{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1601 - 1700 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#515 defect kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API

When you create a package then the 'location' header gets set. This doesn't happen for any other domain objects. I think this should be consistent - either none or all.

I've removed the info about the header in the docs in the meantime.

1282757360000000 1302774268000000
#2724 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed Inconsistent labelling / UX on draft datasets
  1. One of the datasets here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/user/shevski has [DRAFT] after it. It's not clear why this has been added -> user confusion
  2. The draft dataset is not clickable in the dataset list
  3. The ff dataset (same as the ff [DRAFT] dataset) in the Activity Steam section a) is clickable and b) does not have [DRAFT] after it
1342949402000000 1343319009000000
#866 enhancement memespring memespring ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Include download formats in search results

as above

1291812213000000 1292240191000000
#720 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed wontfix Include CMS pages in IATI registry

Perhaps using deliverance?

  • Move About to the right of the nav tabs and make it an about IATI page
  • Make a Help / FAQ section linked of main menu
  • Front page more dynamic - latest data registered and news (microblog thing)
  • make the front page blurb noticable / shorter etc.
  • link to iatistandard.org from the front page blurb
1287584189000000 1288459344000000
#1297 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed In-place preview of edited description markdown on edit dataset form

Subticket of #1294.

Can integrate from working system on ckanjs.

1314406183000000 1317649974000000
#42 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.6 closed fixed In WUI where List of Items to Display is Large Results should be Paged

As A


I Want To

View lists of items but not have too many on a page (as this leads to slow page loads and difficulty navigating the list). Where there are more items in the results of my action that can be fit on a single page the results should be 'paged' in some manner.


Main place this issue arises:

  • List of tags
  • List of packages
  • Repository history (/revision)

Should probably have no more than 50 (or so) items on a page. Obvious solution is for actions that return lists to have some kind of pageno parameter and then use this in controller to select what to display.

1199787162000000 1204133257000000
#1396 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Improvements to user page UX - 1d

Super ticket: #1506

  • Show member since
  • Display email (in obfuscated form)
  • List all owned datasets (in standard manner)
    • Will need change to logic layer to show datasets on user dict (this is useful for the API as well ...)
  • (Re)move list of changes
    • Should have activity (once activity available)


  • ?? Allow users to provide a home page, organization (requires migration)
1318527967000000 1330086237000000
#1009 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-backlog new Improvements to user accounts sytem
  • Forgot password (email a new password)
  • Confirm email
  • Do not show register page if you are logged in (redirect to home page)
  • ticket:1010 - listing of users.
    • Do not use /user for general user account home page (either user normal user page /user/{id} or /user/myaccount)
1298635991000000 1310128574000000
#888 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Improvements to the dataproxy and the data API

First version of dataproxy and data API working (ticket:698) but have identified a variety of important improvements. (Should split these into sub-tickets ...):

For dataproxy:

  • Testing for dataproxy
    • Can start by using known good remote urls (moving forward could switch to providing/mocking these locally)
  • Remove content-lenght for csv requirement: just read the first x rows (up to some configurable maximum)
  • Google docs style row/column selections
  • Use the swiss library - https://bitbucket.org/okfn/swiss
    • Support google docs spreadsheets (format = service/gdocs/ccc or gdocs/ccc or gdocs/spreadsheet)
  • Handle redirects for content-length?
  • Ignore resource type if not recognized and fall-back to trying to identify from extension (or mime-type?)

For dataapi:

  • Ensure we pass on resource format as part of redirect i.e. /api/data/{id} -> {dataproxy}?url={resource-url}&type={resource-type}
1293649783000000 1311773103000000
#79 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Improvements to package search

Several things:

  • Default package search (used e.g. on front page) should deal well with multiple items: "abc xyz" means search for both abc and xyz (as separate searches)
  • Should automatically display a list of matching tags in a line at top with number of associated packages
  • have an option to only search for fully open material (or openly licensed material ...)

Since we should be moving to a more sophisticated search solution anyway (to allow prioritisation etc) maybe we should cautious as to what we do now.

1247829864000000 1265890806000000
#1782 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-future new Improvements to datasets page UX (Feb 2012)
  • Relationships in sidebar [WONTFIX yet without some link to documentation or datastructure, something for me to render?]
  • Icons for *types* of resources in resource list
  • List of 'Owners' (administrators) at top right of sidebar (a la group page)
    • Much prefer owner to administrator ...
1328609441000000 1338205232000000
#2405 defect icmurray rgrp ckan-v1.9 assigned Improvements to data viewer embed
  • Decent powered by icon for the Embed for the DataHub?? (make this text customizable and allow html ...)
    • Current icon and text looks really bad
  • Embed link uses uuid rather than dataset name (this goes to perma-url question ...)
  • Data viewer embed url includes all the resource info (not needed -- just url and backend info ...)
  • Embed extension urls do not respect original domain but instead use site_url (I'm guessing). E.g. datahub.io domain ends up with links to embed on thedatahub.org
1337583565000000 1340635981000000
#962 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Improvements to data preview extension

Basic implementation done (and deployed):


However plenty to improve, e.g.

  • Support more formats (use external systems for preview?)
    • json (!)
    • html (trivial!)
    • sparql
    • ...
  • Do not display preview if no preview

Also suggest reworking to use external services rather than doing preview 'in house' (doing in house places heavy reliance on data proxy service and on converting data to a standard format).

1297072524000000 1301364987000000
#1163 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new Improvements to Storage Extension

Storage is now working but there are

  • Integrate with Resources (e.g. create a resource for each file upload and give option to associate with a package)
    • Should we introduce rule that files *not* associated with a Resource are periodically deleted?
  • Allow setting of a file name/path before upload
  • Allow for file overwriting/deleting etc (how should this work -- do we want to allow this sort of thing)
  • Integrate local file upload stuff in api/auth/*

Different Backend Issues

Local file store is rather different from 'remote' storage in various ways:

  • For remote you don't want to use many buckets as there are bucket limits while for local you want to. Should we there have a single path that users provide which we then partition differently for different backends.
1306408778000000 1310133808000000
#315 defect dread rgrp v1.1 closed fixed Improvements and fixes to csv dump
  1. Issues with quote in fields: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2010-May/000240.html
  1. Issues with package resource serialization into csv table.

<quote> In the latest dump there were 116(!) sets of the three columns (“resource-[n]-url”, “resource-[n]-format”, and “resource-[n]-description”). However, these are an extract of the packed “resource” column and I’m not sure whether they’re needed. Also, they irritatingly don’t appear in order in the CSV serialisation. If the resource columns could be ordered in the file that would be great; if a second version without the unpacked resource data would be excellent. </quote>

1274100887000000 1275846764000000
#1449 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-11-21 closed fixed Improved resource listing on dataset view page

Should list resources in the form of search results rather than as a table.

1320677693000000 1321873008000000
#1296 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page

Subticket of #1294.

  • Nice way to edit all resource attributes
  • Nice way to add new resources
    • Including file upload (cf #878).
      • Cf work in ckanjs (this can be a straight integration).
1314406093000000 1315948224000000
#2334 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.9 assigned Improved data import

Placeholder for thinking about this ...

  • Allow users to configure info for CSV import (e.g. separators, quotes etc)
1335651662000000 1340624538000000
#66 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Improve user account UI
  1. Link at top should say "Your Account" when you are logged in
    • when not logged in should say: "Log in via openid"
    • Open Id info on /account/ should move to /account/login/ or be deleted
    • Going to /account/ when not logged in should redirect to /account/login/
  1. When logged in the basic account index page should not give generic information but should reflect fact you are logged in by:
  • Saying something like: "You are logged in as: ..."
  • Showing your apikey or a link to apikey
  • Giving you a logout link

We can think of a bunch of other stuff that could go on their (recent edits, packages you own etc) but these will be separate tickets.

1245263685000000 1250785405000000
#770 defect thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix Improve the paster harvester help command

Issue 1. Help command without arguments fails:

$paster help --plugin ckan --config development.ini



Command help not recognized


paster help: error: no such option: --plugin

Issue 2: Harvester command with arguments fails.

$ paster harvester Traceback (most recent call last): ...

cmd = self.args[0]

IndexError?: list index out of range

1288190220000000 1296593925000000
#1143 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.5-sprint-2 closed fixed Improve stats page
  • Ensure we don't include deleted packages in the stats
  • Some visual improvements:
    • Number of packages:
      • fix x axis to start at first revision
      • fix y axis to start at zero
    • Fix problem with legend to 'Revisions to packages' graph.
    • Hide sidebar in the template, so it isn't right-cropped in the DGU theme
  • Add some testing of the stats lib - results of basic stats
1305734836000000 1307024681000000
#679 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Improve standard package edit form 1286386050000000 1294166120000000
#1076 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Improve revision and package purge system

Purging Revisions

  • Delete button displayed on:
    • /revision/list
    • (/package/history)
      • /package/history is problematic because html does not allow nested forms and we already have form for doing diff/comparison.
    • /revision/{id}
  • Delete button submits to delete action on revision and changes revision state to 'deleted'.
    • undelete button now displayed and revisions are marked as deleted in some way (e.g. greyed out?)
  • Sysadmins then visit /ckan-admin/trash which lists all revisions with deleted state. There is a large button: "Empty trash" (irreversible). Click button purges all revisions with deleted state.

Purging Packages

  • Put into deleted state.
  • Listed on /ckan-admin/trash
  • Separate Empty trash button which deletes all associated revisions.
    • Should be separate from Empty trash for revisions

Current system

  • Single purge link on revision listing if a sysadmin which permanently purges the revision and all associated changes (without confirmation atm!)
1302283442000000 1303236302000000
#2818 defect seanh danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 assigned Improve related item schema

Problem: When creating a related item (e.g. a Visualisation), if you don't put in a URL it succeeds, but on the related items and apps pages it renders it as a link to the same page. Expected: Always require a URL and it should only submit if one is added

1344504176000000 1346231718000000
#724 requirement pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Improve publisher workflow 1287584548000000 1289835202000000
#2362 enhancement toby kindly ckan-v1.9 accepted Improve plugin documentaion, including examples.

Improve documentation for plugins and add examples. Could use ckanext-example as a base.

1335888791000000 1342085420000000
#188 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.11 closed duplicate Improve package listing views

Propose change to tabular-like format showing these attributes (perhaps should be configurable?)

  • Openness status
  • Title (not sure name is needed)
  • Tags

Cost: 4h

1257870031000000 1265294090000000
#719 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Improve overall layout of IATI

... probably by adapting aidtransparency.net

1287584092000000 1289910497000000
#182 enhancement rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Improve openness icons

Tick and cross aren't clear enough. Propose:

  • Icon for downloadability (nothing if absent ...(?))
  • Icon for open license? (Need something if closed ...)

Cost: 2h (?)

1257534590000000 1270567116000000
#651 requirement pudo closed fixed Improve javascript helper for package/user addition on groups/authzgroups

This needs to be abstracted and we still need to be able to remove items before saving.

1284972211000000 1311171104000000
#29 enhancement rgrp rgrp milestone16 closed fixed Improve installation process
  1. install documentation (currently source:trunk/INSTALL is empty)
  2. improve ckan-admin as necessary
  3. create default data (such as licenses)
1152553638000000 1183648166000000
#269 enhancement rgrp dread closed fixed Improve gov package form

If the notes field could use a WYSIWYG editor with word cleanup this would really help users who may well be pasting in text from Word (and I guess may have been approved or written by someone else)

having auto-complete on tags would both make the system easier to use - and reduce the risk of synonymous tags being created inadvertently.

Does the department drop down options list interact with user permissions - so that users who only have rights to one department only see that option ?

Similarly for licenses - can this reduce to the set of allowed options for this user/

What level of validation is there on the fields?

1268220853000000 1291897538000000
#1460 enhancement rgrp assigned Improve extensions documentation

Current extensions documentation needs some work: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/plugins.html

  • Queue extension section may now be out of date (?)
  • Think about how it integrates with https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-example (especially tutorial and example extension)
  • Document all plugin points (auto-extract from CKAN source??)
1321114523000000 1340191001000000
#2616 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed invalid Improve display of split stages in demo

Currently stages of the same colour blur together, these could do with a nice divider.

1340875108000000 1352206282000000
#263 enhancement johnbywater rgrp v1.1 closed fixed Improve and test openid login

At the moment the user has to figure out to login with providers -- this is not always obvious (e.g. google).

We could improve this with a small bit of javascript. As an example see: http://standalone.demo.civicrm.org/standalone/

Not sure exactly what library that is using (or if bespoke) so alternatives include (NB: we already use jquery):

In addition to implementing this we also need to test logging in with main providers: google, wordpress -- as we have had reports of it not working with e.g. wordpress (not sure if this testing can be automated really -- best hope would be selenium I think -- so OK if done by hand).

Cost: 3h (2h UI), (1h testing)

1267605039000000 1279292730000000
#442 requirement dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed worksforme Importing data

Review what chunks of code we have and how to move forward with requirements.


  • Bulk parsing is done away from the CKAN server

Possible future requirements:

  • /importer for importing spreadsheets in WUI
  • validation-light - 'scoring' a package

Current importers:


  • pkg_dict --form--> fs & validation
  • fs --PackageSaver?--> package
1282228977000000 1294661028000000
#1817 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Importer for EC publisher info
  • write importer for publisher info (currently in JSON format), add to ckanext-ecportal
  • add group translations to translations table
  • run on test server
1329762290000000 1329922818000000
#3004 defect seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed ImportError: No module named polib

This is happening whenever people try to run paster commands. polib should only be needed for the check-po-files command don't import otherwise.

1350907790000000 1361988802000000
#1704 enhancement johnglover kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Import test datasets from prototype into ckan.

Eurostat datasets mainly.

1327420355000000 1328005759000000
#2212 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Import latest data into demo site 1331047333000000 1331720191000000
#849 defect pudo closed duplicate Import extra CSS from main template

The CSS @import directive at the bottom of the main CKAN css file is not understood in all browsers, move this to a seperate import.

1291714923000000 1291715179000000
#454 story dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Import ONS data via API 1282299851000000 1286376044000000
#399 task dread johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Import BIS data for SD 1281000890000000 1282294177000000
#2501 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Implement three step dataset creation in demo site

New form should allow three steps.

  1. Add basic fields to create a dataset
  2. Add a data resource to the dataset (this can be repeated multiple times using "Save and add another"
  3. Add final metadata to the dataset.

It should be possible to jump backward through the steps by clicking the arrows at the top. Errors in fields should be validated for each step when the next button is clicked.



1339084829000000 1340373057000000
#376 task johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed Implement servicization of CKAN API

Requested by DGU.

1280223226000000 1281000755000000
#1658 enhancement ross ross closed wontfix Implement proxy caching

Implement proxy caching for performance gains

  • Analysis of best solution and what we can deliver in a reasonable time [2d]
  • Checks for presence of cookie 'auth_tkt' and appropriate setup for media [2d]
  • Remove session requirements for user who isn't logged in [3d]

  • Document the configuration and setup so that it can be easily modified and replicated [1d]
1326712354000000 1338206622000000
#160 enhancement dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Implement internal links in CKAN notes markup

Suggest form is: key:value (with optional space after ':'.

Keys would be for an object, i.e. 'package', 'tag', 'group'.

Becomes a link.

This would be implemented by implementing a 'Parser' or 'Processor' object which is run before markdown is done. Regex replace.

Cost: 4h

1256030751000000 1265312986000000
#2275 enhancement johnglover seanh ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Implement group logos

Groups should be able to specify a URL to an image file for a group logo, the image will be shown on the group page.

Actually uploading an image file (rather than giving a URL) and cropping and resizing the file will be done later, for now just give a URL. (later ticket)

Further customisation of group pages (CSS, templates) also for later. (not sure if we really want this, but in a later ticket if so)

1333376076000000 1334594328000000
#1307 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Implement captcha for signup
  • Major issue with spam signup on thedatahub.org
  • Suggest using recaptcha

Est cost: 1d

1315153860000000 1317649963000000
#540 story wwaites rgrp closed fixed Implement caching in a systematic manner 1283242705000000 1302694845000000
#1611 enhancement ross ross closed duplicate Implement auth API calls for webstore/external use

As part of #1574 we decided that it would be better for webstore (and future external services) to be able to authenticate simply with CKAN-Core.

Currently webstore access the CKAN database to obtain the key for the user but it would be better if this connection was not so tightly bound and that webstore used an API as any other external service might.

Need to discuss further with dread

1325590191000000 1325846987000000
#671 task pudo pudo closed fixed Implement and show user names in WUI 1286190454000000 1293056852000000
#1199 enhancement pudo pudo closed fixed Implement an email function for users.

We need an email function in CKAN to accept messages sent to users. The basic signature will be:

  • mail_user(user_obj, subject, body, mime_type='text/plain', headers={})

This has a number of use cases:

  • Retrieval of lost passwords
  • E-Mail confirmation

Finally, the mail function should be exposed in the API for sysadmin clients. This way we can have scripts traverse CKAN for 404s, invalid data or missing fields and ping users about that automatically (requires traversal by revision, not package, to get the associated users).


Note we have already written code like this (*and* tested it) in isitopen:

1308821986000000 1310555589000000
#2540 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Implement a way of upgrading ckan sites using ckanbuild

When there are multiple ckan sites installed on a single server via ckanbuild, there needs to be some way of upgrading them all to a new ckan version at once.

1339775740000000 1340639850000000
#1789 enhancement seanh ckan-backlog new Implement a tag_update() logic action function

So users can rename a tag and/or move it between vocabularies using the API.

Currently we have create_tag() and delete_tag(), but if you were to 'update' a tag by deleting it and then recreating it all the datasets that had that tag will have lost it and you'll have to re-add it to them all.

What should happen to datasets that have the tag, if the tag gets moved between vocabularies? All the datasets just keep the tag with the new vocabulary? This will become a problem if/when we support 'radio button'-style vocabularies (where each dataset can only have one tag from the vocabulary).

1328805413000000 1339773812000000
#2527 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed wontfix Implement a method of loading templates into the demo site

JavaScript? needs to be able to insert html templates into the document.

There are three common solutions to templating at the moment.

  1. Insert the html into <script> tags at the bottom of the page and pull them in using the DOM and innerHTML. This is a very simple solution but not very portable.
  2. Request the HTML snippets as plain text/html using XHR. This adds an extra HTTP request per template but is very clean. It would also be possible to inline the HTML into the JS at the minification stage for production.
  3. Include the HTML in JavaScript? strings (horrible to maintain and bloats the js)

It makes sense to keep these with the other templates so that we can take advantage of localisation where possible. This indicates 1 or 2.

1339682884000000 1340116130000000
#1705 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Implement Vocabularies domain model and API

Add Vocabulary domain class, add logic functions for creating, updating, listing, getting, deleting vocabularies, add tests.

1327427254000000 1329131067000000
#397 task johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed Implement QoS monitoring for DGU 1280854935000000 1281000745000000
#45 enhancement rgrp johnbywater v0.6 closed fixed Immunity to SQL injection attacks 1201110894000000 1204133342000000
#2524 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-ecportal new If there are no translation files for selected language fall back to default lang.

If a user selects a language there are no mo files for then an error is raised. Revert to default language instead.

1339609048000000 1340117608000000
#1364 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed If package in index that is not in ckan error is caused.

We should ignore these but log the packages that are causing this to investigate.

1317222206000000 1318279636000000
#1418 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed duplicate If default language is not 'en' then you can't switch language to 'en'

e.g. cz.ckan.net has lang=cz but when you click on Home page link "English" it flashes message "Language has been set to: English" but the rest of the page is still Czech.

1319539146000000 1319539691000000
#620 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Identify remote metadata entity as metadata document, WAF, or CSW 1284220527000000 1284689400000000
#35 defect rgrp rgrp v0.4 closed fixed IP Address for non-logged in users is always when deployed behind a proxy (e.g. on ckan.net)

When IP address is used to identify non-logged in users (for example on create and editing of packages) it is always when using a reverse proxy (standard deployment configuration on a production machine and used e.g. on http://www.ckan.net).

This could be corrected by using HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR when available.

1177006633000000 1185471537000000
#2228 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed IGroupForm should allow overriding of non-edit templates

IGroupForm should allow overriding of non-edit templates so that it can specify the index +/or search +/or view.

1331637803000000 1332149030000000
#2913 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new IGroupForm has package_form() method

Should be group_form() I think

1347374739000000 1350303779000000
#1788 defect zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed IE7 compatibility problems

From Antonia Acuno, via Ira:

It appears that the current layout for the datahub does not work in IE7, which would mean a problem for us as most gov uses it and is one of those we have to support...any views?

Tested in several gov departments computers, so a common enough issue.


From Rufus: We haven't officially supported IE7 so far but can put engineering effort into this if absolutely needed. I note that IE 7 is now 3y out of date and is likely a security risk. Obviously this is something to ask Antonio about.

1328799250000000 1333133365000000
#2627 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed IDatasetForm.form_to_db_schema() is not called

IDatasetForm's form_to_db_schema() method is not getting called by ckan

1341576508000000 1343125213000000
#2892 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new IDatasetForm's form_to_db_schema() breaks API?

It looks like when an IDatasetForm plugin with a form_to_db_schema() method is active, then the posted data dict is validated against the schema even if the user is posting to an API endpoint like /api/action/package_update etc. This breaks the API, for example 'name' and 'title' are optional keys for package_update (you can supply only the 'id'), but the schema validation will fail if either are not present in the posted dict.

It may be we need different schema for package create and package update, currently IDatasetForm has just the one form_to_db_schema() method.

1346154125000000 1346154163000000
#2271 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed IATI: Some datasets not being indexed

When importing a CSV file for a certain publisher, records don't come up on the search index. After some investigation this has tunrn out to be caused by the records being deleted. We need to investigate if this was caused by the import or just made by the users.

1333375469000000 1334567582000000
#2263 enhancement amercader amercader closed fixed IATI: Get "Record updated" field from the registry

Don't provide a field in the form or spreadsheet import for this, just use dataset.metadata_modified.

1332766145000000 1332846807000000
#519 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed IATI look and feel
  • Use what is on iatiregistry.org at the moment.
1282893224000000 1283536828000000
#518 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed IATI WUI Editing
  • Create custom form
1282893167000000 1283896718000000
#521 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed IATI Customized search 1282893401000000 1283897124000000
#2926 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new I*Form tests for per-type templates

Finish the tests for the per-package-type custom template support in IPackageForm, IGroupForm and IOrganizationForm (i.e. the new_template(), read_template() etc. methods).

The new way that template inheritance works in jinja looks like it should allow this to be tested nicely without duplicating entire templates in the example extensions.

1347552081000000 1347552081000000
#670 task pudo pudo closed fixed HowTo: Creating a sysadmin 1286190347000000 1293056844000000
#1652 enhancement kindly ross ckan-backlog assigned How we intergrate with Drupal Multiligual?
  • Analysis of how/where we can integrate with Drupal Multilingual
  • Is it likely to access CKAN via /en/data/... or /data/en/... (not sure, probably former) and we need to make sure that it ends up at /en/...
  • Check with Ian for other issues.
1326709894000000 1340187535000000
#2350 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.9 new Hooks in package controller for validating form data

When the validation schema was moved from the package controller into the logic layer, the schema's role was changed from that of processing a form and validating data; to just validating data. Whilst is makes sense to have a schema for validating data as it comes in and leaves the logic layer; there's no longer the hook available to PackageController? subclasses to do form validation/processing.

Add a hook into _save_new() and save_edit() prior to the logic-layer call which subclasses can then override.

NB - form processing/validation *is* different to validating data. For example, many data can be inferred from a user's input; or there may be aspects of the form that need to be filled in, but do not make sense to pass as data into the logic-layer, eg. agreeing to T&Cs.

  • [ ] Add hooks
  • [ ] Use in ckanext-example
1335881761000000 1340635966000000
#351 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages

Have a simpler list of exciting data, as opposed to the big revision list.

For example:

Hot data

New packages: package1, package2, package3
Updated resources: package1, package2, package3
Popular packages: 
1276595816000000 1339774677000000
#1342 defect johnglover amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Home controller does not capture SearchError exceptions

If there is a problem with the SOLR connection,the home page just shows a 500 Server error, instead of a notice (the package controller shows a notice when visiting http://localhost:5000/dataset).

Steps to reproduce:

1316001227000000 1318256532000000
#948 enhancement dread ckan-future assigned Highlight (to a sysadmin) which packages are deleted

When a customer logs in as a sysadmin then he/she see all packages, including deleted and pending ones. These are hidden to the average user, but the sysadmin has no idea of this until he clicks on the package and sees at the bottom 'state: deleted'.

It should be more obvious than that on the search view - an icon, message or crossed-out name to packages are deleted.

1296646369000000 1338206280000000
#2460 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Hide private datasets in 'top publishers' and 'recent updates' on home page 1338212018000000 1338301492000000
#2612 enhancement shevski shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed Hide options based on auth

For example, hide the 'edit' button on user profiles http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/ross2#activity unless I'm logged in as Ross

1340812165000000 1342714613000000
#723 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Hide action links pointing to unavailable actions (package create) 1287584448000000 1288459610000000
#1729 enhancement johnglover seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed duplicate Helper function for extensions to add vocabularies to a ckan instance

Add a helper function to make it easy for extensions to add new vocabularies to default_package_schema(). The helper function should take the name or ID of a vocabulary (which should already exist in the db) and add the necessary key: [schema] entry to default_package_schema(), with the necessary validation, authorisation, transformation.

1328007723000000 1329131023000000
#2338 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed wontfix Help with setup of new test instance for EC ODP (running on RedHat)

I won't be needed for this during the current sprint, closing.

1335875955000000 1336491648000000
#2739 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed Help text for format field

Can we please add some text next to the format field when user adding a new resource along the lines of:

"This will be generated automatically, but you can edit if you wish"

It always seems to work better when the user does not fill it themselves...

1343123175000000 1343817919000000
#1160 enhancement amercader amercader pdeu-1 closed wontfix Havest CSW servers on PDEU

It could be interesting for the publicdata.eu project to add some CSW datasources. Thanks to the INSPIRE directive, there are quite a few national catalogs of geodata that could be worth harvesting. Work on this should include:

  • Compose Endpoint List (1d)
  • Harvest on staging system and evaluate which sources have useful material (2d)

First point is being performed in this GDoc: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Atp3cZFjuIOAdDBVQWRINnlfN1d0b2lleHVEdjBSb2c&authkey=CNu4hsEB&hl=en_US#gid=0

1306407271000000 1309804038000000
#814 requirement cygri ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Have an “About CKAN” link on every page

A link “About CKAN” pointing to http://ckan.net/about should be visible on every page. This is important because people often land on subpages and may have trouble figuring out what CKAN is.

I would put this link into the main navigation bar, on the very right next to “Revision History”. Then I would also remove the “Home” item from the main navigation bar because it is redundant. The CKAN logo is already a link to the homepage. The only other subpage in the “Home” section is “Statistics” and that's already linked from the homepage sidebar.

But anywhere else would be fine as well.

1289995821000000 1294411109000000
#2858 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Harvester tweaks

I've had a look at the new harvesting theme, it looks great, thanks. I did some minor changes and reworded the errors as per tickets #2852 and #2853, but I kept the messages red, as the only other ones available ("flash_notice") are blue and are not very prominent.

Toby, on the old form there was a list of descriptions for all available harvesters which could be nice to have back. I couldn't find an easy way with the new form macro, so I don't know how easy would be to implement


1345103198000000 1345105842000000
#1155 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Harvester for data.london.gov.uk

Write a harvester for data.london.gov.uk to import catalogue metadata into PDEU. API (or at least documentation) is available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/londondatastore/files/

1306337318000000 1306773174000000
#569 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Harvested GEMINI document metadata validation 1284040221000000 1297347214000000
#654 bug johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed Harvest sources and jobs should return 404 when missing (not 500) 1285170717000000 1285254097000000
#985 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed duplicate Harvest other data catalogues
  • data.london.gov.uk (1d, ping DERI)
  • catalogues from Paris and Vienna (1d)


  • digitaliser.dk (1d)
  • data-publica.com (2d)
  • data.suomi.fi (2d)
  • dati.piedmonte.it (1d)
  • portalu.de (2d)
1297679799000000 1306408134000000
#767 task thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.4 closed wontfix Harvest metadata records from ArcGIS CSW API 1288178056000000 1304936413000000
#929 defect rgrp rene.kapusta ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Handle the case when the licenses service is down better

I'm using v 1.3.1a and get a lot of "WebApp? Error: <type 'exceptions.Exception'>: Couldn't connect to licenses service: <urlopen error (104, 'Connection reset by peer')>" error messages.

Module ckan.forms.package:87 in build_package_form
<<      # Options/settings
           builder.set_field_option('name', 'validate', package_name_validator)
           builder.set_field_option('license_id', 'dropdown', {'options':[('', None)] + model.Package.get_license_options()})
           builder.set_field_option('state', 'dropdown', {'options':model.State.all})
           builder.set_field_option('notes', 'textarea', {'size':'60x15'})
>>  builder.set_field_option('license_id', 'dropdown', {'options':[('', None)] + model.Package.get_license_options()})
Module ckan.model.package:283 in get_license_options
<<      @classmethod
           def get_license_options(self):
               register = self.get_license_register()
               return [(l.title, l.id) for l in register.values()]
>>  register = self.get_license_register()
Module ckan.model.package:278 in get_license_register
<<      def get_license_register(self):
               if not hasattr(self, '_license_register'):
                   self._license_register = LicenseRegister()
               return self._license_register
>>  self._license_register = LicenseRegister()
Module ckan.model.license:46 in __init__
<<              from licenses.service import LicensesService2
                   self.service = LicensesService2(group_url)
                   entity_list = self.service.get_licenses()
                   from licenses import Licenses
>>  entity_list = self.service.get_licenses()
Module licenses.service:44 in get_licenses
<<          except Exception, inst:
                   msg = "Couldn't connect to licenses service: %s" % inst
                   raise Exception, msg
                   licenses = loads(response_body)
>>  raise Exception, msg
Exception: Couldn't connect to licenses service: <urlopen error (104, 'Connection reset by peer')>
1295995409000000 1299840884000000
#807 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix Handle robot traffic better

We get a lot of robot traffic. Notice that robots are visiting package edit pages. Suggest:

  • Add rel=nofollow to various links
  • Throttle some robots (not all seem to respect robots.txt)
1289899826000000 1297075372000000
#913 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Handle licenses in dcat-tools
  • Create a list of all valid predicates where licenses are stored.
  • Create a license normalization registry in GSpread
  • Fill spreadsheet from OKD/OSI lists.
1295266407000000 1306774962000000
#914 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-3 closed fixed Handle formats in dcat-tools
  • Create a list of valid predicates for format information (accessURL et al)
  • Execute #235 via Google Spreadsheets and include in DCat enrichment
1295266569000000 1297069958000000
#2659 defect aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed HTML preview window in demo too small

See http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/example-dataset/resource/d8797e51-b497-46ca-a274-8675533d110b

David previously fixed this on some version of demo, seems to have regressed. Just want the window to be longer

1342010723000000 1342089310000000
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