernames for all existing accounts
    • As this is nontrivial suggest instead we allow editing of usernames (by account owner and sysadmins). This is useful in its own right and is a reasonable 80/20 solution.
      • This does present the problem of re-associating commits with the new username. Best solution to this would be to switch revisions to point to userid rather than username. See #1534
  1. [optional] Change display_name to always be username
    • Change My Account to Username at top right of all pages (once we know usernames are short ...)
      • could do this straight away by truncating long usernames (e.g. truncate at 20 chars ...)
      • Also should we lose the icon?
1318425493000000 1324036930000000
#1396 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Improvements to user page UX - 1d

Super ticket: #1506

  • Show member since
  • Display email (in obfuscated form)
  • List all owned datasets (in standard manner)
    • Will need change to logic layer to show datasets on user dict (this is useful for the API as well ...)
  • (Re)move list of changes
    • Should have activity (once activity available)


  • ?? Allow users to provide a home page, organization (requires migration)
1318527967000000 1330086237000000
#1397 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.7 closed fixed [super] Resource archiving

We want to cache/archive data associated to a resource so it is available if the resource url disappears (and in order to support other processing we may wish to do e.g. webstorer ...)

Etherpad: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/queue (most relevant parts inlined here)


  • Add task_status table to store qa/archiever/webstore information that does not need to be versioned. - #1363 (and #1371 - related logic functions)

Configuration setup for daemons

Pass config through to workers i.e site_url, user, api_key. Need to make site user account. #1408

celeryd config:

All providers of tasks will add an item to the following entry point:

name = ckanext.{name}.tasks:....


from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
for entry in iter_entry_points:

CELERY_IMPORTS = celeryimports

Work Items

  • Resource change notifications in core - Make an IResourceChange and IResourceUrlChange. [1d] [0.75d] - #1383
  • Generate archiving request on resource url change [0.25d][0.25d] - #1399
  • Make site user account.
  • Make entry point system for celery config
  • Archiver daemon #891
    1. implement link-check function and task (point 2 from Archiver.update above) [1d] [0.5d]
    2. Rewrite archiver to use external storage. (decide how!)[3d][~2d]
  • Write to resource and task status table.[1d][0.75d]
  • [Required?] Make archived data available in WUI - #892
  • Documentation - #1400
1318529593000000 1338202920000000
#1398 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-11-21 closed fixed Automated conversion of resource data into webstore
  • Possible sibling / requirement: #1397 (resource archiving)
  • Setup test environment. 1d
  • Make task to upload files to webstorer. 3d
    • This includes writing back webstore_url and updated date. 0.5d
    • Type guessing of file format. 1d
    • Make cron to upload all un webstored resources. 0.5d
  • Testing for errors by running cron 2d
  • Make nice way to deploy celery 1d.
  • Documentation. 1d
  • Deployment. 1d
1318529724000000 1321827970000000
#1399 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Generate archiving request on resource url change

Superticket: #1397

Generate archiving request on resource url change by implementing IResourceUrlChange and sending tasks to celery. [0.25d][0.25d]

Will be part of of ckanext-archiver extension.


  1. A resource is added to CKAN
  2. IResourceCreate event generated
  3. IF: resource url points to ckan storage or falls within some other set of exclusion conditions then END else continue
  4. Generate a Archiver.Update task with resource.id
1318600123000000 1319625829000000
#1400 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Document Archiver Extension
  • Create page on http://wiki.ckan.org/ about setting up a queue (this will merge into core docs when this is stable) - having a queue will now become a generic requirement for a bunch of extensions
  • README with install instructions in ckanext-archiver
  • Create an entry in http://wiki.ckan.org/Extensions
  • Write a blog post
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