{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1601 - 1700 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#2385 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed Specifying capacity in search api call

Currently you can specify the capacity in the API search, this should be stripped and default to public for now.

1337092899000000 1337102816000000
#1529 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Display user name when logged in

Currently when you log in it says "logged-in". Most sites show your user-name and this is helpful when you have more than one account or human using the computer.

1323252086000000 1324318628000000
#2416 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 accepted Normalise resource/data types

Currently we have far too many types that are essentially the same format. The new demo theme is using icons for common types. So we need to normalise the common formats into pretty strings. e.g. application/json, JSON, .json and json all should be output as “json”

See the following Basecamp thread for UI examples and discussion.


1337792946000000 1342617802000000
#1746 enhancement seanh ckan-backlog closed wontfix Activity streams pagination

Currently user, package and group activity streams only return the most recent 15 activities, even though all activities are kept in the db. Do we want to add pagination - to both the API and the HTML pages - to support retrieving older activities?

1328446488000000 1355141062000000
#260 enhancement dread rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Display group package list in standard (richer) way

Currently use old "bullet-point" style. Should change to now standard style used on e.g. package search results page.

Cost: 0.5h

1267100660000000 1267122137000000
#267 defect johnbywater rgrp vdm-0.7 closed fixed Diffs for object that is created in that revision

Currently this raises an exception because there is no package/package_revision in existence at from_revision.

1268041383000000 1272960518000000
#2891 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Update or remove DataStore google presentation

Currently this page:


has an embedded Google docs presentation about data store which contains some outdated information, e.g. links to datastoreclient which was merged into ckanclient.

Suggest moving the google presentation into the documentation proper, so it works with grep etc.

1346149423000000 1346154177000000
#369 enhancement shudson@… ckan-backlog new "Package Listing Key" should appear on Tag results

Currently there's a nice legend titled "Package Listing Key" that appears in right side of "Browse Packages" results. The same key should show on other search results like when searching for a tag.

1279821634000000 1339774666000000
#2890 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Collect data previews and data store docs in one chapter

Currently there is this page:


which covers Recline Data Explorer and other kinds of data preview in CKAN. It is under the Publishing Datasets section in the documentation. I had to to a search for 'recline' to find it.

Separately there is this page: http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.7.1/datastore.html which covers datastore, datastorer, and the data api.

I suggest collecting this together in one chapter called 'Data Previews'. If I understand it right the general gist would be:

CKAN has builtin previews of data resources on resource pages, enabled by default.

Images, Google Documents, and web page resources will be loaded into embedded iframes for preview.

Text-like files will be displayed raw.

CSV or Excel files uploaded to CKAN will be previewed using Recline Data Explorer.

Additionally, you can enable CKAN's DataStore?, requires you to install ElasticSearch? and nginx and put datastore.enabled=1 in your ini file. Lets you use the Data API to query data.

Does having DataStore? enabled mean you get preview of more types of resources? Any resource that's available via the Data API will be previewed using Recline,

You can install ckanext-datastorer, and then CSV and Excel files _linked to_ as CKAN resources will be previewed using Recline also. Requires celeryd.

1346149236000000 1346175867000000
#1385 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Resolve postgres permissions issues

Currently there is a problem because the docs guide us to set the sqlalchemy url to use 'localhost' i.e. loopback, whereas paster commands don't specify '-h localhost' so use unix sockets (you need to do 'sudo -u postgres'). These should be the same.

Also do we need to tell people to add a line to their postgres authentication config /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf to help things? Florian suggests:

local   std         std                          md5


1318418537000000 1326218703000000
#2787 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Ensure templates_legacy directory is loaded for extensions

Currently the stats plugin has a template and templates_legacy directory. We need to ensure that the templates in templates_legacy are loaded.

1343827782000000 1344543473000000
#294 enhancement thejimmyg dread closed duplicate Add/remove extra fields in Package edit form

Currently the package form gives you 3 fields for extras. To get more you have to hit preview. This is obscure. It would be better to have some buttons to add/remove fields, just like with the resources.

1271756591000000 1291830960000000
#1188 enhancement nickstenning ckan-backlog new Allow diffing against initial (blank) package version

Currently the history page only allows diffing between different versions of a package, but there doesn't appear to be any easy way to see the changes introduced by the first version of a package.

I'm requesting the ability to diff against a "blank slate" initial state of a project, so I can see the content of the first project commit.

Not sure if this is a vdm feature, so I'm putting this ticket in against ckan.

1308153160000000 1339774275000000
#2688 enhancement ross new Allow ordering of groups in WUI

Currently the group_index page just shows the entire list of groups, forcing the ordering to be by name. It would be better if it could be sortable by name (or reversed) or by package_count (or reversed)

1342520875000000 1342520875000000
#1025 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Default authz can be set in config

Currently the default authz for a package is hard-coded to:

 <PackageRole user="visitor" role="editor" context="Package">,
 <PackageRole user="logged_in" role="editor" context="Package">,

This should be configurable in the config, so that you can have a more locked down instance etc.

1299596110000000 1299751045000000
#1749 enhancement seanh ckan-future assigned Allow creating activity details through API

Currently the activity_create() logic action function only lets you create top-level activity stream items, and not their related activity details. It should handle activity details via nested dicts.

1328465406000000 1338213933000000
#1747 enhancement seanh ckan-backlog new Expire old activities

Currently the activity streams database tables just get longer and longer over time. Do we want to eventually delete the oldest activities, to keep the length of the table within limits?

1328446589000000 1339773859000000
#2743 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed add dataset button within group

Currently the 'add dataset' button on a group page http://s031.okserver.org:2375/group/another-group-in-the-wall goes to edit group. This is confusing since the interface for this is no way streamlined or helpful.

Can we get this to go to the create dataset process instead (ideally with the group pre-chosen) for now?

Further on will need to re-think & plan the workflow for publishers which will be a large part of new work

1343125202000000 1343131092000000
#2200 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Add vocabulary_id option to tag_show() logic action function

Currently tag_show() only works with free tags, it's not possible to get a tag_show for a vocabulary tag.

1330533678000000 1338204900000000
#73 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed invalid Put enquiry template in db so it can be edited by admins

Currently stored in the python controller file. This is not the right place and putting it in db will allow editing by admins.

May also want to do this for the footer (also in the controller file).


  • Will need to create a new domain object/db table. Suggest called miscellaneous and consist of key value pairs utilizing JSON type for values.

Cost: 2h.

1247705786000000 1266510385000000
#2616 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed invalid Improve display of split stages in demo

Currently stages of the same colour blur together, these could do with a nice divider.

1340875108000000 1352206282000000
#324 enhancement dread dread v1.1 closed fixed Search indexing using notifications

Currently search indexing is triggered directly using a Postgresql db callback. Now take advantage of the Notification system to register interest in all package changes and db changes to trigger this instead.

The indexing shall run in a separate shell/process, managed by supervisord.

1274723483000000 1278599927000000
#1074 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Refactor authz web user interface to have common code and templating

Currently repeat the same template and code across Package Authz, Group Authz, and Authz Group authz.

Having now implemented a new, cleaner setup in ckanext-admin we should port this back into core.

  • Common template code (checkbox template)
  • Logic code (or just common code) for wiring into authz system
  • Look for all places thoroughout the system where usernames, authzgroups or groups need to be typed into boxes, and make sure that they auto-complete appropriately.

Will also deliver a significant improvement in the form of ajax user lookup.

1302271586000000 1314303581000000
#1667 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Add an extension point for rendering activity streams

Currently rendering of activity stream events to HTML works by looking up a rendering function in a dictionary that maps activity types ('new package', 'changed group', etc.) to rendering functions that take an activity stream event and return the rendered HTML.

There needs to be an extension point where extensions can register their own rendering functions for particular activity types.

1326796151000000 1338204295000000
#975 defect rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Placeholder attribute not displayed in some browsers leading to poor UX

Currently placeholder text like 'Search ...' is not shown in some browsers (e.g. FF and IE).

This leads to poor UX, for example in top bar search where it unclear whether that box is for login or search.

We should fix this by finding a way to display placeholder attribute in all browsers.

1297343755000000 1297344448000000
#2753 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed rename breadcrumb on user page

Currently lower case 'active' is the name of this page: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user

Should be 'All Users' or 'Active Users'

1343225088000000 1343227431000000
#240 defect johnbywater rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Do not allow creation of PackageResource object without a url

Currently it is possible (v0.11) to have a PackageResource? object without a url. This should be impossible to do (either at creation time or via modification).

1265399747000000 1272383770000000
#2374 enhancement ross dread ckan-v1.8 closed worksforme tag search paging

Currently in the logic function tag_search you can specify limit and offset, but no count is returned. Therefore pagination is not possible for tag results. This is desired though.

1336154025000000 1340287976000000
#1053 defect dread dread ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Deletion in Model API

Currently in the API if you DELETE a package/group/user (and you have the required permissions) then it purges the object, when it should probably just set the state to deleted.

There is no way to delete objects at the moment - changes to 'state' are ignored in the API.

Do we need an alternative way to purge objects in the API?

1300790039000000 1310126546000000
#2991 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add blocks to header.html template

Currently if you want to customise the header.html template you have to copy the whole thing, it isn't broken up into blocks like other templates are.

1350385820000000 1350385820000000
#2852 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed better message for trying to refresh inactive sources in harvest

Currently if you try to refresh (i.e. schedule the harvester to re-run) an inactive source (one who's state is 'withdrawn' - e.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/harvest/3feea629-32d8-4431-9957-9f31d32864f1)

you get the error message: "An error occurred: [Can not create jobs on inactive sources]"

This could be better and not red, e.g. and info box (maybe yellow) saying that "Cannot re-run harvesting on inactive sources. Please first change the status to 'active'"

1345048317000000 1345106515000000
#2834 enhancement aron.carroll demo phase 4 new Defer all publish calls until all modules have been initialised

Currently if a module uses sandbox.publish() in its initilaize() function then any modules initialised afterwards will miss the event.

We should queue all calls to .publish() in the pubsub module in an array until all modules have loaded then iterate over and execute them.

1344532093000000 1344856692000000
#1249 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Exclude script tag from extraction for i18n

Currently have this script section put in for i18n. It shouldn't be.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $.fn.ajaxCreateSlug = function(name, url) {
        var title = this;
        var updater = {
            init: function(title, name) {
                // Add a new element where the validity of the package name can be displayed
                this.name_field = name;
                this.title_field = title;
                this.name_field.parent().append('<div id="package_name_valid_msg"></div>');
                this.url = url;
1311958536000000 1311959356000000
#1697 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new A Configurable list of states for a Dataset

Currently have 'active' and 'deleted' suggest also:

  • 'draft'
  • 'hidden'

(Do we need both). Also write out workflows related to these.

1327400630000000 1338204189000000
#2419 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Add dataset form needs hooking up to action/controller

Currently for some reason I'm not getting the errors/data dict in the package/new.html template.

1337793401000000 1343220027000000
#2418 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Facets disappear once selected

Currently facets in the new demo site disappear from the sidebar once they are selected.


Instead they should be marked with an "active" class and clicking the link should remove the filter in the same way as clicking the cross in a token below the search field works.

1337793330000000 1341833880000000
#1826 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed weight queries so that title is more important than rest of body

Currently everything is considered equally when doing a normal search. Use dismax when there is not a fielded search to get round this. This is part of the work for #1822 as the dismax option is needed for multilingual search.

1329924260000000 1330990247000000
#2417 enhancement toby aron.carroll closed fixed Clean up output for dataset search results

Currently due to the data structure the search result filters are output incorrectly. Repeating the facet with each tag.

See http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset?tags=fibre&tags=terrestrial&q=Africa

It outputs:

Tags: fibre Tags: terrestrial

It should be:

Tags: fibre terrestrial

1337793213000000 1337864155000000
#1420 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-11-21 closed fixed Refactor ckanext-qa to work as a celery task

Currently can run as a celery task launched by paster command.

Still have to add a CKAN plugin so that QA will run when a resource is added or URL changed, and then update the extension controller/templates to look for QA data from the task_status table instead of directly on the resource.

1319626138000000 1320843789000000
#828 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Update cache support in home controller to use cache config in ini file

Currently cache usage in home controller is inconsistent with elsewhere and, in particular, does not respect cache_disabled and is not configurable using path notation (e.g. ckan.controllers.home. ...).

This is especially frustrating in a development environment where is currently running into fact front page is being cached.

Fix this.

1290693154000000 1290696586000000
#1107 refactor tidy-up bitesize rgrp closed fixed Move package autocomplete from package controller and move to API

Currently autocomplete method on package controller. This method should be in API (like other autocomplete methods).

Will need to update client code (just forms atm I think).

1303808480000000 1340632612000000
#2367 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Style the analytics view counts on datasets

Currently an eye and a number, needs to look a little nicer.

1335892789000000 1336035031000000
#38 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.5 closed fixed Make data available in machine-usable form

Currently all data is only available via the web interface which makes it difficult to obtain in bulk. Data should be provided in other more convenient, machine usable forms:

  • DB Dump
  • JSON for each package page (maybe Atom as well)
1194521614000000 1200903004000000
#1285 enhancement dread ckan-future assigned Errors cause emails

Currently a sysadmin gets an email when an exception is not caught. But there are occasions when we DO want to catch an exception so we can fail nicely for the user, but the sysadmin STILL gets an email to know to fix something. e.g. if there is an exception when search indexes a package. You want to catch the exception and still run any other notify calls.

1314116944000000 1338206151000000
#303 defect dread dread v1.0 closed fixed Package history & diff & feed to show changes to tags, extras and resources

Currently a package's history page (/package/history/xyz) and related feed only shows changes to the core package i.e. ones which create a PackageResource?. This doesn't include changes to tags, extras and resources. These need to be added.

There is the complication that the 'diff' function doesn't currently work beyond PackageResource?. Unless this is quick and simple to fix, I suggest we let the diff remain slightly broken for now.

Rufus suggests alongside the existing methods:


we have ones which also include the related objects (tags, extras, resources):


You could have a function which returned these related objects. Ideas:

revobjlist = [ self, resources, extras ]
list of tuples: (revobj, changed_revobjs)
list of tuples: (revobj, {objtype: [changed_revobjs]})
tuple: (rev1, {Package: [ object_id, object_id], PackageTag: [object_id, object_id2] ...}
1272370659000000 1272989728000000
#200 defect rgrp rgrp closed invalid PythonDistribution write method should write all available metadata

Current write method just creates a bare bones package and does not write any of the available metadata other than name.

1259229583000000 1311176118000000
#2582 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Do not hide notes / readme on dataset pages

Current we hide most of readme and then let users reveal it. Stop doing this and if necessary add a quick link down to resources section. (Maybe also rename resources to Data and Resources ...?)

Aside: believe I have mentioned this somewhere a month + ago but could not find the ticket.

1340312340000000 1340625009000000
#76 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Convert to use formalchemy for all forms

Current form stuff is not very good (uses formencode). Switch to formalchemy would improve this, especially on validation.

As an extra we could utilize the formalchemy pylons admin interface (pretty much for free).

Cost: 12h


  1. Replace htmlfill and formencode extract in controllers/templates with formalchemy
    1. Crude and simple
    2. Suppress unwanted fields (revision, state, all revisions) and sort out ordering to be similar to before.
    3. Sort out tag field with a special renderer
  2. Validation - testing definitely required.
  3. Fix up description and pretty css etc
1247829041000000 1251301765000000
#1460 enhancement rgrp assigned Improve extensions documentation

Current extensions documentation needs some work: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/plugins.html

  • Queue extension section may now be out of date (?)
  • Think about how it integrates with https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-example (especially tutorial and example extension)
  • Document all plugin points (auto-extract from CKAN source??)
1321114523000000 1340191001000000
#734 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Investigate department issue (ONS import)

Creation of duplicate packages named with trailing underscore

ww 22/9/10:

Need to ... merge some packages (the "find packages by attributes" is not 100% reliable because of inconsistent data already in there).

The "find by tags" algorithm uses (title, department). Unfortunately some of the data already there has no department. This causes it to make a new package (with trailing underscore).

dread 24/9/10:

I've done a test for the missing department issue and I can't reproduce the problem. This may be due to my general tidy up and getting tests passing using the latest ckanclient. Anyway, can you check over my test to see if this is what you mean?: dgu/ckanext/dgu/tests/ons/test_ons_loader.py:TestOnsLoadMissingDept

ww 20/10/10:

you should uncover it if you run against (a copy of) the dgu database.

1287747273000000 1292587603000000
#311 defect dread rgrp v1.1 closed fixed Reordering of package resources can lead to integri

Created a new package resource line and then moved it up above existing one and hit save. Result: 500 error. In logs have:

[Sat May 08 21:55:41 2010] [error] [client] Error - <class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.IntegrityError'>: (IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique constraint "package_resource_revision_pkey", referer: http://ckan.net/package/edit/cofog
[Sat May 08 21:55:41 2010] [error] [client]  'INSERT INTO package_resource_revision (id, package_id, url, format, description, hash, position, state, revision_id, continuity_id) VALUES (%(id)s, %(package_id)s, %(url)s, %(format)s, %(description)s, %(hash)s, %(position)s, %(state)s, %(revision_id)s, %(continuity_id)s)' {'hash': '', 'description': 'The Treasury record of COFOG functions. ', 'format': 'XLS', 'url': 'http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/d/cofog_definitions_coins250609.xls', 'package_id': '8482334d-fe2e-4285-9114-5243130f80c0', 'state': 'active', 'continuity_id': '8bf302db-8a80-47d3-b5dc-bc07512a3928', 'position': 3, 'revision_id': 'e4e2cb2d-4bd5-414e-b646-e484f174d9ab', 'id': '8bf302db-8a80-47d3-b5dc-bc07512a3928'}, referer: http://ckan.net/package/edit/cofog
1273348968000000 1274282065000000
#1191 defect dread dread ckan-v1.5-sprint-3 closed fixed Unicode in user password gives 500 error on user registration

Create/register a user with a unicode character in the password. It creates the user, but the redirect to the user page doesn't work and results in 500 error.

1308312895000000 1308650930000000
#878 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Integrate file upload with workflow around package resources

Create/edit a package -> add a resource -> Oh, i haven't uploaded yet, 'upload here' -> /upload -> standard upload form

Do we need to create a resource out of the file after upload? Do we sync file metadata with local Resource metadata?

If yes suggests (need to ticket):

  • 'ResourceExtras?' for extra metadata on resources
  • Makes 'Resource' into first class object (and make available in WUI)?


  • #877 (Upload in WUI) - should be part of that extension
1292868269000000 1315820838000000
#1537 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed fixed Package create form wizard

Create the form wizard for the package-new form.

Each section of the form will be a separate page as this was decided to be simpler than the alternative of making AJAX calls for validation at each stage. (*)

  • separate pages for each section of the form
  • validation carried out at each stage against the whole schema. Each section/page declares a list of schema keys that need to validate for that section to validate, and thus move onto the next section.
  • no draft saving to be performed in this ticket.

(*) - although the javascript alternative will probably provide better UX (each step would require a page-load in the wizard approach), it was decided that:

  • with the javascript approach it would be harder to test the workflow.
  • with the javascript approach there would be additional work displaying validation correctly. Although not that complicated, it was felt to add another point of failure.
  • the multi-page wizard is quicker and easier to implement, and if it provided poor UX, then the javascript approach would be used instead.
  • the multi-page wizard wouldn't preclude a javascript-tabbing create-form for other cases (where the wizard workflow wasn't such a good match, eg on the hedatahub.org)
  • the multi-page wizard wouldn't preclude a javascript-tabbing edit-form.
1323358451000000 1337159772000000
#741 enhancement ollyc ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Extension / Plugin system for CKAN

Create plugin system using <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyutilib.component.core/>

Specification in CEP-003 (browser:doc/cep/cep-003.txt) and <http://okfnpad.org/ckan-plugins>

1287996890000000 1291989194000000
#114 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - model

Create in the model basic operation of Access Control.

roles table

name | context | action
admin| package | edit
admin| package | edit-permissions
admin| package | read
editor| package | update
editor| package | read
reader| package | read
This data is set-up on db init and will have no interface.

user-roles table:

username | context_type | objectid | role
rgrp     | system  | n/a | admin
visitor  | package | * | reader
bob      | package | geonames | admin
visitor  | package | geonames | editor
visitor  | package | geonames | reader
john     | group | ukgov | admin
dread    | group | ukgov | editor
visitor  | group | ukgov | reader
This data will be added when someone is given permissions for the system, a package or a group.

Pseudo code:

class Package

def is_allowed(name, action):

is_allowed(name, action, context=self)

class Group

def is_allowed(name, action):

is_allowed(name, action, context=self)

def is_allowed(name, action, context=None): name: string - a username or IP for 'visitor'

action: string - 'read', 'edit', 'delete', 'edit-permissions' context: object - a Group or a Package or None (which means system)

# look up user from name. # look up in user-roles table what roles this user has for this context. # for each roles, look up in roles table what actions are allowed. # return True if action is allowed, else False.

1252494527000000 1253034529000000
#171 enhancement rgrp rgrp datapkg-0.7 closed fixed Create consolidated config for CLI

Create consolidated set of config by merging config from .datapkgrc and command line options and use that instead of mixture of command line options and other stuff ... (likely to be less buggy!)

1256488011000000 1297210925000000
#180 enhancement rgrp jwyg v0.11 closed duplicate Tag cloud as way to view CKAN tags

Create big tag cloud with all CKAN tags - perhaps weighting with size and colour...

1257534254000000 1265284374000000
#833 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed [super] Administrative dashboard extension

Create an admin dashboard as /ckan-admin/ allowing for admin operations and overview.

Possible features:

  • Purge revisions (or sets of revisions) and purge objects #1076
  • Set roles for users #1075
  • Put system into particular modes e.g. wiki mode (anyone can add, edit packages by default), data portal (only sysadmins or members of a special Editor group can create and edit packages)
  • Overview of activity
    • WONTFIX - already have revision log

Currently have an admin section using the formalchemy admin controller to provide basic editing of model objects. This can still be used but located at /admin/model/.




Here's putting into restricted mode (plus creating a dedicated authz group so that others can admin sysadmin simply through that group):

# first remove permissions from roles
# this is hacky but have to do it because we hardcode assignment of 
# role permissions on package on package create (see model/authz.py)
paster roles deny editor edit
paster roles deny editor create-authorization-group
paster roles deny editor create-group
paster roles deny editor create-package
paster roles deny reader create-package
# make superuser group
# create authz group administrators / Administrators (if not exists)
paster rights make agroup:administrators admin system
1290765921000000 1303236364000000
#403 requirement pudo closed fixed Create web service for OFS storage

Create a thin web service that will allow users to upload files to OFS on S3 without knowing S3 credentials. This could also provide static urls for all stored resources.

1281346110000000 1287392451000000
#276 defect dread rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Resources in Package form seen multiple times upon preview

Create a new package with a name 'blah' and resource format 'blah'. Hit preview. There is an error because of the lack of resource url, but in the resource input boxes, there are now four resources with format 'blah'.

1269255399000000 1272996237000000
#1412 defect rgrp seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed worksforme application.js crashes when viewing a dataset with no resources

Create a new dataset, don't add any resources to the dataset yet, view the dataset in ckan, if you have firebug enabled you'll see the error "resource is undefined" at line 699 of application.js.

1319450625000000 1328226385000000
#2839 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Specifying sort order breaks search results on group page

Create a group, create some datasets and add them to the group, then view the group's page with a sort-order specified in the URL, e.g. /group/foo?q=&sort=title_string+asc, no datasets are displayed even though there are datasets in the group that match the search query. Remove the sort order from the URL and the datasets will appear.

1344787799000000 1344854522000000
#184 enhancement dread rgrp closed fixed Stats page

Create /stats/ page displaying main statistics, e.g:

  • Most highly rated packages
  • Most edited packages
  • Largest groups
  • Top tags (by packages)
  • Package addition rate
  • Users with most packages

Related to ticket:181 - Stats side-bar


1257534756000000 1266837414000000
#2962 enhancement dominik ckan-backlog new Search across multiple ckan instances

Could be done by:

  • using the solr distributed search
    • difficult set up
  • merging result sets from apis
    • make sure that results can be merged properly (score, facets, ...)
1349736622000000 1349736622000000
#71 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Upgrade to Pylons 0.9.7

Cost: 2h

1246435041000000 1250181211000000
#61 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed When dumping data to json do not dump private information like API keys

Cost: 1h

1239123529000000 1265890790000000
#70 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.9 closed fixed Convert from py.test to nosetests

Cost: 1h

1246434753000000 1247827053000000
#179 defect dread rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Restore 404 and 500 messages in WUI

Cost: 0.5h (?)

Conjecture this went missing in cset:a35db862a841

1257412668000000 1265305549000000
#190 defect pudo dread closed fixed Package comments

Cost 7 days

When viewing a package, users can read user comments and leave their own. Users need to be logged in to leave a message. Comments appear immediately. A mechanism for deleting unwanted comments is provided to an authorized user. Comments are sorted with the most recent first. Comments are available for read, creation and deletion in both the Web UI and over the REST API.

The admin for the package and a superuser can delete unwanted comments, both on the package page and a collation of all comments on their user page. Users can delete their own comments(?) Need to consider whether over the REST API we encourage the use of a 'frontend user' APIKEY which can be used to leave comments for another, actual user.

Example at bottom of package page:

Leave a comment:

Subject _
Comment _

Submit button


Explanation doc
Posted on 25h May 2009 by http://bertdavies.myopenid.com
It says on the pollution data web page that not all the stations have a CO2 sensor, so you have to extrapolate from the ones that do. See my visualisation of CO2 across London for an idea of what you can do: bertdavies.com/pollution-2008.jpg
More info
Posted on 24th May 2009 by http://ronsmith.myopenid.com
Excellent data, but why is there no value in the CO2 column for some of the testing stations?

Implementation details:

Comments table is with columns:

id package_id date (date) comment (multi-line text)
1258387105000000 1280820852000000
#192 enhancement rgrp dread closed fixed Time-related package field

Cost - 2 days

The time period to which a package's data applies is stored in a new field called 'Relevant Date Range'. The value of this field is up to two calendar dates: i.e. either a point in time (e.g. date of a river map is 5/10/09) or a time period (e.g. pollution measurements 1/1/09-1/4/09).

Example part of package:

Date: 5/10/09
Date: 1/1/09 – 1/4/09

1258388163000000 1291733895000000
#193 enhancement rgrp dread closed wontfix Searching by time-related field

Cost - 2 days

Search interface has new options to filter and sort the results by the time-related field of the package. Search options are included in both Web UI and Search API.

The filter specifies a range of dates. The results can be sorted by ascending or descending dates. The last modification date is surfaced in the package. Need to decide for a time-related field value that is date range, what date is used for the search.

Example search parameters:

reldate-range=5/4/09- Exclude packages related to earlier than 5/4/09
reldate-range=5/4/09-5/12/09 Exclude packages related to date outside of 5/4/09-5/12/09
order_by=reldate Sort by date package is related to. Defaults to newest first.
order_by=reldate-newest Sort by date package is related to, newest first.
order_by=reldate-oldest Sort by date package is related to, oldest first.

Related to ticket:192

1258388169000000 1340626463000000
#191 enhancement johnglover dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Searching by modification date

Cost - 2 days

Search interface has new options to filter and sort the results by the date the package has been last modified in ckan. Search options are included in both Web UI and Search API.

The filter specifies a range of dates. The results can be sorted by ascending or descending dates. The last modification date is surfaced in the package.

Example search parameters:

modification-range=5/4/09- Exclude packages last modified earlier than 5/4/09
modification-range=5/4/09-5/12/09 Exclude packages last modified outside of 5/4/09-5/12/09
order_by=mod Sort by metadata modification. Defaults to newest first.
order_by=mod-newest Sort by metadata modification, newest first.
order_by=mod-oldest Sort by metadata modification, oldest first.
1258387778000000 1330020983000000
#1300 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Core changes to base theme

Core changes to theme in order to make it easier to re-theme:

  • page_heading
  • side bar menu must be switchable (left to right) (through config or css)
  • Add optional_footer to complement optional_head
    • And adopt rule for template writers that all extra js must go in optional footer
    • That way we could move optional js to the bottom of the page to improve page load times.
  • Re-add support for body-class ... (seems to be removed by #1108)
  • more divs.
  • better labelling for css (and javascript)
1314862223000000 1319794520000000
#2414 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Remove LXML as a dependency on core CKAN

Core CKAN currently has a dependency on LXML and it would be nice if we could remove it (although this *may* be indirectly through genshi).

1337761192000000 1338471374000000
#1274 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Testing solr search

Copy ckan core postgres package search tests to the ckanext-solr extension and update them so that they use the solr search backend.

1313413202000000 1313429049000000
#832 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Convert stats to a plugin

Convert stats section to a ckan plugin.

Stats need not be in core and making it a plugin would make it easier to extend and expand.

1290765915000000 1296334980000000
#131 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Groups REST interface

Controlling Groups through a REST interface.

1254307959000000 1254308115000000
#129 enhancement rgrp dread ckan-backlog closed invalid Secure db access by channelling query generation through authz module

Controllers and templates should not access db objects directly - they should do all access via authz module giving username. They are handed by a query that has already been filtered by the packages they are authorized to read.

(Additional idea to be discussed: When they request a package object, they are handed an copy of the db object - disconnected from the database - so it the db object can't be changed.)

A couple of tests can be reenabled when this is done: ckan.tests.functional.test_authz.TestUsage?.test_admin_list_deleted ckan.tests.functional.test_authz.TestUsage?.test_search_deleted

1253886136000000 1267719162000000
#850 enhancement memespring memespring ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Show welcome message on first visit to package page

Control using cookies.

1291721923000000 1291721964000000
#1272 enhancement amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Store spatial extents provided in the package form

Consolidate the extra spatial as the field for providing information about the geographic extent of the package. This will integrate automatically with the spatial search and give developers a single point to develop geospatial features.

1313411787000000 1317381996000000
#875 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Search backend supports solr interface and query API mimics solr

Consolidate search API interface (and backend) on solr (solrpy) type interface.

  • Support for standard query structure
  • Support for facet options

Do not need to change response formats. (Or do we?)

2 options here for advanced features like facets in non-solr:

  1. Disable (happens automatically)
  2. Implement - suggest using group by etc


  • Front-page tag cloud: change this to use facets
    • Accept this means that if facets not functional in backend we have no tag cloud
1292844957000000 1297085261000000
#1282 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed JS and WUI tidy up

Consolidate js. Remove cruft.

  • Move stuff to vendor
    • Have all vendor libs local (?)
    • jquery, jquery-ui etc
  • Consolidate autocomplete to use jquery-ui
    • package autocomplete (groups)
    • tag autocomplete (package)
    • user autocomplete (authz group create)
      • turns out that authz group edit had autocomplete disabled so refactoring meant enabling ...
  • Move forms.css into main
  • Remove tag cloud from front page (can be example going forward)
  • Remove bookmarklet (since in wiki at: http://wiki.ckan.net/Managing_Data_Packages#How_Do_I_Install_the_CKAN_Bookmarklet.3F)
  • Move name slug generation into standard js and clean up


  1. JS unit tests for the given pages ...
  2. Option to use external site to serve js and css (e.g. CDN)

1314090389000000 1314404540000000
#1530 defect zephod lucychambers ckan-v1.7 closed fixed URL field help text in wrong place

Confusion between entering values in the title and name/url fields in datacatalogs.org.

The help text "Url must be purely lowercase alphanumeric (ascii) characters and these symbols: -_" applies to the name/url field, yet in Lucy's browser the text that is actually hovering over the title field in my browser.

1323261984000000 1338202731000000
#534 defect johnbywater dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed buildbot config - database machine moved

Configure buildbot to use postgres db which has been moved to eu5.okfn.org

pudo said: Could you perhaps also comment on http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/tasks/ticket/466 with a hint on how to update this properly? I only edited /home/buildslave/okfn/full/build/buildandsmoke/buildandsmoke.ini which was the only occurence of the DB credentials I could find there.

1283165568000000 1288002762000000
#974 defect dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Document site_description

Configuration option 'ckan.site_description' isn't documented

1297342254000000 1297342599000000
#1254 task dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Feature sheet

Compose a feature list for CKAN. Use the existing Feature Matrix. Basic explanation of terms. For use by customers.

1312211925000000 1313401629000000
#1206 defect wwaites dread closed fixed "Content-Type json" header scuppers package POST

Compare these two requests to create a package:

curl http://test.ckan.net/api/rest/package -d '{name:"test"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-CKAN-API-KEY: tester'
curl http://test.ckan.net/api/rest/package -d '{name:"test"}' -H 'X-CKAN-API-KEY: tester'

The second one gets the payload through (ckan log):

Retrieving request params: UnicodeMultiDict([('{name:"test"}', u'')])

But the first one causes a ServerError? because the payload (name:"test") doesn't make it to request.POST or request.params:

Retrieving request params: UnicodeMultiDict([])

The only difference is the "ContentType?: application/json" header, which seems a reasonable thing to include. Javascript lib backbone.js (for example) inserts this automatically.

So why does this header cause the payload to not get through to the request object?

1309344348000000 1309450216000000
#480 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Catalogue service shall conform to specification

Common requirements for running CKAN behind a (e.g Wordpress or Drupal) front-end:

  1. Unrestricted total read-only access to catalogue API for general public (e.g. voluntary organisation).
    • monitored by API key
    • not monitored by API key
  2. Restricted total read-write access to catalogue API for authorized clients (e.g. front-end system, bulk upload clients).
    • restricted by CKAN access controller
    • restricted by HTTP Auth
    • restricted by IP address
  3. Restricted total read-write access to catalogue Web UI for authorized users (e.g. site admins).
    • restricted by CKAN access controller
    • restricted by HTTP Auth
  4. Restricted partial read-write access to catalogue Web UI for authorized users (e.g. group admins).
    • restricted by CKAN access controller
    • restricted by HTTP Auth

CKAN as a catalogue service

1282422612000000 1300281551000000
#354 defect johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Collect together requirements and top-level design for user/package 'groups'

Collect together requirements and top-level design for user/package 'groups': existing tickets, Rufus spec, Sean spec, meeting notes (dread) email, based on existing user authz stuff.


Do we add these into user-role table somehow or new table? To present this to team

1277131335000000 1282908983000000
#2677 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed related item links should open in new tab

Clicking on the blue buttons or images on related page http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/gold-prices/related should take you to a new tab instead of navigating you away

1342435923000000 1342461576000000
#2689 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed clicking on 'save & add another' doesn't act as expected

Clicking on 'save & add another' button here http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/new_resource/yo takes you to step 3 instead of leaving you on step 2 when you haven't added any data.

Instead it should show an alert/ message that no data has been added & that you need to link to a file or upload something

Also, can upload be option 2 instead of 3?

1342538126000000 1342617293000000
#1517 defect zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Accessing resource view sometimes auto-downloads the resource

Clicking any of the links to a resource page in the dataset viewer seems to load the page and immediately start downloading the resource file.

For example, being here: http://test.ckan.net/dataset/europeana-lod and clicking on any of the links to the first resource.

1323109647000000 1323175957000000
#2943 enhancement dominik new Chrome does not resize preview

Chrome does not resize iframe after a full refresh/ on first load

1349089686000000 1349090759000000
#1235 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-future new [super] Search Improvements

Child tickets:

  • #234 UI Review - Autocomplete package names & tags in search
  • #193 Searching by time-related field
  • #191 Searching by modification date
  • #905 Unable to search with accented characters in package names
  • #906 Ability to search without accents for accented words
  • #924 Search box has no search button

Broadly speaking though we need to choose PostgreSQL, Solr or something else. We don't want to invest our time maintaining two search backends with a limited abstraction layer between the two.

1311182641000000 1311182641000000
#1232 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-backlog new [super] Interface improvements

Child tickets:

  • #1194 "Welcome back" message for newly registered user
  • #1202 Links to datapkg utility don't lead to info about it
  • #925 Change the search box icon to remove the down arrow
  • #923 Search box doesn't work in leaderboard page in stats extension
  • #1034 Flash message cached
  • #737 Markdown syntax summary page
  • #811 Extra field editing form layout breaks when there are long field names
1311178296000000 1315948536000000
#954 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] API version 3

Child tickets:

  • #1107 Move package autocomplete from package controller and move to API
  • #1087 version and contact info api call

Move to a format that has a separate responseHeader and response.

A standard package response

  responseHeader: {
    status: 0,
  response: {package-dict}

On error:

  responseHeader: {
    status: {err-code},
    error: 'message'
  response: none

A search query

Based directly on solr.

  responseHeader: {
    status: 0,
  response: {
    numFound: 5,
    start: 0
    docs: [


This is a breaking change for clients


1296811899000000 1320142744000000
#1231 requirement kindly thejimmyg ckan-backlog closed wontfix [super] Management Information Reporting

Child tickets:

  • #1101 Integrate stats and googlanalytics into site nav

We have a spreadsheet from UKLP of statistics we'd like to generate

1311173919000000 1325474447000000
#1142 enhancement annapowellsmith rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Major Overhaul and Extension of CKAN Documentation

Child tickets:

  • #1041 Start Using the CKAN Wiki for Tutorial-style documentation
  • #1192 Convert CKAN Sphinx docs into admin/reference manual

Previous super ticket (from 3m ago): http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/927

  • CKAN 1-page overview (for enterprise and for data hackers)
  • Administrator's Guide (including install)
  • Extensions Guide
  • Separate CKAN.net info from Software Documentation (?)

Also now a wiki page with more detail: http://wiki.ckan.net/Documentation_Plans

Minor Items

1305727452000000 1313775665000000
#1065 enhancement zephod johnlawrenceaspden ckan-v1.6 closed fixed [super] Change Authorization System

Child tickets

  • #1198 Publisher hierarchy
  • #1050 Authz lib improvement and refactor of ckan/lib/authztool.py
  • #1004 Group creation instructions missing
  • #1099 Strange interactions between two browsers while playing with authz groups
  • #1115 can have two authzgroups with the same name
  • #1133 command line rights manipulation doesn't work
  • #1138 minor navigations behave inconsistently

Old ticket description:

  1. Change name of AuthzGroup? to UserGroup? to reflect what it is for
  1. Get rid of Roles, and replace them with direct assignment of actions, even though there are many actions, and extensions can add arbitrary ones.
    • Debatable whether we should cut the number of actions to correspond to the three roles defined by the base system.
    • Have a method of finding roles (or, in future, actions) relevant to a given protection object (e.g. FILE-UPLOAD(ER) not relevant to Packages)
  1. Change UserGroups? so that they can have a hierarchical structure,

More info on Hierarchy change

e.g. UserGroup? NHS contains the User nhsysadmin, as well as the UserGroups? SURREY and BERKS, which themselves contain users.

One user in SURREY is Simon the Sysadmin, who has permissions on the whole system. His permissions should not leak out to other users or groups, and user permissions generally should not.

Each Group has permissions over various objects.

A user has permissions in his own right, and also has the permissions of his own group, and of all the groups contained in his group, and so on recursively.


possible(user, action, package):

if user has permission for action on package

or any of have that permission

or any of his groups group-children (but not user-children), and so on recursively have the permission.

1301508331000000 1324550041000000
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