{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (501 - 600 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1629 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed permissions changed during upgrade to 1.5.1

This was seen on datacatalogs. When we upgraded it 1.5 to 1.5.1 we saw some permissions being reset so that it could be spammed. Anonymous and logged in users were given anon_editor and editor permissions. I don't know what the previous config was. Permissions for sysadmins remain unaffected.

1326215162000000 1326823222000000
#1301 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Give access to extensions from the old formalchemy controllers

This was removed during the auth refactoring, but it's needed in the old controllers

1314882888000000 1314893744000000
#2282 enhancement toby toby ckan-future new log api calls for users

This was part of #2251 but is now it's own ticket.

we need clarity on this. The use cases so far have been possible limiting api calls for users.

so we want to monitor the user or ip address

what about the api calls?

do we want to record all calls or just some? do we want to record the type of call and to what level of detail?

recording the url just seems to specific to me.

1334074725000000 1338210829000000
#981 defect kindly kindly ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed fix authorization_group_user.id so it's added in migrate

This was missed out the migrate script. It should be to be added as a conditional script at the end of the repository so that databases can catch up.

1297434480000000 1298278654000000
#2621 refactor icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.9 new Remove the deprecated 'fields' parameter from tag_search and tag_autocomplete

This was deprecated in 1.8 as it wasn't accessible via GET requests due to being a dict. See #2439

In a future release of CKAN (probably 1.9) it can be removed.

Internal uses of it were removed in #2439, but there are tests that still use it.

1340900569000000 1340900569000000
#780 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Package edit form - 'preview' button shows preview, with form lower in page

This ticket refers to the form shown in Drupal. This doesn't have a preview function, but we don't have a requirement for it right now, so leaving ticket closed.

1288630829000000 1294660720000000
#1508 enhancement ross rgrp ckan-v1.6 closed fixed [super] Finalize and deploy some of our major (new) features as of Dec 2011

This ticket is about finalizing, then deploying (to http://thedatahub.org/), and finally announcing some of recent major new features such as:

  • Deploy wordpresser extension for thedatahub (so we can start blogging) - #1533 - WONTFIX
  • (Deploy new Resource and Dataset pages (invite comments))
  • Get thedatahub geo-ified i.e. ckanext-spatial - #1601 (?)
    • Any additional dev that needs to be done? (e.g. geo in search ...?)
  • (Deploy / re-enable ckanext-googleanalytics on thedatahub - #1451 (more stuff #1566))
    • Rename the extension to ckanext-analytics?
  • Custom forms (and use of 'dataset types') - Ticket (??)
  • (Get QA deployed and running - #1582)

It would be best if this was done by someone *unfamiliar* with the extensions so feedback could be provided on quality of install docs etc etc.

1323088817000000 1328000871000000
#2428 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Reduce/sort out CKAN's dependencies

This ticket depends on #2423, #2424, #2425, #2426 and #2427.

  • Try to remove as many of CKAN's dependencies as possible
  • Try to update as many of the remaining ones as possible
  • Try to get rid of some dependencies that are fetched from random hg or git servers instead of pypi
  • Then try to get the order of deps in the requirements files right so that you end up with the right versions of everything
  • Each module in the dependencies file should specify the exact version, to protect us from changes due to them upgrading versions under us and breaking things or changing their own deps
  • Consider shipping dependencies with ckan instead of pip installing them?
  • This is related to moving CKAN to Ubuntu 12.04
  • Add a test case that runs pip freeze and tests that all the right versions of deps are installed?
1337946896000000 1341314475000000
#1068 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed metadata_modified problem

This test has been failing since the clocks changed:

FAIL: ckan.tests.models.test_package.TestPackageRevisions.test_02_metadata_created_and_modified
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dread/hgroot/pyenv-ckan2/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nose-0.11.3-py2.6.egg/nose/case.py", line 186, in runTest
  File "/home/dread/hgroot/ckan2/ckan/tests/models/test_package.py", line 283, in test_02_metadata_created_and_modified
    assert out == exp, (out, exp)
AssertionError: (datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 1, 10, 45, 50, 875509), datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 1, 9, 45, 50, 875509))

1301652085000000 1302109505000000
#1346 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed 'get_authorization_group_dict not found' exception

This stems from a feature to allow you to prefill fields in the authorizationgroup creation form.

e.g. http://ckan.net/authorizationgroup/new?name=science

It's not tested, not supported in the new logic layer and therefore broken. I don't think anyone uses it - can remove it.

1316081974000000 1316094632000000
#1149 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.5-sprint-1 closed fixed Change domain object modification plugin to use Session extension.

This should make it more efficient as it currently does a lot of repeating work. i.e if you change a package and a resource in the same commit it sends out 2 notifications and should only really send out 1.

1305969863000000 1306090663000000
#2372 task aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Create frontend style guide

This should cover formatting and best practices for HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

Perhaps this should sit in it's own repository (ckan-styleguides?) or gh-pages branch.

1336071043000000 1343220160000000
#1298 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Generate activites to be put into activities table.

This should be done from the logic layer or automatically from a session extension.

1314696442000000 1325591582000000
#697 requirement pudo johnbywater iati-3 closed fixed The system shall indicate which package groups can be removed when editing a package

This seems to require doing something else with such a group's 'delete' button, such as showing it greyed, or perhaps not showing it at all.

1287066103000000 1291644457000000
#1625 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Add activity stream events for new/changed users

This requires adding a logic function for emitting an activity stream event, and then editing the logic functions for creating or updating users and making them call the new emit event function. This same emit event function can later be used to emit activity stream events for other types of object as well.

1326187794000000 1326736328000000
#1505 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed SearchError and SearchQueryError cause exception in Action API

This query caused ckan to except because ckan/controllers/api.py doesn't catch SearchError? and SearchQueryError?:

curl http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_search -d '{"sort": "metadata_modified"}'
1322758968000000 1324474577000000
#698 task Stiivi thejimmyg ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed CKAN Data API v1

This proposal is to discuss adding a new API for proxying certain spreadsheet data via JSON-P to make it possible to build simple browser apps directly off the API.

See the attached proposal for information.

1287073433000000 1293649815000000
#2656 defect seanh dread new Feed with few results has bad paging link, causing exception

This page http://thedatahub.org/feeds/custom.atom?q=wombat has 0 results and contains a link to http://thedatahub.org/feeds/custom.atom?q=wombat&page=0 which the page=0 causes this exception:

ckan.lib.search.common.SearchError'>: SOLR returned an error running query
Error: "'start' parameter cannot be negative"
1342001112000000 1342001112000000
#460 defect pudo johnbywater closed fixed State field changed by non-sysadmin

This package:



  1. created by Richard (logged-in)
  2. edited by Richard (logged-in)

(According to the logs, at this point the state was changed from 'active' to 'deleted') -- RP was it set to 'deleted' or just ?

  1. pudo changed the state back to active

Similarly an incident with bibbase package where field set to (see http://ckan.net/revision/diff/bibbase?diff=702bb0a3-03b7-49ac-87ad-e489c414962f&oldid=5447842d-b6ed-41d9-9cfd-8bb73b85c409)

Need to investigate how this got changed, fix if necessary and report back to Richard. Note that package 'admins' as well as sysadmins can change the state of a package (though note that bibbase did not appear to have an owner).

Suggested solution (for setting to ):

  • Ensure in ckan/forms.py that there is a validator for state field that ensures only set to valid values.
  • Check that we do not allow state to be changed in the api except by package owner or sysadmin
1282300002000000 1311176868000000
#1269 defect johnglover rgrp ckan-backlog closed wontfix User view page shows the packages followed by viewing user not user being viewed

This overlaps with Sean's follow support (for activity streams) and so will be dealt with there.

1312906598000000 1335875028000000
#2914 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Add form_to_db_schema_options() to IDatasetForm and IGroupForm

This optional method is supported when creating or updating groups and packages and is used in DefaultGroupForm? and DefaultPackageForm?, but seems to be missing from the interfaces. Should be added with docstring.

1347445795000000 1350303928000000
#432 defect dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Creating package over REST gives 500 error

This occurs when CKAN is run with mod_wsgi (not under paster).

This is because of a unicode header being creating in rest.py.

1282065101000000 1282552819000000
#228 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed duplicate Deal with duplicate packages

This needs to be thought out ...

1262085763000000 1290596875000000
#2376 defect seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed Fix "no-sidebar" front page layout issue with CKAN 1.7 in some languages

This needs to be fixed in the CKAN templates ("no-sidebar" should not be marked for translation) but for 1.7 just fixed it in the translation files.

1336563965000000 1336563976000000
#651 requirement pudo closed fixed Improve javascript helper for package/user addition on groups/authzgroups

This needs to be abstracted and we still need to be able to remove items before saving.

1284972211000000 1311171104000000
#794 requirement amercader johnbywater ckan-backlog assigned Investigate reconciling UKLP Publisher and Provider with DGU

This needs more analysis, but the GEMINI2 attribute "metadata point of contact" must be reconciled with the registered publisher (or agent).

This might also be used to filter records harvested from a CSW source, but filtering also needs more analysis, as does distinction between agent and provider.

1289227811000000 1311179581000000
#1416 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Registering with blank email can cause exception

This might well be a bot, but not POSTing the email field should not cause an exception - it should be 400 and then the sysadmin doesn't get these nags.

Module ckan.controllers.user:79 in register
<<              c.login = request.params.getone('login')
                   c.fullname = request.params.getone('fullname')
                   c.email = request.params.getone('email')
                   if not model.User.check_name_available(c.login):
                       h.flash_error(_("That username is not available."))
>>  c.email = request.params.getone('email')
Module webob.multidict:335 in getone
<<          values were found.
               return self._decode_value(self.multi.getone(self._encode_key(key)))
           def mixed(self):
>>  return self._decode_value(self.multi.getone(self._encode_key(key)))
Module webob.multidict:99 in getone
<<          v = self.getall(key)
               if not v:
                   raise KeyError('Key not found: %r' % key)
               if len(v) > 1:
                   raise KeyError('Multiple values match %r: %r' % (key, v))
>>  raise KeyError('Key not found: %r' % key)
KeyError: "Key not found: 'email'"
HTTP_USER_AGENT	'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; MRA 4.3 (build 01218); .NET CLR 1.1.4322)'
webob._parsed_post_vars	(MultiDict([('login', 'ahusernames9'), ('fullname', 'ahusernames9'), ('password1', '******'), ('password2', '******'), ('s', 'Sign up')]), <FakeCGIBody at 0xb9d7c5ec viewing MultiDict([('lo...p')])>)
1319533989000000 1320153507000000
#2767 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Upgrade macro form.select to use tuples instead of dicts

This keeps the intended order.

1343319298000000 1343645517000000
#2802 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Need to tweak the JSON formatting of the localisations

This is what we need the JSON to look like. Taken from the Jed documentation (http://slexaxton.github.com/Jed/).


      // The empty string key is used as the configuration
      // block for each domain
      "" : {
        // Domain name
        "domain" : "the_domain",

        // Language code
        "lang" : "en",

        // Plural form function for language
        "plural_forms" : "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

      // Other keys in a domain contain arrays as values
      // that map to the translations for that key.
      // Gettext suggests that you use english as your keys
      // in case the key isn't found, and it can just pass
      // the value directly through.
      // Note: by convention, the 0-index location of the translations
      // is never accessed. It's just a thing, I guess.
      "a key" : [ null, "the translation", "the plural translations", ... ],

      // The plural form string is converted into a function
      // and the value that's passed into the gettext call
      // is passed into the plural form function. It's result
      // (plus 1) is the index that the translation comes from.

      // We're using sprintf interpolation on our keys so we can
      // then sub in the _actual_ values into the result.
      "%d key" : [ null, "%d key", "%d keys" ],

      // Contexts are keys that are just prefixed with a context string
      // with a unicode \u0004 as the delimiter.
      // You can use it for anything. Usually it's just for being content aware
      // in some way (e.g. male vs. female, product vs. category)
      "context\u0004%d key": [ null, "context %d key", "context %d keys" ]

This looks like an appropriate python library to do the formatting. http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pojson/ but I'll leave to your discretion.

Finally an API endpoint that returns the appropriate request would save us making requests to the i18n directory.


For example if the current url is http://localhost:5000/pl/dataset then the client would request:


This should return the Content-Type: application/json and a 200 with an appropriate JSON body (this can be the language requested or an appropriate fallback). I think that if the fallback is the default language (in most cases English) then we just return a 204 No Content to save data.

1344248847000000 1344269446000000
#1504 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Action API given blank data causes exception

This is what caused the exception:

curl http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_search -d='{"q": "osm"}'

The problem is the content-type is formencoding, the '=' is the first character of the request, and so internally the data_dict is set to ' ', which needs to be a dictionary.

1322756748000000 1324035928000000
#1477 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.6 closed fixed [Super] Group refactor

This is the implementation of the final draft in


Steps to complete this will follow (somewhat) in the following order.

Change package_group table to membership. (#1478) 3d

  • model migration. (done)
  • simplify revisioning (done)
  • Remove any sqlalchemy releations from groups. (done)
  • change logic functions (done)

Single type per group (#1531)

  • migration add type to group table. (done) 1d

Add capacity table (#1522)

  • model migration. (done)
  • add to logic functions.

Allow other objects to be added to groups. (#1531)

  • change logic functions (done)

Adapt thedatahub.org to use new model.

  • move auth groups over to groups/members
  • change user_object roles to use groups? keep user object roles for time being.
  • make create update package/group put the correct items in the group/members/capacity tables.
  • work out how ui works.

--not doing the below as part of this super ticker now #1669.

Create model for dgu.

  • adapt auth functions to use auth.
  • adapt package_create/update group_create/update to fill in the correct capacties/members.

Adapt Iati, and potentially other custom instances.


  • #1279 Deprecate Authorization Groups
  • #1198 Publisher hierarchy
1321959320000000 1328016209000000
#153 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed duplicate Group's packages listed alphabetically

This is so you can easily look up whether a given package is already listed - otherwise as lists get bigger becomes difficult to see what is already there.

Suggested by Jonathan Gray

1255621515000000 1258971895000000
#2681 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed duplicate autofill on resource format

This is pretty key for standardization.

Also would like us to change the grey text to be: e.g. CSV, JSON, [more examples... i have no idea what they key ones are tbh]

1342440406000000 1343135874000000
#2475 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Upgrade trac.ckan.org to trac 0.12.3

This is not trivial, requires a database upgrade. But 0.12.3 has some nice new features (multiple vcs repository support, ticket comment editing and nicer preview) and the latest spam filter plugin requires 0.12.


1338317176000000 1341234564000000
#544 requirement pudo ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Backport facet browsing to CKAN 1.2

This is in IATI, would be nice to have in generic CKAN.

1283267292000000 1291638966000000
#3004 defect seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed ImportError: No module named polib

This is happening whenever people try to run paster commands. polib should only be needed for the check-po-files command don't import otherwise.

1350907790000000 1361988802000000
#177 enhancement rgrp dread closed invalid Service documentation

This is docs for users of a CKAN service (e.g. ckan.net), as opposed to someone installing / administering the software. (The latter has docs on knowledgeforge.

Editability - wiki?

1257243285000000 1273050236000000
#293 defect johnbywater dread v1.0 closed fixed REST PackageResource update causes exception

This is caused by editing a package with resources over the REST interface.


URL: http://de.ckan.net/api/rest/package/destatis
Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__
<<              __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ
                   sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response)
                   app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
                   return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
Module repoze.who.middleware:107 in __call__
<<          wrapper = StartResponseWrapper(start_response)
               app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response)
               # The challenge decider almost(?) always needs information from the
>>  app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response)
Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__
<<                                                     self.cache_manager)
               environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager
               return self.app(environ, start_response)
>>  return self.app(environ, start_response)
Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__
<<                          headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))
                   return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
               return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
           def _get_session(self):
>>  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__
<<                  environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1]
               response = self.app(environ, start_response)
               # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already
>>  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__
               controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response)
               response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
               if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,
>>  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch
<<          if log_debug:
                   log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")
               return controller(environ, start_response)
           def load_test_env(self, environ):
>>  return controller(environ, start_response)
Module ckan.lib.base:51 in __call__
<<          # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']
                   return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
>>  return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in __call__
<<                  return response(environ, self.start_response)
               response = self._dispatch_call()
               if not start_response_called:
                   self.start_response = start_response
>>  response = self._dispatch_call()
Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call
<<              req.environ['pylons.action_method'] = func
                   response = self._inspect_call(func)
                   if log_debug:
>>  response = self._inspect_call(func)
Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call
<<                        func.__name__, args)
                   result = self._perform_call(func, args)
               except HTTPException, httpe:
                   if log_debug:
>>  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call
<<          """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""
               __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this'
               return func(**args)
           def _inspect_call(self, func):
>>  return func(**args)
Module ckan.controllers.rest:145 in update
<<                  fs = ckan.forms.group_fs_combined
                   fs = fs.bind(entity, data=request_fa_dict)
                   validation = fs.validate_on_edit(entity.name, entity.id)
                   if not validation:
                       response.status_int = 409
>>  validation = fs.validate_on_edit(entity.name, entity.id)
Module ckan.forms.package:385 in validate_on_edit
<<              temp_name = orig_pkg_name
                   self.data['Package-%s-name' % record_id] = u'something_unique'
               validation = self.validate()
               if temp_name:
                   # restore it
>>  validation = self.validate()
Module formalchemy.forms:175 in validate
<<          if self.readonly:
                   raise Exception('Cannot validate a read-only FieldSet')
               return AbstractFieldSet.validate(self)
           def sync(self):
>>  return AbstractFieldSet.validate(self)
Module formalchemy.forms:104 in validate
<<          success = True
               for field in self.render_fields.itervalues():
                   success = field._validate() and success
               # run this _after_ the field validators, since each field validator
               # resets its error list. we want to allow the global validator to add
>>  success = field._validate() and success
Module formalchemy.fields:763 in _validate
<<          try:
                   value = self._deserialize()
               except validators.ValidationError, e:
>>  value = self._deserialize()
Module formalchemy.fields:1354 in _deserialize
<<          if self.is_composite_foreign_key:
                   return self.query(self.relation_type()).get(python_pk(self.renderer.deserialize()))
               return self.renderer.deserialize()
>>  return self.renderer.deserialize()
Module formalchemy.fields:183 in deserialize
<<          if self.field.is_collection:
                   return [self._deserialize(subdata) for subdata in self._serialized_value()]
               return self._deserialize(self._serialized_value())
           def _deserialize(self, data):
>>  return self._deserialize(self._serialized_value())
Module formalchemy.fields:167 in _serialized_value
<<          if self.field.is_collection:
                   return self._params.getall(self.name)
               return self._params.getone(self.name)
           def deserialize(self):
>>  return self._params.getone(self.name)
Module formalchemy.base:63 in getone
<<          if v is None or isinstance(v, basestring) or isinstance(v, cgi.FieldStorage):
                   return v
               return v[0]
           def getall(self, key):
               v = dict.get(self, key)
>>  return v[0]
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable

Thanks to Friedrich for spotting this.

1271756102000000 1271940083000000
#102 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Switch to using UUIDs for revision ids

This is better for long term sustainability, especially if we want to "push and pull" from unrelated repositories in the future.


  • May wish to retain a number field updated in the usual incremental way (what's the cost/benefit here?)
1250068175000000 1260285104000000
#2790 enhancement kindly toby demo phase 4 new logic.action.user_show is slow

This is a very slow call it would benefit from the sort of speed-ups that package-search received

for me locally this is taking 6 seconds for rufus using the datahub data I have. I think a lot of this is the dataset retrival/dictization

can we just grab json blobs from solr?

also is it possible to specify a sort order/paging?

I've put this as a demo-theme ticket as it is an big issue on the demo we are at 25 second page loads - which i can get down to about 8.8 secs so this is the main pain point now

1343852483000000 1345023734000000
#1415 enhancement thejimmyg nils.toedtmann ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Comments on current status of ckan deb packages

This is a scratch pad ticket with some comments on the current status of our ckan deb packages. I know that some of it is the deb packaging roadmap anyway, please forgive me if i mention them here again.

Rufus and me re-deployed some community ckan instances onto s022 (see http://trac.okfn.org/ticket/926). We followed the documentation http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/install-from-package.html

  • Deb package version number: the version of the deb package is "python-ckan 1309471251~149be76faabc+lucid-1", and it's hard to guess from there that it contains a ckan 1.4.2a
  • When is 1.4.3/1.5.x expected as deb package?
  • There was a bug in the DB upgrade script /usr/share/pyshared/ckan/migration/versions/029_version_groups.py (line 150) which looks like it was fixed 1.4.1==>1.4.2 but was nevertheless present in this deb package.
  • The current script /usr/bin/ckan-std-install
    • does not set the Apache ServerName? according to the $INSTANCE variable
    • automatically configures a ckan extension named after $INSTANCE
    • depends on local postgres
    • could be replaced with "/usr/bin/ckan-deploy --name=ckan-std --domain=ckan-std.localhost (see next point)
  • (i think this is exactly James' plan): have more generic deployment script /usr/bin/ckan-deploy as part of python-ckan which takes arguments like
    • --domain=cc.ckan.net
    • --aliases=$list-of-domains
    • --name=cc (defaults to "domain")
    • --no-db (does not configure a DB)
    • --sql-alchemy=$DB_CONFIG_STRING (also runs "paster --plugin ckan db upgrade --config")
    • --extension $list-of-extesions
    • ...
1319457069000000 1323167941000000
#2204 enhancement ross rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed [super] Related (Stuff) Extension

This is a reworking of the existing apps extension.

Initial proposal at http://wiki.ckan.org/Proposals#Apps_in_CKAN and http://wiki.ckan.org/Proposals#References.2FLinks_in_CKAN


What do we call this extension?

  • related
    • RP best IMO but perhaps too close to separate relationships concept?
  • relatedstuff
  • links
  • references


"Related Stuff": Apps as in an application (website/service/tool) that uses this dataset (as in Apps and Ideas extension)


New table named Related with following structure

|| id (int) || type || title || description (markdown) || image_url || owner_id || url || created (timestamp)
  • type = Idea | App | API | Visualization | Post | Paper | News Article
    • Suggest we make this a ckan.ini config option (comma separated ...?)
      • Do we want the possibility of different templates for different types of Related objects?
  • image: ?? Depends where we store images. Simplest option would be to change to image_url and leave it to users to have already uploaded an image somewhere. If not we need to support image uploading and storage. See #1692 (add image attribute to datasets and groups) for more discussion, once implemented the URL here can be an internal url.
  • owner_id = user_id or creating user (see authorization below)

Related2Dataset (note that related_id, dataset_id tuple should be unique). This allows for m2m connections. If a given related item is only with one dataset this could be simplified. May contain status so dataset owner can turn this on/off.

|| id || dataset_id || related_id || status

status should be used to allow for a dataset owner (for dataset_id) to de-activate the relationship between the dataset and the related.


  • /dataset/{dataset-name}/related/{related-item-id}/{related-item-title-stringified}
    • If a reference item could exist in its own right (and perhaps refer to multiple datasets then it should get its own url at e.g. /related/{id}
  • /dataset/{dataset-name}/related/add => Modal dialog on related tab so we can use API to create them.

/dataset/{id}/related <- list

  • use image_url for small icon etc, title description (shortened?)
  • Click through to full related item (optional)
  • dataset owner is shown show / hide button ... (or on /dataset/{id}/related/{id} )
  • related owner sees an edit button / icon (pops up modal)

/dataset/{id}/related/{id} (optional)

/dataset/{id} will have a Related tab (with bubble with count).

  • Drop down with Add Related -> Pop-up modal and save via API

(Not used: /related/add with dataset prefilled ... )



Addition of related item be considered orthogonal to datasets (and hence with separate authorization i.e. i can add the info that site X uses dataset Y without needing permission to edit dataset Y).

Thus any logged in user could add a Related item. We set the owner of the related item to creating user and going forward only that user or a sysadmin can update or delete.

NB: we could have a system where datasets owners have to approve related items before they show up next to their dataset. This would add substantial complexity so I propose we leave out of phase 1.

Tasks and estimates {7.5d}

[x] Model + Migration for Related table. {0.75d}

[x] Controller for Related (or relevant sections in Package controller). {0.75d}

[x] Routing setup. {0.25d}

[x] Schema for related. {0.5d}

[x] Logic layer actions. {1.0d}

[x] Auth (default + publisher). {0.5d}

[x] Templates + Dataset changes (new tab etc). {1.0d}

[x] JS Application for adding Related objects in a modal. {1.0d}

[x] Testing. {0.75d}

[x] Dataset owner disabling of Related (via M2M table). {0.5d}

  • Updated to allow author of related to delete as well

[x] Documentation. {0.25d}

1330862992000000 1337594723000000
#2333 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Introduce new resource type datastore

This is a resource that is *just* in the datastore. At the moment there are hacky ways to do this (create resource with meaningless URL etc) but we should do this properly:

  • New Option: DataStore? Table in add a resource form
  • URL field is disabled (or points at /api/data or something rather pointless)
  • Download button is disabled
    • Better would be to find a way to serialize an ES table or stream it ...
1335651360000000 1340624473000000
#1109 defect kindly kindly closed fixed When extras has a value other than a string an integrity error occurs in the api.

This is a regression that happened after refactoring the api.

It was shown by


1303839943000000 1305124697000000
#334 defect pudo dread closed fixed Wrong link for package feed icon

This is a problem with the package page e.g. http://ckan.net/package/open-election-data-project . The feed icon links to [1] and the text next to it "Subscribe" links to [2]. Surely these should be the same? The second link seems to right one to me.

1275407445000000 1280743667000000
#847 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed CKAN search using SOLR backend

This is a meta-ticket to pull together all the work on SOLR as a backend for CKAN search. (Work on SOLR search has been going on since March of 2010).

3 key aspects of this:

  • Index package information in SOLR - ticket:353 - SOLR search indexing (index CKAN)
    • Synchronously (generify Search Index update method to support SOLR or postgres?) - #317: Make search pluggable
    • Asynchroously: via worker with queue
      • #324 Search indexing using notifications
      • #669: Refactor Solr (indexer) to become a generic worker
      • #874: Extract Solr search backend into an extension
  • In core support using SOLR backend as well as postgres for queries
    • #317: Make search pluggable (?)
  • Integrate into WUI (if changes needed)
    • #672 - Facets in CKAN search results


  • Solr index testing tool #431
1291639273000000 1295259902000000
#961 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Refactoring of forms, validation and model synchronization

This is a meta-ticket to hold all of the work on refactoring forms, validation and model-synchronization in CKAN.

ckan-dev thread: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2011-January/000180.html

The Issue

From #926:

The current formalchemy setup conflates view, controller and model code in a way that makes it hard to debug and customise.

From http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2011-January/000181.html:

... FormAlchemy, in retrospect, was probably a mistake as it merges too much model/validation/form generation into one thing.

At least 3 functions involved [in this area]:

  1. Generating (or just filling) a form template with 'form data' (and errors)
  2. Converting model data to form data (also happens for APIs in fact) -- let's call this 'dict-ization'
  3. Converting form data to model data (and validating) (inverse of previous step)

Related Tickets

  • #926 - Pick a simpler form framework
  • #1046 'dictization' and the logic layer - serialization / deserialization of package (and other domain objects) to standard intermediate format such as json-convertable python dict
    • #1079 Refactor API to use new logic layer and dictization
    • #1078 Refactor WUI controllers and forms to use logic layer
    • cf existing dumper and importer code
    • This will fix #662
  • [not ticketed yet] - validation layer (should work on serialized objects?)
  • #662 - Can't put entity that is returned by posting to package register (Defect)
  • #972 - Merge 'extras' into main package dict rather than having separate key
  • #1035 - Form impressions are given IDs
  • #810 - Move "add packages" field up in group form (easier to do this once forms are done)
1297069849000000 1310126100000000
#838 enhancement memespring memespring ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed UI improvements December 2010

This is a meta ticket for a bunch of UI changes:

  • #839 Package page redesign
  • #846 Merge css files
  • #850 Show welcome message
  • #863 Prompt users to enter missing info
  • #864 Search results changes
  • #866 Add download formats to search results
1291296811000000 1295259773000000
#2446 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 4 assigned Create demo dataset history/comparison page

This is a low priority for the demo site.





1338210738000000 1352658819000000
#1634 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.7 closed duplicate Allow users to follow/unfollow activity streams of other users, datasets and groups

This is a fairly big feature to add. Analysis: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/27

This ticket is related to #1635 (email notifications for activity streams) which is about managing a list of activity streams for which the user receives email notifications. There are decisions to be made about how the two will work together.

1326304542000000 1334587390000000
#2457 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 4 assigned Create demo tags list page

This includes the tag page as well for now.





1338211735000000 1352658878000000
#754 enhancement wwaites johnbywater ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed wontfix Filtering for harvesting sysem

This has once again been ruled out for UKLP for the timebeing.

1288040469000000 1303118020000000
#940 defect pudo rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix OpenID login via google for same user generates 2 different openid urls

This has been noted twice in the last couple of weeks.

Checking around my guess is this is due to someone logging in to www.ckan.net and ckan.net. Google generates openid based on the RP (requesting party) which is the requesting domain url unless the openid.realm is set. See:

To fix this we should set the openid.realm (not sure how atm).

If this is not possible an alternative is to make sure we redirect all users to a single site url (perhaps using ckan config option site_url, or doing this in apache).

Cost: 1h

1296401521000000 1297071748000000
#672 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Facets in CKAN search results

This has been done in IATI ckan but should be ported over to CKAN main and put into the UI in a nice fashion.

IATI: http://bitbucket.org/okfn/iati/changeset/378431974c76 (related to #520)

Requires SOLR search backend (for postgres should fall back gracefully -- just do not show them).

1286190736000000 1291715338000000
#2663 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new h.resource_display_name needs love

This function is shit and needs cleaning up and a doc string

description is markdown and should be treated properly

either we should truncate all or leave it to the templates but work universally

url if no name / desc this is in demo-theme branch

1342017746000000 1342017746000000
#2571 enhancement kindly toby demo phase 1 closed fixed implement logic.action.create.resource_create()

This function is incomplete

If you want I can do this but I need guidance over how to do this properly. ie would I go through lib.dictization.model_save.package_resource_list_save() which looks wrong to me as I'd need the package. resource_dict_save() seems better but to be honest the total lack of docstrings etc makes me feel ill.

1340102259000000 1340369783000000
#1264 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Merge ckanext-admin into core

This extension should be in core now -- functionality is basic and very useful.

Copy across from here: http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-admin

Suggest this no longer even be an extension.

1312480783000000 1318245716000000
#1821 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed create internal multilingual extension that brings together all multilingual features

This extension point needs to combine.

  • Making sure the correct data get put in search index.
  • Make the search queries are modified to weight multilingual search correctly.
  • View pages, including search results are translated.
  • Bring together all search schema modifications.
1329771267000000 1330990111000000
#1262 enhancement pudo ckan-backlog new Enforce "create-user" permission

This does not seem to have any implications at the moment, it should lock down registration and remove all related links.

1312375296000000 1323090112000000
#2707 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed Tidy up additional info boxes on dataset and resource pages

This currently looks terrible. Some simple things we should do to improve this.

  • Localise and captitalise known (non custom) keys into human titles. eg. "size", "created_at", "mime_type".
  • Apply units to values of known keys where possible eg. "size in appropiate units"
  • Convert dates into a more human friendly format. We can avoid localisation hell by using an ISO format like YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss which is still better than ISO8061
  • Move the non user fields to the top of the table.
1342621471000000 1344504846000000
#1494 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed wontfix API call for getting a user's public activity stream as rendered rtext

This could be implemented as a separate API call, or the rendered text versions of the activities could be added into the JSON returned by the existing API call.

This requires setting up templates for rendering activity streams items and detail items as nice, human-readable text.

There are some open questions, e.g.: Do we want the entire activity stream rendered as a block of plain text? As HTML? Or do we want a list of JSON objects, where each object contains its textual and/or HTML representations as fields?

Activity stream items and their related detail items are separate objects that each have their own textual representations.

For a mockup of the kind of text messages we want, see:


but note that this ticket is just for creating the text snippets themselves, not rendering then in an HTML page or RSS feed. Also the mockup only show activity items and not their detail items.

1322495447000000 1326109757000000
#1002 enhancement dread rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Remove changeset model code

This code is unused and tests are disabled i belive. I suggest stripping this out (can always be re-added in an extension later). If we remove we should probably delete the relevant tables (and so a migration is needed).

1298489773000000 1322515696000000
#2407 enhancement amercader markw ckan-v1.9 new 'Access denied' message is unhelpful

This chap tried to use the API to add a dataset to a group and got the uninformative message 'Access denied':


The problem was he didn't have access to the group. A message like 'You don't have access to the group "LODcloud"' would have been clearer.

1337612500000000 1340633440000000
#2438 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed resource_search action not accessible via GET request

This action is not currently usable via a GET request as it relies upon a nested dict of fields.

1338197305000000 1341406005000000
#1660 defect rgrp lucychambers ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed wontfix CSV preview broken - OpenSpending

This CSV resource used to preview but now the format appears to be unsupported: "We are unable to preview this type of resource: x-osdata-csv"


This is used as an example by the OpenSpending? team all the time.

1326717846000000 1328013627000000
#445 task johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Add dumps to DGU SLA

Thinking about putting something like this:

Dumps Interface (this is NOT going in the API, it is another interface of the service):

  • resources:

Daily Dump Folder Daily Dump File

  • locations:


  • data format:

Dump Folder is a HTML document containing a table of links to Dump Files Dump File has either JSON or CSV format.

  • status codes (200, 404, 500)
1282299380000000 1283250620000000
#2556 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Update module styles on the demo theme

They've become inconsistent as the design has changed.

  • Remove white stripe
  • Make text sizes consistent
  • Make white space around text boxes consistent
1340035028000000 1340212090000000
#2909 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new User profile headers are a bit weird

They seem to be not exactly well thought out. Needs some thought on better display of the information that they contain.

1346931348000000 1346931348000000
#2910 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new User listings are not very compelling

They are currently are just a small image / name. They should be: Larger image, Full name (username), description, edits/dataset

1346931587000000 1346931587000000
#2314 defect icmurray seanh ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed parse_rfc_2822 tests failing in some timezones

These two tests:



have been failing in certain timezones. In the UK they pass, if you're in Germany they'll fail.

The function being tested uses datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() which uses the local time, but the tests compare the results against hardcoded strings, so the tests cannot work in different timezones.

1334768832000000 1337073270000000
#288 defect dread dread v1.0 closed fixed Foreign and escaped characters in extras fields

These don't work.

1271171899000000 1271173777000000
#2933 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Update theming docs

There's quite a lot of custom stuff going on, with all the custom jinja extensions, and the use of Fanstatic plus custom fanstatic extensions. People who are new to CKAN wanting to write CKAN themes are likely to be confused. I think the whole lot could do with documentation, maybe in the Theming and Customizing chapter in the sphinx docs.

I suggest completely replacing the contents of doc/theming.rst, and putting a 'legacy theming' link at the bottom linking to a doc/legacy_theming.rst file with the old contents.

1347895272000000 1347895272000000
#2499 enhancement toby icmurray ckan-v1.8 new Documentation for the internal analytics

There's no docs for setting up the internal analytics, nor what it provides.


Add: ckan.tracking_enabled = true to .ini file

Run: paster tracking -c dev.ini


1339070297000000 1339070297000000
#1101 enhancement sebbacon ckan-backlog new Integrate googlanalytics into site nav

There's a stats plugin (e.g. at http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/832).

Output from the googleanalytics plugin should append to that page, if the stats plugin is present.

Possibly the stats plugin and the googleanalytics plugin should be merged?

Finally, if the stats plugin is active, then a link to the stats page should be added to the main site footer.

1303393926000000 1339774582000000
#1238 defect kindly dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed invalid Viewing a package @date misses non-PackageRevisions

There's a problem with getting old versions of packages using @date. The query looks for the PackageRevision? related to the date, but ignores TagRevisions? etc.

So for example if you compare this table: http://ckan.net/package/history/osm with this view: http://ckan.net/package/osm%402010-11-30%2000%3A21%3A49.627830 you actually see the 2010-01-13 11:13 revision - the wrong revision.

1311351303000000 1311759784000000
#1668 defect dread ckan-backlog new repoze version discrepency

There's a discrepency in repoze.who versions between the source and package installs:

  • repoze.who - package 1.0.18 vs source 1.0.19
  • repoze.who-friendlyform - package 1.0b3 vs source 1.0.8

We get a test failure [1] with the 1.0b3 version (from the ubuntu 10.04 python-repoze.who-plugins package). But we've not noticed any problems on s057 instances (br, no, ie etc) which have the package versions of repoze.who.

The reason the package install uses the earlier packaged versions rather than the ones we'd like is that repoze uses all sorts of horrendous import hacks, making it too difficult to put into our 'ckan-conflict' source package.

James suggests we 'do something horrible like dynamically patch repoze on CKAN import'.

[1] http://buildbot.okfn.org/builders/builder-ckan/builds/1371/steps/shell/logs/stdio ERROR: ckan.tests.functional.test_user.TestUserController?.test_user_create_unicode

1326801746000000 1326801746000000
#1260 enhancement pudo ckan-backlog new Remove duplicate functions from _util.html

There seems to be both a list view for dictized and non dictized data structures for all entities in _util.html at the moment. Probably in the back of someone's mind already, but cleanup here would be nice.

1312366652000000 1313401499000000
#431 task pudo pudo closed wontfix Solr index testing tool

There seem to be a few conditions under which either queue processing or the indexer fail in their current state. To get a more systematic picture of these failures, we should have a small testing tool to compare the index to the database of a live CKAN instance.

1281963532000000 1295260262000000
#1345 enhancement kindly nils.toedtmann closed fixed Investigate possible memory leak

There is some evidence pointing to CKAN handling memory inefficiently or even leaking under certain conditions:

When we migrated ckan.net/thedatahub.org from eu7.okfn.org (32bit) to s053.okserver.org (64bit) (ticket) we experienced extraordinary memory usage peaks (ticket). Here are the observed value with Apache default settings:

  • eu7, mpm-prefork: base level ~0.6GB, peaks up to 2GB
  • s055, mpm-prefork: base level ~1GB, peaks up to 4GB
  • s055, mpm-worker: base level ~1.5GB, peaks up to 6GB

William reduced the life-time of a WSGI CKAN process from 500 requests down to 25 requests (changeset). This (together with two other tweaks) changed the situation drastically:

  • s055, mpm-event: base level ~1.4GB, no peaks

This suggests that the more requests a CKAN processes serves over time, the more memory it consumes, aka bad memory management or a leak.

To prove this theory, one could reduce the total number of WSGI CKAN processes as much as possible without killing the performance (e.g. down to processes=3), and then observing the relation between maximum-requests=25...500 and memory consumption.

On 14/09/11 17:49, David Read wrote:

Someone to do a bit of top-down memory-use profiling would be very useful. Also useful would be something in the tests that reported what test cases use lots of memory - this could be in the nose plugin.


1316041450000000 1343215489000000
#2824 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 closed fixed Multiple of the same Flag Issues

There is some bizarre language flag issues. 1) Log in to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/ (I'm logged in as danieljohnlewis) 2) Visit the apps page: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/apps 3) Have a look at the languages drop down, flags look fine (although Deutsche does have an EU flag rather than the German flag.. but that's irrelevant) 4) Change filters to, say, type: Application and sort: Newest, and apply. Web address becomes: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/apps?page=1&type=application&sort=created_desc 5) Look at the languages drop down: Flags are largely incorrect, with more than one country having the same flag.

Please see the attached screenshot.

Note: this was originally tested with Google Chrome on Linux (Ubuntu).

1344505215000000 1344532640000000
#899 enhancement rgrp dread closed fixed Optimise check_real_change

There is no need to re-query the database to detect if there has been a changed as sqlalchemy knows this. It saves about 15 secs in the ckan tests. https://bitbucket.org/kindly/vdm/changeset/0050d023ca4e

From David Raznick

1294659583000000 1294916615000000
#270 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed fixed Refactor ckan/lib/importer and ckanclient/loader.

There is code to create packages in-process (ckan/lib/importer) and via HTTP (ckanclient/loaders/base). There is also code to read different kinds of package source (Google Spreadsheets spreadsheet, other spreadsheet).

Propose to refactor all this to have template method in base command class (subclasses may implement command line interface, graphical user interface, or Web interface), where the template method calls on aggregated strategy objects for: reading raw spreadsheet data from spreadsheet application; for inferring CKAN package entities from the raw spreadsheet data; and for writing package entities to CKAN service.

Spreadsheet readers to be factored to allow for variations of spreadsheet application.

Raw data inferrers to allow for variations in spreadsheet cell structure.

CKAN writer strategies to allow for either CKAN client or direct linking.

Actual cases then supported by specifying existing strategies (or defining new ones) in a script that invokes the command class.

1268671804000000 1290596640000000
#2666 enhancement aron.carroll toby closed fixed templates/package/resource_edit.html

There is a new template for editing resources outside of the add dataset logic

this is the template it just throws some crap onto the page at the moment - we need to create a form - the form will end up with the usual data/edit stuff but for now you can use the resource to populate the form and I can then change it to use data - I just want to know which fields we'll have


when done reassign to me and I'll get it functioning

1342084373000000 1343220176000000
#2233 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Make package show, use custom json schema

There is a disrepency between what we put in and get out when using a custom form/api. Narrow this gap by making sure package_show shows the correct serilization.

1331865349000000 1332178421000000
#2709 enhancement icmurray markw new Atom feeds are undocumented

There doesn't seem to be any documentation yet for Atom feeds.

1342624310000000 1342626212000000
#900 defect dread closed fixed Intermittent error with new revision not having id

There are still some intermittent errors due to objects not having a revision_id, if you save an object at the same time as the revision. We add the uuid earlier to fix this. https://bitbucket.org/kindly/vdm/changeset/0050d023ca4e.

From David Raznick

1294659696000000 1294916587000000
#817 requirement cygri ckan-v1.3 closed worksforme Proposed redesign of Resources table on package pages

There are some problems with the Resources table on package pages:

  1. The column labelled “URL” doesn't contain URLs, but just the word “Download”.
  2. The links labelled “Download” often are not download links, but something else (example links, API endpoints, documentation links).

Attached is a screenshot for a proposed redesign. The changes are:

  1. Move the Format column to the right of the Description column (description is more important)
  2. Make the description a clickable link
  3. Drop the “URL/Download” column because it's now redundant
  4. Rename “Description” to “Resource” (not that important)
1289997384000000 1297073724000000
#3006 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Update translations from Transifex

There are some new translations already on the CKAN 1.8 resource on Transifex already (e.g. 100% Norwegian translation I think). We should at least pull these from Transifex for 1.8.1, and may as well do a call for translations too.

1351506144000000 1351506144000000
#1278 enhancement amercader ckan-backlog new Refactor authorized_query calls

There are some functions that still use the Auhtorizer().authorized_query method:

./ckan/controllers/authorization_group.py:24:        query = ckan.authz.Authorizer().authorized_query(c.user, model.AuthorizationGroup)
./ckan/lib/base.py:237:        groups = ckan.authz.Authorizer.authorized_query(c.user, model.Group, 
./ckan/lib/search/sql.py:55:        q = authz.Authorizer().authorized_query(username, model.Group)
./ckan/lib/search/sql.py:118:        q = authz.Authorizer().authorized_query(self.options.get('username'), model.Package)
./ckan/logic/action/get.py:154:    query = Authorizer().authorized_query(user, model.Group, model.Action.EDIT)

./ckan/tests/test_authz.py:158:        q = self.authorizer.authorized_query(self.notadmin.name, model.Package)
./ckan/tests/test_authz.py:353:        q = self.authorizer.authorized_query(self.notmember.name, model.Package)
./ckan/tests/test_authz.py:357:        q = self.authorizer.authorized_query(self.member.name, model.Package)
./ckan/tests/functional/test_authorization_group.py:44:        group_count = Authorizer.authorized_query(u'russianfan', model.AuthorizationGroup).count()
1313415177000000 1313415177000000
#2505 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Docs improvements for 1.7.1

There are some areas where the documentation could use some improvement and it would be good to have it available for 1.7.1.

  • Add an introduction to harvesting support
  • Add an introduction to CSW support
  • Better upgrade docs: Some users suggested improvements to the upgrade docs on the list [1]. Also we should mention how the upgrade would work for point point releases
  • Source install: see #2406

[1] http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-May/002178.html

1339166533000000 1340018770000000
#537 task wwaites wwaites closed duplicate Caching and Performance improvement

There are several places where performance is unacceptably slow. Even in places where it is not, the system could still be more responsive for read requests.

Introducing caching has to be done carefully and should be done in a standards compliant manner.

General strategy

  • Where possible, cache output within the pylons app (beaker).
  • Facilitate external caching in an end-user's web browser or a caching proxy
  • Slightly stale data is not necessarily much of a problem so allow the output to be cached for a relatively short period (e.g. 5-15 minutes).
  • When cache expiry has been reached, a request will be made to the server. The server should check if its internally cached data is still valid, and serve that, otherwise regenerate the data.


These tasks should be broken into sub-tickets:

  • caching of parts of templates that are expensive to render (package list, tag list, group list)
  • caching of entire output using beaker particularly for API read operations.
  • need to perform a check to see if the cache should be invalidated by checking if anything in the output would have changed -- i.e. checking timestamps on package modifications. this is a natural place to introduce the ETag which will help browsers and web caches.
  • cache infrastructure front end - varnish, squid, etc. To do this right, the controllers need to set the cache control headers appropriately (max-age, must-revalidate). This is a good resource: http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/#CACHE-CONTROL
    • Deploy varnish on a host dedicated to this purpose for research. This will be useful for other sites as well
    • Do not configure varnish to ignore cache control headers or otherwise behave in a non HTTP/1.1 compliant manner

Future Work

  • Investigate ckanclient library maintaining a local cache as a web browser would
  • Investigate using a CDN like Google Storage or Amazon for serving cached data.
1283184362000000 1311178929000000
#2952 enhancement seanh icmurray ckan 2.0 new incorporate javascriopt translations into translations workflow

There are now javascript translations. There's a paster command, trans js. This is a ticket to ensure that using trans js is documented in the normal ckan translation workflow (which is followed after a feature freeze, prior to release). And to see if there's any need for further incorporation into the current translation process.

1349118945000000 1349118945000000
#1452 enhancement dread dread closed wontfix Offer detected browser language, rather than auto-switch

There are issues with setting the site's language according to the browser detection:

  • Many browsers have the language setting incorrectly set. e.g. people who download US versions of Mozilla, pirated US copies in the far east.
  • Although thedatahub.org has a worldwide audience, many CKAN instances are designed for a particular country's citizens. So Open Berlin should probably be in German as default for all.

I suggest the site should have a default language saved in the config. The browser language *should* be detected, and that prompts a flash message offering to change to that language. And if you change language that is saved in the cookie (as we currently do).

Then do some testing to see if this suits people.

1320682652000000 1340190587000000
#2307 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Merge 1.6.1 into master

There are a number of features developed against 1.6.1 that need to be merged into master.

1334591402000000 1335440476000000
#826 enhancement kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Resource 'extra' fields

There are a number of extra properties we want to store in a resource:

i.e. this is a much needed enhancement

Need to be able to read/write these values in web interface and API.

(At some point we may wish to have custom form widgets for these new fields in the resource table, but let's leave this for the future.)


I suggest these are arbitrary key/value pairs, just like package extras, reusing PackageExtra? code as much as possible. (Other much more radical alternative is to move model to RDF.)

1290611905000000 1306766057000000
#2406 defect kindly markw ckan-v1.9 new Errors in source install doc

There are a few errors or unclarities in the source install doc - see

http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-May/002203.html http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-May/002204.html

1337595093000000 1340636804000000
#2288 defect seanh ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Fix i18n of strings on auth group add/edit pages

There are a couple of strings on the authorization group add/edit form that are not being translated:

"Name: Please enter a value" (error message when you try to add an auth group with no name)

"User name"

"Save" button

The form seems to be built using FormBuilder?. See ckan/forms/authorizationgroup.py, builder.set_displayed_fields()

1334255003000000 1339411611000000
#2289 defect toby seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Flash messages are not being translated?

There are a couple of flash messages in ckan/controllers/user.py that show up in English, even if another language is in use, and even though the strings are marked for translation with gettext and have translations in the po and mo files:

"[USER NAME] is now logged in"

"Login failed. Bad username or password. (Or if using OpenID, it hasn't been associated with a user account.)"

1334255836000000 1341314151000000
#2520 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 assigned Document undocumented config options

There are 21 undocumented config options in CKAN, some of which are not mentioned in the config file template either:

ckan.admin.name ckan.admin.email ckan.default.group_type ckan.page_cache_enabled ckan.cache_enabled ckan.cache_expires ckan.extra_resource_fields ckan.extra_resource_group_fields ckan.storage.key_prefix ckan.storage.max_content_length ckan.feeds.authority_name * ckan.feeds.date * ckan.feeds.author_name * ckan.feeds.author_link * ckan.mail_from ckan.gravatar_default * ckan.plugins ckan.api_url ckan.auth.profile ckan.datastore.enabled ckan.tracking_enabled

There are also some options that are in the default deployment.ini even though they're deprecated:

ckan.async_notifier carrot_messaging_library ckan.build_search_index_synchronously

See email to ckan-dev from David Read: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-June/002447.html

It'd be best if the docs could be automatically pulled from the source into sphinx using autodoc, see #1358

1339588368000000 1340624908000000
#1645 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Update and test existing DGU package form : Apply a simple theme

Theme the DGU form.

Doesn't need to be an exact replica of DGU, but just enough to show it's possible.

1326394622000000 1327311679000000
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