{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1101 - 1200 of 2647)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1488 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-11-21 closed fixed List of installed extensions - add to the status_show

Add the list of extensions install (config's ckan.plugins) to status_show logic action (See #1087)

1322130555000000 1322241966000000
#1493 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed 'search-index rebuild/clear' doesn't work if no ckan.site_id

You can't delete things from the SOLR search index if the ckan.site_id and ckan.site_url are blank.

Should assert that one of these are set up.

1322484422000000 1324474360000000
#1497 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Suppress benign warnings

We really shouldn't have lots of benign stuff printed on stderr when we run every command. It confuses users and hides important stuff.

1322569640000000 1322569805000000
#1499 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed list/read/delete packages on the command-line

It would be useful to be able to manipulate packages using the paster command-line interface. In particular listing, reading and deleting packages. Seeing which packages were deleted too.

1322591656000000 1322591888000000
#1500 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Slug API calls tidy up
  • API call documented but don't exist any more: dataset create_slug
  • API call not documented but exists: is_slug_valid
  • API call not documented, badly sited in API and using custom code in controller (not logic layer): /package/autocomplete
1322600285000000 1323166918000000
#1503 task dread markbrough ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Move from Bitbucket to Github

Reasons: more people familiar with Git, bigger Open Source community on Github.

Keeping track of the move here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvCDqUH8jVN8dGNVNEpXLWk3UTlJZXhFMjBPbXVtRmc&hl=en_GB#gid=0

1322745084000000 1323793662000000
#1504 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Action API given blank data causes exception

This is what caused the exception:

curl http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_search -d='{"q": "osm"}'

The problem is the content-type is formencoding, the '=' is the first character of the request, and so internally the data_dict is set to ' ', which needs to be a dictionary.

1322756748000000 1324035928000000
#1505 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed SearchError and SearchQueryError cause exception in Action API

This query caused ckan to except because ckan/controllers/api.py doesn't catch SearchError? and SearchQueryError?:

curl http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_search -d '{"sort": "metadata_modified"}'
1322758968000000 1324474577000000
#1513 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Logged in/out problems

Richard Cyganiak: I often see a problem where half the system thinks that I'm logged in, while the other half insists I'm not. Logout then login again may fix it.

David Read: I think I've seen it several times that the "My Account" link is given (suggesting you're logged in) but when you click it it asks you to log in, which means you weren't.

1323100353000000 1328205099000000
#1529 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Display user name when logged in

Currently when you log in it says "logged-in". Most sites show your user-name and this is helpful when you have more than one account or human using the computer.

1323252086000000 1324318628000000
#1536 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Group deletion doesn't work

In the Web interface and API, an administrator can set the 'state' field of a group to 'deleted' but this change is ignored in the save/submit and it doesn't get deleted.

1323346766000000 1330020599000000
#1548 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Simplfy inheritance in functional tests

It's hard to understand what's going on with the functional tests because there is so much going on in inherited classes. Would be better to be explicit in constructors, even if it involves cut & paste.

1323859687000000 1323888271000000
#1552 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Be able to set password on the command line when creating users

(instead of using the prompt) - needed for deployment

1324056178000000 1324056240000000
#1575 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed tag punctuation lost in ca.ckan.net import

Last week I imported ca.ckan.net datasets into thedatahub.org, but the tags seem to have lost their dashes, underscores and dots.

1324316860000000 1326808657000000
#1613 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed wontfix Post-dataset-edit URL has #section
  1. Viewing a dataset, hit 'Edit'
  2. Click on the "Basic Information" tab (note: URL has suffix #section-basic-information
  3. Click 'Save'
  4. URL still has suffix #section-basic-information

Affects 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2a

1325685555000000 1326813924000000
#1623 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Dump to exclude deleted objects

The database dump currently contains all Packages and their associated objects, even those that have been set to state=deleted. We should exclude these from the dump now.

Dump = paster db simple-dump-csv/json


The dumps are designed for end-users to be able to run scripts on the mass of data. Since end-users don't see state=deleted packages then they shouldn't need them in the dump. In fact their presence in the dump probably confuses them.

Admins get the full database anyway in the backup pg_dump.

We only included them in the user dump because it was designed before use of state=deleted was established.

Time estimate: 2h

1326118987000000 1326892264000000
#1624 defect dread pudo ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Typo in dataset edit mode

Futher Information -> Further Information

1326121197000000 1326216362000000
#1626 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed 'About CKAN' page update

thedatahub.org/about contains info that is very general to the CKAN and really quite technical. The text should be changed to be both specific to thedatahub.org and provide the context in a non-technical way. It should be easy to customise the About page to be appropriate for say new-york.ckan.net - a bit of info about who runs it, plus the general stuff about CKAN powering it and it was written by OKF to further open data.

1326205236000000 1326215877000000
#1627 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed favicon broken

On thedatahub.org the favicon doesn't display. i.e. the CKAN logo should appear in the browser's tab.

Original ticket #48

1326207102000000 1326890614000000
#1629 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed permissions changed during upgrade to 1.5.1

This was seen on datacatalogs. When we upgraded it 1.5 to 1.5.1 we saw some permissions being reset so that it could be spammed. Anonymous and logged in users were given anon_editor and editor permissions. I don't know what the previous config was. Permissions for sysadmins remain unaffected.

1326215162000000 1326823222000000
#1659 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Cannot logout if CKAN mounted at non-root url

If you set WSGIScriptAlias to mount CKAN at a URL other than / then you cannot logout without adjusting the OpenID logged_out_url to match in who.ini config. e.g.

[plugin:openid] ... logged_out_url = /sub/dir/user/logged_out

Note: all the other URLs in who.ini should not have the /sub/dir/ - it is just this one that doesn't take account of the mounting point.

The solution is to fix-up the repoze.who OpenID plugin to take account of the mounting point.

1326716302000000 1326747205000000
#1682 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.6 closed duplicate [super] Translatability for EC

We need to be able to translate:

  • EC extension (templates, form)
    • Currently the pot file is just for CKAN core. New pot file for CKAN core and this extension? Or separate ones for extensions?
  • Field values in taxonomy (e.g. country names - Eurovoc)
    • #1665 Research into Eurovoc
    • Display Taxonomy in different languages
  • Field values not in taxonomy (e.g. title & description)
    • Use extra fields e.g. _i18n_title_fr = Le data.
    • (If lots of fields would need translating then would consider having a new package for each language, linked together with PackageRelationships?. But I think it is just title and description (resource description etc. are so minor, not worth translating?), so using extra field better.)

Timescale to complete this - Mar/Apr?.

Related work to interface with:

  • Eurovoc - Sean
  • i18n in search index - Adria
1326911899000000 1330038786000000
#1683 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Dataset search results - last item out of order

On each page of package search results, all the items are neatly sorted apart from the last item of the page. SOLR gets the sorting of the results incorrect.

This is a known issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1777 affecting SOLR 1.4 only (which comes with Ubuntu 10.04)

It is highlighted in CKAN test ckan/tests/functional/test_pagination.py:TestPaginationPackage of commit 39096ed54bda86d043521b08b2e14fc5e283a0ff which fails most of the time it is run (passes intermittently).

1326971864000000 1326976925000000
#1688 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed API for changing the permissions on an object

We need an API for changing the authorization (permissions) on a model object.

This was neglected in #1253 because of various changes to authz were looming. But six months later it still hasn't been done.

Suggest this is just moving _add_user_object_role from ckan/lib/base.py to the logic layer, but no doubt it will be more complicated.

Estimate: 3 days

1327061809000000 1328289101000000
#1695 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Relationships - improvements

Suggested by Richard Cyganiak in http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2012-January/001977.html

1327323280000000 1330085001000000
#1708 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed SOLR configuration lost

The SOLR url, user and password defined in the CKAN config file are ignored and the default SOLR url is used.

This causes:

  • "0 datasets" displayed on the home page
  • Dataset searches result in 0 results and a small message "There was an error while searching". (Nothing about it in the logs)

To reproduce

This bug is only visible if your SOLR instance is not at the default place. To quickly reproduce this problem, setup your machine as a SOLR multicore instance and run: "paster db clean && paster create-test-data && paster serve development.ini". It quits with the error: "solr.core.SolrException?: HTTP code=400, reason=Missing solr core name in path"

Code affected

1327493428000000 1327580995000000
#1709 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Simple_search fails with all packages

The home page always shows the total number of packages as 0, because the query is '*:*' and SQL search doesn't know how to handle it.

Also, simple_search configuration is not documented.

Also, no tests for sql search.

1327498366000000 1327659722000000
#1710 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed 'Announce' email list for thedatahub

We want to make email announcements to users of thedatahub.org.

The most simple way to do this is to get a dump of the email addresses and subscribe/invite them to a mailman list.

Different ways to do it:

  • 'paster dump-users-csv' creates a CSV file. Apache serves up the directory using password protection. Is this secure enough?
  • CKAN admin pages provides a button to produce the CSV and download it. A config option may be necessary to enable this (disabled by default).

Something more advanced in the future could be:

  • CKAN tells mailman about new subscribers using the mailman web interface. Could be brittle.
  • Mailman doesn't have an Internet API, but it does have a python interface. So CKAN could tell mailman about new subscribers using a python proxy. There may be one out there, or maybe easy to do. But annoying to have to maintain another process running on machine.
  • CKAN sends out the emails itself. A sysadmin is given a form. Users have an opt in/out option in their account. But receiving emails is a sensitive thing so it would need to be right first time, and there are several risks to this approach.
1327579259000000 1327583922000000
#1725 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Tag autocompletion and commas don't mix

If you use tag autocompletion, it automatically adds a comma after the tag. This is fine if you are going to add another tag, but not fine if it is the last one. If you don't manually remove the final comma than you get form validation error "Tag string: Tag "" length is less than minimum 2"

Affects only version 1.5.2a.

1328006709000000 1328204489000000
#1783 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Locale change exception when unicode in URL

If the current page URL has unicode in it (e.g. u'/tag/biocombust\xedveis') then I'm not sure how why it isn't more encoded, but we are seeing links such as http://beta.dados.gov.br/dados/locale?locale=hu&return_to=/dados/tag/biocombust%C3%ADveis&hash=7fd941b5ba1a28bc84406c4191bf07b45a42a251 which cause an exception when the foreign character is passed to ckan.lib.hash.get_message_hash().

1328611485000000 1328612744000000
#1786 enhancement dread mirko.spasic@… ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Relationships lost when editing package

If I have a relationship between two packages, and then I edit any property of one of them (Author email, for example), the relationship will automatically be lost.

1328635226000000 1328640597000000
#1791 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Changing locale on /dataset/new causes exception

When you are on the /dataset/new page and you try and change locale then you get a 500 error.

This is because it adds the 'cache' parameter, to ensure any proxy cache in the chain does not just send the cached page.


1329134556000000 1329138315000000
#1799 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed To login as a different user or register, you need to logout first

When you are logged in, you cannot login as a different user before first logging out. (This is a restricting in repoze.who, which gives priority to an existing recognised identity over another one you supply.)

Yet, the CKAN login form appears when you try to do something you're not allowed to, even if you are logged in already. You login with a different identity and nothing happens - you remain as the first identity - this is incorrect.

(It is also a little confusing to be sent to the log-in page, although we do have a flash message explaining, and you might want to relogin as a superuser if you can.)

Whilst in this area, it would be worth fixing the problem for developers where you are logged in, do "paster db clean" and then try to log in - AuthTkt? recognises your old cookie but the User object doesn't exist, so you get an error logging in. In this instance we should tell people to log-out.

1329402820000000 1330002176000000
#1802 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Investigate CKAN deployment on Windows

See how possible it is to run CKAN on a Windows server.


  • Get CKAN code and dependencies installed on Windows
    • ideally as similar to standard package install as possible
    • virtualenv/pip should work
    • try Cygwin to help
    • SOLR and Postgres could potentially run on other servers if necessary.
  • Try to run on Apache
  • See if there are any issues
1329409512000000 1329830097000000
#1829 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Changing back to English prints the flash message in the previous non-English language

On the homepage click "francais" and then "English". The flash message reads "Le langage a été fixé à: français" when it should say "The language is now: English".

1330000660000000 1330001990000000
#1830 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed OpenID disablable

Allow OpenID to be disabled as a login option.

Currently (CKAN 1.6) there is a config option openid_enabled which stops the login option being displayed, but:

  • In the User edit form you can still add your OpenID
  • The repoze.who.openid middleware is still required - can it be avoided?
1330002137000000 1330089912000000
#2266 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-04-02 closed fixed Can't delete all of a package's resources over REST API

Nothing happens if you set resources=[] or resources=null.

1332932504000000 1332932634000000
#2281 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Pagination styling converted to Bootstrap

Make the search results pagination styled by Bootstrap.

Needs putting into a <ul> structure. Current page and '..' need become links that are styled disabled.

Wanted by DGU.

1333967506000000 1333967862000000
#2315 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Change Cookie expiry

Change login cookie from a default expiry of 50 years to 2 years. You can also uncheck a 'remember me' checkbox on the login form for the cookie to just last the session.

Background conversation on ckan-dev:

DR: I wonder if anyone objects to the expiry of the login cookie to be changed from 50 years to 2 years? 50 years might be appropriate for thedatahub.org, but for government sites it seems (to me) to be too lax.

Toby: is this the repoze.who cookie? If so that seems sensible to me.

Rufus: Definitely agree. I would also like to see introduction of a standard "remember me" checkbox (set to true by default). At the moment a login lasts forever (until you logout) automatically.

1334919449000000 1334919522000000
#2325 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Format alphabet pager (tags page) for bootstrap

Also need to fix bug where 'Other' is never highlighted.

1335366110000000 1335366188000000
#2373 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed Group autocomplete doesn't work with multiple words

e.g. 'Cabinet Office' returns 0 results, whereas 'Cabinet' returns 'Cabinet Office'.


This feature only seems to be used by DGU at the moment (I think)

1336139787000000 1336142514000000
#2384 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed Rights tool factored out

The command line tool 'rights' is quite handy but it is glued to the CLI. I'm going to factor out the bit which searches for objects etc so it can be used by CreateTestData? etc and will be used by DGU.

1337080794000000 1337100810000000
#2390 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed create_test_data for multiple users, rights

It would be useful (well for DGU, but no doubt for core too) to have be able to create multiple users with full properties using one commit. Also to be able to create rights (UserObjectRoles?).

1337098459000000 1337100788000000
#2394 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Separate off create_test_data CLI

We need to separate the CLI part of CreateTestData? from the bit which creates test fixtures. This is because of the problem with imports and logging. Otherwise we have to do unpythonic things to get logging to work when deriving from CreateTestData? from an extension such as ecportal / dgu. I've only introduced logging into CreateTestData? but I think it is a good thing to have. This change doesn't cause breakages

1337159591000000 1337161917000000
#2401 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed CLI for time/speed profiling

To enable you to easily track down what is taking all the time when you make a request.

1337269571000000 1337273042000000
#2942 defect dread dread closed wontfix API POST barfs on interesting Content-Type headers

When POSTing to the API, if specified, the 'Content-Type' header must be blank or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Otherwise we get an error like: "Bad request - JSON Error: Could not extract request body data: Bad content type: \'; charset=utf-8\'""

The problem is that this is a very reasonable header to send. Indeed requests 0.14 sends this particular header.

This affects all versions of CKAN.

This is due to webob/requests.py:1248 being pretty basic.

1348593156000000 1348611144000000
#250 enhancement icmurray dread ckan-v1.9 assigned RDF link in Atom feed

Add link to RDF representation of a package in our Atom feed.

1266507695000000 1340631430000000
#1453 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Flexible tag names

Allowing more flexible tag names:

  • allowing spaces
  • allow capital letters (search is case in-sensitive)
  • allow all punctuation except for commas and double-quotes '"'
  • allow unicode
  • commas delimit tag names in the package create/edit form


  • package creation/edit form.
  • /tag/{tagname} uri
  • search action
  • api controller (search/package-create/edit)
  • web controller (search/package-create/edit)
  • search api documentation
  • autocomplete for tag names
1320771850000000 1329395697000000
#1523 enhancement icmurray icmurray closed invalid [super]

Form refactor.

New create/edit package form wizard for DGU. See attached spec.

1323172661000000 1323172904000000
#1525 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed fixed [super] DGU package form refactor

Form refactor. New create/edit package form wizard for DGU.

Etherpad: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/dgu-package-form


  • #1526 : Simple one-page form.
  • #1527 : Tab-ify the form using JS. No validation between steps.
  • #1541 : Setup server for the DGU form-refactor.
  • #1537 : Package create form wizard
  • #1538 : Store partially-filled in package form data as a draft.
  • #1539 : Package forms auto-save

How the rest of the work is carried out is up for discussion, as it depends on the approach taken. Whether to continue with validation using AJAX queries, or whether to break the form down into multi pages. Google doc outlining design(s)

1323172839000000 1337159836000000
#1526 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed [super] Update and test existing DGU package form

Re-create behaviour of old form without using form-alchemy. And unit test.

  • [X] write high-level functional tests for the form. Creation / edition / validation.

Original estimate: 6 days (3 days x 2)

Time spent: 3 days

Time remaining: 0 days

  • [X] write the html

Original estimate: 2 days (1 day x 2)

Time spent: 1.3 days

Time remaining: 0 days

  • [X] modify the existing validation schema

Original estimate: 2 days (1 day x 2)

Time spent: 1.3 days

Time remaining: 1 days

  • [X] split resources into types: individual, time-series, and additional.

Original estimate: 2 days

Time spent: 2.5 days

Time remaining: 0 days

  • [X] contact information is derived from Publisher, but can be altered for each dataset. #1617

Original estimate: 4 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 4 days

(Waiting on publisher integration)

  • [X] foi contact information is derived from user, but can be altered for each dataset. #1617

Original estimate: 1 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 1 days

(Waiting on publisher integration)

  • [X] provide stubs for the theme and sub-themes #1618

Original estimate: 1 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 0 days

  • [X] provide stubs for the publisher hierarchy #1619

Original estimate: 2 days

Time spent: 0.5 days

Time remaining: 1.5 days

Note - the groups refactor is essentially ready to be used. And this would be a good test case for it.

  • [X] don't allow package-type selection when editing a package

Can't change a dataset from containing time-series resources to one containing individual resources or visa-versa. (#1620)

Original estimate: 0.5 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 0 days

1323173313000000 1330942383000000
#1527 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Break DGU package edit form into sections
  • use javascript to selectively hide/show parts of the form
  • there's no validation between steps at this stage. It's still a "big save button at the end".
1323174829000000 1327589456000000
#1537 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed fixed Package create form wizard

Create the form wizard for the package-new form.

Each section of the form will be a separate page as this was decided to be simpler than the alternative of making AJAX calls for validation at each stage. (*)

  • separate pages for each section of the form
  • validation carried out at each stage against the whole schema. Each section/page declares a list of schema keys that need to validate for that section to validate, and thus move onto the next section.
  • no draft saving to be performed in this ticket.

(*) - although the javascript alternative will probably provide better UX (each step would require a page-load in the wizard approach), it was decided that:

  • with the javascript approach it would be harder to test the workflow.
  • with the javascript approach there would be additional work displaying validation correctly. Although not that complicated, it was felt to add another point of failure.
  • the multi-page wizard is quicker and easier to implement, and if it provided poor UX, then the javascript approach would be used instead.
  • the multi-page wizard wouldn't preclude a javascript-tabbing create-form for other cases (where the wizard workflow wasn't such a good match, eg on the hedatahub.org)
  • the multi-page wizard wouldn't preclude a javascript-tabbing edit-form.
1323358451000000 1337159772000000
#1538 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Store partially-filled in package form data as a draft.

Allow a user to save a partially-complete and probably invalid package-create form in order to come back to it later.

We decided on blob storage over a state field on the package:

  • prevents a history of the drafts being stored in the revision history. This is a particular problem if we start auto-saving, say every 20s.
  • the blob can store arbitrary extra data, such as how far through the wizard we are.
1323359221000000 1337159799000000
#1539 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Package forms auto-save

Using the saved-draft feature, we enable auto-save for the package-new and package-edit forms.

An AJAX call is made every N seconds, and the auto-saved blob is updated.

note - we don't want to overwrite a previously save draft, but we will want to overwrite the last autosave.

1323359385000000 1337159806000000
#1541 task icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Setup server for the DGU form-refactor.

To enable us to show DGU work in progress, for feedback.

1323359484000000 1327311698000000
#1591 enhancement icmurray dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Upgrade CKAN 1.5 instances

CKAN 1.5 installations need to be upgrade to 1.5.1.

Working methodically through the CKANs on http://datacatalogs.org/group/ckan :

At 1.5:

Other versions:

Now deleted from datacatalogs.org:

1324487658000000 1328789470000000
#1593 enhancement icmurray amercader ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed [super] Create feeds from search results

Recent changes (see #191 and #1498) have made really easy to get search results ordered chronologically, and creating RSS or Atom feeds from them is relatively easy.

Feeds are extremely popular and there are several tools for consuming them, so it would be a great way to allow users to follow datasets related with their topics of interest.

Apart from the general feed with changes on the whole instance, other different "pre-set" feed endpoints could be implemented. The most obvious choices for custom feeds could be groups and tags:


These could be shown on the group/tag page, both on the <head> section, so browsers can autodiscover them, and on the UI, with a message like "Subscribe to this group/tag".

Another powerful option is to have a custom feed builder that accepts the same parameters as the search page, so users can subscribe to whatever query they are interested on


On this case a message "Subscribe to these search results" would appear.

Note that a lot of work on this front needs to be done for the IATI registry project (see #1590)

Other tickets related:

  • #1592: metadata_modified and metadata_created are not included in the search results, so an extra query for each package is needed right now.
1324489115000000 1334566668000000
#1607 enhancement icmurray dread ckan-v1.7 closed fixed [super] Data.gov.uk Maintenance Refactor and UKLP Development Support

A ticket to collect all of the changes needed for CKAN to become the 'data' tab on DGU.

Design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19h9bA1G4cQkv031m8jNCu6FEB3a8qpXUmdPAguM-Ofs/edit?hl=en_GB The design doc is the authoritative source of tasks. This ticket acts as a synopsis.

Current sprint (2012-02-20):

  • 7a. Public Publisher Dashboard (including QA Work and notifications) MUST PHASE 1
  • 6. Publisher Registration Improvements MUST PHASE 1
  • 3. Themes/Taxonomy? as well as tags WONT PHASE 2
  • 32. Browse by Tags PHASE 1 MUST
  • 12. Edit/Delete? for Harvested Datasets MUST URGENT PHASE 1
  • 13. Provider labelling MUST PHASE 1 [UKLP #14 MUST]
  • 17. Filter “UK Location Records” MUST PHASE 1 [UKLP #21 SHOULD]
  • 22. Mixed Licenses MUST PHASE 2

Plus, brought forward from last sprint:

  • Publisher hierarchy support
  • Improved dataset creation tools (form) - #1525
  • Edit/delete for harvested datasets

Overview of tasks: see the design doc.

1325503348000000 1337159969000000
#1617 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed fixed Update and test existing DGU package form : publisher / foi information

[Child of #1526]

Contact/FOI information is derived from Publisher/User?, but can be altered for each dataset.

Original estimate: 4 days

Time spent: 0 days

Time remaining: 4 days

1326103384000000 1332151332000000
#1618 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed fixed Update and test existing DGU package form : provide stubs for the theme and sub-themes

[Child of #1526]

Provide the interface for the themes and subthemes hierarchy.

1326103557000000 1332151341000000
#1619 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed fixed Update and test existing DGU package form : provide stubs for the publisher hierarchy

[Child of #1526]

Create the interface used to retrieve publisher and authz information from the publisher hierarchy.

1326103672000000 1332151351000000
#1620 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Update and test existing DGU package form : don't allow package-type selection when editing a package

[Child of #1526]

Can't change a dataset from containing time-series resources to one containing individual resources or visa-versa.

1326103837000000 1327589576000000
#1645 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Update and test existing DGU package form : Apply a simple theme

Theme the DGU form.

Doesn't need to be an exact replica of DGU, but just enough to show it's possible.

1326394622000000 1327311679000000
#1711 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Resource validation page
  • On the resources tab, there's a "Check Resources" button which, when clicked makes an ajax request with the list of URLs entered by the user.

  • The server checka each link for errors and header information about the linked resource. (Using ckanext/archiver/tasks.py:link_checker()).

  • The server returns a list of dicts (json), containing information about the linked resource, and the client uses that to:
  • populate the format field of each resource

The (guessed) 'file_extension' populates the 'format' field. If it's 'htm' or 'html', then we assume it's a listing page, and so don't populate the format field with 'htm' or 'html'.

  • provide feedback if a URL appears to be invalid

If the URL doesn't appear to be a URL at all, or returns a HTTP error, or times-out, then URL field is highlighted in red to indicate it's a bad URL. A tooltip shows the error message to the user.

  • [Optional] provide feedback if a URL appears to point to "Additional Information" - ie the Resource should be entered under "Additional Resources", rather than "Timeseries" or "Individual" datasets.

Analysis and further description on etherpad: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/dgu-package-form? [Section I]

1327589759000000 1332151557000000
#1712 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed DGU /data page

CKAN provides the /data page page of data.gov.uk

Breakdown of tasks:

  • [x] Analysis / refinement of spec.
  • [x] Log-in / register as publisher

(Waiting on publisher form)

  • [x] Population of "browse by publisher"

list groups ordered by most datasets (Waiting on publisher integration)

  • [ ] Browse by nation
  • [ ] Featured datasets

Now a possible integration point with drupal

  • [X] Tag cloud
  • [X] Developers section
1327590527000000 1329733846000000
#1713 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed DGU dataset search page

Search results page of DGU.


[X] ensure faceting by group (publisher) works [X] allow faceting by UKLP dataset type [X] allow faceting by INSPIRE

1327590700000000 1327932401000000
#1714 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed DGU dataset view page

Dataset read page for DGU


  • [X] Fix missing title
  • [X] Links to the social media stuff
    • "Share your app"
    • "Share your idea"
    • "Request new data"
  • [ ] Presentation of additional information should be broken into sections

Content is there. Don't do anything until theming/design work is undertaken.

  • [ ] "More like this": links to similar datasets.


  • [N] Stars (I think these are being removed)
  • [ ] Comments

Possible integration point with Drupal. Needs it own ticket.

  • [X] Give feedback to department
  • [X] Tidy up the QA stars
1327591090000000 1329734018000000
#1737 enhancement icmurray rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Expose solr-based search API

Super ticket: #1745

Required for some improvements to UX (such as autocomplete and better search).

1328014626000000 1340112732000000
#1751 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU dataset form: collection of updates from feedback

A collection of improvements to the dataset creation/edition form (feedback form DGU).

  • [x] validation error formatting
  • [x] geograohic coverage: add local authority
  • [x] resource format field
  • [x] resource format auto-complete
  • [x] renamed data tab -> files tab
  • [x] integrate Adris'a INSPIRE changeset, and migration scripts as part of build
  • [x] remove "discontinued" from the update frequency
  • [x] disable the disabling of save
  • [x] Remove ability to edit url on the edit-form (and remove "url not available")
1328526612000000 1329733458000000
#1752 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU: collection of updates from feedback
  • [x] hide black stars on the data-view page
  • [x] Edit on view form (if you have the right permission)
  • [x] RES_FORMAT ~> Resource Format
  • [x] Map Based Search -> UK Location Map Based Search
  • [x] Note at the top right expalining that these are seach filters (if they are) -> this requires "add a dataset" and "other access" to be moved to a different place (just some whitespace is fine)
  • [x] Display publisher and provider (UKLP records only).
  • [x] analysis of filter by OGL / non-OGL
  • [x] provide /dump on the build server
1328526750000000 1329733515000000
#1768 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed fixed DGU: 7a. Public Publisher Dashboard (including QA Work and notifications) MUST PHASE 1 1328539740000000 1337159873000000
#1769 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed 6. Publisher Registration Improvements MUST PHASE 1 1328539789000000 1329737597000000
#1770 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed wontfix 3. Themes/Taxonomy as well as tags WONT PHASE 2 1328539834000000 1329733935000000
#1771 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed 32. Browse by Tags PHASE 1 MUST 1328539862000000 1329733648000000
#1772 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed 13. Provider labelling MUST PHASE 1 [UKLP #14 MUST] 1328539902000000 1329733962000000
#1773 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed 17. Filter “UK Location Records” MUST PHASE 1 [UKLP #21 SHOULD] 1328540130000000 1329733534000000
#1774 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed 22. Mixed Licenses MUST PHASE 2 1328540153000000 1329733550000000
#2277 refactor icmurray icmurray ckan-backlog new Use the new atom feeds in IATI

Atom feeds have been implemented in core in #1593. The IATI-specific implementation can now be removed when IATI move to CKAN >= 1.6.1

1333386628000000 1333386628000000
#2285 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Data Previewer / Viewer v3 : Embedding! - /resource/../embed

Allow a user to embed the data viewer in their webpage.

  • [x] Embedding widget [1d]
  • [x] The embed page [1-2d]
  • [x] Documentation and Announce [0.5d]

Depends upon:

  • [x] Recline improvements ?d

All the above, plus user stories are fleshed out in [1]

[1] http://ckan.okfnpad.org/feature-2283-data-viewer-v3?

1334230810000000 1335440451000000
#2295 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Migrate CKAN packaging and apt.ckan.org from dgu-buildbot
  • Create Jenkins task for packaging CKAN
  • ... and publishing to s3://apt.ckan.org
1334566976000000 1334566986000000
#2296 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Initial analysis of moderated edits

What needs doing, and how long will it take?

1334567077000000 1334567150000000
#2297 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Initial analysis of follow support 1334567223000000 1334569632000000
#2298 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.9 new Add sort-by controls to the search results page

Sort-by functionality was exposed through the package controller in [1]. But no controls were added to the search-page.

  • What should the sortBy controls/widget look like?
  • Which fields should be exposed?

The above commit is in the release-1.6.1 branch, so this work is dependant upon release-1.6.1 from being merged into master.

[1] https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/8685c6000d1cb211928b4dbc63990fb72d884f8c

1334569162000000 1340635947000000
#2307 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Merge 1.6.1 into master

There are a number of features developed against 1.6.1 that need to be merged into master.

1334591402000000 1335440476000000
#2308 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Merge facet html snippets in the multi-lingual branch

Seanh and icmurray both touched on the html snippets in facets.html. So there's a merge issue. icmurray to merge changes in the multi-lingual branch prior to merging into master.

1334591529000000 1335440505000000
#2310 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-backlog new Refactor the search-query construction in feeds.py

The feeds controller, used to construct atom feeds, duplicates code found in the package controller's search action (in order to construct the custom feed).

Refactor this to remove duplication.

1334592091000000 1337159386000000
#2313 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Deprecate old facet data structures and related functions.

In branch feature-1821-multilingual-extension, a new faceting datastructure was introduced. This makes the old one and related functions obsolete. These have been marked as deprecated for the 1.7 release, and should be removed for the 1.8 release.

  • helpers.py:facet_items()
  • facets.html:facet_sidebar()
  • uses of c.facets (rather than c.new_facets)
1334677916000000 1343124732000000
#2314 defect icmurray seanh ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed parse_rfc_2822 tests failing in some timezones

These two tests:



have been failing in certain timezones. In the UK they pass, if you're in Germany they'll fail.

The function being tested uses datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() which uses the local time, but the tests compare the results against hardcoded strings, so the tests cannot work in different timezones.

1334768832000000 1337073270000000
#2330 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed Make api read-actions GETable

Whitelist any GETable api actions, and optionally construct the query from url params rather than body.

1335460585000000 1337073314000000
#2347 enhancement icmurray ross ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Related stuff dashboard and changes

Some additions to the related stuff functionality to make it more useful post the 1.7 release.

[x] Edit item (after checking auth)

[x] My related things on my user page

[x] Show user created related things on the users' page with links direct to the related page of that dataset. {0.5d}

[x] Related stuff usage counts { 1d }

Record the number of times the link for a related item is clicked. This is likely to mean that the link fires to call CKAN and then redirects to the actual URL.

[x] Un-attached related items {0.25d}

Allow related items to be created without being attached to datasets. This may mean that the dataset field is optional in the API.

[ ] Dashboard for related

A dashboard for related items, site-wide (not package specific) and orderable by date, views, {rating}, popularity of the dataset. Would be useful (possibly) for site-admin to mark one or more as 'featured'

[x] Dashboard + Controller (Related) {1d}

[x] Ordering at logic layer (date, views, rating, popularity of package, featured) {1d}

[x] date [x] views [x] featured

[x] 'Featured' related item with mechanism to fetch it. {0.5d}

[ ] UI within dashboard for sysadmins to check/uncheck feature status {0.5d}

[x] Changing auth for related.

Currently auth is based on deletion being possible by dataset owner and the related owner but it may be that a lot of the auth for related items should be configured to have more restrictive auth.

[x] Implement auth changes for publisher auth profile. { 0.5d }

[x] General issues

[x] Serverside validation of URLs

[x] Activity updates

[x] Make optional

[x] Related item only includes App, Idea, Visualization but not API | Post | Paper | News Article options as in original ticket #2204

[ ] UI Changes

[ ] General tidy up, fix form etc (icon for menu bar)

[ ] Highlight featured items py:if="related.featured"

[ ] Show either view count or popularity ${ related.view_count }

[ ] A user's related items should be on their home page

[ ] Related item plus sign is very poorly aligned within box

[ ] Add related items should be in drop down like for resources (?) to make it easy to add items

[ ] Hover should show a title that gives some information about what related are (not at all clear)

"Apps, Ideas, Visualization and other material related to this dataset"

[x] Related is a pretty terrible name in the UI - much better to have it called Apps, Ideas etc (perhaps title tag could even give more details e.g. "Apps, Ideas, Visualization and other material related to this dataset") -- btw i thought this was in #2332 but realize it wasn't (apologies for that!)

  • Went with Apps & Ideas (for now)

[x] Documentation, documentation, documentation - AFAICT I can't see anything in v1.7 or master docs. I imagine this would be a short section like http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.7/commenting.html (and probably coming right after that in the ToC) which says

  • What it does
  • How to enable (and perhaps includes a nice-screenshot!)
  • How to customize (e.g. can one customize the list of options of things one can create (e.g. can I set it to just be app and idea or ...)
  • Also liase with Mark W re a blog post about this from the user perspective (a screenshot walkthrough ...)

[ ] Clearly mark the old extension as deprecated from v1.7 forward: https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-apps (I just met someone last week who was working on integrating this and had no idea it was replaced by something better in v1.7)

1335879539000000 1343226149000000
#2350 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.9 new Hooks in package controller for validating form data

When the validation schema was moved from the package controller into the logic layer, the schema's role was changed from that of processing a form and validating data; to just validating data. Whilst is makes sense to have a schema for validating data as it comes in and leaves the logic layer; there's no longer the hook available to PackageController? subclasses to do form validation/processing.

Add a hook into _save_new() and save_edit() prior to the logic-layer call which subclasses can then override.

NB - form processing/validation *is* different to validating data. For example, many data can be inferred from a user's input; or there may be aspects of the form that need to be filled in, but do not make sense to pass as data into the logic-layer, eg. agreeing to T&Cs.

  • [ ] Add hooks
  • [ ] Use in ckanext-example
1335881761000000 1340635966000000
#2351 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-ecportal closed fixed Install EC Portal on CentOS

Install and document (step-by-step) CKAN (and dependencies, and extensions) onto VM on s031.okserver.org which has CentOS 6.2 installed. Paying particular attention to the fact that we won't have root access on the staging nor production servers, and so a) anything that requires root access must be documented carefully; and b) we want to be able to perform maintenance without being root.


We want to have non-root access to:

  • CKAN logs; (relevant) apache logs; qa process' logs; rdf cron logs
  • restarting CKAN
  • restarting qa processes
  • changing/disabling rdf cronjob
  • our database (through sql)
  • restarting solr

CKAN and Dependencies

  • CKAN installed from source
  • Required plugins: synchronous_search ecportal ecportal_form organizations multilingual_dataset multilingual_group multilingual_tag qa

Extra configuration

  • uploads
  • analytics (toby)
  • qa
  • rdf cron
  • caching
  • datastore

Things to remember

  • Use ckanext/multilingual/solr/schema.xml and stopword files
  • Use nginx as proxy.
1335883455000000 1340615641000000
#2383 defect icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed Date on add/edit resource breaks if offset is specified 1337080275000000 1338197024000000
#2392 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed Add language field to dataset

An extra field on datasets called "metadata_language". The language that the meta-data is in. Drop-down list needs to be translatable. Default value is "English".

1337159501000000 1337270483000000
#2393 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed Map licenses with countryCode to license name without countryCode

Map licenses: given http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/{countrycode}/ as a license value through the API, convert it to http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by . Should also work if given http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by . NOTE: the API may send through a list of licenses; in this situation, take the head of the list.

1337159564000000 1337270463000000
#2405 defect icmurray rgrp ckan-v1.9 assigned Improvements to data viewer embed
  • Decent powered by icon for the Embed for the DataHub?? (make this text customizable and allow html ...)
    • Current icon and text looks really bad
  • Embed link uses uuid rather than dataset name (this goes to perma-url question ...)
  • Data viewer embed url includes all the resource info (not needed -- just url and backend info ...)
  • Embed extension urls do not respect original domain but instead use site_url (I'm guessing). E.g. datahub.io domain ends up with links to embed on thedatahub.org
1337583565000000 1340635981000000
#2437 task icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Add coding standards to CKAN docs
  • [ ] Write up python coding standards as discussed at dev-meetup into CKAN docs. (Mostly written-up as part of dev-meetup notes.)
1338196895000000 1343124799000000
#2438 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed resource_search action not accessible via GET request

This action is not currently usable via a GET request as it relies upon a nested dict of fields.

1338197305000000 1341406005000000
#2439 defect icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed tag_search and tag_autocomplete not fully available via GET request

tag_search and tag_autocomplete: The fields argument is not available when accessing this action with a GET request.

1338197549000000 1341295142000000
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.