{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (601 - 700 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#2543 enhancement icmurray ckan-v1.9 new facet.sort is not available in the package_search action

Not all solr facet parameters are available through the pcakage_search action. In particular, facet.sort has been asked for; but this ticket should check to see if there are other parameters that would be easy to add too.

See: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters#facet.sort

1340013335000000 1340633091000000
#2572 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new clean up stats plugin

attempt to disengage the stats plugin from core as much as possible

1340105054000000 1340899524000000
#2575 enhancement toby amercader ckan-v1.9 closed fixed Licenses have i18n issues (was Inconsistent language on license dropdown)

License titles at least for some of them need translating. This wants to be done in a more efficient and simple manner than currently exists.

the original problem was:

The license dropdown on the dataset form shows titles in Swedish by default. Changing the language seems to default to English, but after refreshing the page a couple of times it shows a wrong language again.

Thanks to pudo for reporting.

1340125845000000 1343216544000000
#2577 enhancement ross ross ckan-v1.9 closed fixed Dataproxy raises 500 when it can't get CSV

When given a url parameter for a file it cannot fetch, the app raises a 500 instead of something useful.

Better error reporting in the JSON would be useful

1340207124000000 1346669735000000
#2579 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new move sort_by functions into lib.helpers

make these more available but keep existing functionality so not to break any users




1340281798000000 1340899337000000
#2582 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Do not hide notes / readme on dataset pages

Current we hide most of readme and then let users reveal it. Stop doing this and if necessary add a quick link down to resources section. (Maybe also rename resources to Data and Resources ...?)

Aside: believe I have mentioned this somewhere a month + ago but could not find the ticket.

1340312340000000 1340625009000000
#2585 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Escape solr control characters in search queries, add advanced search screen

Suggestion from David Read:

We noticed that some search queries produce unexpected search results in CKAN, due to them containing special characters. For example if you were to search for "Spend over £25,000 - NHS Leeds" then it would not come up with the dataset with that exact name. It was excluding datasets with the word "NHS" due to the dash/minus sign. It works fine if you escape the minus sign: "Spend over £25,000 \- NHS Leeds".

So in data.gov.uk I've added escaping of such control characters in our plugin and this useful routine:


Perhaps you would consider providing this in CKAN core in future?

I think there is an occasional case when power users would want to use the special characters - brackets, +, -, boolean operators etc. but maybe these could be reserved for an 'advanced search' screen?

1340360773000000 1340625078000000
#2603 refactor icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.9 new Remove deprecated 'fields' parameter from resource_search

The fields parameter of resource_search was deprecated when fixing #2438. It can be removed in release 1.9, and the action tidied up as a result.

1340730601000000 1340730601000000
#2619 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 assigned Omit private datasets from public activity streams

Activities about private datasets should not appear in public activity streams.

I don't think you want to actually purge the activities from the db, because you might still want them to appear in private activity streams.

I do think that when a dataset goes private all its past activity should go private, because I imagine that users are going to want to hide everything about the dataset and not have any past activities 'leaking out'

I don't think you want to consider whether the dataset was private when the activity happened, rather if a dataset is private now then all its past activities are private (and the simplest thing would be to say that if a dataset is public now then all its past activities become public as well, but is that a privacy concern?)

The easiest way to implement this is going to be by modifying the *_activity_list() action functions in get.py, after they pull their activity lists out of the db they should pass them through a function that filters out stuff about private datasets.

An activity about a private dataset is one whose object_type is 'dataset' and whose object_id matches the id of a private dataset. You should also check the object_type and object_id of all of the activity object's activity detail objects, if any of those match a private dataset then mark the whole activity as private.

Currently all activity streams are public so should have all private datasets filtered out from them, except for the dashboard activity stream which is private to the individual user. In this case private datasets that the user has permission to see should not be filtered.

1340884140000000 1351531137000000
#2621 refactor icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.9 new Remove the deprecated 'fields' parameter from tag_search and tag_autocomplete

This was deprecated in 1.8 as it wasn't accessible via GET requests due to being a dict. See #2439

In a future release of CKAN (probably 1.9) it can be removed.

Internal uses of it were removed in #2439, but there are tests that still use it.

1340900569000000 1340900569000000
#2625 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Add i18n strings from non-core but supported extensions to ckan.pot file

Have to decide which non-core extensions are going to be supported first.

1341236903000000 1341236903000000
#2629 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 closed duplicate Move ckanext-examplevocabs into master and document 1341586555000000 1343392596000000
#2632 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 closed fixed check allowed helpers exist

in lib helpers make sure the allowed function lists functions exist or throw an error.

1341827811000000 1342087027000000
#2663 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new h.resource_display_name needs love

This function is shit and needs cleaning up and a doc string

description is markdown and should be treated properly

either we should truncate all or leave it to the templates but work universally

url if no name / desc this is in demo-theme branch

1342017746000000 1342017746000000
#2668 defect ross dread ckan-v1.9 closed fixed Permission for sysadmin to read a deleted publisher

As a sysadmin I should be able to view deleted groups/publishers (publisher profile) but I can't.

In addition, there don't seem to be tests for permissions of deleted publishers.

1342171453000000 1345565100000000
#2671 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 closed fixed fix allow_partial_update

need to be able to delete stuff explicitly

1342183618000000 1345209579000000
#2679 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.9 new Change default behaviour of TemplateController.view to 404.

The current behaviour of TemplateController?.view() (which is the fallback controller should all others fail) is to attempt to render (as a genshi template) the requested file.

Although this may be a feature that some instances want. In general, it leads to:

  • 500s when attempting to access a normal template (eg - http://datahub.io/importer/preview)
  • A way of inadvertantly serving things you may not want to serve. (Small risk, as it needs to be renderable as a genshi template).


  • Change the controller to 404
  • Ensure there's a way for existing ckan instances to override that behaviour should they need it.
1342436133000000 1342436133000000
#2708 enhancement kindly toby ckan-v1.9 new limit extra data for package/group show

contextpackage_limits? = { 'tags': 5, <- get first 5

'extras': 0, <- get all


only get what you ask for have to be explicit

contextgroup_limits? = {} only main item

start with datasets/groups expand if we like it

1342622420000000 1342622420000000
#2733 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-v1.9 new Datastore logic functions

Where does the data go?

In a postgres database configured by the ckan.datastore_write_url config option which is a sqlalchemy url.

The user should have rights to create tables.

Whats the api like?

We will just implement it as logic functions like the rest of CKAN and will part of core. After that we may add some nicer api functions that use these but that is a secondary concern.

What are the initial logic functions?

  • datastore_create
  • datastore_delete
  • datastore_show

What is the JSON input format for datastore_create

To begin with it can have the following keys. It is fairly consistent with Max Ogdens' gut servers. Except adds resource_id.

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be stored against.
fields: a list of dictionaries of fields/columns and their extra metadata.
records: a list of dictionaries of the data eg  [{"dob": "2005", "some_stuff": ['a', b']}, ..]
  • The first row will be used to guess types not in the fields and the guessed types will be added to the headers permanently. Consecutive rows have to conform to the field definitions.
  • rows: can be empty so that you can just set the fields
  • fields are optional but needed if you want to do type hinting or add extra information for certain columns or to explicitly define ordering.

eg: [{"id": "dob", "type": "timestamp" }, {"id": "some_stuff", "type": "text"}, ...]. A header items values can not be changed after it has been defined nor can the ordering of them be changed. They can be extended though.

  • Any error results in total failure!! For now pass back the actual error.
  • Should be transactional

What json does datastore_delete take?

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be deleted.
filters: dictionary of matching conditions to delete
    e.g  {'key1': 'a. 'key2': 'b'}  this will be equivalent to "delete from table where key1 = 'a' and key2 = 'b' ".
    No filters (either not present or not defined) then delete the table. If we want truncate then add truncate: true to truncate the table.

What json does datastore_search take?

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be selected.
filters : dictionary of matching conditions to select
    e.g  {'key1': 'a. 'key2': 'b'}  this will be equivalent to "select * from table where key1 = 'a' and key2 = 'b' "
q: full text query
limit: limit the amount of rows to size default 100
offset: offset the amount of rows
fields:  list of fields return in that order, defaults (empty or not present) to all fields in fields order.
sort: comma separated field names with ordering e.g "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"

Some free code: https://gist.github.com/3163864

What json does datastore_search return?

fields: same type as datastore_create accepts (i.e. with metadata)
offset: The same offset that was supplied in datastore_show
limit: The original limit
filters: The filters that were applied in data_show
total: # total matching records without size or offset
records: [same as data_create] # list of matching results

On error will return:

__error__: … sql error …

What types are allowed?

Aim to support as many postgres/postgis types that have string representations.




Each row in a table will be given an _id column which has an id generated by us which you can use in queries.

Other Features

Each row will store the _full_text index of all the data in the row. At some later point there will most likely be a way to index fields add constraints etc.

1343058886000000 1343656105000000
#2736 enhancement ross ross ckan-v1.9 closed wontfix Archiver fixes

We need to check the archiver to make sure it works as we would expect after the changes in #2732:

  • Receive notification of a file that needs processing
  • Check the file's DB entry and upload the file to the configured remote service
  • Update the URL of the file (both in the file's DB entry and the resource)
  • Once we're sure the file is safely archived, we should mark the file as being archived

so that we know it can safely be deleted at some point.

Maybe this could/should be implemented as a service rather than a celery task?

1343121237000000 1346670097000000
#2745 defect amercader ckan-v1.9 new Password reset returns an exception if the key parameter is missing

Instead of showing a notice, the password reset page throws an exception if the key parameter is missing:

Module ckan.controllers.user:329 in perform_reset
         c.reset_key = request.params.get('key')
               if not mailer.verify_reset_link(user_obj, c.reset_key):
                   h.flash_error(_('Invalid reset key. Please try again.'))
 if not mailer.verify_reset_link(user_obj, c.reset_key):
Module ckan.lib.mailer:100 in verify_reset_link
     if not user.reset_key or len(user.reset_key) < 5:
               return False
           return key.strip() == user.reset_key
 return key.strip() == user.reset_key
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

Apart from the obvious fix of checking for the 'key' parameter, it seems like is quite common to get these reset urls without the key parameter, so I suspect some email clients might strip the query params when building the links. We could avoid this problem by making the key part of the url instead of a param:


instead of:


1343145931000000 1343145931000000
#2758 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.9 new file storage gives error if config not available but no useful user information

We get an error which should be improved the actual problem is this but not passed to user

KeyError?: 'ofs.impl'

View as: Interactive (full) | Text (full) | XML (full) Module ckan.controllers.storage:2 in auth_form view Module ckan.lib.jsonp:26 in jsonpify view

data = func(*args, kwargs)

Module ckan.controllers.storage:407 in auth_form view

authorize(method, bucket, label, c.userobj, self.ofs)

Module ckan.controllers.storage:200 in ofs view

StorageAPIController._ofs_impl = get_ofs()

Module ckan.controllers.storage:71 in get_ofs view

storage_backend = configofs.impl?

Module paste.registry:146 in getitem view

return self._current_obj()[key]

KeyError?: 'ofs.impl'

1343287709000000 1343287709000000
#2773 enhancement markw markw ckan-v1.9 new About page needs improving

The about page for the DataHub? (thedatahub.org/about) could be improved. More importantly the default about page for a generic CKAN instance should be completely different - focus more on Open Data rather than the community hub idea (as this is more relevant for most installations) and remove specific references to tdh.

1343646795000000 1343646795000000
#2788 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-v1.9 new Speed improvements on creating/updating and indexing

Specially needed when importing large numbers of datasets.

Profiling the import command from the harvesting extension has shown some areas where improvements could be made.

1343832992000000 1343832992000000
#2829 enhancement johnglover toby ckan-v1.9 new Archiver fails on 403 http response

Had this issue with the archiver on my local machine need to be logged in (I am admin) to see via web front end

$ paster archiver update -c ../ckan/development.ini 

2012-08-09 11:01:37,636 INFO  [ckanext.archiver.commands] Archival of dataset resource data added to celery queue: opencontext-chogha-mish-fauna (1 resources)
2012-08-09 11:01:37,671 INFO  [ckanext.archiver.commands] Getting dataset metadata: south-african-national-gov-budget-2012-13
2012-08-09 11:01:37,900 INFO  [ckan.lib.base]  /api/action/package_show render time 0.043 seconds
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/bin/paster", line 8, in <module>
    load_entry_point('PasteScript==1.7.5', 'console_scripts', 'paster')()
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 104, in run
    invoke(command, command_name, options, args[1:])
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 143, in invoke
    exit_code = runner.run(args)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 238, in run
    result = self.command()
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/src/ckanext-archiver/ckanext/archiver/commands.py", line 98, in command
    response = app.post(api_url + '/package_show', data)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 262, in post
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 243, in _gen_request
    return self.do_request(req, status=status)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 406, in do_request
    self._check_status(status, res)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 439, in _check_status
paste.fixture.AppError: Bad response: 403 Forbidden (not 200 OK or 3xx redirect for /api/action/package_show)
{"help": "Return the metadata of a dataset (package) and its resources.\n\n    :param id: the id or name of the dataset\n    :type id: string\n\n    :rtype: dictionary\n\n    ", "success": false, "error": {"message": "Access denied", "__type": "Authorization Error"}}
1344508484000000 1344508484000000
#2838 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Context variables accepted by action functions need to be documented

I was doing this:

context = {'model': base.model, 'session': base.model.Session,
                    'user': toolkit.c.user or toolkit.c.author,
                    'extras_as_string': True}
group_dict = logic.get_action('group_show')(context,
                    {'id': group_id})

in an extension and one of the group_dicts fields, one that uses convert_to/from_extras, was coming out with the wrong value. It took me ages to realise that I had to pass 'extras_as_string': True in the context. I don't think this or other context variables are documented anywhere.

1344630911000000 1344630911000000
#2885 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Labels (editor, admin) not translated in authorization pages for datasets or groups 1345625351000000 1345625524000000
#2889 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Support JSON values in extras, when returning JSON from API

For example, edit the warandpeace dataset and add an extra with key "comments" and value "[{u'date': u'Tue Aug 21 13:01:48 GMT 2012', u'comment': u'testing ckan', u'userId': u'11702'}, {u'date': u'Wed Aug 22 13:01:48 GMT 2012', u'comment': u'testing ckan again', u'userId': u'11702'}]", now visit API URLs such as:




The value of the extra comes out as a string in the dataset JSON, rather than having its contents unpacked into a list of JSON objects.

1345811737000000 1345811737000000
#2763 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Multilingual tests failing

test_multilingual_plugin.TestDatasetTermTranslation?.test_dataset_index_translation, test_multilingual_plugin.TestDatasetTermTranslation?.test_group_read_translation both failing for me on master

1343303819000000 1350303864000000
#2815 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new db_to_form_package_schema() strips tracking summary, isopen

If an IDatasetForm plugin with a db_to_form_schema() based on db_to_form_package_schema() (which is in turn based on default_package_schema()) is in use then the 'tracking_summary' dict and the 'isopen' bool get stripped from package dicts during validation, e.g. during package_show(), and these values are then not available to templates.

1344444427000000 1350303821000000
#2846 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Organizations allows you to set an organization as the parent organization of itself

that doesn't make any sense

1344860536000000 1350303844000000
#2881 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Remove or improve 'Domain Model' docs page


Currently not very useful. Also these pages:




This just seems very incomplete to me (surely there is more to the domain model the dataset, resource and task status?) and very likely to not get updated as changes are mode to the code. Would anyone seriously refer to this rather than just looking at the source code?

If we want to have something along these lines in the docs, I suggest adding docstrings to packages, modules, classes and methods and then using autodoc to pull them into sphinx.

1345539917000000 1345626056000000
#2882 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Remove User Stories Overview from docs?

Why is this here? Is it up to date? Is anyone keeping it up to date? Does this belong in some sort of CKAN planning or roadmap document rather than in the documentation?


1345540723000000 1345540723000000
#2883 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Add high level dev overview to 'For CKAN Developers' section of docs

Here's a draft: https://gist.github.com/3414107

1345546355000000 1345629890000000
#2884 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Lock icon shown next to unknown licenses

Set the license of a dataset to blank (the first option) or to 'License Not Specified' or 'Other (Non-Commercial)' and a lock icon appears next to the license on the dataset read page. Shouldn't this be a question mark or something?

1345564873000000 1345564873000000
#2887 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new "Welcome to CKAN!" on front page is untranslatable

ckan/templates/home/index.html contains:

<h1 class="page_heading">Welcome to ${g.site_title}!</h1>

which means that just "Welcome to" ends up in the ckan.po files for translation. This makes the phrase untranslatable in languages that have a different word ordering than English where the site title needs to be somewhere other than at the end of the sentence.

1345627079000000 1345627233000000
#2890 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Collect data previews and data store docs in one chapter

Currently there is this page:


which covers Recline Data Explorer and other kinds of data preview in CKAN. It is under the Publishing Datasets section in the documentation. I had to to a search for 'recline' to find it.

Separately there is this page: http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.7.1/datastore.html which covers datastore, datastorer, and the data api.

I suggest collecting this together in one chapter called 'Data Previews'. If I understand it right the general gist would be:

CKAN has builtin previews of data resources on resource pages, enabled by default.

Images, Google Documents, and web page resources will be loaded into embedded iframes for preview.

Text-like files will be displayed raw.

CSV or Excel files uploaded to CKAN will be previewed using Recline Data Explorer.

Additionally, you can enable CKAN's DataStore?, requires you to install ElasticSearch? and nginx and put datastore.enabled=1 in your ini file. Lets you use the Data API to query data.

Does having DataStore? enabled mean you get preview of more types of resources? Any resource that's available via the Data API will be previewed using Recline,

You can install ckanext-datastorer, and then CSV and Excel files _linked to_ as CKAN resources will be previewed using Recline also. Requires celeryd.

1346149236000000 1346175867000000
#2891 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Update or remove DataStore google presentation

Currently this page:


has an embedded Google docs presentation about data store which contains some outdated information, e.g. links to datastoreclient which was merged into ckanclient.

Suggest moving the google presentation into the documentation proper, so it works with grep etc.

1346149423000000 1346154177000000
#2892 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new IDatasetForm's form_to_db_schema() breaks API?

It looks like when an IDatasetForm plugin with a form_to_db_schema() method is active, then the posted data dict is validated against the schema even if the user is posting to an API endpoint like /api/action/package_update etc. This breaks the API, for example 'name' and 'title' are optional keys for package_update (you can supply only the 'id'), but the schema validation will fail if either are not present in the posted dict.

It may be we need different schema for package create and package update, currently IDatasetForm has just the one form_to_db_schema() method.

1346154125000000 1346154163000000
#2893 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Tags missing from form_to_db_package_schema()

With an IDatasetForm plugin active with a form_to_db_package_schema() method that returns a schema based on ckan/logic/schema.py:form_to_db_package_schema() I'm getting validation errors like this:

[ckan.controllers.api] Validation error: "{'type': 'Validation Error', 'junk': [u'The input field junk was not expected.']}"

They seem to be caused when a data dict with key 'tags' is passed to e.g. the package_update API, for example in ckan/tests/functional/api/model/test_vocabulary.py there are various tests that get this error when they call package_update (if you run the tests with a suitable IDatasetForm plugin active).

In ckan/logic/schema.py:form_to_db_package_schema() 'tags' is for some reason deliberately removed from the schema.

1346155864000000 1346155864000000
#2894 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Empty lists get stripped from package dicst in package_show()

If there's an IDatasetForm plugin active with a form_to_db_schema(), then packages with e.g. no extras get the 'extras' key entirely stripped by the validation in package_show, which causes some tests to crash, e.g. in ckan/tests/functional/api/test_activity.py (if the tests are run with a suitable IDatasetForm plugin active).

If a package has no extras the dict returned by package_show should still have an 'extras' key with an empty list as the value.

Suspect this also effects packages with no tags, no groups, etc.

1346157634000000 1346157634000000
#2896 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new resource_create crashes on ValidationErrors with KeyError: 'resources'



pkg_dict = _get_action('package_update')(context, pkg_dict)

except ValidationError?, e:

errors = e.error_dictresources?[-1] raise ValidationError?(errors)

This assumes that package_update always returns an error dict with 'resources' in it. This assumption doesn't hold.

1346257754000000 1346257754000000
#2897 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new db_to_form_package_schema() crashes historical dataset page

If there's an IDatasetForm plugin active with a db_to_form_schema() method based on db_to_form_package_schema(), then viewing historical versions of datasets (e.g. crashes.

Reason is that revison_id and revision_timestamp need to be added to db_to_form_package_schema(), something like:

schema.update({'revision_id': [validators.ignore_missing, unicode]}) schema.update({'revision_timestamp':

[validators.ignore_missing, unicode]})

1346330495000000 1346330495000000
#2900 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new snippets/package_list.html template crashes on dataset that has no 'notes'

Sometimes a dataset dict comes through package_show() with 'notes': None and then the 'notes' key gets stripped from the dict when validation happens (validation only happens if there's an IDatasetForm plugin with a db_to_form_schema() method) and then package_list.html template crashes, e.g. on user profile pages.

Fix in the template? Or in the schema?

The template also crashes on packages with no tags (empty list gets stripped from dict) and probably other empty fields as well

1346335207000000 1346335788000000
#2912 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new ckanext/organizations: Neither public or private initially selected when adding dataset

When adding a dataset with the organizations extension on, neither the Public or the Private radio button is initially selected. Public should be selected.

1347271076000000 1350303897000000
#2914 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Add form_to_db_schema_options() to IDatasetForm and IGroupForm

This optional method is supported when creating or updating groups and packages and is used in DefaultGroupForm? and DefaultPackageForm?, but seems to be missing from the interfaces. Should be added with docstring.

1347445795000000 1350303928000000
#2930 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 closed fixed convert_from_extras() returns qupted strings from API

Use an IGroupForm plugin to add a custom metadata field to groups using convert_to_extras() and convert_from_extras(), when calling group show the value comes back quoted, e.g. '"my_value"'

Should add tests to example_igroupform and others that setting and getting the custom fields works through the action API.

1347639864000000 1361988592000000
#3006 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Update translations from Transifex

There are some new translations already on the CKAN 1.8 resource on Transifex already (e.g. 100% Norwegian translation I think). We should at least pull these from Transifex for 1.8.1, and may as well do a call for translations too.

1351506144000000 1351506144000000
#1279 enhancement ross amercader ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Refactor or deprecate Authorization Groups

Authorization Groups are going to be deprecated in 1.8

It is still unclear how Authorization Groups fit in the new authz model, so they have been left out of the logic and auth refactoring (Tickets #1229 and #1253)

1313415367000000 1338212028000000
#1387 defect toby johnglover ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Not specifying a protocol in dataset url causes broken link to be served on dataset view page

If a user enters a url with no protocol (eg: www.data.gov.uk) in the 'url' field of a dataset, a broken link is created on the view page.

CKAN should probably either put in a http:// if no protocol is given, or validation should fail.

1318428893000000 1343042311000000
#1434 enhancement seanh dread ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Add i18n strings from extensions

Decide which extensions are important.

1320145648000000 1341245889000000
#1471 enhancement seanh dread ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Be compatible with new ubuntu release in April

Nils flagged up that Ubuntu launches another LTS in April which we should probably move to. This ticket is to get the ball rolling with what we do. We can always include in our package the exact package versions of deps that we want, but it is good to be in line with the release if possible.

Here's how to see the packages included with it: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python-pylons&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all

Pylons 0.9.7 -> 1.0-2 Requires a small amount of work SQLAlchemy 0.7.3-2 OK Babel 0.9.6-1 OK Genshi 0.6-2 Perfect

Another alternative is to move to another web framework, especially minding that Pylons is not being further developed.

1321552345000000 1340810270000000
#1512 defect ross rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Modifying user name makes you semi-log-out

If you modify your user name, it looks like you are logged out, but you are actually logged in and therefore can't login. (Reported by Pablo)

As a work around, you need to logout and log back in.


  • We should force this by auto-logging you out (DR: maybe!)
1323100214000000 1342781122000000
#1678 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Make synchronous search the default behaviour

Right now you need to explicitly load the synchronous_search plugin in your ini file, when this is probably the behaviour that all users expect by default. We could keep a config flag to deactivate it, but synchronous search should be the default behaviour.

1326807604000000 1341405749000000
#1732 enhancement johnglover seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Update CKAN's search for taxonomies

Initially we'll just add all tags from all vocabularies into the existing tags search facet (this should happen automatically). Later we want to enable templates to use separate search facets for different vocabularies.

Also need to make sure that search terms are matched against the texts of the tag names themselves (should happen already) and maybe also against the texts of the vocabulary names?

1328008169000000 1341224357000000
#1737 enhancement icmurray rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Expose solr-based search API

Super ticket: #1745

Required for some improvements to UX (such as autocomplete and better search).

1328014626000000 1340112732000000
#2273 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Review publisher organisations code with Ross 1333375723000000 1340635788000000
#2279 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.8 new Write tutorial for our DataStore API / Data Explorer

Unfortunately ES is a little bit complex / opaque to newcomers. Need to write a simple tutorial walking through this.

This is documentation / example only (no code!)

1333482263000000 1338205426000000
#2283 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed wontfix [super] Data Previewer / Viewer v3
  • Basic geo map
  • Facets
  • Filtering
  • Pivot table support (?)
  • Export data (?)
  • Save data query and share
  • More and better graphing
  • Embedding! - /resource/../embed

User stories and analysis: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/feature-2283-data-viewer-v3

1334138341000000 1340623843000000
#2289 defect toby seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Flash messages are not being translated?

There are a couple of flash messages in ckan/controllers/user.py that show up in English, even if another language is in use, and even though the strings are marked for translation with gettext and have translations in the po and mo files:

"[USER NAME] is now logged in"

"Login failed. Bad username or password. (Or if using OpenID, it hasn't been associated with a user account.)"

1334255836000000 1341314151000000
#2290 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Mark facet titles in search pages for translation

The strings Tags, Res_format and Groups on e.g. the package index page should be marked for translation. These strings have been refactored in the feature-1821-multilingual-extension branch, so wait until that branch has been merged into master.

1334326651000000 1341238415000000
#2305 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed User dashboard with private consolidated activity stream

User story #035 here: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/feature-1515-activity-streams-user-stories

Technical analysis here: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/27

1334587329000000 1340879812000000
#2309 enhancement ross ckan-v1.8 closed wontfix Organizations review with SH

Review organizations code with Sean and explain the key parts.

1334591679000000 1340623966000000
#2313 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Deprecate old facet data structures and related functions.

In branch feature-1821-multilingual-extension, a new faceting datastructure was introduced. This makes the old one and related functions obsolete. These have been marked as deprecated for the 1.7 release, and should be removed for the 1.8 release.

  • helpers.py:facet_items()
  • facets.html:facet_sidebar()
  • uses of c.facets (rather than c.new_facets)
1334677916000000 1343124732000000
#2319 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed wontfix Better auto-complete for groups on dataset edit page

Use jquery chosen?

1335211353000000 1340624083000000
#2340 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Get Jenkins to automatically run core extensions tests 1335876289000000 1340040366000000
#2344 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Get jenkins install script into CKAN core

After checking out a commit to test from CKAN's GitHub?, Jenkins runs a script that creates a new virtual environment and installs CKAN and its dependencies into it, and does some other necessary tasks. Jenkins then runs the tests in this virtualenv.

The install script may have to change from one commit to the next as CKAN's install instructions change, so it would be good if the script was shipped in CKAN core. That way Jenkins will run different versions of the script depending on which commit it's testing and if the tests fail because the script is wrong then that's actually a bug that needs to be fixed in CKAN core. Also the CKAN install instructions could be simplified a lot by just having users run this script instead of doing each step by hand.

1335876673000000 1340040449000000
#2347 enhancement icmurray ross ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Related stuff dashboard and changes

Some additions to the related stuff functionality to make it more useful post the 1.7 release.

[x] Edit item (after checking auth)

[x] My related things on my user page

[x] Show user created related things on the users' page with links direct to the related page of that dataset. {0.5d}

[x] Related stuff usage counts { 1d }

Record the number of times the link for a related item is clicked. This is likely to mean that the link fires to call CKAN and then redirects to the actual URL.

[x] Un-attached related items {0.25d}

Allow related items to be created without being attached to datasets. This may mean that the dataset field is optional in the API.

[ ] Dashboard for related

A dashboard for related items, site-wide (not package specific) and orderable by date, views, {rating}, popularity of the dataset. Would be useful (possibly) for site-admin to mark one or more as 'featured'

[x] Dashboard + Controller (Related) {1d}

[x] Ordering at logic layer (date, views, rating, popularity of package, featured) {1d}

[x] date [x] views [x] featured

[x] 'Featured' related item with mechanism to fetch it. {0.5d}

[ ] UI within dashboard for sysadmins to check/uncheck feature status {0.5d}

[x] Changing auth for related.

Currently auth is based on deletion being possible by dataset owner and the related owner but it may be that a lot of the auth for related items should be configured to have more restrictive auth.

[x] Implement auth changes for publisher auth profile. { 0.5d }

[x] General issues

[x] Serverside validation of URLs

[x] Activity updates

[x] Make optional

[x] Related item only includes App, Idea, Visualization but not API | Post | Paper | News Article options as in original ticket #2204

[ ] UI Changes

[ ] General tidy up, fix form etc (icon for menu bar)

[ ] Highlight featured items py:if="related.featured"

[ ] Show either view count or popularity ${ related.view_count }

[ ] A user's related items should be on their home page

[ ] Related item plus sign is very poorly aligned within box

[ ] Add related items should be in drop down like for resources (?) to make it easy to add items

[ ] Hover should show a title that gives some information about what related are (not at all clear)

"Apps, Ideas, Visualization and other material related to this dataset"

[x] Related is a pretty terrible name in the UI - much better to have it called Apps, Ideas etc (perhaps title tag could even give more details e.g. "Apps, Ideas, Visualization and other material related to this dataset") -- btw i thought this was in #2332 but realize it wasn't (apologies for that!)

  • Went with Apps & Ideas (for now)

[x] Documentation, documentation, documentation - AFAICT I can't see anything in v1.7 or master docs. I imagine this would be a short section like http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.7/commenting.html (and probably coming right after that in the ToC) which says

  • What it does
  • How to enable (and perhaps includes a nice-screenshot!)
  • How to customize (e.g. can one customize the list of options of things one can create (e.g. can I set it to just be app and idea or ...)
  • Also liase with Mark W re a blog post about this from the user perspective (a screenshot walkthrough ...)

[ ] Clearly mark the old extension as deprecated from v1.7 forward: https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-apps (I just met someone last week who was working on integrating this and had no idea it was replaced by something better in v1.7)

1335879539000000 1343226149000000
#2363 enhancement toby kindly ckan-v1.8 new Documentation of best caching practice.

Need better documentation on best practices in making page loads faster for non logged in users.

1335889017000000 1340099794000000
#2374 enhancement ross dread ckan-v1.8 closed worksforme tag search paging

Currently in the logic function tag_search you can specify limit and offset, but no count is returned. Therefore pagination is not possible for tag results. This is desired though.

1336154025000000 1340287976000000
#2381 enhancement ross ross ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Related item count on ALL dataset pages

Make sure the related item count is available on all dataset pages (inc. follow) when it is enabled.

1337009133000000 1337011327000000
#2388 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Update "out of the box" settings for CKAN
  • Only logged in users able to create
  • Creation permissions have only creators able to update a dataset
  • Synchronous search is enabled (#1678)
1337095269000000 1342104475000000
#2389 defect amercader amercader ckan-v1.8 closed fixed More robust handling of DataExplorer errors


Do not show failed preview with red-bar (esp when just empty datastore ...)

  • Data Viewer checks if datastore is empty nad falls back to ther options if emtpy
  • DataStore? enabled is off by default and only turned on either explicitly by user or by DataStorer? on successful store ...

Loading/showing error reports

1337095447000000 1341222201000000
#2399 defect amercader seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Model cleanup in CKAN core has broken ckanext-spatial

root@lucid32:/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckan# sudo -u www-data /usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/bin/paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial spatial initdb 4326 --config=/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckan/development.ini Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/bin/paster", line 9, in <module>

load_entry_point('PasteScript?==1.7.3', 'console_scripts', 'paster')()

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 84, in run

invoke(command, command_name, options, args[1:])

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 123, in invoke

exit_code = runner.run(args)

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 218, in run

result = self.command()

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckanext-spatial/ckanext/spatial/commands/spatial.py", line 38, in command


File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/cli.py", line 53, in _load_config

load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/config/environment.py", line 204, in load_environment


File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckanext-spatial/ckanext/spatial/plugin.py", line 60, in configure


File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckanext-spatial/ckanext/spatial/model.py", line 20, in setup


File "/usr/local/feature-2375-demo-theme/pyenv/src/ckanext-spatial/ckanext/spatial/model.py", line 66, in define_spatial_tables

package_extent_table = Table('package_extent', metadata,

NameError?: global name 'metadata' is not defined

1337173470000000 1340706702000000
#2428 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Reduce/sort out CKAN's dependencies

This ticket depends on #2423, #2424, #2425, #2426 and #2427.

  • Try to remove as many of CKAN's dependencies as possible
  • Try to update as many of the remaining ones as possible
  • Try to get rid of some dependencies that are fetched from random hg or git servers instead of pypi
  • Then try to get the order of deps in the requirements files right so that you end up with the right versions of everything
  • Each module in the dependencies file should specify the exact version, to protect us from changes due to them upgrading versions under us and breaking things or changing their own deps
  • Consider shipping dependencies with ckan instead of pip installing them?
  • This is related to moving CKAN to Ubuntu 12.04
  • Add a test case that runs pip freeze and tests that all the right versions of deps are installed?
1337946896000000 1341314475000000
#2433 defect toby toby ckan-v1.8 new API uses name not id for some version 3 calls

see https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/5

1337957648000000 1340099820000000
#2434 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Fix autodoc on readthedocs again 1337962353000000 1350296272000000
#2435 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed worksforme ckanext-qa doesn't work with CKAN 1.7+ 1337963228000000 1340810257000000
#2437 task icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Add coding standards to CKAN docs
  • [ ] Write up python coding standards as discussed at dev-meetup into CKAN docs. (Mostly written-up as part of dev-meetup notes.)
1338196895000000 1343124799000000
#2438 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed resource_search action not accessible via GET request

This action is not currently usable via a GET request as it relies upon a nested dict of fields.

1338197305000000 1341406005000000
#2439 defect icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed tag_search and tag_autocomplete not fully available via GET request

tag_search and tag_autocomplete: The fields argument is not available when accessing this action with a GET request.

1338197549000000 1341295142000000
#2467 defect amercader amercader ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Fix stats extension frontend

After moving to Bootstrap the tables on the frontend look broken.

1338213230000000 1340981885000000
#2472 enhancement amercader kindly ckan-v1.8 closed fixed clean up datastore controller to get rid of datastore_url enables checks

Datastore_url enabled checks are useless.

We should probably change this to datastore_url = 'active' and only update the flag to when a attempt at a post is made.

This will need to be removed from the form at some point.

1338293407000000 1341222195000000
#2484 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed move follower functionality into helper functions 1338547770000000 1340285964000000
#2495 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Stats page has lost styling ...


1339056932000000 1340624905000000
#2499 enhancement toby icmurray ckan-v1.8 new Documentation for the internal analytics

There's no docs for setting up the internal analytics, nor what it provides.


Add: ckan.tracking_enabled = true to .ini file

Run: paster tracking -c dev.ini


1339070297000000 1339070297000000
#2500 defect ross icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed get_action should raise an exception if the action requested doesn't exist

Original bug report:

Hi CKAN devs,

Can I request that ckan.logic.get_action raises an exception if the action requested doesn't exist?

Two of us had a frustrating time tracking down an exception this morning. It's difficult when the exception is raised in python in a template because you don't get a line number. The problem was caused by a new logic function being added to another extension, and we hadn't updated the code there. So if get_action raised an proper exception rather than silently returning None then I think we'd have found the problem quicker.

I'd write the code for this, but as I understand that the new system would require a ticket, branch, pull request, code review, merge. It seems a lot to do for such a small thing.


1339072580000000 1340293636000000
#2533 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed ckanext-harvest is broken with ckan 1.8b

Looks like recent CKAN cleanups broke some imports:


1339754707000000 1339755433000000
#2534 defect amercader seanh ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate ckanext-spatial is broken with CKAN 1.8b

Looks like recent cleanups in CKAN broke an import in the extension:


1339754762000000 1340631124000000
#2591 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed postgres unicode problems postgres v9.1.4

sqlalchemy fails on postgres 9.1.4 when unicode is returned

see http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/dialects/postgresql.html

1340627776000000 1340813161000000
#2592 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Update and simplify source install instructions

Make the same instructions work for Ubuntu Lucid and Precise and make them simpler

Also see #1471

1340633697000000 1341234947000000
#2600 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Replace broken "Login to Add an Organization" button

If you're not logged in and you click this button, it takes you to the add group page not the login page. Anyway, the default behaviour everywhere else in CKAN is to hide buttons that you don't have permission to use (e.g. add dataset, edit dataset, etc.)

1340721718000000 1340791910000000
#2604 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Add Requests as requirement for tests

Requests (http://python-requests.org) is really useful to deal with http requests and saves a lot of time.

I propose we include it as a requirement for the tests for the time being, and even for core if necessary at a later stage.

1340790229000000 1340968458000000
#2605 enhancement ross ross ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Problem with user.get_groups

From DR at DGU

Basically get_groups() appears to cache its results, but this falls down when subsequent calls are in a different session. We get this when saving a dataset. get_groups() first gets called in the controller when it is trying to work out what permissions the user has. It later gets called, and by this time c.userobj is detached, so get_groups() fails.

I'm working around this by refreshing c.userobj (from c.user) before calling get_groups(), but I wonder if the get_groups caching could detect the detached session and bypass the cache in this case?

diff at https://gist.github.com/3003117

1340793006000000 1343127369000000
#2608 refactor seanh ckan-v1.8 closed wontfix Uploading a file to a resource hangs

I'm not seeing any javascript or python error, the upload just hangs.

1340806788000000 1343125400000000
#2615 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Add activity stream activity when a user starts to follow something 1340874249000000 1341235002000000
#2624 enhancement ross seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Organizations breaks dataset tag editing

Enable the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins, login to ckan, create a group, create a dataset and add it to the group. Edit the dataset, add some tags to it. The new tags are not saved when you submit.

Disable the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins and tag editing works again.

1341226411000000 1341831716000000
#2627 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed IDatasetForm.form_to_db_schema() is not called

IDatasetForm's form_to_db_schema() method is not getting called by ckan

1341576508000000 1343125213000000
#2630 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate UPdate docs after IDatasetForm schema change 1341586625000000 1343392411000000
#2634 enhancement toby toby ckan-v1.8 closed fixed change log - helper function limited in 1.8

make sure documented

1341828248000000 1342085656000000
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