{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (101 - 200 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#2632 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 closed fixed check allowed helpers exist

in lib helpers make sure the allowed function lists functions exist or throw an error.

1341827811000000 1342087027000000
#2633 enhancement toby toby demo phase 2 closed fixed for dev always look for templates

so we find newly created templates

1341828058000000 1341830278000000
#2634 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed change log - helper function limited in 1.8

make sure documented

1341828248000000 1342085656000000
#2638 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed add a get from request param helper function 1341844597000000 1342112772000000
#2644 enhancement shevski toby demo phase 5 assigned user dashboard for demo theme

we now have a user dashboard that needs theming not sure if we need sam to look at it


1341910821000000 1344255836000000
#2646 enhancement toby toby demo phase 2 closed fixed delete dataset

make it so

1341920466000000 1342014170000000
#2647 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 5 closed fixed api bullshit button

make it as a snippet calling thing like aron would love

1341920530000000 1343229185000000
#2652 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed get qa working with the demo 1341937315000000 1345106904000000
#2661 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 2 closed fixed delete dataset/group javascript confirm

in 2375-demo-theme-development

templates/package/confirm_delete.html needs to be made to look nice note some writing in black

delete button needs nice home on dataset/edit

you can add js support add ?confirm=yes to url on dataset button to force delete

Please note delete is not yet implemented - but will be in the next few hours

1342012395000000 1342716070000000
#2663 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new h.resource_display_name needs love

This function is shit and needs cleaning up and a doc string

description is markdown and should be treated properly

either we should truncate all or leave it to the templates but work universally

url if no name / desc this is in demo-theme branch

1342017746000000 1342017746000000
#2664 enhancement toby toby demo phase 2 closed fixed tags with : cause crazy error message on add dataset in demo 1342018503000000 1342632478000000
#2665 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 2 closed fixed add dataset stages need to be form buttonable

the stages snippet needs to be inside <form> so I can make some links buttons - eg stage 1 -> stage 2 I want to save the dataset not just move to add resource

if you can just move it within the form html leaving everything else the same - I can then add buttons and pass back for styling

1342023971000000 1342088650000000
#2666 enhancement aron.carroll toby closed fixed templates/package/resource_edit.html

There is a new template for editing resources outside of the add dataset logic

this is the template it just throws some crap onto the page at the moment - we need to create a form - the form will end up with the usual data/edit stuff but for now you can use the resource to populate the form and I can then change it to use data - I just want to know which fields we'll have


when done reassign to me and I'll get it functioning

1342084373000000 1343220176000000
#2667 enhancement shevski toby demo phase 2 closed fixed edit resource needs form

I thought I'd made this ticket before but can't find it. When we have a fully created dataset we need to be able to edit the resources.

template: package/resource_edit.html

when you've made a form reassign to me and I'll get it working

1342170103000000 1343058578000000
#2669 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 5 closed fixed style [Draft]

I've added [Draft] to partial completed datasets in the package list and read commit 6a8e74d0



do you want to style them in some way?

1342174110000000 1343907572000000
#2671 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 closed fixed fix allow_partial_update

need to be able to delete stuff explicitly

1342183618000000 1345209579000000
#2684 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 2 closed fixed .js leaving forms warning

I think it would be nice to have all form pages monitor their forms - excluding search ones - and if a field has changed then warn the user that they have not saved the form data but are leaving the page.

This would help with things like changing resources on the add dataset resource form etc.

1342510477000000 1342539637000000
#2685 enhancement toby toby demo phase 2 closed fixed delete buttons should be form buttons

stop bots/browsers etc following links and auto deleting stuff

1342510565000000 1342514443000000
#2693 enhancement seanh toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed License is out of date

https://github.com/okfn/ckan/blob/master/LICENSE.txt mentions requires/lucid_conflict.txt which is no longer the case for 1.8 and needs updating

not sure where requirements-testing/docs fit in

@sean I've assigned this to you as you changed the requirements and my plate is full feel free to pass on to someone else

1342605447000000 1343148356000000
#2694 defect toby toby demo phase 2 closed fixed index page 500 error

we need to have proper fix for this - not sure if there is some caching issue

this around the group search

1342605699000000 1342680771000000
#2708 enhancement kindly toby ckan-v1.9 new limit extra data for package/group show

contextpackage_limits? = { 'tags': 5, <- get first 5

'extras': 0, <- get all


only get what you ask for have to be explicit

contextgroup_limits? = {} only main item

start with datasets/groups expand if we like it

1342622420000000 1342622420000000
#2710 enhancement tobes toby demo phase 3 closed fixed make the api_info.html not look like shit

you know the score

1342624385000000 1343318314000000
#2711 enhancement johnmartin toby demo phase 5 closed fixed bin/less dies for toby

it would be nice if this didn't fall over when the dir is removed maybe a linux only issue?

1342631508000000 1352205968000000
#2712 enhancement toby toby demo phase 2 closed fixed delete resource functionality needed

we need a delete_resource logic action and enable for resources

1342680517000000 1342690104000000
#2713 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed button colour not set properly in variables.css

to reproduce run

paster color fuchsia -c development.ini

then go to http://localhost:5000/dataset/new

Add button is blue gradient at the top this should be overridden in variables.less

when added send this ticket to me and i'll update the color command to change it

1342706428000000 1343656865000000
#2717 enhancement shevski toby demo phase 3 closed fixed French breaks the demo header

when language is french

a) the menu overlaps the logo

b) much of the logo becomes unclickable


a) seems like you b) is aron

1342780487000000 1344359846000000
#2741 enhancement johnmartin toby demo phase 4 closed fixed admin index styling


you need to be an admin

paster sysadmin add <username> -c dev.ini

we need to get links to other admin pages etc - I think this will want to be flexible so extensions can add extra links etc - but that can come later

1343124308000000 1352205988000000
#2742 enhancement johnmartin toby demo phase 5 closed fixed admin authz styling


you need to be an admin

paster sysadmin add <username> -c dev.ini

like #2741 we need other admin links

you may want to make the inputs use your form macros - I've just done a basic port

also we will need to get all the tables done but looks like we need to get auth groups working for that

1343124423000000 1352206081000000
#2744 defect aron.carroll toby demo phase 2 closed fixed license dropdown is cramped


license dropdown - when open we need some line spacing at least in FF I think it'd be nice to fix this in phase 2

1343144543000000 1343219298000000
#2749 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 5 closed fixed page title issue with super() super()

title broken for


we have inherited the title from the extended page not from the base

should be 'add data - ckan' not 'add data - create dataset - ckan'

any idea how we fix this?

1343215828000000 1343232304000000
#2750 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed javascript translations need ripping

we need to ensure that translations in .js files are ripper for translation

look at what is available as preference to creating our own

1343216246000000 1343415279000000
#2751 enhancement toby toby demo phase 5 new check translations for full demo site

need to check everything gets translated - sean did this before so will have info

1343216443000000 1344243046000000
#2758 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new file storage gives error if config not available but no useful user information

We get an error which should be improved the actual problem is this but not passed to user

KeyError?: 'ofs.impl'

View as: Interactive (full) | Text (full) | XML (full) Module ckan.controllers.storage:2 in auth_form view Module ckan.lib.jsonp:26 in jsonpify view

data = func(*args, kwargs)

Module ckan.controllers.storage:407 in auth_form view

authorize(method, bucket, label, c.userobj, self.ofs)

Module ckan.controllers.storage:200 in ofs view

StorageAPIController._ofs_impl = get_ofs()

Module ckan.controllers.storage:71 in get_ofs view

storage_backend = configofs.impl?

Module paste.registry:146 in getitem view

return self._current_obj()[key]

KeyError?: 'ofs.impl'

1343287709000000 1343287709000000
#2759 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed resource upload pointer incorrect

On the add resource forms new or existing dataset

when hovering over Upload a file css cursor should be pointer not text

1343289469000000 1343651082000000
#2778 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed apps dashboard needs some design love

apps dashboard available at http://localhost:5000/apps in main dev branch

I have got this to work in the demo however

a) it is a bit ugly

b) the template could do with some sorting eg the dropdowns should be being created in a nicer way

1343734040000000 1343841130000000
#2789 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed logo fixups

With the text logo I'd like the tag line to be under the site name so some css like


Also the site name can be larger if no tagline

commit daac54dbd856 I've added a new global g.header_css that sets the hgroup class to

'header-image' 'header-text-logo' 'header-text-logo-tagline'

I think maybe we should also have 'header-image-css' for the equivalent of the class="logo" in the link to allow/stop the image replacement

1343835141000000 1343835904000000
#2790 enhancement kindly toby demo phase 4 new logic.action.user_show is slow

This is a very slow call it would benefit from the sort of speed-ups that package-search received

for me locally this is taking 6 seconds for rufus using the datahub data I have. I think a lot of this is the dataset retrival/dictization

can we just grab json blobs from solr?

also is it possible to specify a sort order/paging?

I've put this as a demo-theme ticket as it is an big issue on the demo we are at 25 second page loads - which i can get down to about 8.8 secs so this is the main pain point now

1343852483000000 1345023734000000
#2791 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Logo fix


We should be able to have longish tag lines that look ok currently they wrap and stop the logo text being clickable

Can we have white-space:nowrap; for the tagline so long ones don't wrap and maybe look at aligning long ones

1343895034000000 1343906891000000
#2792 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed dropdown fixes - open correctly

http://s031.okserver.org:2375/ language dropdown expands downwards it should open upwards

select2 can do this see http://ivaynberg.github.com/select2/#documentation can you see if we can get this in ckan demo

1343895296000000 1343901501000000
#2794 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed top buttons missing on edit resource


should have back to resource as a minimum

1343897926000000 1343903064000000
#2795 enhancement toby demo phase 5 new Check validation of HTML, CSS, JS

Ensure that we are being standards compliant

1343903128000000 1343903128000000
#2797 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed plain_textarea styling

http://localhost:5000/ckan-admin/config uses a plain (non markup) textarea for custom css

I've added form macro plain_textarea to provide one, however it renders without a bottom border due to markup textarea styling can you fix this - thanks

1344000422000000 1344250973000000
#2798 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 closed fixed Admin Config reset

this want to

a) be a link on the left of the form like deletes

b) needs a confirm like delete

c) wants to work with the autoform

1344012605000000 1345540010000000
#2805 enhancement seanh toby closed fixed zh_TW has no Plural-Forms

the .po file for zh_TW does not contain Plural-Forms which breaks the i18n JavaScript? Extractions for ckan-demo.

I've added the following which may or may not be correct - from web search "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"

I suspect it will get overwritten when translations are pulled from transiflex so passing to you as you are the expert in that realm

1344253863000000 1344254760000000
#2807 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed autocomplete.js error


edit dataset has a js error


TypeError?: options is undefined [Break On This Error]

this.lookup(options.term, options.callback);

autocomplete.js (line 231)

1344266228000000 1344270190000000
#2808 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Confirm delete dialog badly placed on small screen

If you make your browser window short - say half screen height on a page with delete eg http://localhost:5000/dataset/edit/1-kmwaterfractionfromnationaltopographicdatabasemapscanada

the dialog box is partially off the screen - it should try to stay on screen

1344333474000000 1345023693000000
#2809 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed _ not defined for modules

eg on confirm delete


_(....) gives [object Object] not translation

1344335863000000 1344347814000000
#2816 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed DomainObjectOperation not in model

Over-enthusiastic removal of some model items

this breaks qa extension

1344496621000000 1345040471000000
#2822 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 new Resource additional info titles format/i18n

the title for additional info should be translated

capitalised etc

1344504620000000 1344543985000000
#2823 enhancement toby toby demo phase 5 new resource additional info title order

Order the items so that none user fields are first from ticket #2707

1344504773000000 1344504773000000
#2829 enhancement johnglover toby ckan-v1.9 new Archiver fails on 403 http response

Had this issue with the archiver on my local machine need to be logged in (I am admin) to see via web front end

$ paster archiver update -c ../ckan/development.ini 

2012-08-09 11:01:37,636 INFO  [ckanext.archiver.commands] Archival of dataset resource data added to celery queue: opencontext-chogha-mish-fauna (1 resources)
2012-08-09 11:01:37,671 INFO  [ckanext.archiver.commands] Getting dataset metadata: south-african-national-gov-budget-2012-13
2012-08-09 11:01:37,900 INFO  [ckan.lib.base]  /api/action/package_show render time 0.043 seconds
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/bin/paster", line 8, in <module>
    load_entry_point('PasteScript==1.7.5', 'console_scripts', 'paster')()
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 104, in run
    invoke(command, command_name, options, args[1:])
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 143, in invoke
    exit_code = runner.run(args)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 238, in run
    result = self.command()
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/src/ckanext-archiver/ckanext/archiver/commands.py", line 98, in command
    response = app.post(api_url + '/package_show', data)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 262, in post
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 243, in _gen_request
    return self.do_request(req, status=status)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 406, in do_request
    self._check_status(status, res)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 439, in _check_status
paste.fixture.AppError: Bad response: 403 Forbidden (not 200 OK or 3xx redirect for /api/action/package_show)
{"help": "Return the metadata of a dataset (package) and its resources.\n\n    :param id: the id or name of the dataset\n    :type id: string\n\n    :rtype: dictionary\n\n    ", "success": false, "error": {"message": "Access denied", "__type": "Authorization Error"}}
1344508484000000 1344508484000000
#2830 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 new Need method to undelete groups

need controller action and front-end method

1344509408000000 1344547341000000
#2836 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Need extra info for forms

like we have on the form here


you said it partly exists so maybe I just need some training

1344605931000000 1345023663000000
#2837 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed checkbox styling

Is this done I know checkboxes are a pain but it looks a bit out of place compared to the other items.

1344605993000000 1344851271000000
#2840 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed tag line styling


Is it possible to get the tagline text to float the other way

at the moment we have

...........Title Tag line to here

I'd like

...........Title ...........Tag line to here

is this possible or too much pain

based partly on this comment Markw wrote

A minor problem visible on the home page <http://s031.okserver.org:2375/> and other pages, when viewing in both Chrome and Firefox:

if the browser width is not very wide, the tag line 'Open source data portal' vanishes off the *left* hand side of the screen. For some reason the browser doesn't even recognise this with a horizontal scroll bar (as it does when stuff is off the *right* hand side) - it just chops off the text.

1344851307000000 1344852538000000
#2858 enhancement toby toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Harvester tweaks

I've had a look at the new harvesting theme, it looks great, thanks. I did some minor changes and reworded the errors as per tickets #2852 and #2853, but I kept the messages red, as the only other ones available ("flash_notice") are blue and are not very prominent.

Toby, on the old form there was a list of descriptions for all available harvesters which could be nice to have back. I couldn't find an easy way with the new form macro, so I don't know how easy would be to implement


1345103198000000 1345105842000000
#2875 enhancement toby demo phase 4 closed fixed Fanstatic css issues

Fanstatic does not support

@import ...

relative imports for images etc

need to get a fix for these asap

1345208199000000 1345214469000000
#2876 enhancement toby toby demo phase 4 closed fixed Admin Config changes are not forced

need to make sure these update everywhere when done

1345208451000000 1345470265000000
#2939 enhancement toby toby new Orgs are groups

holder for ticket number

1348564034000000 1348564034000000
#3012 enhancement toby toby new data.gov auth 1352393409000000 1352393409000000
#3030 enhancement toby new clean up helper functions 1355834038000000 1355834038000000
#1144 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Support DSPL

DSPL, the Dataset Publishing Language, is being promoted by Google for its "Google Public Data Explorer" system. It is an XML format with metadata.

The format is described on the developer docs ofthe Google Code site.

Google provides a Python script which reads CSV data and generates DSPL

Sample from http://code.google.com/apis/publicdata/docs/dspl_sample.html:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dspl xmlns="http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010"

  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/time"/>
  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/quantity"/>
  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/entity"/>
  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/geo"/>
      <value>My statistics</value>
      <value>Some very interesting statistics about countries</value>

      <value>Bureau of Statistics</value>

    <topic id="geography">
    <topic id="social_indicators">
        <name><value>Social indicators</value></name>
      <topic id="population_indicators">
          <name><value>Population indicators</value></name>
      <topic id="poverty_and_income">
          <name><value>Poverty & income</value></name>
      <topic id="health">

    <!-- As noted in the tutorial, this concept should extend quantity:amount.-->
    <concept id="population">
          <value>Size of the resident population.</value>
      <topic ref="population_indicators"/>
      <type ref="integer"/>

    <!-- This country concept is defined for educational purposes only. A country
    concept exists in the Google geo dataset. See:

    http://code.google.com/apis/publicdata/docs/canonical/geo.html --> 
    <concept id="country" extends="geo:location">
          <value>My list of countries</value>
      <type ref="string"/>
      <property id="name">
          <name><value xml:lang="en">Country name</value></name>
            <value xml:lang="en">The official name of the country</value>
        <type ref="string"/>
      <table ref="countries_table"/>

    <!-- This US state concept is defined for educational purposes only. A US state
      concept exists in the Google geo US dataset. See:

      http://code.google.com/apis/publicdata/docs/canonical/geo.us.html --> 
    <concept id="state" extends="geo:location">
          <value>US states</value>
      <type ref="string"/>
      <property concept="country" isParent="true"/>
      <table ref="states_table"/>

    <concept id="gender" extends="entity:entity">
          <value>Gender, Male or Female</value>
        <totalName><value>Both genders</value></totalName>
      <type ref="string"/>
      <table ref="genders_table"/>

    <concept id="unemployment_rate" extends="quantity:rate">
          <value>unemployment rate</value>
          <value>The percent of the labor force that is unemployed, not seasonally
      <topic ref="social_indicators"/>
      <type ref="float"/>
      <attribute id="is_percentage">
        <type ref="boolean"/>


    <slice id="countries_slice">
      <dimension concept="country"/>
      <dimension concept="time:year"/>
      <metric concept="population"/>
      <table ref="countries_slice_table"/>

    <slice id="states_slice">
      <dimension concept="state"/>
      <dimension concept="time:year"/>
      <metric concept="population"/>
      <metric concept="unemployment_rate"/>
      <table ref="states_slice_table"/>

    <slice id="countries_gender_slice">
      <dimension concept="country"/>
      <dimension concept="gender"/>
      <dimension concept="time:year"/>
      <metric concept="population"/>
      <table ref="countries_gender_slice_table"/>


    <table id="countries_table">
      <column id="country" type="string"/>
      <column id="name" type="string"/>
      <column id="latitude" type="float"/>
      <column id="longitude" type="float"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">countries.csv</file>

    <table id="countries_slice_table">
      <column id="country" type="string"/>
      <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
      <column id="population" type="integer"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">country_slice.csv</file>

    <table id="states_table">
      <column id="state" type="string"/>
      <column id="name" type="string"/>
      <column id="country" type="string">
      <column id="latitude" type="float"/>
      <column id="longitude" type="float"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">states.csv</file>

    <table id="states_slice_table">
      <column id="state" type="string"/>
      <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
      <column id="population" type="integer"/>
      <column id="unemployment_rate" type="float"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">state_slice.csv</file>

    <table id="genders_table">
      <column id="gender" type="string"/>
      <column id="name" type="string"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">genders.csv</file>

    <table id="countries_gender_slice_table">
      <column id="country" type="string"/>
      <column id="gender" type="string"/>
      <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
      <column id="population" type="integer"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">gender_country_slice.csv</file>

1305763609000000 1339774517000000
#1145 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Support the Handle System

The Handle System is an initiative to provide persistent references for resources. That is, it's basically a proxy system for preventing link rot.

Its documentation is here: http://www.handle.net/. Servers running CKAN could host a "Local Handle Service", which redirects a hash of a resource to an actual URL.

Some suggested use cases:

  • Researcher would like to cite where data came from
  • Agencies would like to have a way to prevent vendor lock-in from CKAN if they decide to move to another platform
1305764775000000 1339774502000000
#1150 defect johnglover timmcnamara ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Non-ASCII chars prevent data preview

Characters outside of ASCII range are not supported within data previews.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Visit http://ckan.net/package/kivele2010
  2. Click on [preview] for any of the resources
1306019914000000 1311774141000000
#1151 enhancement rgrp timmcnamara ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed wontfix Preview for geographic data should be a map

Data viewer / previewer for a resource that has a KML file, or others, such as GeoRSS and GeoJSON, we should provide a map.

  • Support for KML files: #1458

This is non-trivial for external files as we need a way to jsonify. For files stored locally this is more of a recline issue (and will require a bit of work to either guess columns or allow user to specify them).

1306043217000000 1330908188000000
#1179 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Support tag aliases

A small number of tags are near-duplicates of each other.

Perhaps we could support word stemming from NLTK and/or manual tag aliases:

statistics statistik ... survey surveying surveys

1307429221000000 1339774332000000
#1182 defect timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Comments from deleted packages appear in "Recent Comments" feed

When a package has been deleted, say for spam moderation, comments still appear in the recent comments section.

This is a problem because non-admin users will be shown a warning that they're not authorised to view the package if they click on the link.

At CKAN.net currently, this affects the most recent comment.

1307658251000000 1339774319000000
#1184 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Support Wuala as CKAN storage option

Most of CKANs storage options are tied to the USA. This brings concerns of data security for some organisations who may wish to adopt the system. Wuala is a distributed file system that stores data in a peer-to-peer manner. The company behind it, LaCie? sells storage for a fee. However, they also enable clients to have 'free' storage space when machines act as a storage node.

In order to be a storage node, a machine needs to be online for more than 14% of the time - roughly 4h per day. Most CKAN servers are likely to have a far greater uptime than this.

Supporting Wuala would go some way to enabling CKAN to be used in a secure manner. That is, CKAN could be promoted for organisational use where there is lots of data to be stored and large geographic distances to be managed. There is a Python client available and a fairly long Google Tech Talk that overviews the system.

1308034751000000 1339774306000000
#1185 defect timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Administrators can't delete packages from web UI

Administrators have "View", "Edit" and "History" tabs. However, I can't see a way to delete a package from the web UI.

Version: CKAN.net as of today

1308111818000000 1339774289000000
#1189 enhancement timmcnamara closed invalid Spideroak support in CKAN Storage

Spideroak is a bulk storage platform by a company that releases quite a lot of free software, has an extensive developer API with pricing of $10/100GB/month.

The data store is optimised for bulk data storage and retrieval. This is the kind of use case that CKAN packages require. We don't need low latency. We are after low cost, high reliability solution.

1308187104000000 1323173227000000
#1197 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog closed wontfix Add JavaScript guide for CKAN

A new library, guiders.js, has been open sourced that seems to be great at unobtrusively introducing new users to features of websites.

The library drives Optimizely's website. The GitHub repo is here: https://github.com/jeff-optimizely/Guiders-JS

Some examples:



1308801032000000 1340020357000000
#1204 enhancement timmcnamara closed invalid renaming packages seems to result in a server error

When renaming a package, and doing other changes at the same time an error is reported. However, the changes seem to go through fine.


  • datacatalogs.org as of 29 June 2011
1309303816000000 1311179980000000
#1219 defect timmcnamara closed fixed CSS issues on IE7

As reported on ckan-dev:

items in the footer of CKAN ("Packages", "Groups & Tags", "About", "Language", etc.) are shown vertically instead of horizontally in IE7. This works fine in later browsers like IE8, IE9, FF4, and latest Opera and Chrome.

This seems to exist in all recent CKAN versions up to 1.4.1a.

1310423688000000 1310740534000000
#1227 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Display packages' tags in search results

In when displaying search results, it would be useful to also display the tags of a package. Sometimes it's difficult to infer the scope of what the package does from the title and the first sentence of the description. Tags are quite concise way to display rich information.

ENV=datacatalos.org, with CKAN 1.4.2a

1311034262000000 1339774147000000
#1241 task timmcnamara timmcnamara closed wontfix Overview video of http://thedatahub.org

Produce a video explaining some of the things which can be done on the datahub.org

1311567813000000 1340632688000000
#1242 enhancement timmcnamara closed fixed thedatahub.org's login page

The right hand side of thedatahub.org login screen is a little confusing:

    Not a member?

    Join CKAN to contribute packages under your own name.

     - Register
     - Reset your password
     - Privacy Policy

Suggested improvements to make:

  • replace CKAN with thedatahub.org
  • in general, edit the copy to be more inviting
  • remove "Reset your password" from that bubble
  • move the privacy policy link to somewhere less prominent
1311569218000000 1323173292000000
#1243 enhancement timmcnamara closed invalid [thedatahub.org] "Upload Data" should provide a nicer

If someone who is not logged in clicks on "Upload Data", they are presented with

    Not authorized to upload files.

This is in emboldened red text. That is, the system is telling a user that they're doing something illegitimate, even though they're actually following an invitation from the main menu.

I propose two options for resolving this:

  1. only display the "Upload Data" tab if someone is authorised to upload data
  2. if someone isn't logged int, provide a nice welcome message thanking them for wanting to upload data, but we only allow registered users to do so

ENV: thedatahub.org, CKAN 1.4.2b

1311577466000000 1328000405000000
#698 task Stiivi thejimmyg ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed CKAN Data API v1

This proposal is to discuss adding a new API for proxying certain spreadsheet data via JSON-P to make it possible to build simple browser apps directly off the API.

See the attached proposal for information.

1287073433000000 1293649815000000
#787 task thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Auth API

Auth Proposal

Use case: We'd like an authenticated and authorized Drupal user to be able to edit/delete packages using the API

To do this a user would need a CKAN API key so we need some way of Drupal telling CKAN who a user is so that they can get their API key.

Proposed Implementation

A user visits the CKAN API key page to get their key. Because CKAN is at catalogue.data.gov.uk (a subdomain of the Drupal site) it can read Drupal cookies.

If there is no DRXtrArgs or DRXtrArgs2 cookie, we know the user isn't signed in so we redirect them to Drupal to sign in.

WISHLIST: It would be really nice if we could pass the URL to redirect back to Drupal so tha Druapl can send them back to the CKAN API key page

Either way, they get back to CKAN and now the cookies exist. When the first HTTP request header is sent, CKAN will read the Drupal session ID and then call a Drupal API, server to server.

TODO: Implement an API on the drupal server which accepts a Drupal session ID as an argument and returns the username and credentials, but only if the request if from the CKAN server (perhaps we specify an API key in the request)

If the session is valid CKAN will set its own auth cookie and show them the page with the API key. CKAN only considers a user signed in if both the CKAN cookie *and* Drupal session ID are present. If at any time they sign out of Drupal the Drupal session disappears so they will be signed out of CKAN too.

Now the user has an API key they can use the standard CKAN command line API tools.

The API key is the only thing the user will need to use the CKAN API. This poses a problem. What if a user is removed from Drupal but still has a CKAN API key?

Two solutions:

  1. API keys will be set to only be valid for the length of a Drupal session so that a user will only be able to use the write API for a little time after credentials are revoked
  1. CKAN provides an API to allow Drupal to revoke keys

Option 1. seems easier to me. If we choose this we will write a get_api_key command line tool so that Drupal user can write things like this:


datapkg list_packages --api_key get_api_key

The get_api_key function will prompt for username and password and then perform the steps necessary to get an API key.

1289211035000000 1315821118000000
#868 enhancement sebbacon thejimmyg closed fixed Test improvements

The tests currently take 41 mins to run on most laptops. This slows down development and discourages a test-driven approach.

We'd like to see the tests pass in 5 mins or less (but anything would be an improvement!)

Some suggestions for achieving this include:

  • Upgrading the entire codebase to SQLAlchemy 0.6 so that tests could run against an in-memory SQLite database
  • Not setting up and tearing down the database so frequently.
1291987811000000 1294753596000000
#896 story thejimmyg closed duplicate Distributed Data and Syncing Between CKAN Instances

Based on the ideas in:

Merging the tickets #296, #297, #298, #299 into this one.

Related ideas include:

  • Using dcat to exchange data
  • Using couchDB to have a stub package record synchronised between multiple CKAN instances, each linking to the main record in the correct instance

This should be considered a wishlist item for the timebeing.

1294406999000000 1300217375000000
#921 enhancement sebbacon thejimmyg closed fixed Refactor DGU Harvesting

Refactor harvesting code to simplify.

1295389237000000 1300197629000000
#986 defect wwitzel3 thejimmyg ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed Broken link report from the ckanext-qa code

Should have the following features:

  • A list of all packages with broken links on the resource
  • Under each packages a description of any resources with broken links to include:
    • Link
    • Description
    • Format
    • First found to be broken date

[If you can't do the last one yet, don't worry]

1297683994000000 1297812401000000
#988 task wwaites thejimmyg ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed Get a better HTML view of a GEMINI document using XSL 1297685975000000 1299493598000000
#1030 defect amercader thejimmyg closed fixed Move harvesting out of the rest API 1299776418000000 1303117978000000
#1037 defect amercader thejimmyg ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed More Robust Harvesting for DGU

CKAN's harvesting facility is now live on DGU but there are some major improvements that could be made to make it more robust and better fit the generic CKAN harvesting framework proposed in #987.

Some of the key issues:

  • Error reports do not currently contain the ID or title of the document with the error.
  • We only have "added" and "error" logging on jobs when we really need a report of "added", "updated", "not changed" and "errors" with the items in each referencing a real metadata document for which harvesting was attempted
  • We need deletion and editing of sources, without deleting the harvested documents or packages
  • We need a more robust harvesting mechanism than a cron job or we need to deal with the case of multiple cron jobs running at once.
  • We need to know the last time a list of documents was scheduled for harvest and the last time each one was fetched.
1300197602000000 1304937601000000
#1041 enhancement thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-backlog assigned Start Using the CKAN Wiki for Tutorial-style documentation

For example, I will document the following:

I'd love if someone else would write:

  • An authorisation tutorial covering the core model, the command line tools and examples of every possible way of using the system
  • A HOWTO guide with screenshots for adding a package
1300284715000000 1312372367000000
#1046 enhancement kindly thejimmyg ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Dictization and the new logic layer

The stages involved with doing this.

  • Convert model objects to standard dict format (DONE)
  • Convert standard dicts to current api formats (DONE)
  • Make standard dicts savable (DONE)
  • Validate standard dict format. (DONE)
  • Authorize actions
1300364694000000 1302777668000000
#1094 enhancement thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate [super] Refactor the Auth System

Here are some proposed changes related to CKAN's authorization system - they aren't very big, but should provide for some forthcoming use cases including #787.

Two man reasons for the changes are:

  • We have a completely refactored architecture now which introduces a logic layer. These Auth changes are designed to better support the way we work with that layer.
  • Different CKAN extension apps may need radically different authentication/authorisation so we need to allow whatever we have to be override-able.

The first two changes revolve around the is_authorized method, which is called by the logic layer to ask whether a particular user (e.g. Bob) is allowed to do a certain action (e.g. edit) on a certain object (e.g. Package).

  1. The first thing the is_authorized method is a hook to a plugin

which *overrides* the current call with its own implementation (note: in previous discussions we have considered allowing a chain of plugins, no longer!)

Reason: authorization can be completely delegated to another system (or partially)

  1. is_authorized method currently takes (username, action, object)

but for action=create_package, the object supplied is System, and for action=edit the object supplied is the package. Instead action should always be the string name of a function in the logic layer and object should always be the object passed to that function. This means our auth system is based around the actual actions we are performing (rather than a model them) and with the actual data that forms the action (rather than a related object). You never need a System object in this model.

  1. Rename these two classes to better reflect what they are
  1. Rename the Editor role to PriveledgeUser? since Editors sometimes can't edit.

Although this sounds a bit radical we already have auth extensions.

Read-only CKAN Web UI

(Additional requirement from #764)

Whilse using CKAN web interface, you are not tempted to edit stuff:

  • You know at all times this CKAN is read-only
  • All editing facilities are still seen but greyed-out with an indication why it is.
1303117973000000 1311173649000000
#1172 defect dread thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Remove all try: except: blocks that don't re-raise the original exception

The current codebase has one or two try: except; blocks that don't catch specific exceptions. Under no circumstances should any broad try: except: blocks be allowed unless the exceptions they catch are immediately re-raised. Uncaught exceptions are wasting us quite a lot of time when trying to track down problems.

1306926049000000 1314118883000000
#1229 enhancement dread thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Refactor all database code out of the controllers and into the logic layer

Progress can be tracked in this document:


1311093924000000 1319645778000000
#1231 requirement kindly thejimmyg ckan-backlog closed wontfix [super] Management Information Reporting

Child tickets:

  • #1101 Integrate stats and googlanalytics into site nav

We have a spreadsheet from UKLP of statistics we'd like to generate

1311173919000000 1325474447000000
#1232 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-backlog new [super] Interface improvements

Child tickets:

  • #1194 "Welcome back" message for newly registered user
  • #1202 Links to datapkg utility don't lead to info about it
  • #925 Change the search box icon to remove the down arrow
  • #923 Search box doesn't work in leaderboard page in stats extension
  • #1034 Flash message cached
  • #737 Markdown syntax summary page
  • #811 Extra field editing form layout breaks when there are long field names
1311178296000000 1315948536000000
#1233 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-backlog new [super] Improve wiki-style functionality for history

At the moment we have a good revisioning system but a poor history interface. We need to improve this in a number of areas:

  • #191 Searching by modification date
  • #193 Searching by time-related field
  • #301 Package discussion pages
  • #1236 Package history page should provide links to pages at particular revisions, similar to the wikipedia pages
  • #1236 Viewing old revisions or unmoderated changes should have a message at the top of the package page
  • Other improvements as per my word doc.
1311179392000000 1315948668000000
#1235 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-future new [super] Search Improvements

Child tickets:

  • #234 UI Review - Autocomplete package names & tags in search
  • #193 Searching by time-related field
  • #191 Searching by modification date
  • #905 Unable to search with accented characters in package names
  • #906 Ability to search without accents for accented words
  • #924 Search box has no search button

Broadly speaking though we need to choose PostgreSQL, Solr or something else. We don't want to invest our time maintaining two search backends with a limited abstraction layer between the two.

1311182641000000 1311182641000000
#1326 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-backlog new Write a set of auth plugin functions to integrate with Druapl

Ticket #787 described join auth between CKAN and Drupal. The authentication part is live and implemented. This ticket is a placeholder for work that will be needed in the new auth system to link authorization functions to Drupal. It is dependent on the groups refactor.

1315821084000000 1315821084000000
#1382 defect thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-backlog new Deleted resources are present for harvested package

Perhaps the importer deletes them before re-importing. We shouldn't have deleted resources, so let's investigate.

1318337889000000 1318337889000000
#1462 defect amercader thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Multi-Instance CKAN Solr Search Issues

With the 1.5 package release, CKAN instances over-write each other's indexes. Adria has a fix.

I'd like to see a new CKAN 1.5.1 release with the Solr changes merged and the Solr site ID set up as part of the install ckan.site_id = dgu-os.okfn.org. I'd also like the ability to search on ID and to have the ID directly visible on the package page.

We need to decide how to do this upgrade without affecting existing CKAN solr indexes.

1321375470000000 1330083671000000
#1463 defect thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-11-21 closed wontfix QA extension no-longer works with packaged CKAN 1.5

The extension needs upgrading:

No module named webstore.database

The other option is to delay this functionality and merge with the publisher dashboards after the group refactor.

John, David Raznick, David Read, Ira, what do you think?

1321375614000000 1321874259000000
#1464 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-v1.6 closed wontfix Replace RabbitMQ with Celeryd to support running multiple instances

The current harvesting implementation can only have one instance per server.

We could either:

  • Accept this
  • Change the RabbitMQ code to support multiple instances
  • Switch the entire harvesting to use Celery
  • Wait for James's redis based live feedback based system
1321375709000000 1328529042000000
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