{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (201 - 300 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#2746 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed help bubble on demo homepage missing

Hey, this is still missing. It's the one with the add dataset text

1343209387000000 1343214031000000
#2747 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed Breadcrumb should use title not URL of dataset

For example here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/new_resource/gold-prices The breadcrumb shows "gold-prices" which is not the title of the dataset

1343211742000000 1343215679000000
#2750 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed javascript translations need ripping

we need to ensure that translations in .js files are ripper for translation

look at what is available as preference to creating our own

1343216246000000 1343415279000000
#2751 enhancement toby toby demo phase 5 new check translations for full demo site

need to check everything gets translated - sean did this before so will have info

1343216443000000 1344243046000000
#2752 enhancement toby ross demo phase 2 closed fixed Navigation highlight missing

When navigating to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/group on the demo server, the Group link in the navbar is not highlighted in the same was as the other links are when visiting those pages.

1343216582000000 1343222618000000
#2755 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed user pages very slow to load

navigating to a user page -one's own or http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/user/ira or http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/user/shevski, even when signed out is noticeably slower than navigating between other parts of the site; over 2 seconds. Maybe even 3

1343225395000000 1344505304000000
#2758 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new file storage gives error if config not available but no useful user information

We get an error which should be improved the actual problem is this but not passed to user

KeyError?: 'ofs.impl'

View as: Interactive (full) | Text (full) | XML (full) Module ckan.controllers.storage:2 in auth_form view Module ckan.lib.jsonp:26 in jsonpify view

data = func(*args, kwargs)

Module ckan.controllers.storage:407 in auth_form view

authorize(method, bucket, label, c.userobj, self.ofs)

Module ckan.controllers.storage:200 in ofs view

StorageAPIController._ofs_impl = get_ofs()

Module ckan.controllers.storage:71 in get_ofs view

storage_backend = configofs.impl?

Module paste.registry:146 in getitem view

return self._current_obj()[key]

KeyError?: 'ofs.impl'

1343287709000000 1343287709000000
#2768 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 5 new normalise excel to xls

so that data proxy works

1343319382000000 1344351663000000
#2769 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed add site wide related page

Can we add the related dashboard (http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2347) to demo - central place to show off all the related stuff added.

1343323567000000 1343734083000000
#2774 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Provide a method of passing localised strings into the JavaScript

We need to be able to do the following:

  • Rip the localised strings from the JavaScript? source code. These are strings that look like _('String'), translate('String') and isPlural('String') .
  • An endpoint that provides the translations in the correct locale for the user.
  • The endpoint should provide the locale as JSON (possibly using http://jsgettext.berlios.de/doc/html/po2json.html or similar tool)

The JavaScript? can then read this file on page load.

1343661072000000 1344351626000000
#2775 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 4 new Add bin/less to paster serve command

Ideally the ./bin/less command would be run when the server is started.

  • Also it would be good to have a paster command to build the production CSS with {{{ ./bin/less --production }}
  • The command could also detect missing node binaries and redirect to the documentation.
1343685686000000 1344543962000000
#2780 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 4 new way for admins to undelete datasets

Since admins can see deleted datasets - there should be a way for them a) to know they are currently deleted & not viewable by normal users - ticket: #2779 b) way to undelete such datasets - this ticket

I suggest a button on the edit form instead of the delete button i.e. remove normal delete button with 'deleted dataset, only admins can view' with undelete button next to the message?

1343737248000000 1345023811000000
#2782 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed wontfix integrate with leaflet for demo background generation

use http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/ properly to generate map backgrounds for demo instances

1343748857000000 1343811113000000
#2787 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Ensure templates_legacy directory is loaded for extensions

Currently the stats plugin has a template and templates_legacy directory. We need to ensure that the templates in templates_legacy are loaded.

1343827782000000 1344543473000000
#2793 enhancement toby ross demo phase 3 closed fixed Markdown of resource page not rendered as markdown

As per #2650 (on master/1.8 now)

If the resource has a description it isn't rendered as markdown ..

1343896663000000 1343897811000000
#2798 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 closed fixed Admin Config reset

this want to

a) be a link on the left of the form like deletes

b) needs a confirm like delete

c) wants to work with the autoform

1344012605000000 1345540010000000
#2799 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Translations for demo not picking up {% trans %} blocks

Also they seem to be missing the odd _() block. Such in the new package form.


1344243005000000 1344249253000000
#2812 enhancement toby markw demo phase 3 closed invalid Groups description needs improving

The 'What are Groups?' text at <http://demo.ckan.org/group> is a bit naff. Here is a suggested replacement:

What are groups?

Groups allow you to group users and data together so that they are easier to manage. For example datasets in a group could be visible only to group members, or publicly visible but only editable by group members.

Groups can be used to collect together datasets from a single publisher, or related to a particular project, for example.

1344419953000000 1344524290000000
#2813 enhancement toby markw demo phase 5 new Confusing sidebar on demo dataset page

On a dataset page on demo.ckan.org, the left sidebar is confusing.

  • It starts with some random links. Actually they are links to groups which the dataset is in, but this isn't clear.
  • The sidebar elements that are actually part of the dataset are 'Datset extent' and 'License', so these should be right at the top (if they belong in the sidebar at all), instead of which they are right at the bottom in the junk part of the page (i.e. probably lower than the bottom of the main page, and hence lower than anyone will scroll).
1344420206000000 1344445419000000
#2816 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed DomainObjectOperation not in model

Over-enthusiastic removal of some model items

this breaks qa extension

1344496621000000 1345040471000000
#2822 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 new Resource additional info titles format/i18n

the title for additional info should be translated

capitalised etc

1344504620000000 1344543985000000
#2823 enhancement toby toby demo phase 5 new resource additional info title order

Order the items so that none user fields are first from ticket #2707

1344504773000000 1344504773000000
#2826 defect toby danieljohnlewis demo phase 3 closed fixed Null group image

Problem: Example group ( http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/group/example-group ) has a broken image, image not found. Link either incorrect, or no image set, if no image set then shouldn't it show a default image? Expected: There should be an image.

1344505546000000 1344528004000000
#2828 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 4 new Draft datasets are confusing - tickets need creating

reported as editing datasets incorrect

e.g. clicking on edit here http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/ff takes you to create dataset page http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/edit/ff

but this is the correct behaviour of a draft dataset

We need to show draft datasets correctly

proper tickets need making for the different issues after review of issues with them - who can see, where, admins and viewing, orgs too etc

1344506178000000 1344547324000000
#2830 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 new Need method to undelete groups

need controller action and front-end method

1344509408000000 1344547341000000
#2836 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Need extra info for forms

like we have on the form here


you said it partly exists so maybe I just need some training

1344605931000000 1345023663000000
#2847 defect toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed 'show inactive sources' checkbox displaying incorrectly

On harvest page: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/harvest the checkbox appears above the text and not clear what it refers to/

Beter to relocate to the left (as on publicdata.eu) see screenshots attached.

1344864322000000 1345023769000000
#2848 defect toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed no dataset descriptions on front page


1344938505000000 1344947085000000
#2849 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 closed fixed header tagline misalighned

should be left alighned, not right aligned. Otherwise tag line disappears left off the page.

See: header here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/ckan-admin/config

1344938638000000 1344947130000000
#2852 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed better message for trying to refresh inactive sources in harvest

Currently if you try to refresh (i.e. schedule the harvester to re-run) an inactive source (one who's state is 'withdrawn' - e.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/harvest/3feea629-32d8-4431-9957-9f31d32864f1)

you get the error message: "An error occurred: [Can not create jobs on inactive sources]"

This could be better and not red, e.g. and info box (maybe yellow) saying that "Cannot re-run harvesting on inactive sources. Please first change the status to 'active'"

1345048317000000 1345106515000000
#2853 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed unclear error message in refreshing harvest source

Tried to refresh the datagm harvest source to get error message:

"An error occurred: [There already is an unrun job for this source]"

This is unclear and not sure why it created an error. We should have something informative such as "A harvest has already been scheduled for this source"

Do we have a date/time for when this has been scheduled that we can display?

1345048482000000 1345104231000000
#2856 defect toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed server error when clicking on deleted app link
  1. go to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/okfn
  2. Click on activity stream
  3. Click on 'Deletion test' related item that's linked to in entries 1 & 2
  4. Server error
1345049684000000 1345107503000000
#2857 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 new no UI to follow another user although option on dashboard

e.g. second option in left hand sidebar is follow another user' http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/dashboard but if you click on that and then any user, there's no follow button

to me the dashboard user stuff is highly unfinished and probably should not be included unless someone is very keen for it

1345049983000000 1345107097000000
#2858 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Harvester tweaks

I've had a look at the new harvesting theme, it looks great, thanks. I did some minor changes and reworded the errors as per tickets #2852 and #2853, but I kept the messages red, as the only other ones available ("flash_notice") are blue and are not very prominent.

Toby, on the old form there was a list of descriptions for all available harvesters which could be nice to have back. I couldn't find an easy way with the new form macro, so I don't know how easy would be to implement


1345103198000000 1345105842000000
#2860 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed target blank link in qa report

can we get the link going to an explanation of the 5 star system on page http://s031.okserver.org:2375/qa/dataset/five_stars to open in new tab? it's leaving demo all together so better to open in new tab than navigate away

1345113826000000 1345120404000000
#2861 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 4 new Add qa breadcrumb

can we add in the breadcrumb navigation to qa pages so that you can go back to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/qa from sub pages such as http://s031.okserver.org:2375/qa/dataset/five_stars

1345114046000000 1345483270000000
#2862 enhancement toby markw demo phase 4 new Revised revised groups description

Revised text for 'What are groups?' box at demo.ckan.org/group (after discussion with IB re #2812):

What are groups?

Groups allow you to group users and data together so that they are easier to manage. Group owners can assign roles and authorisations, giving each project or department control of its own data publishing.

Users can browse or facet by groups, which could be an organisation (for example, the Department of Health) or topic (e.g. Transport, Health), making it easier to find the data they are looking for.

1345114322000000 1345115072000000
#2863 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 new non-admin users can edit other's draft datasets

edit button shows up for daniel lewis for http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/ff

1345114479000000 1345201502000000
#2864 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 closed fixed don't show `create one now` message on other's user pages

e.g. I can see 'You haven't created any datasets. Create one now?. ' http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/kindly when logged in as shevski

1345114552000000 1345471138000000
#2873 defect toby danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 assigned ckanext-qa: dataset summary incorrect

For example see: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/qa/dataset/five_stars

Which has: Example dataset as a score of: 4 After examination of the dataset ( http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/example-dataset ) it is made up of a CSV and an HTML file.

1345126429000000 1345208283000000
#2876 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 closed fixed Admin Config changes are not forced

need to make sure these update everywhere when done

1345208451000000 1345470265000000
#2939 enhancement toby toby new Orgs are groups

holder for ticket number

1348564034000000 1348564034000000
#3012 enhancement toby toby new data.gov auth 1352393409000000 1352393409000000
#235 enhancement tobes dread ckan-v1.9 assigned Resource format normalization and detection

Try to gather proper MIME information for all package resources in CKAN. This is a shared ticket with dcat-tools (https://bitbucket.org/pudo/dcat-tools), i.e. opendatasearch.org. This can then also be used by ckanrdf, the CKAN RDF conversion service.


  • Create a Google Spreadsheet with two Worksheets: "MIME-Mappings", i.e. "CSV" -> "text/csv" and "Name mappings", i.e. "text/csv" -> "Comma-Separated Spreadsheet".
  • Collect and map surface forms from all CKANs
  • Access this via Swiss and apply, store as a PackageResource? extra field pending #826 (Resource extras).
  • Add heuristics for format auto-detections:
    • Map well-known file extensions
    • Recognize obvious magic (Zip, Tar)
    • Peek into Zipfile/Tarfiles?
  • Define a convention for generic data types (many CKAN packages have only "Spreadsheet" defined, either detect specific type or set MIME to */tabular-data or similar)
  • See also: #816 (Autocomplete for the resource format field)
1263827604000000 1340627624000000
#1069 enhancement tobes rgrp assigned Stub datasets (request for datasets)

Idea is to have stubs for datasets that someone wants but don't yet exist (or haven't been discovered) in the way one has stub pages on a wiki.

We could do this within the existing model by a slight 'abuse' - create a dataset and mark it with a special tag e.g. todo.does-not-yet-exist or similar ...

(Just as we have datasets listed that exist but aren't available ...)

Alternative would be to have a request for datasets subsystem.

I prefer the stub dataset model because it's simpler, provides a simple workflow (as a dataset is found or comes into existence), and the package page provides a natural space in which to accumulate information about what is wanted and what exists.


  • Agree a new dedicated tag. e.g. todo.does-not-exist
1301666919000000 1340632215000000
#2710 enhancement tobes toby demo phase 3 closed fixed make the api_info.html not look like shit

you know the score

1342624385000000 1343318314000000
#1241 task timmcnamara timmcnamara closed wontfix Overview video of http://thedatahub.org

Produce a video explaining some of the things which can be done on the datahub.org

1311567813000000 1340632688000000
#1107 refactor tidy-up bitesize rgrp closed fixed Move package autocomplete from package controller and move to API

Currently autocomplete method on package controller. This method should be in API (like other autocomplete methods).

Will need to update client code (just forms atm I think).

1303808480000000 1340632612000000
#143 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-backlog assigned Most active users listed on homepage

Display league of users' recent activity on homepage.

1255010373000000 1312372381000000
#282 enhancement thejimmyg dread closed wontfix Provide diverts when package name changes

When a package's name is changed, references to the old name (in the WUI and REST) are redirected to the new name (assuming the old name is not being reused by another package).

1270659003000000 1338206417000000
#294 enhancement thejimmyg dread closed duplicate Add/remove extra fields in Package edit form

Currently the package form gives you 3 fields for extras. To get more you have to hit preview. This is obscure. It would be better to have some buttons to add/remove fields, just like with the resources.

1271756591000000 1291830960000000
#321 enhancement thejimmyg johnbywater closed duplicate Delegate authentication to Drupal

When CKAN is included in a Drupal front-end, CKAN edit pages are used in a slave-mode, such that authentication is delegated to the Drupal front-end user model.

The Drupal front-end shall have:

  1. Login page - fixed location, can authenticate users, on successful authentication sets auth cookie and redirects to HTTP_REFERER.
  1. Access control resource - fixed location, can authorise users, on receipt of valid auth cookie return message listing account details and permitted actions.
  1. Access denied page - fixed location, static resource, gently

indicates what has happened, and how to ask for permission.

The CKAN slave edit page shall:

  1. Try to detect a Drupal session key (passed as cookie or as request param).
  1. Redirect to Drupal login page if no session key.
  1. Check authorisation if session key is found.
  1. Redirect to access denied page if session key not authorised.
  1. Present the Package edit page.
  1. Reject unauthenticated or unauthorised edit submissions.
  1. Snag invalid edit submissions from authenticated and authorised users.
  1. Respond to valid edit submissions from authenticated and authorised users, by saving the new package state, and redirecting to Package read page in Drupal front-end.
1274705234000000 1291831399000000
#427 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Match licenses from GEMINI document
  • examples of posting a new package
  • example license_id - explain
1281436611000000 1299164063000000
#430 task thejimmyg pudo closed wontfix Upgrade CKAN to Pylons 1.0

Pylons 1.0 has been out for a while and appears to be running stable on a few production sites. It also introduces a few new features, among them the ability to specifiy controllers using the entrypoint mechanism.


This might be a bit ugly since the default behaviour of some pylons objects, such as tmpl_context, app_globals and redirect has changed.

1281962485000000 1298283075000000
#435 defect thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.4 closed wontfix Switching between ckan instances causes orphaned postgres processes

Analysis using pg_top reveals orphaed processes:


This followed switching ckan instances on the dgu machine. Do these hang around forever clogging up a db server? Can switching between instances be smoothed to avoid this?

1282147736000000 1298284084000000
#448 story thejimmyg dread closed invalid [Assist with] editing packages through Drupal 1282299478000000 1294417061000000
#453 task thejimmyg johnbywater closed invalid Analysis and planning for UKLII 1282299725000000 1294411374000000
#480 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Catalogue service shall conform to specification

Common requirements for running CKAN behind a (e.g Wordpress or Drupal) front-end:

  1. Unrestricted total read-only access to catalogue API for general public (e.g. voluntary organisation).
    • monitored by API key
    • not monitored by API key
  2. Restricted total read-write access to catalogue API for authorized clients (e.g. front-end system, bulk upload clients).
    • restricted by CKAN access controller
    • restricted by HTTP Auth
    • restricted by IP address
  3. Restricted total read-write access to catalogue Web UI for authorized users (e.g. site admins).
    • restricted by CKAN access controller
    • restricted by HTTP Auth
  4. Restricted partial read-write access to catalogue Web UI for authorized users (e.g. group admins).
    • restricted by CKAN access controller
    • restricted by HTTP Auth

CKAN as a catalogue service

1282422612000000 1300281551000000
#482 story thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-backlog closed wontfix API Rate Limiting 1282422756000000 1298284158000000
#499 story thejimmyg johnbywater closed wontfix Registration and management of UKLII related code lists, controlled vocabularies and other forms of reference/static data 1282432571000000 1296593038000000
#563 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater closed duplicate Support a minimal CSW server interface or export to GeoNetwork 1284033576000000 1296592472000000
#565 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed invalid The system shall support UKLP code lists 1284033864000000 1294417752000000
#569 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Harvested GEMINI document metadata validation 1284040221000000 1297347214000000
#667 defect thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix API is slow

See message and script: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2010-September/000569.html

1500 requests shouldn't take hours.

1285885228000000 1297069121000000
#668 defect thejimmyg Colin Calnan closed invalid Caching issues on API v1

It seems like the API v1 on CKAN metastable (cset:ec21f8e1c87e) has some caching issues.

Steps to test:

  1. Modify a dataset on datadotgc.ca, redirects to CKAN
  1. On save, redirects to http://www.datadotgc.ca/update/geogratisnat_hydrography_v100 which in turn redirects to http://www.datadotgc.ca/dataset/geogratisnat_hydrography_v100
  1. You can see that the Dataset has not updated correctly. Run a check on the API v1 - http://ca.ckan.net/api/1/rest/package/geogratisnat_hydrography_v100 the updates are not present
  1. Check the v2 of the API - http://ca.ckan.net/api/rest/package/geogratisnat_hydrography_v100, the updates are present.
  1. Setting the headers to 'Cache-control: no-cache' or 'Pragma: no-cache' does not work either.
1285953542000000 1311176649000000
#676 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix The system shall support browsing to correct version of the CKAN documentation for a given service 1286276136000000 1295869107000000
#679 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Improve standard package edit form 1286386050000000 1294166120000000
#691 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-backlog closed duplicate Package Relationships 1286822735000000 1295610145000000
#711 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Packages shall support both UK government and location information with a common set of attributes

Previously, a package type attribute was intended to distinguish between package data that came from government depts. and publishers location information (GEMINI). Now there is an intention use a common set of attributes to support data from either source.

Hence, there currently a v.3 of the government attributes, a document about extracting the attributes from Gemini document using XPath, and a comparison documents mapping between governemtn attributes and Gemini attributes.

That means there are potentially four different list of attributes. I'm not sure how to go about reviewing the lists and converging any differences.

But we do want to end up with a list of names, a description of their purpose, and then perhaps the XPath which would reveal the value from a Gemini doc?

1287580866000000 1296592589000000
#739 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed fixed The system shall support retrieving a copy of the harvested metadata for a given package

...obviously, not all packages will have a harvested metadata document.

1287779710000000 1296592842000000
#740 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater closed duplicate Get copy of harvested metadata for a given package 1287779799000000 1296592889000000
#750 enhancement thejimmyg johnbywater closed duplicate Get CSW records modified since given time 1288014402000000 1296592940000000
#757 task thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Create migration script to add harvest source filter attribute to existing tables 1288040584000000 1296593448000000
#764 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate Read-only CKAN Web UI

Whilse using CKAN web interface, you are not tempted to edit stuff:

  • You know at all times this CKAN is read-only
  • All editing facilities are still seen but greyed-out with an indication why it is.
1288091619000000 1310133334000000
#767 task thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.4 closed wontfix Harvest metadata records from ArcGIS CSW API 1288178056000000 1304936413000000
#770 defect thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix Improve the paster harvester help command

Issue 1. Help command without arguments fails:

$paster help --plugin ckan --config development.ini



Command help not recognized


paster help: error: no such option: --plugin

Issue 2: Harvester command with arguments fails.

$ paster harvester Traceback (most recent call last): ...

cmd = self.args[0]

IndexError?: list index out of range

1288190220000000 1296593925000000
#778 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Package edit form - name auto-generated from title 1288630777000000 1294416567000000
#779 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Package edit form - stylesheet in DGU updated 1288630800000000 1294416581000000
#780 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Package edit form - 'preview' button shows preview, with form lower in page

This ticket refers to the form shown in Drupal. This doesn't have a preview function, but we don't have a requirement for it right now, so leaving ticket closed.

1288630829000000 1294660720000000
#781 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Package edit form - 'extra' fields have 'add' and 'delete' buttons

(Just like resource table, but extra fields don't need up/down buttons)

Nice to have: a blank field is added when you tab from the last filled-in field in the table.

1288630935000000 1294415081000000
#784 task thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.4 closed wontfix End to end testing for UKLP 1289210251000000 1304936251000000
#787 task thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Auth API

Auth Proposal

Use case: We'd like an authenticated and authorized Drupal user to be able to edit/delete packages using the API

To do this a user would need a CKAN API key so we need some way of Drupal telling CKAN who a user is so that they can get their API key.

Proposed Implementation

A user visits the CKAN API key page to get their key. Because CKAN is at catalogue.data.gov.uk (a subdomain of the Drupal site) it can read Drupal cookies.

If there is no DRXtrArgs or DRXtrArgs2 cookie, we know the user isn't signed in so we redirect them to Drupal to sign in.

WISHLIST: It would be really nice if we could pass the URL to redirect back to Drupal so tha Druapl can send them back to the CKAN API key page

Either way, they get back to CKAN and now the cookies exist. When the first HTTP request header is sent, CKAN will read the Drupal session ID and then call a Drupal API, server to server.

TODO: Implement an API on the drupal server which accepts a Drupal session ID as an argument and returns the username and credentials, but only if the request if from the CKAN server (perhaps we specify an API key in the request)

If the session is valid CKAN will set its own auth cookie and show them the page with the API key. CKAN only considers a user signed in if both the CKAN cookie *and* Drupal session ID are present. If at any time they sign out of Drupal the Drupal session disappears so they will be signed out of CKAN too.

Now the user has an API key they can use the standard CKAN command line API tools.

The API key is the only thing the user will need to use the CKAN API. This poses a problem. What if a user is removed from Drupal but still has a CKAN API key?

Two solutions:

  1. API keys will be set to only be valid for the length of a Drupal session so that a user will only be able to use the write API for a little time after credentials are revoked
  1. CKAN provides an API to allow Drupal to revoke keys

Option 1. seems easier to me. If we choose this we will write a get_api_key command line tool so that Drupal user can write things like this:


datapkg list_packages --api_key get_api_key

The get_api_key function will prompt for username and password and then perform the steps necessary to get an API key.

1289211035000000 1315821118000000
#795 story thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate "Match up" GEMINI2 "metadata point of contact" with registered entities

TM wants to know how this will be "matched up". I don't know whether this always the data provider, or sometimes the publisher.

1289228025000000 1296593361000000
#803 story thejimmyg johnbywater closed invalid Auto-generate next migration version unit and test stub files

As a system developer, I want to run 'create next migration version' script, so that I don't have to create migration version tests and files manually.

1289486678000000 1314031451000000
#881 defect thejimmyg fccoelho closed invalid http authentication requirement when installing

I am having trouble installing Ckan with virtualenv and pip using pip-requirements.txt due to the Authentication requirements to download the source code.

1293021889000000 1296335072000000
#884 enhancement thejimmyg wwaites ckan-v1.3 closed fixed harvest job delete operation

implement paster subcommand to delete harvest jobs

1293277800000000 1296592140000000
#905 defect thejimmyg Stiivi ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed worksforme Unable to search with accented characters in package names

I have a package with name: "Štatistické prehľady agendy cestovných pasov" and when I try to search for "Štatistické" there are no results.

CKAN setup:

  • psql DB with UTF-8 tables
  • psql search backend
  • ckan version: 1.3.1b



try to search for the first word in the package name.

1294939120000000 1328638536000000
#906 enhancement thejimmyg Stiivi ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Ability to search without accents for accented words

In Slovakia users are expecting from sites to be able to search without typing accents, for example if they do not have SK keyboard, just US. For example searching for: 'Obyvateľstvo' and 'obyvatelstvo' (population) or 'štatistika' and 'statistika' (statistics) should yield same results.

This should work the other way around as well, as some people might enter entries without accents into CKAN instance and others might search with accents.

For SK language simple ASCII transliteration for searched term and indexed words is sufficient (iconv ASCIITRANSLIT).

1294939588000000 1330990400000000
#920 defect thejimmyg hellmann@… closed fixed empty tags are kind of confusing

http://ckan.net/tag/linguistsic doesn't have a single entry, but is still kept and displayed.

It should be purged !!!

1295355280000000 1300319140000000
#941 enhancement thejimmyg rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Submit apps or ideas for apps related to datasets (extension)

The basic purpose of this extension is provide a way to record 'apps' (applications) that relate to datasets in CKAN. Both existing apps and ideas for apps should be permitted.

1296403099000000 1310134339000000
#963 enhancement thejimmyg rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Package CKAN as a debian package

Package CKAN as a debian package so it is easier to install.

1297076364000000 1298284252000000
#993 defect thejimmyg jason.kitcat@… ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed Link on ckan.net footer needs changing

The link for About > 'Project Home Page' on the CKAN.net footer should be changed to point to:


The current link is broken.

Thanks, Jason

1298154006000000 1298373114000000
#1035 enhancement thejimmyg dread closed wontfix Form impressions given an ID

To counter Cross Site Request Forgery attacks, each form generated is assigned a random number in its url, which must be passed when you submit the form.

(Something to consider for the new form mechanism)

1299857978000000 1338206251000000
#1040 defect thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.4 closed fixed File system mounted

Public file path code adds a trailing , and thus adds / as a static file app in the Pylons middleware cascade.

1300213855000000 1328806824000000
#1041 enhancement thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-backlog assigned Start Using the CKAN Wiki for Tutorial-style documentation

For example, I will document the following:

I'd love if someone else would write:

  • An authorisation tutorial covering the core model, the command line tools and examples of every possible way of using the system
  • A HOWTO guide with screenshots for adding a package
1300284715000000 1312372367000000
#1050 enhancement thejimmyg johnlawrenceaspden closed invalid Authz lib improvement and refactor of ckan/lib/authztool.py

Refactor ckan/lib/authztool.py so that the relevant methods are independent of the command line interface.

The extracted methods should live in a new file ckan/authz.py. authztool.py should probably move into cli.py and will just do command line parsing and printing and use ckan/authz.py. The updated web gui for authz will also use this code.

Tests should be made. There's already a file ckan/tests/test_authz.py, which looks like the appropriate place for new tests.

all to go on a branch feature-1050-refactor-authtoolz

Optional extras

  • Rename ckan/authz.py to ckan/lib/authz.py or even ckan/logic/authz.py
1300451937000000 1315394117000000
#1086 defect thejimmyg johnlawrenceaspden closed wontfix no way to delete authorization groups from web interface

as title.

1302625333000000 1323346552000000
#1094 enhancement thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate [super] Refactor the Auth System

Here are some proposed changes related to CKAN's authorization system - they aren't very big, but should provide for some forthcoming use cases including #787.

Two man reasons for the changes are:

  • We have a completely refactored architecture now which introduces a logic layer. These Auth changes are designed to better support the way we work with that layer.
  • Different CKAN extension apps may need radically different authentication/authorisation so we need to allow whatever we have to be override-able.

The first two changes revolve around the is_authorized method, which is called by the logic layer to ask whether a particular user (e.g. Bob) is allowed to do a certain action (e.g. edit) on a certain object (e.g. Package).

  1. The first thing the is_authorized method is a hook to a plugin

which *overrides* the current call with its own implementation (note: in previous discussions we have considered allowing a chain of plugins, no longer!)

Reason: authorization can be completely delegated to another system (or partially)

  1. is_authorized method currently takes (username, action, object)

but for action=create_package, the object supplied is System, and for action=edit the object supplied is the package. Instead action should always be the string name of a function in the logic layer and object should always be the object passed to that function. This means our auth system is based around the actual actions we are performing (rather than a model them) and with the actual data that forms the action (rather than a related object). You never need a System object in this model.

  1. Rename these two classes to better reflect what they are
  1. Rename the Editor role to PriveledgeUser? since Editors sometimes can't edit.

Although this sounds a bit radical we already have auth extensions.

Read-only CKAN Web UI

(Additional requirement from #764)

Whilse using CKAN web interface, you are not tempted to edit stuff:

  • You know at all times this CKAN is read-only
  • All editing facilities are still seen but greyed-out with an indication why it is.
1303117973000000 1311173649000000
#1117 defect thejimmyg nils.toedtmann closed invalid Depend deb package "ckan" against ubuntu package "python-pastescript"

... otherwise the scripts fails.

1304089619000000 1304277240000000
#1124 enhancement thejimmyg nils.toedtmann ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed push apt package python-ckanext-solr into our debian repository

python-ckanext-solr is already available in http://apt-alpha.ckan.org/datanl-dev, but not yet in http://apt-alpha.ckan.org/debian (that is why we had to [pip-install it for DataGM). Please push into main repo.

1304537793000000 1323168156000000
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