{23} Trac comments (3729 matches)

Results (3201 - 3300 of 3729)

Ticket Posixtime Author Newvalue
#2204 1337594723000000 ross Was waiting for documentation, can close now.
#978 1328530459000000 rgrp We already have basic editing in the Resource section of dataset edit. However, need to extend this to additional fields such as webstore_url and "extras".
#736 1296592767000000 thejimmyg We also need to check WMS URLs added to package resources to check they are genuine WMSs.
#480 1294411813000000 thejimmyg We are currently updating the specification and the servers this runs on.
#430 1298283075000000 thejimmyg We are doing other refactoring that is more important than this such as: * Plugin APIs to enable extensions * Form refactroing This ticket is 6 months old so closing.
#767 1304936413000000 thejimmyg We are now live and have used a variety of servers in testing.
#830 1311180263000000 thejimmyg We can now implement themes via extensions or change them via config options. See https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-exampletheme/ for an example.
#1370 1334674002000000 toby We can supply the following to ShareThis * st_url Specifies URL (can be shortened URL) that you would like shared * st_title Specifies title that you would like shared * st_image Specifies link to image you would like displayed in the shared content * st_summary Specifies summary text/description you wish to share currently we just have the defaults but do we want to set these?
#318 1275320677000000 dread We can't change any of the metadata without permission from the various departments who supplied it. I think "Don't shoot the messenger" is apt here. Adding this to the form validation isn't going to change any of the existing data. I think this is better off in the data quality scoring.
#303 1272454025000000 johnbywater We could also fix up the temporal model.
#801 1297686706000000 thejimmyg We do have a requirement for this now. The job model has changed so that it is hidden from the user. We therefore want to know the timestamp the job started and the timestamp it finished. We'll therefore need migrations adding too.
#448 1294417061000000 thejimmyg We do this on an ongoing basis. I don't think we need a ticket for it too.
#1121 1307358426000000 dread We don't need to support JSON extras at the moment.
#893 1298293527000000 thejimmyg We don't understand the use case for this requirement. Closing for now until a use case can be demonstrated.
#538 1294414537000000 rgrp We don't use reports any more -- just the query module -- so closing as wontfix.
#2312 1340188741000000 ross We have a ticket for object ownership (group and package) #2548 which will make it much easier to implement this functionality of showing user owned datasets in a 'virtual group'. Will close this in preference to the other ticket which is needed for other features too.
#948 1300728602000000 dread We have a use case now for DGU where if a user requests a deleted package, he is 302 redirected to another package (specified in the deleted package's extras). This is for the API, but could also be done in the Web UI if deleted packages are hidden away in a trashcan. But this suggests we need a trashcan in the API too. i.e we should keep the data model really synchronised between the Web UI and API, (even if they are becoming divorced from the ORM Model - or maybe we should have a trashcan in the ORM model too?) Ideas: * GET api/rest/package - lists active packages * GET api/rest/package/traffic_data - active package * GET api/rest/trash/package - lists deleted packages * GET api/rest/trash/traffic_data_old - deleted package
#1246 1311863583000000 dread We have an unresolved issue with the display of the 'open data' icon that showed up when we upgraded ckan.net to the latest beta last week, but I didn't realise the search page http://ckan.net/package was showing all packages as open (the revision page and package pages seem fine). Last week when I upgraded from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2beta, there was an exception thrown when loading the home page. The exception was in doing the isopen call. It was solved by making some code changes directly on the ckan.net server to make it an attribute query instead of function call. It was strange because this behaviour didn't occur on my machine and all the tests passed. Here are the manual patches on ckan.net (the application.js change is unrelated, by someone else): {{{ diff -r adf254b7c507 ckan/public/scripts/application.js --- a/ckan/public/scripts/application.js Sat Jul 23 18:16:15 2011 +0100 +++ b/ckan/public/scripts/application.js Thu Jul 28 14:10:23 2011 +0000 @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ $(document).ready(function () { CKAN.Utils.setupUserAutocomplete($('input.autocomplete-user')); CKAN.Utils.setupAuthzGroupAutocomplete($('input.autocomplete-authzgroup')); + // $('.resource-url').parent( }); }(jQuery)); diff -r adf254b7c507 ckan/templates/_util.html --- a/ckan/templates/_util.html Sat Jul 23 18:16:15 2011 +0100 +++ b/ckan/templates/_util.html Thu Jul 28 14:10:23 2011 +0000 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ standard package listing --> <ul py:def="package_list(packages)" class="packages"> <li py:for="package in packages" - class="${'fullyopen' if (package.isopen() and package.resources) else None}"> + class="${'fullyopen' if (package.isopen and package.resources) else None}"> <div class="header"> <span class="title"> ${h.link_to(package.title or package.name, h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=package.name))} @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ </ul> </py:if> <ul class="openness"> - <py:if test="package.isopen()"> + <py:if test="package.isopen"> <li> <a href="http://opendefinition.org/okd/" title="This package satisfies the Open Definition."> <img src="http://assets.okfn.org/images/ok_buttons/od_80x15_blue.png" alt="[Open Data]" /> @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ </a> </li> </py:if> - <py:if test="not package.isopen()"> + <py:if test="not package.isopen"> <li> <span class="closed"> ${h.icon('lock')} Not Openly Licensed diff -r adf254b7c507 ckan/templates/home/index.html --- a/ckan/templates/home/index.html Sat Jul 23 18:16:15 2011 +0100 +++ b/ckan/templates/home/index.html Thu Jul 28 14:10:23 2011 +0000 @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ </py:if> <h4>Recently changed packages</h4> + <!-- ${c.latest_packages} --> ${package_list_from_dict(c.latest_packages)} <p><a href="${h.url_for(controller='revision', action='index', diff -r adf254b7c507 ckan/templates/layout_base.html --- a/ckan/templates/layout_base.html Sat Jul 23 18:16:15 2011 +0100 +++ b/ckan/templates/layout_base.html Thu Jul 28 14:10:23 2011 +0000 @@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ am_authorized_package_create = h.am_authorized(c, actions.PACKAGE_CREATE) ?> <li py:if="am_authorized_package_create">${h.nav_link(c, _('Add a package'), controller='package', action='new', id=None)}</li> + <li><a href="/storage/upload">Upload Data</a></li> <li>${h.nav_link(c, _('Tags'), controller='tag', action='index', id=None)}</li> <li>${h.nav_link(c, _('Groups'), controller='group', action='index', id=None, highlight_actions = 'new index')}</li> <li>${h.nav_link(c, _('About'), controller='home', action='about', id=None)}</li> diff -r adf254b7c507 ckan/templates/package/read.html --- a/ckan/templates/package/read.html Sat Jul 23 18:16:15 2011 +0100 +++ b/ckan/templates/package/read.html Thu Jul 28 14:10:23 2011 +0000 @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ </py:if> <li class="widget-container widget_text"> - <py:if test="c.pkg.isopen() and c.pkg.resources"> + <py:if test="c.pkg.isopen and c.pkg.resources"> <h3> This Package is Open </h3> @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ </p> </py:if> - <py:if test="not(c.pkg.isopen() and c.pkg.resources)"> + <py:if test="not(c.pkg.isopen and c.pkg.resources)"> <h3 i18n:msg="">This package is Not Open</h3> <p>Either because it is not openly licensed or is missing }}}
#377 1338206330000000 ross We have another ticket for fixing the API
#1661 1338206091000000 ross We have another ticket for upgrading dependencies.
#1615 1325774573000000 rgrp We have done several successful deploys behind a proxy server on apache. Any details of what didn't work? Worth adding details here: http://wiki.ckan.org/Deployment ?
#934 1323171047000000 thejimmyg We have other ways of solving this problem now rather than a key value store for plugins. Marking as invalid.
#1118 1311174062000000 thejimmyg We haven't ever come across this. Perhaps if you could provide an example we can re-open it. Cheers, James
#427 1294407533000000 thejimmyg We may need an updated form of the license service to support UKLP.
#754 1294408726000000 thejimmyg We may not need to do any filtering in practice but if we did, the implementation would have these stages: * Add filter attribute to harvest source entity * Add filter field to harvest source form * Construct and send filtered CSW GetRecords request Thus these tickets can now be marked as duplicated: #755 #756 #759.
#2698 1343914688000000 aron.carroll We need an api endpoint that can render a markdown string on submission. * Client posts a string of text to the endpoint. * Server responds with a 200, text/html response containing the rendered markdown. * Server returns a 400 and empty body if the content is not valid markdown. * Server returns a 500 and empty body if something else crashes. Alternatively for better error handling we could use a JSON transport. * Client posts a blob of json containing a "content" key with the markdown string. * Server returns a 200 (application/json) and blob of json with a "content" key with the rendered markdown. * Server returns a 400 (application/json) and blob of json with a "error" key containing a useful message for the user. * Server returns a 500 (application/json) and blob of json with a "error" key containing a useful message for the user.
#796 1291640040000000 rgrp We no longer have an alpha page due to refactor of search and usage of search for list view (see ticket:847 and subtickets).
#346 1296477510000000 dread We no longer use the "Gdu" SoS doc.
#736 1304937755000000 thejimmyg We now check WMS links. The CSW link checking could be more robust. New proposal is: Check that a URL with a / is treated the same way as one without. Treated as the same if same port, scheme, domain and path (ie query string and fragment are ignored, port is normalised away)
#803 1314031451000000 dread We now use nose to test migrations instead.
#1383 1319405579000000 kindly We only added the Iresourceurlchange interface as we made the IDomainObjectModification include the Package.
#1468 1322591997000000 dread We originally talked about a command-line interface for deleting packages. I've done this here: #1499. Note: you can update the search index from a paster shell, simply by doing this before running your commands that edit packages: {{{ from ckan import plugins plugins.load('synchronous_search') }}}
#1608 1325586861000000 ross We should consider some admin dashboard hooks for data such as total file storage usage+count
#2699 1342788074000000 toby We should look at this next weekish
#1321 1319558004000000 dread We should not cache if there are flash messages to show (otherwise they get queued up for the next non-cached page view). Fixed in cset:945e2a6ce74f for release 1.5
#1037 1303117000000000 thejimmyg We spent last week integrating the new harvesting architecture and testing the code but there are still some areas that need looking at * The source type and label should be part of the plugin, not named in DGU. * Need warnings if a document changes but its date doesn't -> do we have these? * I noticed there are some tests in DGU, should these perhaps be in ckanext-harvest? * If active is False, the job should not be put on the queue * Log if the wrong type of URL is entered as an error the user can see * Deny if the source is already registered * Overwrite all extras, not just merge new ones. * During the import stage use iswms.py to add an extra during import if it is a WMS so that we can add a link to the WMS later https://gist.github.com/900878 * Can errors/warnings be logged in the import stage? Do all fetched documents get passed to import in one go?
#489 1294416189000000 wwaites We still do need something like this. Right now the rdf generation is a cron job that crawls the API. Really we want two things: * only generate RDF for those packages that have changed * enable multiple client/worker processes, potentially run by third parties, to generate different parts of the RDF description. For example, it is reasonable that we generate the DCat representation ourselves, however the voiD authors (DCat is generic, voiD is about RDF datasets in particular) want to generate the voiD-specific annotations themselves and contribute it back to augment the catalogue. Another example: group curators may also want to annotate packages in their group with group-specific metadata. Yet another example: checks on the coherence, availability, quality, openness, etc. of a package should be done from time to time or when a package changes, which can result in further annotations (see the curate tool). Because of the "third party" aspect we cannot do this with the internal package representation and the rabbit queue. Most likely it is feasible to do this by looking at the revisions in the API to get all changes since the last time a script was run in which case most likely the answer is, yes, there is nothing to do here and the ticket can be closed.
#318 1296482049000000 wwaites We still require form validation to check URIs. They are not free-form strings. This is not the same as 852 or necessarily included in it.
#662 1299755259000000 dread We want this fixed for CLG customer (DGU), so have put in a quick fix into branch 3.1.2 cset:0010a709edf0 (and merged to default) as a stopgap whilst new forms are on their way.
#963 1297850773000000 thejimmyg We will also remove all the different pip files as part of this fixing #982 at the same time.
#691 1294413993000000 thejimmyg We'd also discuss package relationships ideas with JF so closing #444.
#691 1294413010000000 thejimmyg We'd also fold up continuous series in search results behind newest sample package. So closing #749.
#985 1303118298000000 thejimmyg We'd like CKAN to CKAN harvesting this week if possible.
#904 1299840539000000 rgrp We're already now into improving the docs and ticket:927 is now reasonably detailed.
#1723 1328533040000000 seanh We're not going to update the existing tag and package classes (as long as they don't break), going to add our own functional tests in a new file instead.
#1594 1338203215000000 johnglover We're not using super tickets any more so closing this, most of the smaller tickets are still open however.
#1022 1299512991000000 pudo We're now using fileConfig to configure the logger API from the worker config file and this enables us to use SMTPHandler to send out error messages on queue processing failures. Marking as fixed.
#466 1282921608000000 dread We've agreed that we need another header for this, although it's not clear that it needs to be configurable. We could just accept Authorization OR the new one.
#2434 1341234522000000 seanh We've moved to AWS hosting with docs generated by Jenkins instead, see: http://trac.okfn.org/ticket/1254 There are still two issues to resolve: 1. Automatically updating the symlink so that docs.ckan.org always redirects to the latest stable version 2. Finding somewhere to put links to all the other versions
#2601 1340960128000000 ross We've taken steps to make sure that users can't add datasets without a group, and can't remove a dataset from a group (without deleting it). Will submit patch to restrict adding without group.
#1551 1346662048000000 ross Webstore appears to hav been deprecated in favour of datastore.
#982 1297518386000000 anonymous Well we could transfer all the dependencies and version numbers to a config file for the fabfile, but we don't achieve much.
#1141 1318862773000000 johnglover Well, it runs on datacatalogs.org with the current default so CKAN 1.5, but it needs quite a bit of updating to work with all of the new 1.5 UI changes, and as it has been a low priority for quite a while I haven't scheduled time to work on it. Really I would need to spend a few days on it to tidy it up for standard 1.5.
#1456 1324472178000000 dread Went into 1.5.1 release
#340 1328807317000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.0.2?
#1236 1330019788000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.4.3
#1586 1324480384000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.5.1
#1493 1324474360000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.5.1.
#1502 1324480415000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.5.1.
#191 1330020677000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1425 1330085282000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1528 1330020444000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1536 1330020599000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1547 1330084379000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1630 1330085600000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1396 1330086237000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1413 1330020486000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1695 1330085001000000 dread Went into CKAN release 1.6
#1378 1324047835000000 dread Went into release 1.5.1
#816 1312192499000000 rgrp What about idea of 'model' refactor for resource, specifically to have: * format: human created format string with possible nesting e.g. zip:csv * kind: file | api | example | service * mimetype: standard mimetype (e.g. for zipped csv would be application/zip) * mimetype-inner: mimetype of innermost object (so for example would be text/csv) See http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2011-April/001139.html
#1409 1319306802000000 rgrp What do we do for people without email addresses (no gravatar or a standard anonymous one?)
#2254 1332343198000000 toby What do we want to be able to do? what do we use the stream stuff for at the moment? la la la
#2781 1343907075000000 aron.carroll What do you mean by "hiding behind that black rectangle"? Just tried it locally with the text "Welcome to the CKAN demo Try out standard CKAN functionality in a sandbox environment. Search for datasets directly from the homepage or by navigating to the Datasets search page where you can facet by tags, groups and format." and it renders okay…
#1792 1332872069000000 dread What is the changeset for this? There is evidence of a branch "enhancement-1792-api-logic" but perhaps this name got fast-forwarded out through a bad merge? Is this merged into 1.6.1 release?
#1177 1307360643000000 rgrp What revision of the CKAN code are you using (do hg id to get revision if installing from source). Have you modified the package template in any way? Have you restarted apache after upgrading?
#466 1294411633000000 thejimmyg What was the original requirement? What's wrong with the current HTTP header name? Can we not mark this as wontfix for now and re-open if needed?
#954 1300447466000000 thejimmyg What would also be really nice is a `help` key in the response which was always returned unless a query parameter of `?help=False` was sent. The help text could explain what the response meant but more importantly would show examples of other calls you can make with the IDs returned such that the whole API is discoverable without anyone ever needing to read any docs! It also means the API documentation is more likely to be up to date since it will be obvious to developers when it isn't. With help=False, the JSON can have all whitespace stripped too for production use. I also think there should be no distinction between GET and POST so that people can easily link to API calls if they want to.
#1141 1318862183000000 dread What's the status of this now? The ckanext-moderatededits README still says you need a branch of ckan. Can you say which version of CKAN is required instead? I say we close this if ajax call is now in a better place in the API. (I expect it is now, with the logic layer).
#1109 1305123852000000 dread What's the status?
#1401 1326460993000000 dread When javascript calls other scripts, it misses the mount-point prefix. e.g. application.js has hard-coded URL /api/2/util/is_slug_valid The URL prefix is stored in request.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] so perhaps this value should be put in the HTML somewhere for the javascript to get at?
#2322 1339749795000000 rgrp When will this go live? Will this be in v1.7.1?
#476 1294411741000000 thejimmyg Where did this requirement come from? Setting to wontfix for the timebeing. Feel free to re-open if there is a clear use case for this.
#2432 1338325120000000 shevski Where do new tickets go to await triaging? Is priority set by whoever creates the ticket? Does this get revised? Will we have a field for dev time estimate or where will this go?
#489 1294414420000000 thejimmyg Which RDF service? Why does it need model events? Will, any ideas or shall I close it? Thanks.
#2900 1346335788000000 seanh Why does this only happen on user profile pages and not dataset search page or group read page? Looks like maybe only user profile page uses the package_list.html snippet
#1613 1325866393000000 rgrp Why is this a problem. It is a very minor annoyance. I'd strongly vote for deferring and, if necessary at all, integrating with #1506 (UX improvements).
#2734 1343121017000000 shevski Wierd. It always breaks for me. Maybe we go through this on skype. I just did it with a non-admin account. Steps: 1. Create new dataset. Name whatever, resource it a link (I use http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2734) e.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/format-error-test 2. Once you've *finished* the dataset creation process you are on the main dataset page. Click on the resource you added. 3. Click on "edit" 4. Change resource field to "html," for example and click on "update resource" 5. Error shows, clicking on "update resource" doesn't do anything. How about I do it and you watch via screen share?
#509 1285757116000000 dread Will Waites did this a couple of weeks agoWill Waites did this a couple of weeks ago
#429 1285757274000000 dread Will Waites fixed this a couple of weeks ago
#2346 1338205553000000 johnglover Will create a separate ticket for 'organization' to 'publisher' renaming, the rest are done.
#1508 1323168583000000 shevski Will deploy ext-spatial, need to build geo-search for DGU for searching for UKLP datasets - will discuss at next meeting
#1400 1329746131000000 johnglover Will document and update wiki this sprint then ping Mark about a blog post.
#2302 1335516537000000 ross Will eventually want to allow customisation of different CSS but designs are currently under review/change.
#1194 1317053688000000 dread Will go into ckan 1.5.
#496 1299164106000000 thejimmyg Will has implemented this now and OS have confirmed their export to GeoNetwork works.
#191 1305732285000000 dread Will's suggestion is to have "modified_since" param, just as we have for Revision Search. Maybe we don't need a range. 'Order by modification' should be on by default for queries with 'modified_since' param.
#449 1294411301000000 thejimmyg Will, if this is something you are interested in do you want to kick it off. Otherwise maybe close the ticket?
#789 1294248289000000 thejimmyg Will, this means that we just get given a URL to harvest from and we need to determine whether it is a CSW or a WAF. Can you look at this please? The code may already do it, I'm not sure.
#1594 1328000053000000 rgrp With #1583 done this is lower priority so deferring into next major milestone.
#1451 1322568784000000 dread With the cron job setup, maybe this is best left as an extension. The core CKAN was designed to be mean and lean.
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