{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (601 - 700 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1069 enhancement tobes rgrp assigned Stub datasets (request for datasets)

Idea is to have stubs for datasets that someone wants but don't yet exist (or haven't been discovered) in the way one has stub pages on a wiki.

We could do this within the existing model by a slight 'abuse' - create a dataset and mark it with a special tag e.g. todo.does-not-yet-exist or similar ...

(Just as we have datasets listed that exist but aren't available ...)

Alternative would be to have a request for datasets subsystem.

I prefer the stub dataset model because it's simpler, provides a simple workflow (as a dataset is found or comes into existence), and the package page provides a natural space in which to accumulate information about what is wanted and what exists.


  • Agree a new dedicated tag. e.g. todo.does-not-exist
1301666919000000 1340632215000000
#923 defect rgrp dread closed worksforme Search box doesn't work in leaderboard page
  1. Go to: http://ckan.net/stats/leaderboard#content
  2. In the far top-right of the browser, select the search box in 'water'.
  3. Press enter to search. Nothing happens.

Tried in: chrome, firefox

1295867328000000 1340632144000000
#301 enhancement rgrp assigned Package discussion pages

A package discussion page is like a wikipedia discussion page: an editable free text page for people to have discussion/post comments about a given package.

It provides a way for people to make suggestions about a package without needing access to main package.

1272301033000000 1340632055000000
#1137 enhancement kindly rgrp assigned Remove need for statefulness in vdm

Statefulness, especially statefulness for relation (esp m2m) is cause of most of the complexity in vdm. It is required because, atm, revision objects have FKs to continuity objects.

This ticket proposes the following changes:

NB: this could be limited just to case of join tables (leaving state stuff on other tables)

  • Remove FKs from revision to continuity (or allow for them to be nullable).
    • We could just limit this to m2m stuff
  • Delete of an object leads to:
    • Deletion of continuity object
    • Adding an entry in revision table with state set to deleted (we retain state on revision table)

If this is done we will no longer need to worry about filtering on state on relationships as join table will only contain "active" relationships.

If we do this on all tables we remove need for any state awareness in client (e.g. no need to filter tables on active state).

The only disadvantage of this change is that undeletion becomes more problematic (we have to recreate some continuity objects).

1305211628000000 1340631974000000
#285 enhancement rgrp assigned Paginate list of packages on tag read page

Is this worth doing? On hmg.ckan.net start to have a lot of packages with a given tag ...

1270664606000000 1340631923000000
#272 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Atom/RSS feeds for individual tags and groups

I want to be able to easily check when a package is added (or removed?) from a given tag or groups. To do this I would like access to an Atom/RSS feed for a given tag or group.

  • This would allow people to embed feed widgets in other places
1268988652000000 1340631775000000
#250 enhancement icmurray dread ckan-v1.9 assigned RDF link in Atom feed

Add link to RDF representation of a package in our Atom feed.

1266507695000000 1340631430000000
#2534 defect amercader seanh ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate ckanext-spatial is broken with CKAN 1.8b

Looks like recent cleanups in CKAN broke an import in the extension:


1339754762000000 1340631124000000
#235 enhancement tobes dread ckan-v1.9 assigned Resource format normalization and detection

Try to gather proper MIME information for all package resources in CKAN. This is a shared ticket with dcat-tools (https://bitbucket.org/pudo/dcat-tools), i.e. opendatasearch.org. This can then also be used by ckanrdf, the CKAN RDF conversion service.


  • Create a Google Spreadsheet with two Worksheets: "MIME-Mappings", i.e. "CSV" -> "text/csv" and "Name mappings", i.e. "text/csv" -> "Comma-Separated Spreadsheet".
  • Collect and map surface forms from all CKANs
  • Access this via Swiss and apply, store as a PackageResource? extra field pending #826 (Resource extras).
  • Add heuristics for format auto-detections:
    • Map well-known file extensions
    • Recognize obvious magic (Zip, Tar)
    • Peek into Zipfile/Tarfiles?
  • Define a convention for generic data types (many CKAN packages have only "Spreadsheet" defined, either detect specific type or set MIME to */tabular-data or similar)
  • See also: #816 (Autocomplete for the resource format field)
1263827604000000 1340627624000000
#2380 enhancement ross ross opendatasuite 1 closed duplicate DataGM Upgrade

Provide a new test install of DataGM based on the ODS demo site being completed through June.

1337002144000000 1340627558000000
#193 enhancement rgrp dread closed wontfix Searching by time-related field

Cost - 2 days

Search interface has new options to filter and sort the results by the time-related field of the package. Search options are included in both Web UI and Search API.

The filter specifies a range of dates. The results can be sorted by ascending or descending dates. The last modification date is surfaced in the package. Need to decide for a time-related field value that is date range, what date is used for the search.

Example search parameters:

reldate-range=5/4/09- Exclude packages related to earlier than 5/4/09
reldate-range=5/4/09-5/12/09 Exclude packages related to date outside of 5/4/09-5/12/09
order_by=reldate Sort by date package is related to. Defaults to newest first.
order_by=reldate-newest Sort by date package is related to, newest first.
order_by=reldate-oldest Sort by date package is related to, oldest first.

Related to ticket:192

1258388169000000 1340626463000000
#84 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-future assigned Revert support on versioned objects

Basic revert in the classic wiki form is already support by purging a Revision. However may wish to support:

  1. Cases where multiple objects changed in a revision but only want to revert 1 (low priority)
  2. Want to revert but have reversion as a new revision of that object.

Seems low priority at present.

Cost: ?

1248339543000000 1340626385000000
#1023 defect pudo pudo closed wontfix Re-queueing of worker requests with errors

Schedule worker calls to be ran several times, with certain intervals.

1299493179000000 1340626231000000
#1007 defect pudo pudo closed wontfix Backport WDMMG translations for extensions i18n

Needed to allow extensions to be internationalized in the code and in templates. Requires in-template i18n domain switching which is broken between Genshi and Pylons, thus needs this hackish class.

cf. https://bitbucket.org/okfn/wdmmg/src/198841e770e5/wdmmg/config/environment.py#cl-16

1298630621000000 1340626203000000
#526 requirement pudo pudo closed wontfix Integrate validation tool into the registry

Assumes 8 is done:

  1. Tool for validation an IATI XML record (referenced by a URL) for compliance with the IATI specification
  • Outside of scope of registry
  • Multiple validators with different levels of rigour
1282894300000000 1340626152000000
#882 defect pudo pudo closed wontfix Update i18n user docs and backport genshi i18n:domain fixes from WDMMG 1293192044000000 1340626094000000
#2585 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Escape solr control characters in search queries, add advanced search screen

Suggestion from David Read:

We noticed that some search queries produce unexpected search results in CKAN, due to them containing special characters. For example if you were to search for "Spend over £25,000 - NHS Leeds" then it would not come up with the dataset with that exact name. It was excluding datasets with the word "NHS" due to the dash/minus sign. It works fine if you escape the minus sign: "Spend over £25,000 \- NHS Leeds".

So in data.gov.uk I've added escaping of such control characters in our plugin and this useful routine:


Perhaps you would consider providing this in CKAN core in future?

I think there is an occasional case when power users would want to use the special characters - brackets, +, -, boolean operators etc. but maybe these could be reserved for an 'advanced search' screen?

1340360773000000 1340625078000000
#2582 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Do not hide notes / readme on dataset pages

Current we hide most of readme and then let users reveal it. Stop doing this and if necessary add a quick link down to resources section. (Maybe also rename resources to Data and Resources ...?)

Aside: believe I have mentioned this somewhere a month + ago but could not find the ticket.

1340312340000000 1340625009000000
#2529 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new DataHub (or CKAN) widgets

Simple widgets in pure JS. For example:

  • Count of datasets in a group (could generalise to a query but not sure how useful that is ...)
  • Embeddable list of top X (5) datasets for a given query
  • Embeddable list of *my* datasets

Either these live at: {site}/widgets and we have some kind of generator (form where I choose my group, or my query).

Or: we have this attached to areas of site where relevant.

Can combine the 2 so that the latter links to the former. Think first will be easier to do and possibly more useful long-term (e.g. can just link people to that page).

Cf. http://okfnlabs.org/ckanjs/

1339750049000000 1340624917000000
#2520 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 assigned Document undocumented config options

There are 21 undocumented config options in CKAN, some of which are not mentioned in the config file template either:

ckan.admin.name ckan.admin.email ckan.default.group_type ckan.page_cache_enabled ckan.cache_enabled ckan.cache_expires ckan.extra_resource_fields ckan.extra_resource_group_fields ckan.storage.key_prefix ckan.storage.max_content_length ckan.feeds.authority_name * ckan.feeds.date * ckan.feeds.author_name * ckan.feeds.author_link * ckan.mail_from ckan.gravatar_default * ckan.plugins ckan.api_url ckan.auth.profile ckan.datastore.enabled ckan.tracking_enabled

There are also some options that are in the default deployment.ini even though they're deprecated:

ckan.async_notifier carrot_messaging_library ckan.build_search_index_synchronously

See email to ckan-dev from David Read: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-June/002447.html

It'd be best if the docs could be automatically pulled from the source into sphinx using autodoc, see #1358

1339588368000000 1340624908000000
#2495 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Stats page has lost styling ...


1339056932000000 1340624905000000
#2370 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 assigned Add examples of all config settings in default config file

The default config file should contains examples (maybe commented out) for all config variables. Makes it easier to edit the config. For example openid_enabled is not in there.

1336042237000000 1340624662000000
#2335 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 assigned Unicode characters don't work in CKAN ini files

You get a UnicodeDecodeError?, looks like it tries to decode the ini file as ascii. This is a problem because someone might try to set their site description to something with an umlaut in it, for example.

1335789726000000 1340624635000000
#2337 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 assigned Sort out ini file confusion in docs

For example if you follow the source install instructions then you have development.ini, then when you go onto Post-Installation Setup it talks about std.ini. People don't realise that these files are the same.

Either fix the docs or fix CKAN to use same ini file names in package and source installs/

1335797876000000 1340624600000000
#2334 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.9 assigned Improved data import

Placeholder for thinking about this ...

  • Allow users to configure info for CSV import (e.g. separators, quotes etc)
1335651662000000 1340624538000000
#2333 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Introduce new resource type datastore

This is a resource that is *just* in the datastore. At the moment there are hacky ways to do this (create resource with meaningless URL etc) but we should do this properly:

  • New Option: DataStore? Table in add a resource form
  • URL field is disabled (or points at /api/data or something rather pointless)
  • Download button is disabled
    • Better would be to find a way to serialize an ES table or stream it ...
1335651360000000 1340624473000000
#2328 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Link to Catalog API for each Dataset, Group and Tag

At the moment no way for a normal user to find JSON versions of this material. Would it be worth adding back a link somewhere on the page?

1335442501000000 1340624331000000
#2321 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Use resource names/titles in URLs

Would make them much nicer but requires:

  • Ensure uniqueness (or deal with ambiguity)
  • (?) Slug/names versus titles
    • Aside: what is currently called name should probably be title
1335236412000000 1340624174000000
#2320 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Introduce new state: archived

Some datasets become obsolete: e.g. http://datahub.io/dataset/uncdb Do not want to delete them but want them marked as archived or deprecated or something.

1335211949000000 1340624119000000
#2319 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed wontfix Better auto-complete for groups on dataset edit page

Use jquery chosen?

1335211353000000 1340624083000000
#2294 defect kindly rgrp ckan-v1.9 assigned Unauthorized action on Data API gets 302 rather than 401 or similar

Well known issue that 401 *in API* end up with 302 redirect to login page (which makes no sense and is very confusing for clients).

Fix this by ensuring that error messsages on API get passed through correctly.

Minor because affect is annoying but not terminal

1334432104000000 1340624003000000
#2309 enhancement ross ckan-v1.8 closed wontfix Organizations review with SH

Review organizations code with Sean and explain the key parts.

1334591679000000 1340623966000000
#2283 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed wontfix [super] Data Previewer / Viewer v3
  • Basic geo map
  • Facets
  • Filtering
  • Pivot table support (?)
  • Export data (?)
  • Save data query and share
  • More and better graphing
  • Embedding! - /resource/../embed

User stories and analysis: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/feature-2283-data-viewer-v3

1334138341000000 1340623843000000
#1778 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future assigned Replace classmethod's with module-level functions

In many places we have @classmethods where simple module-level functions would do (and would be more idiomatic in Python), e.g. the get() classmethods in the model/ classes.

Doing it with module functions lets us type module.function() instead of module.Class.method().

In many cases we're importing classes directly with from module import Class and then doing Class.method(), but from module import foo is bad style: http://docs.python.org/dev/howto/doanddont.html

1328543614000000 1340623743000000
#2584 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 1 closed fixed edit profile needs new theme

http://localhost:5000/user/edit/<my user name>

1340359925000000 1340620576000000
#2576 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 1 closed fixed resource side box in dataset resource view broken

assuming you have datahub data


also the breadcrumb becomes overly long too

1340199857000000 1340617688000000
#2528 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Create demo edit dataset page



1339686982000000 1340617176000000
#2426 enhancement kindly seanh ckan-v1.9 new Get rid of CKAN's formalchemy dependency 1337946462000000 1340616095000000
#2351 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-ecportal closed fixed Install EC Portal on CentOS

Install and document (step-by-step) CKAN (and dependencies, and extensions) onto VM on s031.okserver.org which has CentOS 6.2 installed. Paying particular attention to the fact that we won't have root access on the staging nor production servers, and so a) anything that requires root access must be documented carefully; and b) we want to be able to perform maintenance without being root.


We want to have non-root access to:

  • CKAN logs; (relevant) apache logs; qa process' logs; rdf cron logs
  • restarting CKAN
  • restarting qa processes
  • changing/disabling rdf cronjob
  • our database (through sql)
  • restarting solr

CKAN and Dependencies

  • CKAN installed from source
  • Required plugins: synchronous_search ecportal ecportal_form organizations multilingual_dataset multilingual_group multilingual_tag qa

Extra configuration

  • uploads
  • analytics (toby)
  • qa
  • rdf cron
  • caching
  • datastore

Things to remember

  • Use ckanext/multilingual/solr/schema.xml and stopword files
  • Use nginx as proxy.
1335883455000000 1340615641000000
#2558 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Demo site add dataset has missing functionality
  • Needs tags
  • Needs groups
  • Needs slug
  • Licenses links to something
  • Needs tooltips (Ira to write some tooltips)
1340035280000000 1340615257000000
#2517 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Test installation instructions for EC ODP on CentOS 6.2 1339581689000000 1340613194000000
#2586 enhancement toby toby demo phase 1 closed fixed edit dataset - tags broken

tags is list not string

1340361630000000 1340380561000000
#2587 enhancement shevski toby demo phase 1 closed fixed author/maintainer not shown if email missing

is this the expected behaviour seems crap to me, should we just see the author but just no link

1340369450000000 1340376975000000
#2440 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Create demo homepage





1338206405000000 1340373461000000
#2566 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 1 closed fixed add back buttons to create dataset process 1340039366000000 1340373308000000
#2501 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Implement three step dataset creation in demo site

New form should allow three steps.

  1. Add basic fields to create a dataset
  2. Add a data resource to the dataset (this can be repeated multiple times using "Save and add another"
  3. Add final metadata to the dataset.

It should be possible to jump backward through the steps by clicking the arrows at the top. Errors in fields should be validated for each step when the next button is clicked.



1339084829000000 1340373057000000
#2571 enhancement kindly toby demo phase 1 closed fixed implement logic.action.create.resource_create()

This function is incomplete

If you want I can do this but I need guidance over how to do this properly. ie would I go through lib.dictization.model_save.package_resource_list_save() which looks wrong to me as I'd need the package. resource_dict_save() seems better but to be honest the total lack of docstrings etc makes me feel ill.

1340102259000000 1340369783000000
#2523 enhancement toby toby demo phase 1 closed fixed New package metadata form needs creating


Controller : package Action : new_metadata

template package/snippets/package_metadata_form.html

1339605176000000 1340368036000000
#2349 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Make sure semantic.datahub.io gets created

[x] Redeploy Sparql endpoint

Done at linkeddata.openlinksw.com/sparql

[x] Make sure it is available at datahub.io/sparql or semantic.datahub.io/sparql

[x] Generate daily dumps

[x] Make dumps available via web

[x] Notify Hugh once running

[x] Announce to LD guys

[x] Think about how we can apply this to publicdata.eu (can we do the same?) ... (being done elsewhere)

1335880412000000 1340356629000000
#2500 defect ross icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed get_action should raise an exception if the action requested doesn't exist

Original bug report:

Hi CKAN devs,

Can I request that ckan.logic.get_action raises an exception if the action requested doesn't exist?

Two of us had a frustrating time tracking down an exception this morning. It's difficult when the exception is raised in python in a template because you don't get a line number. The problem was caused by a new logic function being added to another extension, and we hadn't updated the code there. So if get_action raised an proper exception rather than silently returning None then I think we'd have found the problem quicker.

I'd write the code for this, but as I understand that the new system would require a ticket, branch, pull request, code review, merge. It seems a lot to do for such a small thing.


1339072580000000 1340293636000000
#2374 enhancement ross dread ckan-v1.8 closed worksforme tag search paging

Currently in the logic function tag_search you can specify limit and offset, but no count is returned. Therefore pagination is not possible for tag results. This is desired though.

1336154025000000 1340287976000000
#2484 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed move follower functionality into helper functions 1338547770000000 1340285964000000
#2293 defect ross rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Rename of Group results in disappearance of associated datasets from group page

Rename of group makes all the datasets associated with the group disappear on the group listing page. (But they are still there if you look at edit).

Suspect this is because we are using group name (rather than id!!) in the search index ...

As group rename should be rare I'm marking this as minor though actual effect is major.

Assigning to rossjones for review and cost assessment.

1334432078000000 1340266982000000
#2365 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Investigation of multisite

What would as a multisite CKAN look like?

This is really part of the work around turnkey/hosted CKAN

1335889911000000 1340266964000000
#2556 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Update module styles on the demo theme

They've become inconsistent as the design has changed.

  • Remove white stripe
  • Make text sizes consistent
  • Make white space around text boxes consistent
1340035028000000 1340212090000000
#1244 enhancement dread assigned Notes field carriage-returns converted to CRLF

When you edit a package in the web form, if the notes field had \n as the End Of Line symbol, it gets lost when you preview or save the package, and the notes field is displayed all on one line.

This can be seen when editing annakarenina (as created by 'paster create-test-data'). The diff shows for example:

- Some test notes
+ Some test notes
?                +

but it would more clearly be shown as:

- Some test notes\n
+ Some test notes
?                ++

This is a significant problem with DGU, since a lot comes in via the API.

It's not clear what we should do about it. We could standardise on \n or \r\n when the form submission comes in. Do different browsers on different platforms do different things with EOLs?


Displaying the package: the Markdown processor respects both EOLs when displaying the field, putting each line in a <p> tag.

Creating the package edit form: placed into <textfield>.

Browser displaying package edit form: <textfield> displays \n and \r\n as EOL. But \n\n gets compressed to one EOL. But on submission, both are returned as \r\n.

Receiving the edited package: Somewhere along the line the EOL gets converted to \n\n.

1311689456000000 1340191253000000
#1314 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned ckanclient search - generator improvements

Apparently the search generator always makes two requests, even if you don't want to see the search results, which might be slow. Can this be optimised?

Maybe we should also provide a second search function that doesn't use the generator - the original simple search function (that leaves the user to deal with limit & offset).

1315395410000000 1340191233000000
#1317 defect dread ckan-backlog assigned password reset - improve user search

In password reset, it gets confused if you have two similar users. This is because with the string the user provides, it searches several fields, not just name but also fullname and email address, allowing you to search for these. But only name is unique.

Specific problem: Ira searches for "Irina" then it finds both: <User name=irina fullname=Irina [email protected] ] and <User name=shevski fullname=Ira email=> (I think)

Maybe need to choose which field it searches?

1315415539000000 1340191221000000
#1322 enhancement dread assigned Action API improvements

Focusing on improving Action API as the v3 API:

  • have an optional parameter of the data_dict called "options". Options would contain items that would get passed into the context. e.g. {"options" : {"ref_package_by": "id"}}.
  • instead of using API version to change the way packages are referenced, use the ref_package_by.
  • All package_show, group_show etc. to accept an object 'name' as an alternative to object 'id'.
  • Action API is v3 of api, replacement for v1 & v2. Default for most urls is still v1, but if url is /api/action then default to v3.

Next steps:

  • Add search API (package, resource,
  • Add Util API
  • Clarify JSONP still applies
  • Add doc strings, clarifying parameters
1315474749000000 1340191088000000
#1328 defect minspamboks@… assigned Unicode & paster commands

A possible bug in CKAN when I tried deleting users using "paster --plugin=ckan user delete" command.

To reproduce the bug do the following:

  1. Create a user with an ID (which in my case was a user's full name)

that contains non-unicode caracters like Norwegian "æ", "ø", or "å".

  1. Make sure that you can see something like the example below:

(pyenv) rm@mycomputer:$ paster --plugin=ckan user Users: name=Rustæm

  1. Then try deleting the user with following command:

(pyenv) rm@mycomputer:$ paster --plugin=ckan user delete "Rustæm"

You should now get a python encoding error. I know that this is quite rare case, but in our case it caused some trouble. Could you guys have a look at this bug?

CKAN ver. 1.3.3.

1315823110000000 1340191065000000
#1460 enhancement rgrp assigned Improve extensions documentation

Current extensions documentation needs some work: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/plugins.html

  • Queue extension section may now be out of date (?)
  • Think about how it integrates with https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-example (especially tutorial and example extension)
  • Document all plugin points (auto-extract from CKAN source??)
1321114523000000 1340191001000000
#1444 defect dread dread ckan-future closed wontfix Language detection defaults to en_us?

Using curl you always get English, even if ckan.locale_default=de. Find out why. (1.5b)

Maybe we should disable locale detection for this release if lots of people's browsers don't have it set correctly (e.g. chinese with us internet explorer)

1320432634000000 1340190852000000
#1509 defect dread assigned Mis-dated old revisions of datasets

e.g. http://thedatahub.org/dataset/osm%402011-07-12T12%3A16%3A47.590358 gives:

This is the current revision of this dataset, as edited at 2011-07-12 12:16.

but it should say the date 2011-07-12 (which is the data being displayed).

The problem is looking at PackageRevision?, when it might be a tag or extra.

1323090398000000 1340190814000000
#1452 enhancement dread dread closed wontfix Offer detected browser language, rather than auto-switch

There are issues with setting the site's language according to the browser detection:

  • Many browsers have the language setting incorrectly set. e.g. people who download US versions of Mozilla, pirated US copies in the far east.
  • Although thedatahub.org has a worldwide audience, many CKAN instances are designed for a particular country's citizens. So Open Berlin should probably be in German as default for all.

I suggest the site should have a default language saved in the config. The browser language *should* be detected, and that prompts a flash message offering to change to that language. And if you change language that is saved in the cookie (as we currently do).

Then do some testing to see if this suits people.

1320682652000000 1340190587000000
#1689 enhancement kindly dread assigned List deleted datasets in API

The admin extension allows deleted datasets to be viewed, but there is no equivalent in the API. The package_list API call filters to just 'state=active' datasets.

'state' could be a parameter on the package_list call

  • Easy to call and implement
  • But getting permissions right for the different state values may not be easy - maybe a separate logic function is better?
1327062214000000 1340190040000000
#2312 enhancement ross ross ckan-future closed duplicate Analysis of how datasets could belong to users instead of Groups


Currently datasets can only be part of a group but that is quite heavyweight when a single user wants to upload a single dataset. To resolve this it would be great if a dataset could be attached to a user directly - find out how.

1334663770000000 1340188765000000
#2323 enhancement ross ross ckan-backlog closed fixed Auto-complete in organizations

Apparently auto-complete in Organizations may not work. Check and fix.

See https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/5eca7d5e37c0ef392b768b8b3768b2c3f93448b5

1335274354000000 1340188400000000
#1652 enhancement kindly ross ckan-backlog assigned How we intergrate with Drupal Multiligual?
  • Analysis of how/where we can integrate with Drupal Multilingual
  • Is it likely to access CKAN via /en/data/... or /data/en/... (not sure, probably former) and we need to make sure that it ends up at /en/...
  • Check with Ian for other issues.
1326709894000000 1340187535000000
#2557 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Demo issues on the search dataset page
  • Crosses have disappeared
  • Formats should stretch across the page
1340035222000000 1340185609000000
#2567 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 1 closed fixed remove resource type field from add data step

No real need/use for this for demo/ODS yet

1340039447000000 1340120447000000
#2564 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 1 closed fixed Updates to additional info fields on datasets

E.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/adur_district_spending/resource/04127ad5-77e5-4a08-9f40-12d3c383e460

When there are no maintainer/contact details or extra fields we should hide the additional info box completely. Otherwise hide the last updated and licence fields which are already displayed in sidebar.

Update sidebar to provide context - so 'CSV' -> 'CSV format' + 'unknown' -> 'Last updated: unknown'

1340038534000000 1340118952000000
#2524 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-ecportal new If there are no translation files for selected language fall back to default lang.

If a user selects a language there are no mo files for then an error is raised. Revert to default language instead.

1339609048000000 1340117608000000
#2425 enhancement kindly seanh ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Get rid of CKAN's flup dependency 1337946421000000 1340117561000000
#2527 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed wontfix Implement a method of loading templates into the demo site

JavaScript? needs to be able to insert html templates into the document.

There are three common solutions to templating at the moment.

  1. Insert the html into <script> tags at the bottom of the page and pull them in using the DOM and innerHTML. This is a very simple solution but not very portable.
  2. Request the HTML snippets as plain text/html using XHR. This adds an extra HTTP request per template but is very clean. It would also be possible to inline the HTML into the JS at the minification stage for production.
  3. Include the HTML in JavaScript? strings (horrible to maintain and bloats the js)

It makes sense to keep these with the other templates so that we can take advantage of localisation where possible. This indicates 1 or 2.

1339682884000000 1340116130000000
#2565 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 1 closed fixed Social links to open in new tab/JS lightbox

Share this (twitter/fb) links open in new tab (no JS) or nice lightbox of some description in demo

1340039322000000 1340116053000000
#1737 enhancement icmurray rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Expose solr-based search API

Super ticket: #1745

Required for some improvements to UX (such as autocomplete and better search).

1328014626000000 1340112732000000
#2568 enhancement aron.carroll shevski ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Crop/shorten titles in breadcrumb headings

So that they don't interfere with buttons such as here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/afterfibre/resource/5d19f9fa-c5a4-426c-84de-c624d6e8c3b3

1340039534000000 1340108132000000
#2570 enhancement aron.carroll shevski ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed add 'back to dataset' button to resource pages

Suggest making this consistent with http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/adur_district_spending/related by adding same button in top right of resource pages

1340039680000000 1340107841000000
#2433 defect toby toby ckan-v1.8 new API uses name not id for some version 3 calls

see https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/5

1337957648000000 1340099820000000
#2363 enhancement toby kindly ckan-v1.8 new Documentation of best caching practice.

Need better documentation on best practices in making page loads faster for non logged in users.

1335889017000000 1340099794000000
#2257 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new cleanup template vars

look at reducing what is pulled into templates eg ckan.lib.helpers ensure that these changes don't break existing extensions etc

1332513307000000 1340097071000000
#2344 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Get jenkins install script into CKAN core

After checking out a commit to test from CKAN's GitHub?, Jenkins runs a script that creates a new virtual environment and installs CKAN and its dependencies into it, and does some other necessary tasks. Jenkins then runs the tests in this virtualenv.

The install script may have to change from one commit to the next as CKAN's install instructions change, so it would be good if the script was shipped in CKAN core. That way Jenkins will run different versions of the script depending on which commit it's testing and if the tests fail because the script is wrong then that's actually a bug that needs to be fixed in CKAN core. Also the CKAN install instructions could be simplified a lot by just having users run this script instead of doing each step by hand.

1335876673000000 1340040449000000
#2340 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Get Jenkins to automatically run core extensions tests 1335876289000000 1340040366000000
#2253 enhancement toby toby closed wontfix CMAP [super]

Somewhere for CMAP stuff not in other tickets

need to create some general tickets

  • template changes
  • general demo server setup
1332341133000000 1340038490000000
#1492 defect kindly dread closed wontfix Interference between extra and relationship fields in API

From Jan Kučera <elquenor@…>

I have also tried to use extras fields to store information about relationships between datasets. I found out that if you first add relationship using CKAN API into dataset relationships attribute and than you add extras field for the same relationship with key in format "parent_of:dataset_name" or "child_of:dataset_name", storing this extras field will clear all relationships in relationships attribute stored earlier.

I might be some kind of bug but I suppose you will know better. Is it possible to use relationships attribute and extras field for relationships at the same time?

1322481496000000 1340034528000000
#1485 enhancement kindly kindly closed fixed Package/Group form extension mechanism so you can add forms for particular package_types

We want to be able to change form depending on package type or group type.

This is dependent on a type field being added to the Package and the Group.

1322059169000000 1340034422000000
#1110 enhancement kindly kindly closed wontfix profile ckan

We need to see what areas of ckan are slow.

1303840041000000 1340034394000000
#1077 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog new Move to simpler vdm system

Option 1: 'Changeset' Model

See ticket:1135 for vdm ticket. This would involve a) moving to changeset in vdm b) doing the migration in ckan to support this.

Have developed a new "changeset" based model for revisioning in vdm.


  • The main challenge with this change is schema and data migration

Every revisioned object has a revision_id and revision attribute.

Approximate algorithm:

Revision -> Changeset

for revtype in [PackageRevision, ...]:
    for pkgrev in package_revision:
        changeset = lookupchangeset(package_revision)
        ChangeObject(cset, (table, id), dictize(pkgrev))


  • does pkg include tags attributes or not? or we have to dictize, pkgrev, pkg2tagrev, and tag. Probably the latter.

Option 2: Simplify Revision Object Model

Just use a simpler vdm, see ticket:1136 (move to SessionExtension) and ticket:1137 (remove need for statefulness in vdm).


Advantage of Option 1 versus 2:

  • Easier support for pending state and similar behaviour
  • No need to introduce new tables (and hence migrations) when making something revisioned (or not).


  • Migration is required
  • More difficult to query revision history.
    • Could be addressed by having ChangeObject have separate cols for table name and id but would likely be more difficult.
  • Performance (?)
    • Have one big ChangeObject table to query when looking at changed objects rather than many revision tables.
      • Not sure this is a biggie as even with Revision model biggest revision object tables are probably on the order of the ChangeObject table


Implement Option 2 and leave Option 1 for present.

Option 1 includes Option 2 so it seems that that is required in either case (so we may as well with Option 2).

Option 1 requires significant effort (esp migration) so leave for present and then review the situation at some later date.

1302304464000000 1340034345000000
#989 enhancement kindly pudo ckan-future new Extending the model from plugins

We need to support extending the model from plugins. This could involve:

  • Adding a plugin hook to extend the mapper
  • Adding an upgrade hook for plugin schema migrations
  • Documenting how this is to be done
  • Find a way to avoid conflicts
1297689724000000 1340034311000000
#2317 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Corrections to dataset creation form for v1.7
  • Add home page url
  • Remove group option (seen it confuse several users) - perhaps replace with tags (?)
  • Check form looks ok in portugese (seems to be a problem with css)
1335022061000000 1340033433000000
#1745 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Dataset search UX improvements as of Jan 2012

Changes to make search both more exploratory and more satisfying to use

  • Search query build - #1603
    • Ability to add new facet fields "live"
    • That is add fields which then contain faceted options (a bit like data.hri.fi)
  • (??) Autocomplete / drop down on search (i.e. search while you type)
    • Dubious about value / cost ratio here

Probably would involve to pure JS and HTML implementation.


Probably require

  • API changes to expose solr style API directly #1737
1328224941000000 1340033358000000
#2332 enhancement amercader rgrp ckan-v1.7 closed fixed Fixes for v1.7 release

A place to list crucial fixes for v1.7 release:

Related extension:

All not complete now moved to #2347

  • Related Item has comments on index page (they should not show up here -- why is this happening!)
  • Related item should be to left of history (history could in fact move to RHS)
    • What about losing icons since we duplicate for related item
  • Related item plus sign is very poorly aligned within box
    • Add related items should be in drop down like for resources (?) to make it easy to add items
    • Hover should show a title that gives some information about what related are (not at all clear)
  • Related item only includes App, Idea, Visualization but not API | Post | Paper | News Article options as in original ticket #2204

Search results:

  • #2331 - search should add not or
  • Search results should be similar across group pages and normal search results (suggest adopting group page style)
    • Search results resource link should link to resource page rather than url for that resource
    • Suggest we could tidy this a bit (e.g. have resources in mini-sidebar of search result ...?)

Data viewer:

a) Data Viewer checks if datastore is empty nad falls back to ther options if emtpy b) DataStore? enabled is off by default and only turned on either explicitly by user or by DataStorer? on successful store ...

  • (? not really a fix) Give out a link as well as embed instructions (I often want to link to the explorer in a given state)
    • Should this link to the resource page or to a dedicated viewer page - cf # 2322 (resource sub-urls like /download, /api ...)
    • Do #2322 ...
  • Decent powered by icon for the Embed for the DataHub? (make this text customizable and allow html ...)
  • Embed link uses uuid rather than dataset name (this goes to perma-url question ...)
  • Data viewer embed url includes all the resource info

Dataset page:

  • Put home page link somewhere more prominent (e.g. the top of the sidebar)
  • Put author more prominent (at top right)
  • (? - new work) List CKAN owners at top right in sidebar
  • Make resources stand out more
  • Rename resources tab and heading to Data & Resources

Dataset edit and create:

  • Corrections to dataset creation form for v1.7 - #2317
  • Better auto-complete for groups on dataset edit/new page - #2319
    • Remove groups box and replace with tags on the new page (or is this needed for organizations stuff?)
  • Description / notes text area is not wide enough.
    • Should also be larger on edit page
  • Problem with date instructions on add/edit resource: "Dates are in ISO Format — eg. 2012-12-25 or %c2010-05-31T14:30%d."
  • Add/edit resource: new code to auto-check urls being added is great but from UX point of view has draw back that (esp on low speed connections) page just seems to hang for a long time with nothing happening. I wonder if either
    • A) this could happen after resource created on form (e.g. it creates, and then an overlay comes up saying: checking url and gathering url information or similar)
    • Or B) we still do this before creating new resource form on page but we still should show something like a spinner and some info like "checking url and gathering url info ...)

Resource view:

  • Do not show no description in no description (just show dataset info)


  • Fix spacing above page title (i.e. dataset title etc)
  • Bootstrap 2.0.2 (@zephod was *supposed* to have done this) - should be trivial and gives important bugfixes for data viewer
  • Fix subnav width on resources pages (does not extend all the way to the right like it should)
  • Fix spacing of top menu and search box (do not look right)
  • Group pages:


  • Ensure that we out-of-the-box config for CKAN has (#2388):
    • Only logged in users able to create
    • Creation permissions have only creators able to update a dataset

Deployments (without deployment we cannot know these are working):

  • Social extension
  • Analytics
1335644116000000 1340033281000000
#2379 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed RDF output, api/sparql

From: Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche

In my use case I need to fetch every sparql endpoint associated to a dataset. With the previous version of your endpoint, I was doing this query: SELECT DISTINCT ?dataset ?endpoint ?title ?identifier WHERE {

?dataset <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#distribution> ?distribution. ?distribution <http://purl.org/dc/terms/format> [ <http://moat-project.org/ns#taggedWithTag> [ <http://moat-project.org/ns#name> "api/sparql" ] ]. ?distribution <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#accessURL> ?endpoint. ?dataset <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> ?title. ?dataset <http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier> ?identifier.

} ORDER BY ?title

Using your new version,dcterms:title of a dataset is now a rdfs:label ... OK

Unfortunately, I don't have the information of "api/sparql" anymore. So I can not differentiate between a dump file and a SPARQL endpoint...

Add the required information to the RDF template.

1336735947000000 1340033026000000
#1197 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog closed wontfix Add JavaScript guide for CKAN

A new library, guiders.js, has been open sourced that seems to be great at unobtrusively introducing new users to features of websites.

The library drives Optimizely's website. The GitHub repo is here: https://github.com/jeff-optimizely/Guiders-JS

Some examples:



1308801032000000 1340020357000000
#2505 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Docs improvements for 1.7.1

There are some areas where the documentation could use some improvement and it would be good to have it available for 1.7.1.

  • Add an introduction to harvesting support
  • Add an introduction to CSW support
  • Better upgrade docs: Some users suggested improvements to the upgrade docs on the list [1]. Also we should mention how the upgrade would work for point point releases
  • Source install: see #2406

[1] http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2012-May/002178.html

1339166533000000 1340018770000000
#2544 enhancement icmurray ckan-future closed duplicate facet.sort is not available in the package_search action

Not all solr facet parameters are available through the pcakage_search action. In particular, facet.sort has been asked for; but this ticket should check to see if there are other parameters that would be easy to add too.

See: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters#facet.sort

1340013421000000 1340015580000000
#253 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned Package relationships


Functionality to formally associate packages. We see a need for specific parent-child, inheriting or dependency relations. Not only should this help navigation between packages in the web interface, but it also provides a mechanism to automatically pull dependencies when downloading a data package, in a similar manner as we see in software package management.


  1. There are 27 packages in data.gov.uk to do with the Data4NR's Health Poverty Index. There is currently no common link between these, unless you search for 'HPI' (which also brings up House Price Index), or look under tag 'health' (which also has 600 other results). There should be a link on each HPI package page to navigate to the other 'sibling' HPI packages, and to a 'root' package that has info about the set. This could be partially achieved using the existing tag or group concepts, but a more explicit/official/obvious marking of their relationship could be beneficial.
  1. In ckan.net is freedict, a collection of translation dictionaries. You could make each dictionary a child package and use this system. But it would probably be better to make each dictionary a different resource in the same package. (There are other ideas to denote a resource as the data making up a 'portion' of package, or a 'whole' of the package, to help people downloading datasets in the software package style.)
  1. OSM has had some Naptan data imported (bus stops), with special permission - i.e. a more liberal license. It would be useful to show this link on both OSM and Naptan packages in CKAN: OSM 'derives from' Naptan with a comment about the license change. I'm not sure this is useful to an automatic download or use of these datasets, but may aid exploration on the CKAN website and understanding the provenance of the bus stop data on it.
  1. IPCC collection of data linked / mirrored. Not sure if there are useful relationships here?
  1. Dracos gets postbox locations from crowd sourcing and OSM. We could say Dracos 'derives from' OSM.

See more examples discussed here: http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/253


This is split into four tickets:

No need for write access to be provided API for the moment.

This ticket also encompasses ticket:169 (Package derivations) and ticket:176 (Package dependencies).

1266854721000000 1339774726000000
#256 requirement dread ckan-backlog assigned Package relationships - 3. Edit in WUI


  • Editable as part of package or separately? (e.g. like authz)
  • Do we normalize to only one type name of the pair?
  • Do we allow create of relationship from both ends (e.g. only from dependency to dependent or either way?)
1266928561000000 1339774714000000
#331 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new Timezone of CKAN timestamps should be configurable

Revisions are timestamped using the server's clock, which may not relate to the expected timezone for the site. e.g. the Norway site has a server on GMT. No timezone info is displayed either.

Would like to set timezone for a CKAN instance to use in rendering revision timestamps. For example, use CET or EST timezone.

1275302440000000 1339774701000000
#350 enhancement dread ckan-backlog reopened Search engine optimisation

Need to research what can easily be done to improve CKAN packages in the search rankings.

Comments from Glen Barnes:

We've been pretty successful at SEO without even really trying (see http://www.google.co.nz/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=auckland+google+transit+feed&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&ei=dsYSTOzJLs2eceuZiI8I as an example). This to me is key. If we are to make data available it has to be findable which is the main reason for a catalogue. There are probably things we should be doing on CKAN like using slugged urls (http://www.ckan.net/package/ascoe -> http://www.ckan.net/package/ascoe/atmospheric-chemistry-studies-in-the-oceanic-environment), setting the H1 tag correctly ("Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment" on the example above). Some basic SEO 101 on page optimisations.

1276594541000000 1339774690000000
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